Unusual broccoli cabbage: how to cook correctly? How and with what to cook delicious broccoli: the best recipes for dishes

Unusual broccoli cabbage: how to cook correctly? How and with what to cook delicious broccoli: the best recipes for dishes

The article will provide advice on making broccoli cabbage, the simplest and most delicious recipes for broccoli dishes will be given.

Each is familiar with such a variety of cabbage as broccoli. But many bypass it, preferring other types of products. The thing is that few people know how to cook this vegetable delicious. Many are embarrassed by the specific smell of this cabbage.

Broccoli is a universal product that can be cooked, baked, frying and stewed, and also use as a supplement to salads. Among other things, this type of cabbage is very useful. Having learned to cook broccoli correctly, in your menu it will become one useful product more.

How to cook broccoli correctly?

There are several universal tips that will help cook broccoli deliciously and quickly.

  • Broccoli is sold in stores in two types: fresh and frozen. Frozen cabbage can be purchased in any season, but it contains a little less useful substances
  • A universal way to cook cabbage is to cook it. A mistake is a long boiling broccoli. So she not only loses her vitamins, but also acquires a soft consistency. Do not be afraid not to harness broccoli, especially for salads
  • Time for brewing broccoli from 5 to 10 minutes. If you use a frozen product, time can be slightly increased
  • Broccoli can be steamed. So it will preserve even more useful properties
  • The peculiar smell of cabbage quickly disappears when cooling
  • Boroccols can be used as a side dish, or added to salads with other vegetables
  • There are also many recipes where broccoli is fried and baked
Cook broccoli
Cook broccoli

Broccoli cabbage rules

  • Broccoli is a vegetable that is permissible even in raw form. It has no harmful substances for the human body. Broccoli is boiled only to soften
  • Boiled broccoli should not fall apart. It can crunch a little on the teeth, but at the same time be soft
  • You can boil broccoli only if you are going to cook soup-puree
  • Cabbage inflorescences are boiled much faster than hard legs
  • The optimal time for cooking broccoli 5 - 10 minutes
  • In order to cook broccoli cabbage, you need to prepare it: wash and cut off inflorescences. Then boil and slightly salt the water. Throw prepared cabbage into boiling water. After cooking, broccoli needs to be thrown back on a colander
Boiled broccoli
Boiled broccoli

Broccoli stewed cabbage recipe

If brewed broccoli is usually used as adding to dishes, then baked broccoli can become an independent side dish. It is good to combine it with protein foods: fish or chicken.

Vegetable stew with broccoli

This recipe is tasty and useful at the same time, and also - this is a great dish for those who are going to lose weight. Indeed, in vegetables, at least calories and a lot of healthy fiber. Add less vegetable oil to make the recipe dietary.

  • We will need: broccoli, onions, garlic, carrots, asparagus and any other vegetables at will (for example, zucchini or eggplant), tomato paste, salt and spices
  • We prepare vegetables, cut broccoli on inflorescences, onions in half rings, three carrots on a grater. Cut the rest of the vegetables with cubes
  • Pour a little olive or sunflower oil into a frying pan with a thick bottom. When the oil heats up, put the onion and fry until golden. Then, add grated carrots. Fry
  • Add tomato paste and a little water (you can use chicken broth)
  • Stew our sauce for 5 minutes
  • Add vegetables. Depending on the composition, stew the mixture of vegetables about 10 to 20 minutes
  • In the end, add seasonings: black ground pepper, spicy herbs. Salt to taste
  • The prepared dish can be eaten, both warm and room temperature

Experiment in the preparation of broccoli. It goes well with sour cream and cream.

Vegetable stew with broccoli
Vegetable stew with broccoli

Broccoli cabbage soup recipe

Broccoli soup is a delicate and dietary dish that will definitely like both children and adults.

  • For the preparation of broccoli soup, we need: broccoli, chicken breast, carrots, onions, cream 10%, herbs and salt
  • First, prepare the broth: we put the breast in the water and cook until cooked. Then we remove the breast
  • Separately boil broccoli for 15 minutes
  • Prepare a roasting: in a pan, heat the oil and fry the onion with carrots
  • In the blender, thoroughly rub broccoli, then chicken fillet and fried vegetables
  • Add the cooked puree to the broth, bring to a boil. Salt and add spices. Also, pour 200 ml of low -fat cream
  • Before serving, puree soup can be decorated with herbs
Broccoli soup
Broccoli soup

Cabbage broccoli with cheese, recipe

Broccoli cabbage goes well with cheese. The best way to cook such a dish is to bake it in the oven.

  • To prepare broccoli with cheese, we need: broccoli, hard cheese, eggs, cream, salt and spices to taste
  • Prepare broccoli, cut cabbage on inflorescences. To make the dish cook faster, broccoli can be boiled for a couple of minutes
  • Cook the cheese fill: beat the eggs with a whisk, add grated cheese, cream and a little salt. Mix thoroughly
  • We place a broccoli in a baking sheet and pour a cheese mixture
  • We put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. The dish should turn out with a slightly ruddy cheese crust
Broccoli with cheese
Broccoli with cheese

How to make a delicious cook of broccoli with an egg?

The combination of broccoli I am eggs - a healthy and delicious combination. There are many options to combine these products.

  • In the salad. Broccoli harmonizes well with almost all products. You can prepare a simple salad: broccoli, eggs, boiled sausages and canned corn. Broccoli must first boil and cool. You can season the salad with low -fat mayonnaise
  • The egg is often used for baking. A good recipe is a casserole with broccoli and cheese (given above)
  • Another easy recipe is an omelet with broccoli. This recipe can be a great option for breakfast for the whole family. To use broccoli as an additive to an omelet, it also needs to be boiled
Omlet with broccoli
Omlet with broccoli

Broccoli cabbage in batter, recipe

Fried broccoli in batter is not only very tasty, but also looks very impressive. Such a dish can be a decoration of any feast.

  • We will need: cabbage broccoli, eggs, flour, salt and spices to taste. As well as vegetable oil for frying
  • Cooking cabbage in batter is very simple. First, prepare broccoli - cut it into small pieces and boil it in water for 5 minutes
  • Then prepare the batter: we will thoroughly add the eggs, add salt and spices. Then gradually add flour, the batter should get the consistency of thick sour cream
  • We pour vegetable oil into the pan and wait for its heating. Dip the cabbage in the batter so that it evenly covers the inflorescence. We lay the cabbage in a pan and fry from all sides
  • Broccoli in batter can be fed hot and cold. Such a dish is a great side dish for meat products
Broccoli in batter
Broccoli in batter

Broccoli and colored cabbage casserole in the oven, a recipe with a photo

Another interesting option for casserole, this time from broccoli and cauliflower.

  • To prepare the casserole, you need: broccoli, colored cabbage, hard cheese, cream (sour cream or mayonnaise), eggs, salt and pepper to taste
  • We prepare cabbage: we divide each into inflorescences and boil for several minutes. Cool
  • The bottom of the baking sheet lubricate the oil and place the cabbage in it
  • Cook the fill: beat the eggs until a homogeneous consistency and mix with cheese and cream. Add salt and spices
  • Pour the cabbage with the resulting mixture and put in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes. Appetizing cheese crust should form on the dish
Broccoli and cauliflower
Broccoli and cauliflower

How to cook broccoli cabbage with mushrooms?

  • Broccoli with mushrooms can be an excellent addition to omelet. Mushrooms must be frying until cooked, then add a little boiled broccoli. Salt the mixture of vegetables and pepper, pour eggs and fry under the lid
  • Also, mushrooms can be added to broccoli casserole or vegetable stews. Mushrooms must be pre -frying, as they are cooked longer than broccoli cabbage
  • Mushrooms and broccoli go well in salads. To do this, you can use not only fresh, but also pickled mushrooms

Broccoli salad recipes

  • Broccoli and chicken breast salad. To prepare it, we need: boiled breast and broccoli, corn, sweet pepper, salt. We cut all the ingredients into small pieces and suck. You can use mayonnaise or unsweetened yogurt as a gas station
  • Broccoli salad with pickled champignons. We will need: boiled broccoli and potatoes, champignons, herbs and onions. We cut all the ingredients, mix and season to taste (mayonnaise, yogurt or sour cream)
  • Broccoli and apples salad. For this salad you need: broccoli, apples, lemon and unsweetened yogurt. The salad is piquant and unusual
  • Broccoli and asparagus salad. This salad is very satisfying, for it you need: boiled broccoli and asparagus, egg, cheese and pickled mushrooms. We cut all the ingredients and season with low -fat mayonnaise
Broccoli salad
Broccoli salad

How to cook broccoli correctly and tasty: Tips

  • Broccoli cabbage is a universal product, it can be boiled, frying, baked and stewed
  • The main rule for making delicious cabbage is not to digest. To do this, follow the time frame by preparing broccoli up to 10 - 15 minutes
  • Broccoli is considered the most useful type of cabbage. And not crazy. It contains vitamins of group B, A, E and S. also, in broccoli there are a lot of calcium, iron, copper and sulfur. Broccoli is rich in proteins and fiber. It is low -calorie and nutritious at the same time
  • Broccoli goes well with any products. She will become a useful side dish or snack

Video: cook broccoli correctly

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