The ear laid: causes, prevention of ears. What to do at home if the ear is laid: useful practical advice, the use of folk remedies and from the pharmacy

The ear laid: causes, prevention of ears. What to do at home if the ear is laid: useful practical advice, the use of folk remedies and from the pharmacy

In this article, we will talk about what can be done at home in the event that the ears are laid.

Hearing is what we use every day as a given. It is worth dulling this feeling, how discomfort feels instantly. What can be done in such cases?

The reasons leading to the congestion of the ears

First you need to understand what leads to this kind of discomfort. The reasons leading to the congestion of the ears are divided into two types - natural and pathological. The following are the following:

  • The occurrence of sulfur plugs - They can arise at any age, if not to clean the ears. Or if you clean them incorrectly. It is worth noting that the phenomenon is non -hazardous and quite eliminated. And it is enough Individually, that is, in some people, sulfur is produced slowly, while others are more active. Therefore, it remains only to follow your body.
  • A change in the state of atmospheric pressure, which happened sharply. It happens during flights, uplifts to the mountains. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the middle ear all processes occur a little slower than outside.

Important: sometimes a sharp change in pressure occurs even just when lifting on the elevator.

Can lay ears in airplanes, in the mountains and even when lifting on the elevator
Can lay ears in airplanes, in the mountains and even when lifting on the elevator
  • Increased physical activity -Professional athletes or amateurs often face a similar phenomenon.
  • Water falling into the ears - Especially such a problem is familiar to lovers of diving in the bathing season. However, the congestion for such a reason can be tested in the shower.
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body - In expectant mothers, he often lays ears for this reason. During the period of gestation, the pressure drops, and an additional factor is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin.
  • The presence of foreign objects - This is rare, but also happens. Basically, however, in children who can put a small toy in the auditory passage. It is sometimes found in adults who, for example, can leave cotton wool in the ear in the process of cleaning the ears.
In children, he sometimes lays ears due to extraneous objects in them
In children, he sometimes lays ears due to extraneous objects in them

The second group of causes of congestion - Pathological. It is characterized by what is accompanied additional signs.

Important: in such cases, all recommendations should be perceived exclusively as additional help. The main complex of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

What is relative to pathological reasons?

  • Inflammation - One of the most common reasons. It arises because of curvature of the partition, the occurrence of polyps. But most often the wine lies with colds - Orvi, flu, tonsillitis, sinusitis and even the most ordinary cold.
  • Otitis - He can remind himself of himself even for a long time after recovery. Including hollowing. The fact is that otitis media provokes the occurrence of adhesions, which will serve as a source of the problem.
  • Allergy - In some cases, it also develops into problems with the ears.
  • Disruption of the functionality of the nerve - the auditory nerve is sometimes damaged after transferred ischemic brain damage, head injuries.

Important: hypertension in a chronic form also leads to such consequences.

  • Diseases associated with the cardiovascular system - They should also not be excluded from the list of potential reasons.
Heart problems can lead to stagnation in the ears
Heart problems can lead to stagnation in the ears

High congestion prevention

These tips, of course, will not protect 100% of the congestion of the ears, but will allow reduce the risk of its occurrence:

  • It is necessary to clean the nose passage with a runny nose very carefully. Everyone knows that the nose, ear and mouth are interconnected. Therefore, with strong blowing of air from the nose, bacteria may well fall into the auditory passage. This will lead to inflammation and problems with hearing.
  • Be sure to Install the source of the problem. As mentioned above, the matter may be allergic to any products. If there is a suspicion of certain food, it is worth abandoning it for a while, and then return to the diet. If the ear lay again, then the culprit is found, and it is worth ignoring him at all.

Important: most often allergic reactions occur to dairy products, oranges, corn, peanuts, wheat.

  • All diseases must be treated on time. The launched SARS may well affect the ability to hear in the future.
  • During bathroom procedures, you should use the bers. This useful habit will protect water from getting into the ears.
Going to the bathroom, it is worth protecting the ears with beryushi
Going to the bathroom, it is worth protecting the ears with beryushi
  • After water procedures, it is worth it to make it a rule every time dry the ears. You can use a hairdryer for this purpose.
  • You need to clean the sulfur from the ears, Otherwise, sulfur plugs are formed. And the view of dirty ears is not the most aesthetic sight. However you can not clean often. The fact is that sulfur protects against the negative influence of the external environment, from bacteria.

What to do if the ear is laid: what means can help

What means to use if the ear laid?

  • Hydrogen peroxide - A rather popular and simple remedy. It is only necessary to bring the water to a boil, cool it and mix it with peroxide, observing proportion 1: 1. Then the solution is typed in a small pipette or a syringe and buried in the injured ear. Should wait about 20 minutesBending his head slightly. After the liquid is leaving, you need to remove the remaining dirt with cotton wool.

Important: such washing is recommended to perform twice or three a day.

When the ear laid, you can clean it with hydrogen peroxide
When the ear laid, you can clean it with hydrogen peroxide
  • Olive oil drops - it must be heated to the ear for about pain and stagnation in the ear 45-50 degrees. Heating is carried out in a water bath. A few drops - this is enough. As with the previous option, you need to clean several times a day.
  • Drops of mineral cosmetic oil and glycerol - The components are mixed approximately In the same proportions. They are buried in the same way as others.
  • Camphore alcohol - It needs to be before going to bed, slightly heated in a water bath. But only so as not to get a burn. Next, a warm liquid should be drunk into the ear - a few drops are enough. Vata, oilcloth are applied from above. This whole design is attached with a previously heated scarf.

Important: this compress should stay on the ear all night.

  • Salt compress - To prepare this ancient recipe, you need to warm up a cup of salt, pour it into the toe and attach it to the ear. It is believed that the compress helps relieve edema, normalize blood circulation, stretch out pus. If it is a cold, the compress must be placed in the root cause of the root sinus sinus.
The compress from salt helped our great -grandmothers with ears
The compress from salt helped our great -grandmothers with ears
  • A mixture of oils - consists of a tablespoon almond oil, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops romashkovo, 3 drops tea tree oils. All this is heated after mixing. Such a medicine is buried twice a day 2 drops. Another option for using an oil solution - rubbing His ear and neck.
  • A decoction of ivy stems - consists of a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and approximately 100 ml of water. All this cooks 5 minutes, Cools to room temperature - now you can bury. Ear handling should be carried out several times a day Until complete recovery.

Important: the compress from the decoction, which must be kept on the ear, also helps well.

  • Compresses from mullein flowers - To prepare them, you need to boil 15 g of plants  in 150 ml of water. After boiling, the liquid cools approximately up to 50 degrees, Filter. The resulting decoction should be impregnated with the fabric and put it in the ear. On top of the ear, it is recommended to additionally cover with oilcloth. Such a compress is needed hold for about 15 minutes. Also in parallel stands to use a decoction inside three times a day for approximately 100 ml. Such a drink will help to remove the infection from the body as soon as possible.
This is how the flowers of the mullein look like that helped to get rid of ear congestion
This is how the flowers of the mullein look like that helped to get rid of ear congestion
  • Baking soda - She just needs to take her a teaspoon And dilute in a glass of warm water. Should instill her ears 3 days. It can be combined with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Inhalation - They help remove the blocks with the sinuses, remove the runny nose. And therefore, in some cases, unlock the ears. This procedure can be carried out simply over a bowl with clean water, you can add e firm oils of pine, thyme, juniper, eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile. You can also breathe in the old fashion over a decoction of potatoes.
  • Can be purchased at the pharmacy "Sulfacil sodium", which helps both with the congestion of the ears and with the nasal congestion.
  • "Resorcin" and "Rivanol" It is necessary if the fight against infections is needed.

Important: vasoconstrictors for the nose are drugs that sometimes help to solve the problem with the ears. For example, this is “Nazivin”, “Sanorin”.

Sometimes in order to spread your ears, you need to drip your nose
Sometimes in order to spread your ears, you need to drip your nose

Having laid the ear: Useful actions

What else can be eliminated by the congestion of the ears, what actions?

  • Chewing of a special elastic band - This is the easiest way, which, nevertheless, is useful for natural congestion. It is proved that active chewing of something helps to increase pressure in the auditory pipe. As a result, the lock in it is removed.
  • Frequent swallowing saliva Helps on the same principle. If there is no caramel or chewing gum at hand - it does not matter! You can just often swallow that it will help out on an airplane, an elevator.
  • Yawning - A good analogy to swallow and chewing. True, there is one nuance - you need to yawn not as you like, but as wide as possible.

Important: all this helps well only if there is no inflammation, pain.

  • Shower - It must be hot. This will lead to increased blood flow. Good blood flow will help relieve inflammation from the auditory pipe, reduce swelling. However, it should be taken into account that the steam from hot water should penetrate well into the auditory passage. To do this, you will have to spend in the shower at least 10 minutes. After the shower is necessary dry the ears.
Hot shower will help with the laid ears
Hot shower will help with the laid ears
  • If water got into the ear when bathing, as a result of which it is impossible to hear normally, you need to remove it from there. In such cases, they recommend Jump on the leg, tilting your head.You always need to navigate on the side where it was laid. So, if the problem with the right ear should be jumped on the right leg, tilting your head to the right. In this case, the lobe of the injured ear should be slightly pulled.
  • You can also rush forward sharply, and then straighten up just as sharply. Such sharp movements will help moisture leave the ear faster.

Important: when bathing, when there is no way to jump or bend, it is recommended to try to exhale with the mouth and nose clamped at the same time.

Often the ears are laid while bathing
Often the ears are laid while bathing

In most cases, the congestion of the ear is not a sign of something serious. Nevertheless, it is extremely unpleasant and, of course, causes a desire to bring everything to normal. I would like to hope that this article will help in such cases.

Video: How to deal with your ears?

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