Iherb does not work - what to do?

Iherb does not work - what to do?

Many people use natural dietary supplements for various purposes. And you can buy them on a trading platform iherb. Unfortunately, when using the site, various difficulties may arise. Errors appear, or it does not open at all. Let us dwell on the question: does not work iherb - what to do?

There are many dietary supplements in the Russian market. However, consumers who previously used the trading platform   iherb, no longer have the opportunity to make purchases on it, as before. Roskomnadzor blocked the portal due to the fact that goods that did not meet the standards were discovered there. They are prohibited on sale in Russia. However, people still use this site, bypassing the lock with various methods. What to do if it doesn't work iherb - We will find out further.

Iherb does not work - what to do?

As with any sites on the Internet, sometimes with iherb There are various problems. It can freeze due to many visitors, etc. Perhaps the most common mistake is a mistake 404. Doesn't work iherbwhat the reason for this error:

  1. Perhaps you introduced the wrong address in the search engine, this often happens.
  2. The page that you request has already been deleted, or maybe the goods have already been sold out, or another reason.
Internet Internet

To fix this problem, it is always recommended to clean the cookie files, then do the following:

  • When you enter the link into the search bar, remove the symbols of the excess, can only points or numbers, leave only the inscription of the name of the portal. So you will be on the main page of the site.
  • If the main page does not open, then the reason is different, there may be breakdowns in the operation of some portal system. Go to the page later.

For more confidence, contact the support service. Send a request. There you will need to indicate the address of the link, your name under which you are registered on the portal, a reference to your profile. You will also need to describe how you enter the page in what sequence.

IMPORTANT: There are still 500 error (non -relaying settings or temporary work on the portal), error 502 - server malfunctions, etc. These errors are eliminated on the portal itself, there is nothing left customers, how to expect when the portal earns again.

Why doesn't iherb work in Russia?

Last year - in April 2020 in Russia Portal iherb stopped working. The expectations that the problem with unlocking the trading platform will be solved by itself was naught. Such things are not quickly resolved. The question arose: the site does not work iherb- How to get around the lock and yet buy this or that product there? Moreover, Aicherb was banned everywhere, you will not be able to visit the trading platform from the application of the smartphone, or from the browser on the laptop or portable computer.

About 2,000 products of various manufacturers fell under the sanctions that put their goods on the portal, you can reckon both smoked paprika and various multivitamins, seasonings that customers used. Now they have to refuse it. Not everyone is ready to put up with such decisions. Therefore, various methods are found for unlocking the portal, and several of them. Further in more detail.

Does iherb work in Russia - how to get around the block?

The first, probably one of the most popular, is the unlocking of the Aigerb website through the VPN. If it doesn't work iherb In Russia, you can from a laptop, a computer, a smartphone enter it through a VPN. Only through this program, the load will not be carried out as fast as just through the browser, but the site will open.

How to manage the settings?

It is also convenient that in some VPN browsers it is originally built. The popular Opera VPN browser has the main settings. It is enough to go in and install a checkmark, and you can already use the program. There is a disadvantage that sometimes a failure occurs, and the trading platform is loaded slowly.  

If you use Chrome as a browser, then you can also go to Aiherb through a VPN by establishing an Ininja extension. And to get to the portal of the trading platform, switch to any other country, under the address of Russia, you will not be able to visit the site iherb.

The second option is a bypass of blocking thanks to the Tor browser

Sometimes the page with a VPN is loaded for a very long time, then it is recommended to try a bypass of locking using a browser Thor. It is enough to download it on your computer and install it. You will not need to do anything else, then enter Aigerb into the search engine and the trading portal will open.

Tor browser
Tor browser

The iherb does not work on the iPhone, what to do?

If you most often made orders on the Aicherb website on an iPhone in the application and want to use it further, you will have to update iherb on the device. So, Iherb does not work on the Apple phone. To update the application, you will have to create a new ID. The address will have to be used - American or other, where the portal is not blocked. See the picture below:

How to get around iHerb lock on iPhones?
How to get around iHerb lock on iPhones?

The process of registering a new account:

  1. Go to the site Apple to create an account. Choose not Russia, but another country. Confirmation of registration will come to you at the mailing address (electronic). You will have to confirm your registration later.
  2. Next, go to the iPhone settings and already indicate your new ID. To do this, go to the phone settings. In the upper section, where your photo and inscription, then select itunes Store, App Store.
  3. There, enter your new user's new name, just pre -exit your previous account, and immediately enter the newly registered one. Please note your downloaded files (music) will disappear. They must be preserved on the cloud. When you go to the phone under the old “nickname”, they will have to be pumped again on the mobile.
  4. Now you can finish the process. Go to the App Store, find iherb, Click download.

This will be the first download on the new account, so you will again have to accept all the conditions, rules. It is not necessary to indicate banking data, the application is free on Apple. In the address bar, drive any city, that country that you indicated and any phone.

IMPORTANT: When everything is done, you can simply change your profile to the previous main one. Use this application from this ID. To use without problems, of course, you will also need a VPN.

When all kinds of updates come to the phone, you will still have to enter a password from the new ID. To do this, just remember the password or write down so as not to forget.

iherb on android does not work - how to eliminate the problem?

To use the Aigerb application on Andoid, you will not need to change the profile, the country to establish it for Russia. If iHerb does not work on a smartphone, then download it will not be difficult. The application can be downloaded online from different portals without problems.

VPN on android
VPN on android

In order to find the application in the search engine of your browser in the smartphone, drive:

  • Application iherb download. Among the numerous options, choose the right one for you.
  • If the application is outdated over time, then it itself will remind you of this. In order for it to work and it should either be updated, or reinstall the new version.
  • Another application will work only after connecting a VPN on a smartphone. Choose the version of the program yourself. You can apply as in the photo above.

Video: Iherb website does not work - 2021

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  1. Respect for the article

  2. I think to all subscribers after the departure of iHerb with the Russian Federation will be interested in this topic

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