New Year's table from one chicken. New Year's table for 500 rubles from chicken. 5 recipes from chicken to the New Year's table

New Year's table from one chicken. New Year's table for 500 rubles from chicken. 5 recipes from chicken to the New Year's table

Recipes for dishes for the New Year from one chicken.

To prepare a full -fledged New Year's table, a decent amount of money is needed. Unfortunately, the population of the post -Soviet countries is constantly deficit in money, so not everyone can afford to set a table from expensive products. In this article we will tell you how to cook New Year's dishes from one chicken. 

Hot on the New Year's chicken table

In fact, chicken is a universal product from which you can cook a huge number of dishes. None of the parts of the chicken will be thrown away. To prepare a New Year's table of chicken, you need to cut the carcass by dividing it into components. First of all, a quarter, wings are cut off, the meat is cut along the chest. Thus, the fillet is separated from the skeleton. The remaining frame is boiled in 3 liters of water with the addition of carrots, onions and spices. One quarter is put in water with a skeleton. You can make a delicious salad from it. After the broth is ready, you can start assembling and preparing the main dishes. The resulting broth is the foundation for the filling. From chicken breast you can make delicious hot. 

For this, the following products will be needed: 

  • 1 kg of potatoes 
  • A small amount of vegetable oil 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Hard cheese 
  • 100 ml of cream with fat content of 10% 

Hot on the New Year's chicken table:

  • First you need to prepare chicken breast. Each of the fillet must be divided into 2 more parts. The result is 4 dense pieces. In the center of each, a deep hole is made with a knife.
  • In this recess, it is necessary to introduce a cut off a piece of cheese in the form of a strip or a bar. So that the cheese does not flow in the process of preparation, the place of administration of the cheese is stained using toothpicks. Thus, four envelopes with cheese inside should turn out. Each of the pieces is sprinkled with salt and pepper. Potatoes are cleaned, cut into small cubes, folded in a large bowl, watered with vegetable oil, salt and spices are added.
  • Further, at the bottom of the form it is necessary to put the potatoes, and on top of it pieces of chicken fillet with cheese, having previously lubricated them with oil. Bake at a temperature of 220 degrees for 30-40 minutes, constantly stirring. A few minutes before cooked, liquid cream is poured on top of the mixture and sprinkled with the remaining cheese. Bake for another 5-10 minutes. The main task is to make potatoes soft. 

Kurita Pilled on the New Year's table

Now you can proceed to cooking the flood.


  • 100 g peas 
  • 2 large carrots 
  • 3 boiled eggs 
  • 20 g of gelatin 

Pilled from chicken on the New Year's table:

  • In the prepared broth from the skeleton and chicken quarter, it is necessary to introduce gelatin dissolved in cold water. Stiring thoroughly, heated so that the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • A small amount of green peas and boiled carrots are laid at the bottom of transparent salad bowls. A small amount of broth is poured on top and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that this layer froze.
  • Cut the chopped eggs, a small amount of grated garlic. They add the broth to the very top and put in the refrigerator again. This pouring looks very beautifully unusual, goes well with horseradish or mustard. 
A modest table
A modest table

New Year's table from one chicken: Salad recipe

It is necessary to start cooking salads. It will be a spicy salad with spicy herbs and garlic. 


  • A tablespoon of milk 
  • A small piece of rye bread or baguette 
  • Boiled quarter 
  • Mayonnaise 
  • 2 large carrots 
  • Garlic clove 
  • Greens 
  • 100 g of cheese 
  • 1 large onion 

New Year's table from one chicken, salad recipe:

  • To prepare the dish, you need to take a prepared boiled chicken quarter, which was used to prepare broth for the flood. After that, the eggs are shaken with milk, fried a small, thin omelet, similar to the pancake.
  • Cool, cut into small pieces or strips. Chopped meat is mixed with prepared eggs. Finely chopped onions are marinated in vinegar and added to the egg-crown of the mixture. Enter cheese, grated garlic. Carrots are crushed on a Korean grater, add garlic and salt, wrinkle with their hands. Add coriander and spicy herbs.
  • It is necessary to leave the carrots in its juice so that it stands for about 1 hour and completely absorbs the taste of juice with herbs and garlic. Carrots are squeezed, added to other products. Twist the salad with mayonnaise. This salad is very piquant and the fastest leaves the table. 

New Year's table for 500 rubles from chicken: Wings recipe

As a result, there were chicken wings that can be marked in honey sauce. They are mixed with the remaining quarter and poured with marinade. 

The marinade will need: 

  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce 
  • A tablespoon of honey 
  • Salt 
  • Italian herbs 
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil 

New Year's table for 500 rubles from chicken, wings recipe:

  • The prepared mixture is poured with chicken wings, as well as a quarter, cutting it into small pieces.
  • Everything is mixed, left for 40 minutes. Place the mixture in a baking sleeve, prepared for 40 minutes. 
Preparation for the holiday
Preparation for the holiday

Kurita's recipe to the New Year's table: envelopes

From the residues of meat after preparing the flood, you can make envelopes from puff pastry. 


  • 500 g of puff yeast dough 
  • 200 g of champignons 
  • 2 large bulbs 
  • Vegetable oil for frying 
  • One egg 

Kurita recipe for the New Year's table - envelopes:

  • It is necessary to defrost the puff pastry and leave it so that it rises a little. In a frying pan in vegetable oil, the removed from the skeleton, chopped meat, as well as champignons along with onions are fried from the skeleton.
  • It is necessary to make a tasty, juicy filling. This filling is laid out on the prepared dough, cutting it into squares, size 10 by 10 cm. Further, diagonally, the corners are connected to each other to make an envelope.
  • The edges of the envelope are pinned. With the help of kitchen scissors, they make a fringe in the places of junction of pieces of dough. It turns out a corrugated surface similar to scallops. Egg yolk lubricate the surface of envelopes and baked in the oven for 20 minutes. The temperature during cooking should be 190-210 degrees. 

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Little New Year's table
Little New Year's table

From one chicken and a small set of products, it was possible to prepare a hot dish with potatoes, a flood, piquant salad, wings in honey sauce, as well as envelopes with chicken. Despite the low cost of products, all dishes are tasty and satisfying. A great option for a budget holiday. To prepare dishes for such a New Year's table, it will take about 500 rubles. This is a budget New Year's table for a small family of 4 people. 

Video: Dishes for the New Year's table from one chicken

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