The values \u200b\u200bof the combinations of numbers in the Pythagorean psycho in numerology by date of birth

The values \u200b\u200bof the combinations of numbers in the Pythagorean psycho in numerology by date of birth

The article will answer the questions: what the numbers can tell in the date of birth and how to correctly interpret the combinations of numbers in the psychomotion.

An example of a decrypted psychomotor

Having studied previous articles, you have learned make a psychotor by the date of birthdecipher the individual Cells and square lines.

Now let's try to make a general picture, taking as a basis the psychotorrot of the person A (see photo below).

The date of birth of a person is July 7, 1976.

Psychicrix of the person a
Psychicrix of the person a

Character - 1 1.

  • The person is soft, friendly and very charming. It is easily in contact with the surrounding society, especially if we are talking about the situation "listen and understand." Such people are always ready for a vest in which you can cry.
  • In response, a person but expects only approval. Accordingly, the best possible motivation for such a person is approval. For his sake, a person will turn the mountains and turn the rivers backwardly (if necessary). Moreover, the line of determination implies the presence of goals, whose implementation may be far from reality.
  • A person and does not tolerate pressure on itself and rarely presses on others. This is confirmed and mild indicators of energy and health. Such a person often lacks firmness in situations where you need to defend his views. As a result, does not really like teamwork. It can choose the profession of a doctor or teacher, but only because of the pathological need for the gratitude of others. In addition, the appreciation of others serves as a kind of doping for a person, allowing you to restore weak energy reserves (2).
  • A person will create a stable partner union with any person, regardless of his strength. The main thing is that the partner does not forget to "stroke on the wool."

An important point: weak volitional qualities indicate imagination, impressionability and vulnerability. If the person is forced to endure the press of constant discontent of others, this can lead to depression, alcoholism, etc.

Tip: a constant search for reserves that can restore mental balance is needed. It can be an interesting hobby, new acquaintances, a change of place of work.

Energy / strength of manifestation of abilities - 2.

  • The energy balance is shifted in the negative direction. This is indicated by the quantitative indicator of the cell "2". A person is not a classic energy vampire, but needs constant emotional doping.
  • Such people are too fussy. Emotional bursts are a kind of energy for them.
  • To conclude a successful union, an individual should pay attention to people with stronger energy indicators: 2 2, 2 2 2 or more.
  • For a person, it is important to learn to maintain the existing energy. To do this, you should control the line of the target "1-4-7" and not set for overwhelming tasks. In this case, Chinese wisdom becomes relevant: "get tired, but do not overcome yourself." A person A must learn to avoid events, people, classes that cause persistent hostility. To replenish energy reserves, you should do yoga or any other meditative practices.
  • You can have a pet. In this case, the perfect choice is a dog. The larger the animal, the more energy it will give to the owner. Remember, cats are energy vampires.
  • Attention should be paid to certain weather dependence in people with low energy potential. In addition, they need siesta as a way of restoring lost forces.
  • In this case, the mild cell “6” looks completely logical, since with such a margin of strength the heavy physical labor of the person is contraindicated.

The potential for cognition is 3 3.

  • Two 3s in the psychotride indicate a fairly stable interest in the knowledge of something new. Do not confuse with a test on yourself! It is one thing to read about a trip around the world and a completely different thing will go to him! In this case, the “3-6-9” line is quite strong, which determines the conservatism of the person A.
  • Unfortunately, the weakly exposed cells “5” and “6” nullify the tendency of the person to the exact sciences, freeing up a place for the humanities and creativity. However, from time to time, interest in technology comes to life, especially in a situation of breakdown of something. Taking up for the repair, the person A must remember that its enthusiasm and strength will only be enough to replace the batteries!
  • The strong line “3-5-7” also indicates the interest of an individual and in all kinds of techniques in sex and here enthusiasm will be enough not only to read the initial chapters of ancient treatises about love.

Tip: A person should learn a brief and accurate formulation of his thoughts.

Health - no.

Sports are recommended! In this case, they are simply necessary if the person and want to live a long and happy life! More information about sports can be read above in the text (analysis of the cell "2").

Logic and intuition - 5.

Persona A is a dreamer. Given the large amount of 7-oh, it can be assumed that mild logical thinking is compensated by intuition at clairvoyance. As a result, with all its dreaminess (5), light laziness (2, 6), “girlish memory” (8-no), the person is in the root and sees the essence of the event or phenomenon. This person is a correct assessment of the current situation and is able to extract maximum benefits from it.

The tendency to physical labor / connection with the Earth is 6.

  • The characteristic is mild. The desire to work spontaneous and grabs it for a short while. He prefers to do work alone. After the long -term performance of the heavy monotonous work, the lady and becomes irritable and explosive. Consider this if you plan to load this person with any work. Additional information can also be read above in the text in clause 2, 4.
  • A person can realize itself in a creative profession, in teaching, etc. Gardening, knitting or embroidery is perfect as a hobby.

Luck, luck, connection with higher matters - 7 7 7 7.

About this side of character was partially described in clause 5.

Important: in order to maintain an exceptionally positive effect of 7-oh, a person A need to develop tolerance and a sense of duty in relation to parents (8-no).

The person will be an excellent teacher (in the field of humanities) or a psychologist.

In addition, given the analysis of previous cells, it can be assumed that the person has a talent of a writer who requires implementation.

Tolerance and a sense of duty - no.

Take into account: tolerance and a sense of duty, the child learns from adults!

  • How does the absence of 8-oh on the nature of the person affect? This person does not like to depend on anyone. Even from loved ones. Even from parents.
  • The person is so afraid of addiction that it never bothers. Even for your own family. And absolutely consciously, he can even abandon the gratuitous help so as not to feel dependent.
  • In fairness, it is worth noting that if a miracle and a person happened in debtors, it is very difficult for her to pay debts. Since, from the point of view of this person, he took someone else's debt, and gives his own.
  • To be happy, such a person needs to learn all his life to voluntarily enter into a dependent relationship. How quickly this skill is acquired depends on the wisdom and tolerance of human parents.
  • By the way, such people do not seek to marry (line 2-5-8). The union is built exclusively on the initiative of the opposite side.

Memory/mind - 9.

  • The characteristic is mild and requires constant work on oneself.
  • Given the foregoing, we can draw the following unpleasant conclusion: a person and in a period of fatigue or irritation is inclined to enter into prolonged disputes, which completely do not correspond to reality. As a result, a person says one thing, thinks - another, but does - the third.
  • In this case, a person A always should remember the rule: "Silence is gold."

Such a characteristic can be compiled, relying exclusively on the date of birth of a person. Agree, the numbers can tell a lot! The main thing is to use this information for the good!

Video: You never dreamed: “Numerology of the genus. Dates of fate »Part 1

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