Meaning and decryption of numbers in the Pythagoras psychomotics in numerology

Meaning and decryption of numbers in the Pythagoras psychomotics in numerology

In this article, we will study the meaning of numbers as the basis of the famous square of Pythagoras. With the help of his matrix, the great scientist could give answers to many questions regarding most aspects of human life: character, tendency to science, health, and choosing a profession.

Modern science Square of Pythagoras is known as a psycho -matrix. You will find the rules for filling out the psycho -matrix by crossing link.

Important: the tables offered below are used only to work with the square of Pythagoras! By the digital code of the person, in this case, the date of his birth, recorded in the number/month/year format, is meant. In addition, the number of human code includes several working numbers. You can read more about the working numbers for the preparation of psychomatics here.

Numerology: the value of the number 0

In numerology "0" is truth. After all, if there is no bad, no good, nor truth, no lies, truth is born. In addition, the truth has neither the beginning nor the end, which is fully consistent with graphic embodiment - number 0.

The value of the number
The value of the number "0" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 1

This figure will tell about the strength of the character of a person and his volitional qualities.

The value of the number
The value of the number "1" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 2

The number "2" characterizes the energy potential of a person. But what energy is we talking about? This is the power that, if necessary, will allow you to go on the heads in front of those standing to their goal. Agree, often a lot depends on this.

The value of the number
The value of the number "2" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 3

The cognitive potential of a person, which is characterized by the number “3” is manifested not only in the exact or humanities. This is also a desire to acquire knowledge in fairly narrow areas, for example, in the “science of love”, art criticism or cooking.

The value of the number
The value of the number "3" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 4

Analysis of the number “4” will assess not only physical health, but also the resistance of the individual to stimuli, the sequence in achieving the goals, patience and the ability to organize oneself and the space around.

The value of the number
The value of the number "4" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 5

Surprisingly, logic, intuition and congenital sexuality as a result are a single whole. The concentration of “5” in the date of birth determines the readiness of a person for the knowledge of the new, his mobility, curiosity.

The value of the number
The value of the number "5" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 6

One of the most difficult numbers in numerology.

The value of the number
The value of the number "6" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 7

Many cults and religions consider the number “7” - angelic. In addition, people in whose date there is the number “7” are endowed with knowledge that is necessary here and now. They are messengers who come to this world with the permission of the universe and under its protection.

The value of the number
The value of the number "7" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 8

The figure that determines tolerance and the ability to keep a blow of fate, the inner foundations and a sense of justice, compassion and a sense of responsibility. In a large account, this is a figure that indicates the connection of generations, since most of the above qualities are laid by parents.

The value of the number
The value of the number "8" in numerology

Numerology: The value of the number 9

The presence of "9" in the date of birth determines a happy life.

Important: in some cases, “9” is absent in the digital code. This situation is possible in the dates of the so -called "zero". How to draw up a digital code in this case, you can read by clicking on link.

The value of the number
The value of the number "9" in numerology

Video: numerology. The magic of numbers. The number of fate, the secrets of numbers in life

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