Naps the ear from earrings, after puncture: causes, treatment

Naps the ear from earrings, after puncture: causes, treatment

How to treat an abscess in the ear with folk methods, pharmacy drugs.

Supervision in the ear is a common pathology, which is caused by a large number of causes. During the appearance of suppuration, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the injured area, which provoke the formation of a large amount of pus with its release. In this article we will tell you why it is running out of the ear, and what to do with it.

The ear is drawn inside - the reason: does the help of a doctor need?

The most common cause of abroad in the ear is a boil or chire. This is something similar to a pimple that has several stages of development and maturation. At the very initial stage, a dense red bulge appears, which hurts when probing, the temperature can be increased in the region.

The ear is drawn inside, the reason:

  • To the touch, this place is very hot and painful. A few days later, a head appears at this place, with a dense bubble, through which pus will subsequently come out. After a few days, this bubble bursts with the release of a large amount of pus and blood.
  • The easiest way, if such an abscess formed on the earlobe, since it is not difficult to get to it. This allows you to cut the sequence, remove suppuration, or wait for it to break through on its own.
  • Such a boil is treated is very simple at home, without the help of a doctor. However, things are different if the boil formed inside the auditory course. Since this can affect the quality of hearing, provoking his deterioration.
  • The pus that follows with the rupture of the boil inside the ear can provoke chronic and acute diseases of the eardrum, auditory moves. Therefore, the main task is to impede the spread of infection to the internal tissues of the ear. That is why it is advisable to carry out treatment at the initial stage, when redness and insignificant soreness in the auditory course are noticed. 

A pimple in the ear is drawn: treatment

There are several ways that will prevent the maturation of the boil. It is much easier to stop the growth of the chival than to eliminate the consequences, especially if it arose in the area of \u200b\u200bdry move.

The pimple in the ear is drawn, treatment:

  • Doctors recommend all boils that are formed in the area of \u200b\u200bauditory passages, treat in the hospital, since the slightest incorrect solution can be fraught with hearing loss and the spread of infection to internal organs and sections of the head.
  • After detecting such inflammation, it is best not to self -medicate, but to contact a doctor. If the sequel occurs in the outer part of the ear, on the lobe, or inside the sink, then it is allowed to use stretching products, from which it is worth highlighting the ointment Vishnevsky, Levomekol.

The earlobe is rubbed, how to lubricate?

In order to form an abscess on the earlobe, only two conditions are needed - this is a wound and the presence of an infection. Most often, this happens during punctures, or when there is minor damage.

The earloby is drawn than to lubricate:

  • Perhaps combed, or a wound as a result of a fall. Oddly enough, but after the infection enters the wound, suppuration begins to develop rapidly.
  • To cope with it, it is necessary to use the antibacterial agent. It is best to use for these purposesLevomekol, Chlorhexidine,Miramistin, or a regular solution of furatsilin.
  • These means help remove pathogenic microorganisms in the suppuration area. It is best to treat twice a day, morning and evening.

Naps the ear, what to do: traditional medicine

Some experts believe that folk methods can also be used for these purposes, but we do not advise experimenting with the health status of our ears. Moreover, among folk methods, there are very dubious.

Nets the ear, what to do, means of traditional medicine:

  • Among them, it is worth highlighting the treatment of saliva. Some believe that if you lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion 2 times a day with saliva, then the abscess will drag on. But the fact is that saliva contains a lot of pathogenic microorganisms that can aggravate the situation, contributing to the connection of another bacterial infection. 
  • A more sparing way is the use of aloe. It is necessary to cut it into 2 parts, and attach to the ear on both sides. So that the leaf does not fall from the oral region, it is necessary to wrap it with a patch. Every 2 hours you need to change the sheet to a new one.
  • You can use the tincture of calendula. The solution of these colors is very effective, and is often used in cosmetology for healing acne and wounds. For these purposes, it is necessary to lubricate the ear three times a day. Illume a cotton swab with tincture of calendula flowers and attach to your ear.
Net the ear
Net the ear

Net the child’s ear, what to do?

A person without a medical education has no idea where nerve endings and centers are in the earlobe. Chinese doctors believe that if you pierce the ear incorrectly, you can damage the nerve endings, thereby provoking the development of a large number of diseases.

Naps the ear of the child, what to do:

  • The most harmless consequence of improper puncture is an abscess. It often occurs in the opening area, and affects not only the fabric that is located near the puncture itself, but also spreads to other parts of the ear.
  • OFLOKAIN it contains an antibiotic of a wide spectrum of action, as well as an anesthetic that prevents the occurrence of pain.
  • As a result of the use of such a tool, it is possible to anesthetize the place of formation of the chival, as well as inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora in the furunculus and suppuration. 

Grits the ear from earrings: why does the problem appear?

Most often, an abscess occurs in the puncture area, that is, after piercing. This happens when using homegrown surgeons. Clients do not go to the salon to pierce their ears, but do it at home on their own, asking for sister, girlfriend or familiar.

He throws his ear from earrings, why the problem appears:

  • Therefore, it is necessary to conduct antiseptic processing of all the tools with which a puncture is carried out. Most homegrown surgeons who start manipulations just heat the needle on fire to disinfect it.
  • However, such processing is not enough to kill all pathogenic microorganisms. In the conditions of studios and salons, absolutely sterile tools are used, as well as special earrings made of medical gold or silver, which charge a special gun.
  • These earrings are initially in the package, are completely sterile. With their help, you can immediately, without preliminary processing, carry out a puncture. Very often, inflammation in the earlobe occurs due to incorrectly selected earrings. It may be an inconspicuous fastener, or poor -quality material.

After a puncture of the ear, the lobe scurfs: how to avoid the appearance of an abscess?

It is believed that zinc alloys, as well as some jewelry products, are able to oxidize in the openings, and provoke suppuration and abscess. However, do not be 100% confident that gold earrings will take root well and will not cause an abscess.

Why does the lobe beged after a puncture:

  • Pay attention to how your body behaves if gold or silver rings are on the fingers. Some people do not perceive gold, if you put such earrings in the puncture area, then suppuration cannot be avoided.
  • Therefore, the ideal option is the use of titanium alloys, or surgical steel. The latter is inert, does not oxidize, therefore it rarely provokes the occurrence of suppuration in the ear. 
  • In beauty salons, appropriate recommendations for the care of the puncture location are given. Usually prescribed washing with furatsilin, chlorhexidine miramistin. Often you can hear in the recommendations to use the ointmentLevomekol orOFLOKAIN.
  • These are really common drugs that will help eliminate pain, also accelerate healing.
The lobe
The lobe

The pierced ear is scrapping, how to process?

Many experts advise using ordinary peroxide or alcohol for washing the puncture area. For these purposes, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with the corresponding liquid, attach to the ear and move the earring.

Nets a punctured ear than to process:

  • It is necessary to ensure that the bar moves and scrolls at the ear. This will make it possible to distribute the antiseptic in the puncture area and ensure the disinfection of the wound. Usually, after a puncture, the ears heal for one month.
  • If there is an abscess, redness, unpleasant sensations, we advise you to contact a doctor. Try to replace the earrings with better, or experiment with gold jewelry.
  • Despite the fact that surgical steel is inert, there are still people whose body does not accept this alloy, there is a rejection with suppuration. 
Ear cleaning
Ear cleaning

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Video: Net the ear

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