The corner in the house: how to neutralize negative energy and use it for good. What is the danger of corners in the house? Red corner in the house: where is it located?

The corner in the house: how to neutralize negative energy and use it for good. What is the danger of corners in the house? Red corner in the house: where is it located?

The angle is present in every house, and carries both a positive and negative message for the inhabitants of the house. Let's take a closer look at the information about the corner of the house.

Corners - deliver to the housewives the most problems during cleaning - try to sweep away and wash all the accumulating dust from them. But the problem here is not only cleanliness, but also that it is in the corners that all the negativity and all negative energy gathering, which are generated in the family with quarrels, resentment, loud cries, envy, etc.

According to those who are engaged in bioenergy, a peculiar energy vortex can be blown in the corner, which destroys the biofield, which affects our state in far in the best way. Thus, an angle can be considered an energy vampire without exaggeration.

The angle in the house is external and internal: energy

External corner The house is formed by the protrusions: structures, the faces of the table or cabinet, in other words, what you can hit. Inner - in the rooms, at the junction of the walls. Both of them are a danger, which the more, the more acute the corner in the house.


The most energy is absorbed by the internal angles, and a kind of filtration occurs: the positive is neutralized, and the negative remains. The influence of external corners in the house It is aimed at destroying the aura and harm to health (recall the old sign that sitting on the corner of the table - to problems). In addition, external corners are simply peculiar waterfalls of negative energy that amaze the most problematic organs of a person.

What is the danger of corners in the house?

What is in the corners of your room? Table? Sofa? In vain, because for work or rest, this place, according to bioenergetics, is unsuitable and even dangerous, precisely because of the laws that are described above. The size of the room also matters: the smaller it is, the more energy a person loses in it.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to expand the room, but regularly clean the energy of the corners, and the rest of the area is quite affordable. You should also thoroughly think over the interior, having furniture, and first of all, the bed, as far as possible from The corner in the house.

How to neutralize the negativity of the corner in the house?

The simplest and most beautiful solution is to decorate it with curly flowers. Either a large flowerpot, or a stand with several pots. The flowers will take on the stream of negativity, accumulating in the corner and protect the room from the departure of positive energy from it.

  • When you notice that the plants begin to disappear - take it to another place to restore, and put another in a corner.
  • In addition, it is in the corner that you can place all kinds oftures and racks, nail shelves. By this you will close the channels through which energy flows.

To neutralize the negative effects of external the corner in the house Decorate it with a cord, a rope or just a thread. Thus, you will make it possible to drain down and dissipate on the floor, which will add positive energy to the whole room and the people who are in it will improve mood and well -being.

Red corner in the house: where is it located?

Concept "" red corner in the house»Comes from the old days. Previously, he was in every house and was a kind of iconostasis, because It was there that the icons were located on which the family prayed. Its location is usually the southern or southeastern part of the hut, and necessarily on the line diagonals with a stove. Icons neutralized all the negative energy.

With icons
With icons

However, red corner in the house You can create in any modern apartment, placing the faces of the saints on a locker or high table and designed in the appropriate style. Why should the table be high? It is known that you can only look at the image from the bottom up, and therefore they should be arranged above the level of the eye. The most good place for red corner in the house - The eastern part of the room, and he should look at the front door, meeting with his strength a possible negative, which seeks to penetrate through the door.

Energy of the angle in the house: how to use for good?

There are situations when The corner in the house It can serve instead of poor good service and “suck” negative energy from you. In case of poor health, depressive or irritable state, just stand in the corner, like a guilty child. You will see how a good mood is gradually returning to you.

By the way, our great -grandmothers and great -grandfathers knew about this, because the custom of putting pranks in a corner is a longtime, and it is connected precisely with the fact that in the corner the children calm down, giving him an excess of energy.

For the benefit of
For the benefit of

And a little miracle. Do you want your desire to be fulfilled? Then put in the corner of the force that is located further diagonally from the entrance to the house, something related to your desire, putting a symbolic meaning into this thing. If you want to get rich, place a piggy bank or a purse here, there is not enough love - put a couple of rings, hearts, etc.

The main thing is not greedy and do not demand from the corner in the house Just everything: he can "concentrate" only on one thing.

Video: Signs on the corners

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    Without physical modification, you can’t change anything. Round the corners from the inside.

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