Do I need to add onions and eggs to a crab salad: what else is added, a list of ingredients, recipes

Do I need to add onions and eggs to a crab salad: what else is added, a list of ingredients, recipes

Onions and eggs are placed in a crab salad so that it turns out to be delicious. Other ingredients will add piquancy.

In the article below, we will tell you about the dish of crab sticks beloved by many people. For most, this salad turned out to be an integral part of the festive table, and someone does not mind cooking on ordinary days.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Do I need to add an egg to Caesar salad?". You will learn how to collect it correctly, what kind of salad is needed, how to refuel it correctly.

A salad of crab sticks is associated with something sophisticated, since this is no longer an ordinary olivier, which everyone is used to cooking, but not some restaurant dish. Next, you can find answers to various questions related to the preparation of such a dish, as well as learn about delicious and interesting recipes for salad from crab sticks. Read further.

What is added to a salad with crab sticks: a list of ingredients

Crab salad
Crab salad

Each housewife prepares this dish according to a special recipe. At the same time, some kind of “highlight” is used, which gives the dish of originality and interesting taste. What is added to a salad with crab sticks? Here is a list of ingredients for a classic recipe:

  • Canvy. Corn - 600 g
  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs
  • Rice - 100 g
  • Onions - 1 head
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • Salt and branches of greens

Please note that the components are simple. Here you will not find a marzipan or truffle. But, despite the fact that all ingredients are nothing special and accessible to every person, the salad does not get worse. Each of you, thanks to the preparation of such a dish, will be able to taste something more refined than the usual olivier, but cheaper than marvelous salads from restaurants.

Do I need to add onions and eggs to a crab salad?

Many housewives are wondering: "Do I need to add onions and eggs to a crab salad?". After all, not everyone loves onions, and some people have allergies. If you are categorically against onions and eggs, then there are many options for other recipes, and you can find the one that will suit you and your family and guests will like it.

If we discuss the classic recipe, then it is impossible to do without onions and eggs, because these ingredients add their note of taste. If you are a lover of something exquisite and original, then the best option for you will be a salad with crab sticks, cabbage, pepper and apple, as you get an incredible taste.

So, it is not necessary to add onions and eggs to the salad, since there is a recipe without these components. Below you will find different variations of recipes for such a salad. Try to cook them and surprise them with the new tastes of your relatives and friends. Read further

Salad with crab sticks, corn and egg: recipe

Salad with crab sticks, corn and egg
Salad with crab sticks, corn and egg

Sweet canned corn brings a touch of uniqueness in the dish for this ingredient, many people love such a salad. It is easy to make it. Here is a salad recipe with crab sticks, corn and eggs:

The manufacture will require the following components:

  • Egg - four pcs
  • Canvy. Corn - two hundred and fifty gr.
  • Mayonnaise - two or four tbsp. tablespoons
  • Salt - to your liking
  • Crab sticks - two hundred and fifty gr.
  • Several green twigs of dill
  • Cucumber - one thing (but optional)

Cook the dish like this:

  • First you should cook eggs for 10 minutes, then clean them.
  • Cut all the components from the list along with eggs on small cubes (this will look more appetizing on a plate).
  • Put the corn, salt and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise sauce.
  • You can also add greens to the salad, but to taste and optional.

A wonderful and delicious salad with crab sticks is prepared. We prepared it literally in 15 minutes. It does not even need to be additionally decorated - it looks already interesting and appetizing.

Salad with crab sticks with tomatoes, cheese and pepper: recipe

Salad with crab sticks with tomatoes, cheese and pepper
Salad with crab sticks with tomatoes, cheese and pepper

Mild brawls of cheese will give the dish the uniqueness in the taste. Do not be afraid to put more this product. Sweet pepper adds a unique aroma and light crunch. Here is a salad recipe with crab sticks with tomatoes, cheese and pepper:

You will need: to make this salad:

  • Crab sticks - two hundred gr.
  • Red Bolg. Pepper - one pcs.
  • Salt - tastes
  • Tomato - one or two pcs.
  • Cheese TV. - One hundred gr.
  • Garlic - two to three teeth
  • Mayonnaise sauce - two tables. tablespoons

Make a dish like this:

  • First you need to chop the components - crab sticks, pepper, tomatoes - large bars.
  • Rub the cheese, preferably, on a large -tiric board, and add pre -crushed garlic, mayonnaise sauce and salt.
  • In the end, interfere, the delicious salad is ready.

Such a dish will be an excellent decoration of any festive table.



Our mothers used to prepare a crab salad with rice. Now it is fashionable to make this dish without this ingredient. But, if you want to get a hearty dish, then put the boiled rice. It will turn out very tasty. Here is a recipe for a crab salad with rice and corn:

For manufacture it will be required:

  • Corn canow. - Two hundred gr.
  • Crab sticks - two hundred gr.
  • Red onion - half
  • Mayonnaise sauce - two or three tables. tablespoons
  • Cheese - one hundred gr.
  • Rice - one hundred gr.
  • Egg - four pieces
  • Salt - tastes
  • Black pepper (grinding) - a little
  • Green leaves of parsley or dill - a couple of twigs

Do this:

  • To prepare this dish, you will need to cook rice groats and eggs. Cool the latter after cooking and clean. Using a theroll board, rub the eggs.
  • After that, cut the crab sticks and cheese with small cubes. Combine these components.
  • Put on other components - dill, pepper, corn, salt and mayonnaise sauce.
  • Finely chop the half of the red onion. Put into a bowl and pour boiling water for 15 minutes. Then drain the liquid and throw off the finished product on a colander so that all the water will go away.

Combine all the ingredients. The salad is ready, you can carry on the table.

Unusual crab salad with cabbage, apple and pepper: recipe

Unusual crab salad with cabbage, apple and pepper
Unusual crab salad with cabbage, apple and pepper

Surely you have never tried a salad with crab sticks and cabbage. This is an unusual combination of products, but you will remember the taste of such a dish for a long time. It is very appetizing, tasty and at the same time useful thanks to vegetables in the composition.

You will need: to prepare this salad:

  • Lemon freshly squeezed juice - a little
  • Olive. Oil - two tables. tablespoons
  • Salt - tastes
  • Beijing - half a head
  • Crab sticks - one hundred and twenty gr.
  • The cleaned apple - one thing
  • Bolg. Pepper - half

Do this:

  • First of all, using a grater, grate the apple. Then squeeze the lemon on it to get rid of the darkening of the pulp.
  • Crab sticks, cabbage leaves and pepper - cut into strips. After pouring everything with oil, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and stir well.

This salad looks interesting, as everyone is used to dishes from crab sticks that are prepared with mayonnaise sauce. But with butter you can also prepare a delicious dish that your guests will like.



Cucumbers, especially pickled, give a piquancy dish. The salad is tasty and appetizing. You can use only fresh vegetables. This dish flies from the table instantly. Here is a recipe for a crab salad of pickled or fresh cucumbers with an egg and corn:

For manufacture it will be required:

  • Crab sticks - one hundred and fifty gr.
  • Caniva, corn - one hundred and fifty gr.
  • Cucumber St. - Half
  • Cucumber Marinov. - one joke
  • Egg - two pieces
  • Black pepper (ground) - a little
  • Mayonnaise sauce - two tables. tablespoons
  • Several feathers of a green ray
  • Salt - tastes

Do this:

  • After cooking eggs, clean them and cut them.
  • You will also need to cut crab sticks and vegetables into the middle cubes.
  • Add a crushed beam.
  • Put pepper, corn, salt and season everything with mayonnaise sauce, stir well.

Serve a salad, decorating a cucumber and young and fresh feathers of a ray. Enjoy your meal!

Crab salad of mussels, cabbage, soy dressing and pepper: recipe

Crab salad of mussels, cabbage, soy dressing and pepper
Crab salad of mussels, cabbage, soy dressing and pepper

Another unusual taste will appear at your holiday if you make this dish. Mussels and crab sticks perfectly complement each other in one dish. Soybean gas station will give the dish of a slight taste of salty and thanks to it, the salad will be eaten with appetite. Such a sauce, in addition to the excitation of appetite, saturates the dish with useful trace elements. Here is a recipe for a crab salad of mussels, cabbage, soy dressing and pepper:

You will need: to prepare this salad:

  • Media - one hundred gr.
  • Crab sticks - one hundred gr.
  • Bolg. Pepper - one thing
  • Cucumber - one thing
  • Several salad leaves
  • A few leaves of Beijing
  • Mustard is one tea. a spoon
  • Soy sauce is one table. a spoon
  • Lemon - half
  • Honey is one tea. a spoon
  • Several cherry tomatoes (optional)
  • Salt - tastes
  • Garlic - one tooth
  • A mixture of different peppers (ground) - a little
  • RAS. Oil - two or three table. tablespoons

Do this:

  • Cut the cucumbers along with the pepper and crab sticks - long and thin strips.
  • Cut large cabbage and salad leaves using a knife or ruin with your hands.
  • Get to defrost the mussels.
  • Throw garlic and cherry tomatoes into the salad (cut in half - perfectly decorate the dish).
  • For the sauce, you need to mix the honey well with mustard, simultaneously adding soy sauce and oil.
  • After you stir the salad well, do not forget to squeeze the lemon juice and sprinkle everything with a mixture of various peppers. Put squeezed garlic.
  • Season the dish with salt and prepared dressing, and also do not forget to put mussels.

There are a lot of ingredients, but they all complement each other perfectly. Therefore, feel free to cook the dish for the upcoming celebration.

Delicious crab salad with pineapples, eggs and hard cheese: Recipe

Delicious crab salad with pineapples, eggs and hard cheese
Delicious crab salad with pineapples, eggs and hard cheese

All your guests will be delighted with this dish. Children will especially like it. If the salad with corn is already tired, then do just that. Pineapple will give novelty to the usual dish. Looks appetizing. Here is a recipe for a delicious crab salad with pineapples, eggs and hard cheese:

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Crab sticks - two hundred and fifty gr.
  • Canvy. Pineapples - two hundred fifty gr.
  • Mayonnaise sauce - two tables. tablespoons
  • The egg is four pcs.
  • Solid cheese - one hundred gr.

Do this:

  • Boil the eggs for 10 minutes, then pour in cold water and clean. Cut them, crab sticks and pineapples of bars of the same size. Also do it with cheese or rub it on a large tech board.
  • Add mayonnaise sauce, mix and put the dish in the refrigerator for half an hour so that all the components are connected.

This salad cooled in the refrigerator has an original taste. Pineapples are perfectly combined with the taste of cheese and eggs.



Another option for the recipe for a hearty dish. A similar salad is great for a daily menu. Prepare it for lunch or dinner, and it will perfectly replace even the main dish. All thanks to the addition of beans. Here is a recipe for a crab salad with beans and pepper:

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Red onion - one pcs.
  • Bolg. Pepper - one thing
  • Several twigs of dill
  • Garlic - two or three cloves
  • Salt - tastes
  • Honey or sah. Sand is one tea. a spoon
  • Lemon juice - three tables. tablespoons
  • Canvy. Or boiled white beans - two hundred gr.
  • Crab sticks - two hundred and fifty gr.
  • Ground black pepper - a little
  • Raises. Oil - three tables. tablespoons

Do this:

  • To get started, cut the bell. Pepper and crab sticks with thin strips.
  • Then cut the onion in half rings. Put to the previous ingredients.
  • Add to all components - chopped greens and beans.
  • For the dish you will need a special gas station: squeeze the lemon juice to the crushed garlic, put oil, honey, pepper and salt.

At the end, season the dish with cooked sauce, and that's it - the salad is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Salad from crab sticks and squid: recipe

Salad from crab sticks and squid
Salad from crab sticks and squid

Squids will perfectly complement the taste of crab. sticks, saturate it and make the dish truly, Mediterranean. Add canned peas, egg and mayonnaise - a delicious festive salad is ready. Here is his recipe:

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Several feathers of a green ray
  • Crab sticks - two hundred gr.
  • Kalmaras-three or four pieces
  • Canvy, peas - two hundred grams
  • A few pieces of cooked shrimp
  • Salt - tastes
  • Cucumber - two pieces
  • Mayonnaise - three tables. tablespoons
  • Egg - four pieces

Do this:

  • Boil the eggs and carcasses of squid (first clean them from the insides and the upper layer of the film). For a beautiful feed, chop them with fine strips.
  • Throw the eggs into cold water so that they cool and clean.
  • Grind cucumbers, crab sticks and eggs in small cubes.
  • Mix all the components, add chopped beam, mayonnaise sauce, green peas and salt.
  • Do not forget to clean and put at the end of the shrimp. You can decorate the dish with them when serving.

It turned out a very mouth -watering dish. Be sure, it will take the main place in the celebration.


CRABOVE SALATE WITH FROM Mushrooms and onions
CRABOVE SALATE WITH FROM Mushrooms and onions

Many people love mushrooms. They are delicious and have a unique aroma even after manufacturing. For this dish, we must fry them. The sweetness of crab sticks will perfectly complement the mushroom dish. The onion will bring light pinworm and piquancy. Here is a recipe for a crab salad with fried mushrooms and onions:

To prepare you will need:

  • Champignons mushrooms-seven to ten pcs.
  • Crab sticks - two hundred and fifty gr.
  • Eggs - two pieces
  • Several leaves of parsley
  • Black pepper (ground)
  • Lemon juice - one tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil is two tables. tablespoons
  • Carrots - one thing
  • Cucumber - one thing
  • Onion - one piece
  • Salt - tastes

Do this:

  • To begin with, cut the mushrooms with small cubes, and onions with half rings.
  • Next, grate the carrot and fry it with the onion in oil.
  • Then add the mushrooms and continue to fry for several minutes, make sure that the vegetables and mushrooms do not burn. Turn off and transfer to a separate container.
  • Cut the crab sticks and put it to the fried components.
  • Boil the egg for 10 minutes. Then cut into cubes.
  • Peel the cucumber and cut it into small slices.
  • Put all the prepared products in the container and stir them well, adding salt, chopped parsley, pepper, as well as slightly lemon juice.

As you can see, there are many recipes for making a salad with crab sticks. You can choose any option, and surprise your guests or households with new tastes. Do not be afraid to experiment and create your tastes and recipes. It is interesting. After all, you can create your own unique recipe and pleasantly surprise your friends, or maybe such a dish will become a hit on the Internet. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Crab salad (classic)

Video: 7 unusual salads. New items and original recipes

Video: 3 salads with crab sticks on the New Year's table 2022

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