Dehydration of the skin: signs, symptoms, causes? How to restore the water balance of the skin?

Dehydration of the skin: signs, symptoms, causes? How to restore the water balance of the skin?
Dehydration of the skin brings many problems. How to get rid of this pathology, read in the article.
Our skin is an indicator of internal health, and with any deviation in the work of organs and systems, acne, bruises of unknown origin, various redness, etc. appear. But sometimes the skin can make itself felt when he lacks something. For example, if the skin is dehydrated, itching, peeling and other symptoms appear.

Read the article on our website about the photograph of the skin of the face. It describes indications, contraindications, photos before and after, reviews.

Why does the skin dehydration appear? What are the signs and symptoms. Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

What is dehydration dry, oily skin, hands, body: photo

Dry dehydrated skin - This is a common pathology that people of any age suffer from all parts of the body. Look at the photo how dehydrated skin looks:

Dehydration dry, oily skin of the face
Dehydration of dry skin of the face
Dehydration of oily skin
Dehydration of oily skin

So that the skin remains elastic and intact, it must contain at least 10-15% of water, lower values \u200b\u200baffect its elasticity.

When the skin is dehydrated and becomes dry, it causes itching, which then leads to rubbing and risk of infection. The effect can be minimized by increasing the humidity of the environment, changing hygiene products, and using softening care products. Read more below.

How dehydration manifests itself: signs and symptoms, turgor

Turgor - decrease in the elasticity or elasticity of the skin
Turgor - decrease in the elasticity or elasticity of the skin

Too dry skin becomes if it loses a lot of moisture. This leads to a pathology such as dehydration. How else is this condition manifested? Here are signs and symptoms:

  • Dry with red thin lines.
  • Itching is in the form of redness, acne.
  • Slightly peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • The roughness to the touch.
  • Redness in the form of spots or redness throughout the body.
  • Turbor is a decrease in the elasticity or elasticity of the skin. The easiest test is described above in the picture.

Dry skin can appear on any part of the body, but most often this happens on the arms, legs and face. Thus, the purpose of dermatological hydration is to improve the appearance and functions of the skin. This is the largest organ of the human body, which is involved in many processes in the human body. Dehydrated skin contributes to the development of bacterial infections, since the protective barrier is destroyed.

What is leather pH: what is the connection with skin dehydration?

The upper layer of the skin matters pH from 4 to 6. This number indicates the degree of acidity. Such numbers indicate a slight acidification of the cell layer under the influence of amino acids, fatty acids and skin fat. What is the connection with skin dehydration?

  • All these compounds are acidic.
  • When they are present together on a person’s dermis, they act as a barrier that prevents bacteria colonization.
  • Along with this, a lipid barrier, consisting of free fatty acids, cholesterol and ceramides, has a hydrophobic effect, that is, pushes water molecules.
  • Sour p On the surface of normal skin, the effect of most pathogenic bacteria for humans suppresses. However, this shield changes when the skin is injured, becomes dry and dehydrated.

The fabric under the skin has a physiological pH 7.4, which contributes to bacterial colonization, if external barriers do not work. Therefore, dry dehydrated skin becomes a risk factor for infectious dermatitis.

How is the mechanism of dehydration of the skin and the destruction of the epidermal barrier: the causes of skin dehydration, how does the color change?

The mechanism of dehydration of the skin and the destruction of the epidermal barrier is launched
The mechanism of dehydration of the skin and the destruction of the epidermal barrier is launched

Dehydrated or excessively dry skin - This is a common disease from which millions of people suffer. How is the mechanism of dehydration of the skin and the destruction of the epidermal barrier launched?

  • Such a pathology is manifested as a chronic or acute state in response to environmental changes, the mode of care for the epidermis, age or the presence of chronic diseases.
  • Most of us at some point will experience dry skin.
  • This can be explained both by exogenous and endogenous factors.

Let's look at the most common and known causes of skin dehydration.


  • Diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys, contact or atopic dermatitis are conditions in which the skin becomes excessively dry. They affect the degree of moisture of the stratum corneum and dermis in different ways.
  • The main symptom that accompanies this situation is a constant itch associated with dryness.
  • For this reason, patients with this type of pathology should take care of maintaining a protective barrier of the skin with emolets.

Extreme weather conditions:

  • Life in a cooler climate, especially in the winter months, is a great risk for your skin. At this time of the year and dry air on the street, as well as heating in the room, contribute to the discharge of blood from the dermis, causing its drying.
  • In the same way, a hot and dry climate, where heat and air conditioning evaporate water from the skin, is a predisposing factor for dehydration.
  • It should reduce the time of washing under hot water. Rinse makeup, wash your face and wash your whole body under warm water.
  • It is recommended immediately after a shower, bath or simple washing, apply a softening agent to the skin.

Frequent washing:

  • It turns out that excessive and frequent bathing can also dry the skin. Therefore, you do not need to swim every day or take a bath. It is enough to take a warm shower.
  • Also, many cleansing agents contain surface-active substances that extract and emulsize the surface of the epidermis and intracellular lipids.
  • If you use them constantly, then they can damage the protective barrier of the skin.
  • The effect of aggressive chemicals also destroys the skin barrier. If its protective lipid shell is broken or lost, then problems arise in the deep layers of the epidermis.


  • Dry, dehydrated skin is a normal state of people aged. This is due to a change in the process of keratinization and lipid content in the upper layer.
  • Therefore, older people are more likely to develop dry dermis.
  • With the age of the dermis, it produces less and less skin fat, which is responsible for preserving the skin soft and young. Such a process is drying the surface of the epidermis that loses proper protection against stimuli.
  • By the age of forty, the number of skin fat produced by the body drops sharply. After forty, it continues to decrease, which increases the risk of drying the skin.
  • Although dehydration of the skin is already an ordinary disease, it becomes more common as the population is aging.


  • Cigarettes contain harmful chemicals that accelerate the development of various pathological processes in the body, including skin aging, causing its drying.
  • This habit accelerates and exacerbates the consequences associated with aging.
  • Smokers have dry gray skin with typical wrinkles around the mouth.

Cigarettes also contribute to the destruction of collagen and elastic fibers, which make up the main structure of the dermis. Thus, aging processes are accelerated.

Dehydration of the skin of the face - what to do, how to restore the water balance: treatment, creams, vitamins, glycole peeling

Dehydration of the skin of the face
Dehydration of the skin of the face

Dry skin is always unpleasant and not very beautiful, especially if such a problem appeared on the face. How to restore and what to do if dehydration of the skin of the face has appeared? Before starting treatment, the use should be excluded:

  • Any soap
  • Alcohol -based tonics
  • Hard scrubs
  • Clay masks
  • Cosmetics with a high content of acids

It is worth stopping visiting the bath, saunas, no need to wash under hot water and take such baths. No need to wash with too cold water.

  • It is recommended to use creams that soften dry skin.

If your skin is dehydrated, add moisture to her. Secret:

  • An ideal solution is washing in warm water followed by a moisturizer.
  • This approach will help the skin become the most susceptible to absorption of moisture and maintain a good skin barrier.

To make the skin healthy, it is important to follow:

  • Water balance in the body and drink the required amount of water, based 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.
  • Proper nutrition, exclude fatty and fried foods, as well as trans fats and sweets.
  • The use of vitamins. Moreover, it is necessary not only to eat raw fruits and vegetables at least 500 grams per day, but to drink vitamins with trace elements courses. In pharmacies now you can buy any vitamin complexes.
  • Care. In addition to washing, you need to cleanse the skin, for example, do peels. It helps to rejuvenate and improve the skin with glyco -wing peeling.

The appearance of skin itching is a classic symptom. Therefore, with any banal itching, this symptom should be interpreted as dehydrated skin and it is important to provide adequate treatment and moisturizing. If the problem does not disappear, you should contact a dermatologist. Perhaps the reason for the problem lies in the internal organs of systems and deviations in their work. Good luck!

Video: dryness and dehydration of the skin. What is the difference?

Video: How to reanimate dehydrated skin? 5 proven ways to moisturize and restore the skin.

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