The name of the team and the motto for the intellectual game: ideas, examples

The name of the team and the motto for the intellectual game: ideas, examples

The intellectual game already suggests that erudites participate in it. And since the erudites, then the level of their formation, and the horizons, and, of course, intelligence, suggest that the name and motto for their team will be able to come up with original ones, because their knowledge is wide, and smartness at the height.

What is the name is clear to everyone. This is a word or phrase that expresses the essence of what the team is. But what is a motto? This is a description of her aspiration, behavior, goal. This French word speaks of what the team sees and what wants to be perceived by others. It is about the names and motto that will be discussed in the article.

How to choose the names and devices of the team for the intellectual game?

A lot depends on the name of the team, because it determines the initial mood of the players. It is unlikely that a team that will be called “defeated” will be called to win. Therefore, it is worth digging into memory and in literature and choosing a sonorous, catchy name. On what principles can this be done?

For the intellectual game
For the intellectual game
  1. To come up with a new word or phrase. This can be achieved by combining different words. Let it be as unusual as possible - so you immediately declare yourself and your claims to win. For example, the name of the team "Exactly that" - In this case, a large letter in the word "That" Indicates the name of the ancient Egyptian deity - a symbol of knowledge and great wisdom, which means that it hints that you are worthy of victory. You can choose the motto by playing the name itself: "It is the one who will win today."
  2. Make an anagram or abbreviation. The same word "intelligence" you can "turn" as "Letokintel" (and let the opponent break his head over what this word means), and put the names of the players in the name "BRAIN", meaning the first letters of the name of the team members Mikhail, Oleg, Zoya, Gennady. Yes, and don't forget about the motto: "The collective brain is a slaughter force!"
  3. Use known folklore finds, paraphrasing proverbs, phrases from films, books, or combining them. "Mountaining a mountain" - There is a reminder of the famous proverb, and a phrase from a song about normal heroes who always go around, from the film about Dr. Aibolite. The motto begs by itself: "Walking uphill - will lose, the one who goes around will win."
  4. To take advantage of the popular mythological plot, which is known to every erudite and will become clear to allegory. Eg, "Feat No. 13" Immediately remind of 12 exploits committed by Hercules, and will declare claims to the thirteenth, namely, victory in the game. The motto can be selected with humor: "Catch up and distort Hercules."
  5. It will be very interesting to be perceived by the beating of the names of popular players, for example, the same Alexander Druzia, probably, the most famous player in "What? Where? When? ”:“ Friends and his friends. ” You can beat the motto: "Friends do not count friends and victories."
What? Where? When?
What? Where? When?

The name of the team and the motto for the intellectual game at school

Schoolchildren, especially the younger and middle level, of course, have not yet reached the level of knowledge in order to use complex concepts without a teacher’s hint. Therefore, the names of the team and motto are usually selected among simple, publicly accessible words and concepts that will be clear to both the participants of the team and their rivals-disturbances.

Here are a few examples:

  1. The name of the team is “Dobryaks”. The motto can serve as a motto: "Give the world good - everyone around will become light."
  2. The name of the team is “dynamite”. As a motto, you can use such a slogan: “Erudites gathered here, we are explosive dynamites.”
  3. The name of the team is “optimists”. The following motto will suit her: “Optimists gathered here, their victory will be clean!”
  4. The name of the team is "comet", and the motto is possible: "We are a flying comet, the whole planet knows about us."
  5. Girl's team can take the name "Scarlet Sails" And tell about yourself with a motto: "We raise the scarlet sail and win the battle of knowledge."

Intellectual History Games: Team name and motto

If historians compete in the intellectual game, then the names of the team and motto are simply obliged to be associated with this exciting science.

  1. The name of the team is "Camelot", motto - "In the castle of King Arthur, we will defeat all in two rounds."
  2. The name of the team is "Aurora", motto: "With the goddess of the morning dawn, we will win for one or two-three."
  3. The name of the team is "Victoria", and she performs under the motto: “We win in a korolevsky!”
  4. The name of the team is "Middle Ages", motto: "As the knights of the Middle Ages, we declare a crusade on a non -teaching."
  5. The name of the team is "Napoleon", motto: "Napoleon came to you, we will arrange an attraction."
For intellectuals
For intellectuals

Intellectual games in mathematics: the name of the team and the motto

Closer to mathematicians than letters, hence the proposed options for the name of the team and the motto:

  1. The name of the team is "Three fathers", motto: "Do not look down when there are three fat people in the game."
  2. The name of the team is "Integral", motto: “The Integral team will fought you on the spot.”
  3. The name of the team is "Logarithm", motto: "As natural logarithms, we are very intellectual."
  4. The name of the team is "plus", motto: "Plus knowledge, plus desires \u003d victory in the game for diligence."
  5. The name of the team is "hypotenuse", motto: "The Hypotenuse team will add embarrassment to the opponent of embarrassment."
Name and motto
Name and motto

Intellectual games in the Russian language: the name of the team and the motto

Needless to say, the teams competing in the knowledge of the Russian language are the best suited for the team and mottos, in which linguistic terms are played out.

  1. Team "Verb" With a motto: "We are not burning with the verb, not the heart, but the victory."
  2. The name of the team is "ellipsis", motto: “We know a lot, and we hide even more behind the multi -plate.”
  3. The name of the team is "adverb", motto: "Our adverb gives birth to eloquence."
  4. The name of the team is “complex proposal”, motto: "A difficult sentence is admirable."
  5. The name of the team is "question mark", motto: "You pose questions - we give answers."

Intellectual games for preschoolers: team name and motto

Kids need not only simple tasks, but also the same simple names that children will be able to cheerfully declare, and the motto can remember and pronounce loudly. There are many such examples.

  1. The name of the team is "Smile", and the motto: "Our smile - like a goldfish, will wave a fin - a smoker will bring victory."
  2. The name of the team is "Kapitoshka", and the device is appropriate: “Extend your palm, welcome the capita!”
  3. The name of the team is "Friendship", you can choose a motto: "We are a friendly team, moreover, good -natured."
  4. The name of the team is "sun", motto: "The rays of the sun we glow, give joy and smile to the children."
  5. The name of the team is "Winnie the Pooh", motto: "Winnie the gun with a heel all questions nothing."
Choose a name for a team of kids
Choose a name for a team of kids

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