Do I need to force the child to go to the mugs? What circles do the child need? Does the child need circles and sections?

Do I need to force the child to go to the mugs? What circles do the child need? Does the child need circles and sections?

Is it worth taking the children to the sections.

With the advent of the child, some parents want to realize their children's dreams, undertakings, or get rid of certain complexes. Many adults are very sorry that they did not acquire any profession, could not master skills, did not achieve success in sports or music. Therefore, they are trying to recoup on their children. In this article we will tell you whether it is worth making children to visit the circles. 

Do I need to force the child to go to the mugs?

There are currently two opposite opinions. Some parents believe that in no case should the children go to the mugs, occupying all the free time of the kids. Other people are of the opinion that the child is constantly busy with something.

Is it necessary to force the child to go to the mugs:

  • Psychologists say that there is no need for the child to go two mugs every day. It is worth choosing 1-2 mugs that will occupy part of the free time. It is best if these circles are divided by time. For example, classes in one section on Thursdays and Saturdays, and in the second in Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thus, this will avoid too large loads, give the child several days of rest.
  • It is natural that the girls do not like the constant muscle pain during stretching, and the boys suffer from physical injuries, bruises during sparring. Adults are well aware that there is no success without victims. However, in no case, the child should become an object with which the parent satisfies his own desires, or fights with some complexes. You cannot force the child to go to some section, pointing to the shortcomings that you need to fight for a particular section. We are talking about excess weight, violations in the structure of the spine. The same applies to too shy children who are weak to contact. The main task of the parent is gently, without pressure, to push the baby to make decisions.
  • Often, children refuse circles due to too strict or rude teachers. In this case, it makes sense to change the school, find a section where a person who loves children leads. When choosing a section, focus on its remoteness from home, because the baby’s performance directly depends on this. The main task is that employment on circles does not affect performance. Therefore, if the child does not have time to visit a few sections in a row, which affects the assessments, his performance falls, in this case it makes sense to abandon any of the sections. It is necessary that the child has free time for games, communication with friends.  

What circles do the child need?

Some of the children go to mugs for one to two months and throw them. This is absolutely normal for children, because everyone tries himself, and also tries to reveal hobbies. If the baby categorically refuses to go to some section, ask for what reason. Perhaps these are just whims and fatigue. In this case, it is worth reducing the load, remove some of the circles, if there are too many of them. If the child is scared by difficulties, high demands of the teacher, try to outwit the baby, saying that you paid for the section and he must take place before the end of the month or a year. Most often, this works, then the crumbs are delayed by classes, and he continues to walk with pleasure. This often happens on sections that are associated with stretching or sparring in boxing. 

What circles do the child need:

  • Choosing circles, it is worth focusing on the fact that one of them should be sports, and the other for the development of creativity. It is believed that babies should develop physical strength, muscles to stimulate growth, strengthen posture and spine, but at the same time develop creative abilities. Sections are chosen based on these rules. It is best if the child goes to chess and struggle or tennis and drawing, computer programming and boxing. That is, one circle should use mental thinking, and the second physical strength.
  • When choosing circles, it is necessary to focus not only on this principle, but also to take into account the problems, crumbs. If the baby has problems with speech, it is best to hand it to choral singing. If the baby is very shy, it is difficult for him to communicate with children, then the best option is a circle of theatrical skill, where he can regularly overcome his fears, develop communication and communicative skills. It is recommended to give weak children with poor immunity to swimming, figure skating. If the crumbs have problems with posture, then swimming or climbing is also recommended, which develops all the muscles, strengthening the muscle corset that supports the spine in the correct position. This will avoid the progression of scoliosis or other pathologies of the spine, the musculoskeletal system. 

Does the child need circles and sections?

Many parents believe that sections and constant employment allow you to protect the child from the street, reducing its influence.

Does the child need circles and sections:

  • There is an opinion that constantly busy children are less likely to get into dubious stories, more often achieve success in life. In fact, this is true, since the lack of free time provokes the child to clearly follow the timing, plan all day.
  • Such children are organized, gather faster and find a way out of life situations. This is due to the fact that the student learns to plan his own time, correctly distribute it and arrange the priority of cases that must be done during the day. Such children do not postpone for tomorrow what you can do today. They do everything on time due to discipline, which arose due to a lack of time, constant employment. 

When to hand over the child to the mugs?

Some parents are interested in at what age it is necessary to give the child to various sections. 

When to hand over the child to the mugs:

  • At the age of 5 years, when the baby does not go to school yet. During this year, a preschooler can try various sections. Do not be upset if the baby refuses to attend some circle after several classes. So, he did not like it, or the teachers seemed to him too tough. 
  • At the age of 7-8 years. You need to wait for the child to graduate from the first grade. Do not give the baby in the first grade for a large number of circles and sections. Psychologists are of the opinion that it is best if the student will spend more time at home. The first year at school is an adaptation period when for a student, the load in the educational institution seems too complicated. Children at this age are used to sleeping at lunch, often do not get enough sleep, they feel tired in the lessons. Therefore, circles for such children are superfluous. From the second class, when the child gets used to school, you can safely give it to various circles. 

Do I need to drive a child to mugs?

Please note that you should not purchase all the necessary inventory immediately after enrolling the child in the section. This applies to the music school, because the purchase of various musical instruments will require a large amount of money. Try to bring the child for one or two months. The music school is taught not only to play specific instruments. There are additional lessons, for example, solfeggio, choral singing.

Most often, children like such lessons much less than the game on the main tool. Most schoolchildren give up training at a music school because of this. It is best if you take for the first time some kind of musical instrument from friends or acquire it used. Do not rush to buy expensive equipment. The same applies to other circles that require large monetary investments. 

Do I need to drive a child to mugs:

  • There are parents who believe that children should have childhood, there is no need to force children to go somewhere without their desire. However, as the experience of most teachers, teachers, children who are not busy from childhood shows, they have no idea how to distribute free time, do not understand how to set up tasks for their priority, and how to deal with life problems.
  • Despite the fact that the child’s socialization takes place in the school, it is still a permanent team, with its own rules and requirements. The more the child communicates with other children outside the school, the better. It is believed that such children adapt better, get used to communicating with various categories of people, and easier to come out of difficult life situations.
  • Indeed, various circles develop not only certain skills in the child or his physical strength, but also make you find a common language with their peers, and older people, regardless of their character and features. Mugs expand the horizons, and also allow the child to quickly become independent. Children are easier to make complex decisions, they have no doubt for a long time, their causal relationship is formed faster. There is no need to steal childhood in children, forcing them to go to some mugs.

Read on the topic:

If this is possible in elementary school, then in adolescence, aggression will provoke a large number of extra problems. Starting from elementary school, it is necessary to motivate and interest the child, so that he has his preferences, as well as love to any kind of art or sport, closer to adolescence. Children in adolescence are quite impulsive, often climb into some difficult situations that can ruin the life of a teenager. To prevent this, it is best if the children have any interesting, serious hobbies on which they will spend all their free time. The street is not the best place for raising and developing children. 

Video: Do \u200b\u200bchildren need mugs?

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