Numerology is a square of Pythagoras: how to calculate the character of a person, compatibility in love, friendship, fate, a schedule of life, profession, temperament, personality type, biorhythms?

Numerology is a square of Pythagoras: how to calculate the character of a person, compatibility in love, friendship, fate, a schedule of life, profession, temperament, personality type, biorhythms?

In the article: how to determine by the square of Pythagoras the character of a person, the presence of “karmic tails”, compatibility in love or friendship, etc.

How to determine the character of a person by a square of Pythagoras?

  1. Make the necessary miscalculations and fill in the square of Pythagoras. If you are engaged in the compilation of psychomotics for the first time, go link.
  2. Make a person’s psychomatum by analyzing cells and lines square. An example of decryption of psychomotics can be viewed here.

Important: for people born after 1999, the compilation of psychomatomas is associated with some features. Read about them by crossing link.

  1. After compiling the main psychological portrait, use additional information.

To do this, make all the numbers that make up the date of birth of a person whose character you want to determine.

For example, the date of birth on December 31, 1971 or 31/12/1971.

Calculation: 3+1+1+2+1+9+7+1 \u003d 25.

Simplify the number: 2+5 \u003d 7 and read the characteristic.

Characterization of a person-"units"

How to determine the character of a person by date of birth: number 1
How to determine the character of a person by date of birth: number 1

Characterization of a “deuce” person

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 2
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 2

Characterization of a “troika” person

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 3
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 3

Characterization of a man-"four"

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 4
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 4

Characterization of a “five” person

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 5
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 5

Characterization of a person-"six"

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 6
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 6

Characterization of a person-"seven"

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 7
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 7

Characterization of a “eight” person

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 8
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 8

Characterization of a man-"nine"

How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 9
How to determine the characteristic of a person by date of birth: number 9

Fate, Pythagoras Karma by date of birth

  • Consider carefully Filled square of Pythagoras: Cells of psychomotics, first of all, indicate the degree of mastery of one or another quality. If the cell is empty, a person did not master this quality in his previous incarnations.
  • Pay attention to the date of birth of a person: if the record has numbers 13, 14, 16, 19, then there is a karmic debt. In addition, the numbers 8 and 10 are significant (see the table below in the text).

For example: the date of birth of a person N. - 13 January 1984 - There is a karmic debt.

  • If, when calculating the I-th special number, you received 13, 14, 16 or 19, then karmic debt has a very strong influence on human life.

For example, the calculation of the I-th special number for the person.: 1+3+0+1+1+9+8+4 \u003d 27-the previous embodiment does not affect the present.

Important: in addition to the digital code by the date of birth, to determine the karmic “tails”, the digital code compiled for the surname, name, and patronymic of a person must be analyzed.

Fate, Pythagoras Karma: Karmic numbers
Fate, Pythagoras Karma: Karmic numbers

Love compatibility, friendship in the matrix of Pythagoras

Experienced numerologies determine the compatibility of people after analyzed psychotrota lines each of the partners.

For example, the date of birth of partner I - 5/05/1971, and partner II - 7/07/1976.

Their psycho -matrixes look like this (see photo below).

Love compatibility, friendship in the matrix of Pythagoras
Love compatibility, friendship in the matrix of Pythagoras

Analysis of Psychotrots:

  • The line "1-4-7" is determination.

Both partners have a strong ability to focus on their own purposes. This can lead to rivalry if goals do not coincide. However, “1 1” in a woman indicates that she can concede her rather selfish partner “1 1 1 1”, but this does not mean that he is allowed to be a dominant male in a pack.

  • The line "2-5-8" is the attitude to the family.

In this tandem, a man wants to have a family, and a woman allows him to do this, since the family line is stronger in a man. A man needs to be prepared for the fact that for a long time for a woman a family will be parents, not him.

  • The line "3-6-9" is the power of habits and affection.

The line is stronger in a woman. Accordingly, it is she who will become the lever that will restrain the partner. It is good or bad depends on the potential of a man. On the one hand: a woman can protect her partner from participating in failed projects, on the other hand, it is not allowed a man to successfully realize himself.

  • The line "1-2-3" is self-esteem.

Equally strong both with him and her. Both need constant praise and recognition of their talents and achievements. The main thing is that the interests of the spouses are in different planes, since competition in this union is contraindicated.

  • The line "4-5-6" is the desire for financial independence.

Weakly expressed in both. Nevertheless, not less, if enough efforts are applied to the achievement of any goal, everything will turn out in the best way.

  • The line "7-8-9" is talent.

The line is strong both with him and her. However, a woman in this case has a stronger intuition, which makes her opinion in choosing a point of application of these talents priority.

  • The line "1-5-9" is spirituality.

A man’s thirst for spiritual is stronger than a woman. Given the influence of the “3-6-9” line, it can be assumed that a woman will not allow her partner to turn into a fanatic. At the same time, a woman needs to constantly improve in order not to lose touch with her second half.

  • The line "3-5-7" is sexuality.

In this case, the sexuality of the partner is an order of magnitude higher than that of the partner. On the one hand, a man will not allow a woman to go into all the heavy, on the other hand, he will have to try very hard to tie such a woman to herself.

  • Separate cells that have a strong influence on marriage: “1”, “2”, “4”, “5”.

For example: if the “5” cell is not filled in the matrix, the chances of having a family are sharply reduced. If there is a family, unfortunately, there are risks of losing it. At the same time, the number of fives “5 5 +” indicates an early marriage or several marriages.

Life schedule according to the square of Pythagoras

  1. The digital code for drawing up a life schedule is calculated according to the following formula: d (d) Hmm (m) HSGG, where D (D) —M (M) - M (M) - Month, GGG - the year of the birth of a person.

For example, the date of birth is July 7, 1976.

Calculation: 7x7x1976 \u003d 96824

  1. Building a graph.

Vertical axis - numerical row from 0 to 9.

Horizontal axis - temporary scale (cycle of 12 years).

The life schedule is highlighted in green (see drawing).

Each digital code figure corresponds to a certain temporary period: 9 - 1976 (year of birth), 6 - 1988 (1976+12), 8 - 2000 (1988+12), etc.

Life schedule according to the square of Pythagoras
Life schedule according to the square of Pythagoras
  1. Schedule analysis.

Each number from 0 to 9 has its own value and indicates the state of a person in a given period.

Life schedule according to the square of Pythagoras: Decryption
Life schedule according to the square of Pythagoras: Decryption

Pay attention to the position of the lines on the graph:

  • the line goes up - a successful period;
  • the line goes down - be extremely attentive, making important decisions.

How to determine the profession on the square of Pythagoras?

Find the answer to this question will help I special number, which is calculated when filling out the cells of the square of Pythagoras.

Important: if the I special number is two -digit, it must be simplified to the unambiguous (see the beginning of the article).

The table contains a decoding of digital values.

How to determine the profession by square of Pythagoras: decryption of digital values.
How to determine the profession by square of Pythagoras: decryption of digital values.

How to find out temperament, type of personality by square of Pythagoras

Analyze the cells of the square of Pythagoras. More detailed information link.

How to find out biorhythms by square of Pythagoras

The calculation and compilation of biorhythms schedules are quite complicated, so it is better to use special online counterwho will provide all the information you are interested in.

Video: How to calculate the two most important graphs in numerology yourself?

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