A brief description of the main star of the universe - the sun. The order of the planets from 1 to 9th in orbit: description and memorable rhymes for children of grade 1-4. What planet took 10 position? How to teach a child to remember the location of the planets faster: Information for children of grade 1-4

A brief description of the main star of the universe - the sun. The order of the planets from 1 to 9th in orbit: description and memorable rhymes for children of grade 1-4. What planet took 10 position? How to teach a child to remember the location of the planets faster: Information for children of grade 1-4

In this article, we will consider the location and brief characteristics of all the planets of our solar system. We also learn about the new discovery of the 10th planet.

Cosmos is a space with riddles. Moreover, this is the mystery that is equally attracted to both adults and children. We invite you to plunge into the world of knowledge of our solar system, or rather, the sun and all the famous planets that rotate around it. But the most important thing is that this must be correctly presented to our children so that they know and understand their proper location, as well as the main characteristics.

We are in a hurry to learn a lot of new things:
What is the sun and where comets live.
We will make a trip together today,
From close to see the distant planets!

Brief description of the main star of the universe - the sun

  • The sun is the only star of our solar system that wakes up and falls asleep with us. Thanks to her, we meet dawn and escort sunsets. The sun consists of helium and hydrogen, in a ratio of 24 and 74%, respectively.
  • The rays of the sun are necessary for every living creature on our planet, because with their help plants produce such vital oxygen, and our body can produce vitamin D.
  • There is even oxygen in the sun, but its percentage is very small. Together with such elements such as nickel and iron, it is only 2% of the total mass.
  • The sun is so large, that we and my planet and I would fit 1300 times inside.
    But this is also the hottest place - the temperature in the sun reaches above 5.5 thousand ° C. Therefore, this not only the shone of our system (yes, without it there would be neither a day nor night), but also a source of heat. By the way, for example, the moon shines at night, reflecting the rays of the sun.
  • It is also worth noting that such a star is 4.5 billion years, which is very impressive. But the fact that the size of the sun is slightly increasing slightly every year is slightly scared.
  • To date, the sun is fraught with a lot of mysteries, since the temperature does not allow experiments and examinations there.
  • But even a first -grader will remember the situation in the solar system - this is the center of the solar system. And all the planets rotate around the sun and are not vice versa!

Rounders in heaven drive 8 points -
This is the sun of large 8 different daughters.
Let's get acquainted with them, we are all,
After all, we live in one large solar system!

The sun is a star that warms us and illuminates everything around
The sun is a star that warms us and illuminates everything around

Planets of the solar system in order from the Sun: Brief characteristics and memorable rhymes for children of grade 1-4

So that the child remembers the order of the planets better and faster, carry out associations with them. And to make them easier to find, we bring to your attention the main characteristics of all the planets of the solar system.

Important: do not lose sight of the fact that planets are divided into two main types. it earth planets, which includes our Earth, Mars and the first two planets from the sun. There is also gas or giant planetsWhat consist of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

In 1 orbit, a small and unstable mercury

Mercury lives close to the sun,
There the telescope will immediately find it.
The sun sends its rays like that
What is very hot to the planet!

  • Mercury is a small planet. The diameter of this cosmic body is 4879 km, and the day on this planet does not last 24 hours, but as many as 59 earthly days. Day and night in Mercury, like two earthly months that we would have seemed to us eternity.
  • But the year on this planet lasts 88 earthly days. After all, the orbit around the sun is much smaller. By the way, it is completely unstable, because it changes its remoteness from the sun, the position and even the speed of movement.
  • Let's talk about the climate in Mercury. You can’t call him favorable and even begin to be perplexed why this planet was placed in the earth's group. In the afternoon, the sun warms its neighbor up to +350 ° C, and nights, on the contrary, are very cold -up to -170 ° C. Such changes are considered the most contrasting in the entire system.
  • There is an opinion that this is a long -standing companion of Venus, who eventually moved away. But there is no scientific evidence or evidence. By the way, the planet also does not have his companion.
    • It is worth conducting a certain association not only with the most small sizebut also the most quick rotation. After all, we recall that the cycle of rotation of Mercury is significantly different from all other planets. And this turned out as a result of a small orbit, a small circle in the diameter of the planet itself, its close distance and a relatively high speed of 47.36 km/s (this is the average value of orbital rotation).
Mercury is the smallest and first planet
Mercury is the smallest and first planet

Venus is a proud neighbor of planet Earth, which took 2 position

Wind on the planet Venus blow,
The hot atmosphere is very hot.
If it does not blow out, then you can burn,
It’s better not to fly there!

  • Venus can be compared with the earth if you look at the dimensions. The radius of the planet 6052 km. Which is approximately 0.85% less from the earth's radius. Also for comparison, the speed of this planet is 35.02 km/s.
  • You can live a year on Venus per day, because their duration is almost the same. A little incredible numbers: 243 days last a day, and the year has not gone too far - only 1 day more, that is, covers 224 days.
  • The atmosphere of this cosmic body is 96% carbon dioxide. On Venus, because of this, as in a greenhouse, it is very hot. Moreover, its atmosphere is also extremely dangerous, since it is saturated with sulfuric acid and chlorine iron. By the way, it is precisely because of the first component, and not because of wet clouds, thunderstorms and lightning on the planet arise. What else is Venus.
  • The climate of the planet on the earth is completely unlike. In the afternoon, everything melts and seetches, the temperature reaches 475 ° C. You can also observe a greenhouse effect on it. And the surface is covered with 90% frozen basalt lava. There can be no question of water, since it simply evaporates in the blink of an eye.
  • You can not lose sight of the fact that this is a relatively young planet. After all, she is only 500 million years old.
    Venus is also a windy planet. Winds blow with different intensity and speed. Closer to the surface, they are weak, but at an altitude of 50 km are real hurricanes, the speed of which reaches 300 m/s.

    • After analyzing all its characteristics, some associations with Venus can be distinguished. Despite the beautiful name - this is the most dangerous and unstable planetthat stands out by a windy character. It is also not just hot, but a hot planet Of all the others. But on the other hand, the dimensions are almost a neighbor of the Earth. By the way, Venus has the longest period of rotation around its axisWhat covers almost a year, despite a good speed.
Beautiful name, but windy
Beautiful name, but windy

"Blue Ball" or our planet Earth rotates in 3 orbit

The third planet from the sun is the earth,
There is water here, there are forests and seas.
Together we live together, we live on it,
This planet is a sweet house for us!

  • The main factor that distinguishes our planet from others is the presence of life on it. An important role in this was played by the presence on the surface of the water.
  • All this thanks to a favorable distance of 150 million km from the star the sun, which set the optimum temperature. Also, the surface, which consists of fresh and salt water, cannot be overlooked. Here are the comfortable conditions that plants, animals and people need.
  • The structure of the planet is very interesting. Tectonic plates are constantly in motion under the earth's crust, which affect changes in the landscape. So the mountains and valleys appeared.
  • The atmosphere allows us to breathe, because it consists of 77% of nitrogen and 21% of such an oxygen life. And these are the highest indicators in the entire system.
  • The Earth has its own satellite. We see it often - this is the Moon or, as they also call it, a month. By age, they are almost the same. Cosmic peers are about 4.5 billion years old.
  • Land in diameter is 12,742 km, and the year covers 365 days 6 hours and another 9 minutes. Our day is not 24 hours, as they are used to thinking, and 23 hours 56 mines and 4 seconds. The speed of rotation of our planet is slightly lower than the previous relatives - 29.7 km/s.
    • This planet is the most favorable to lifeTherefore, he acts our home. And everyone should remember its location as a multiplication table.
This is what our planet from space looks like
This is what our planet from space looks like

Red Planet Mars is in 4 positions

On Mars, we will probably live,
That's just water will be difficult to get.
Once there were seas and oceans.
Now only mountains, sands and hurricanes!

  • 1.5 times further than the Earth, located from the Sun Mars - the red and warlike planet. Her color was considered mystical.
  • The radius of the body is small - only 3396 km, which is almost half less earthly. Since 1960, scientists around the world have been actively looking for traces of life on Mars. Millions have already been spent on space research, but the results are not too inspired.
  • It is believed that a strongly discharged atmosphere does not contribute to the development of life on the planet itself, but its bowels may well become a home for bacteria and other primitive organisms.
  • On Mars managed to find ice - this is water in a solid state. And this is one of the important elements for the appearance of life. Scientists are also sure that before Mars could boast of rivers and oceans, from which there were characteristic reliefs on the body of the planet. Scientists even cut continues (light spots) and seas (darker depressions).
  • By the way, the ice is focused precisely on the poles, which is a little similar to our planet. But atmospheric pressure has indicators below 160 times than with us.
  • The duration of the year on Mars exceeds the earthly period almost twice, and lasts as many as 687 days. Although the Martian day is not too different from ours - 24 hours and 7 minutes. Probably a relatively low rotation speed affects - 24 km/s.
  • The average temperature on the planet Mars is -60 ° C, so it is cold enough there. But there is a small analogy. At the poles, for example, it can even go out of -150 ° C, but on the equator to be slightly lower than -50 ° C.
  • It is also worth noting that there are similar seasons on Mars. By the way, it is noted that summer and spring cover for about half a year and are a relatively warm period.
  • Mars travels in the company of two satellites - phobos (with Greek fear) and Deimos (from Greek horror). Mars, as you know, is named for the honor of the war god of war, so the satellites are around fear and horror, as it should!
  • You can not yet distinguish such a feature as dust storms. There is a lot of dust on the planet, so the wind can move it at a speed of 40 km/s or even 100 km/s.
  • By the way, silica (soil on Mars), which is saturated with impurities of iron oxide and sets the characteristic color of the planet. Since you can’t call it hot and hot.
    • It is worth summing up that it is customary to call the planet a warlike but stormy nature. It can rather be called cold and wildly calm (which the speed of rotation even speaks). Unless dusty storms violate this silence. Most likely, even a bloody color scared our ancestors a little, which sets the soil of Mars. It is also the only planet that is close to Earth in many characteristics.
Red color of the planet due to the large amount of iron oxide
Red color of the planet due to the large amount of iron oxide

In 5 orbit there is a huge and windy giant Jupiter

Jupiter Planet at number five,
There they love storms, hurricanes for a walk.
The sun almost caught up with the dimensions,
Look carefully in the sky!

  • The planet Jupiter amazes the mind with its huge size. Its mass is 318 times more than the mass of our planet. Against its background, the earth seems just a tiny ball.
  • Jupiter opens the category of large gas giants and for no vain. By mass, it is almost 2 times the most known planets of the system. Its radius is 71400 km. And its mass is so large that almost 3 times the planets combined are taken.
  • The year on this large planet covers as many as our 10 years, and last 4333 days by earthly standards. But the own day on Jupiter is short, only 10 hours. This is due to low speed - only 13 km/s.
  • It will not be very comfortable to live on the planet. Storms and lightning are constantly walking there. Scientists even managed to register the record wind speed - 600 km/s. The temperature also does not please -108 ° C.
  • A red spot is clearly visible on the planet, which scientists have known for a long time. This is a storm and it never subsides.
  • It is also worth highlighting that lightning is often raging on Jupiter, which is 3 times higher than our earthly thunder. But on the other hand, on this planet you can see the polar radiance that have a constant base.
  • Traveling to the space expanses Jupiter is not boring. The company is composed of as many as 67 satellites. You should not list everything, but we’ll talk about some. Ganyud, the companion of Jupiter is the largest famous satellite in our entire system. The radius of the cosmic body is 2634 km. This is a satellite on which the presence of their own atmosphere is observed. It is also worth mentioning Europe - this is a satellite, on the surface of which there is a huge ocean. But Callisto stands out with its huge number of craters. By the way, it is considered the most famous.
    • The fifth position is occupied by a planet with which an association can be held regarding weight and dimensions. After all, this is the most difficult and large planet in our system. But this is also the most inhospitable planet, because constant winds are noticed on it. And of course, do not forget about her companions, because they have a record number.
Beautiful planet that stands out by strong winds and a large number of satellites
Beautiful planet that stands out by strong winds and a large number of satellites

In 6 orbit a planet with famous rings - Saturn

Saturn has rings, they have been known for a long time,
And this planet was shot a movie.
The satellite shows how big it is
It’s only a pity that that is not at all resident!

  • Saturn is another full -fledged gas giant, the radius of which reaches huge indicators up to 57350 km. In chemical composition, the sun resembles the most planets.
  • It turns around the sun very slowly, the year here lasts 30 earth years or 10,759 earthly days. On the axis, Saturn turns quickly, a day shorter than on Earth only 10.5 hours in our understanding. The average orbital speed is not impressive - 9, 7 km/s.
  • Saturn is also familiar with strong winds. Their speed reaches amazing limits up to 1800 km/h. For example, on Earth, gusts of 408 km/h are considered the strongest wind in history. Once for 30 years, a very powerful storm, a super -powerful hurricane, is raging on Saturn, which is observed by researchers in the form of a white oval of huge sizes.
  • The hallmark of the planet is its rings from ice and cosmic dust. The company is 62 large and small satellites. For example, titanium is the second in size satellite in the solar system. And also eats a dense atmosphere on it.
    • The only association that immediately comes to mind is a “skirt” or rings around the planet. It is also distinguished by a very long year, which is also characterized by strong winds.
The most famous planet thanks to its rings
The most famous planet thanks to its rings

Uranus or cold ice giant is 7 in a row

Uranus is cold by nature,
And there is no good weather.
There is no hunt to live there, you will freeze at all,
There are satellites nearby and there are 27 of them!

  • Uranus radius is 50724 km, the third prize in size in the entire solar system. This indicator is four times larger than the earth, and the mass of the planet is 14.5 times more than the mass of our Earth.
  • 84 of the Earth years lasts one year in uranium. This is 30,685 days in our understanding. Around the axis it turns with a slope, it may even seem that it is rolling. The day lasts 17 hours, which is not long by our standards. Uranus has a small orbital rotation speed - 6.8 km/s.
  • Uranus can be given the championship in the category of the coldest planet of the solar system. Temperature at least -224 ° C degrees. The atmosphere of the planet is mainly helium and hydrogen. Uranus is constantly accompanied by 27 of his satellites.
    • As a result, we can only distinguish that it is the coldest planet, despite the fact that it is not at the very last position. This is due to the small core. Also, the year of Uranus reaches unrealistic indicators, which would have covered our whole life.
Uranus is the coldest planet
Uranus is the coldest planet

Neptune or the most distant planet from Earth in 8 orbit

Neptune lives far from the sun,
And I thought that no one would find him there!
Here the strongest wind walks
He easily lifts all the stones around.

  • It is noteworthy that in 1846 this planet was not discovered by observation and it was seen not in the telescope, but calculated the presence in the system using mathematical calculations.
  • A distant cold planet looks like his neighbor Uranus, these are two ice giants. The atmosphere of Neptune in the main one consists of helium, as well as hydrogen.
  • The temperature drops to the indicator -220 ° C, which did not go far from the previous option. There is no such low temperature on Earth.
  • Giant radius is 24 547, the mass is 17, 2 more than the mass of our planet. The orbital speed dropped even lower - 5.7 m/s.
  • In one year on Neptune, you can live 164 earthly years or 60 190 days in earthly dimensions.
    Planet of its kind record holder. Very strong winds blow in its atmosphere, or rather, the strongest winds among all wind planets. The speeds of these super -runs are 2100 km/h.
  • Neptune travels with his 14 companions. The most famous Triton, a companion that we can boast of his atmosphere.
    • A beautiful blue planet, which also stands out with a very large cold. But the winds are its business card, which exceeds all other indicators.
Beautiful planet, which is very similar to the ocean
Beautiful planet, which is very similar to the ocean

Former 9th place - Pluto

Pluto is a distant planet,
There is cold, there is no summer.
And do not consider in the telescope,
You can’t fly a rocket!

  • In 2006, the Union of Astronomers decided to lower Pluto with the rank and not consider it ninth planet of our solar system. According to the parameters, he did not fit the approved definition of the term planet.
  • And thus, now it is attributed to the category of dwarf planets. Little is known about Pluto, its distant distance does not allow the most powerful earthly telescopes to take high -quality photos.
  • It is precisely established that the planet has an atmosphere. This dwarf planet travels in the company of five satellites, the name of the largest Haron. It is also interesting that on the one hand, this satellite will always be visible, and on the other hand it is impossible to consider. And all because Haron does not travel around the sky.
  • The diameter of Pluto is 2374 km, and the composition is mainly made of stone and ice. The mass of the planet is five times less than the mass of the Earth's satellite - the moon.
  • One year on Pluto lasts a very long time - this is our 250 earthly years. And the temperature drops to -240 ° C. It happens on a pluton summer when it is closest to the sun, but the temperature is frosty -214 ° C.
    • Pluto was a cold temperature record holder. But he lost this title, like the title of planet. Although his place has not yet taken. Also, this planet has an unrealistic duration.
Former planet, which now belongs to the category of dwarf planets
Former planet, which now belongs to the category of dwarf planets

10th place in the order of the planets - new opening

There is a planet that they did not know about
Scientists have been looking for a long planet.
She ran away from us far away
Now her hour has come to appear.

  • In 2003, a fantastic discovery was made. On November 14, in their telescopes, scientists noticed a previously unknown space body.
  • The data is still inaccurate, but the first studies have shown that the diameter of the brand new planet in the solar system is 2250 km. This is more than a dwarf pluto, which means that the cosmic body may turn out to be a full -fledged tenth planet. Well, or jump to an abandoned position.
  • The period of rotation around the sun is 10.5 thousand earthly years, this is such a long year on this planet. The opening has not yet been honored with the official name, but call the planet a Seda (The deity of the tribe of the Eskimos of the Inuits).
  • The discovery belongs to the group of scientists: Chadvik Trukhillo, scientist of the Gemini observatory, David Rabinovich, a scientist of Yale University, and Michael Brauni, a specialist of Caltech, who deprived Pluto of the planet.
  • The Gemini observatory was able to make spectral samples, which showed the surface of Seda, which is very similar to the surface of Pluto. Basically, its surface is ice and rocks. This new planet is brighter than Pluto, despite this distance. Scientists suggested that it was Pluto, acting on the planet, that somehow threw it into the backyard of the system.
  • The space body was seen in telescopes in 2003, but only after 1 year and 3 months, they were convinced that it is moving along a certain axis. Around its own axis, the alleged planet moves for a long time-within the framework of 20-50 days. Such leisurely gave scientists an occasion to assume that she was traveling in the company of a satellite. This discovery became the most significant since 1846, when Neptune was opened.
Sedna has not yet received an official name
Sedna has not yet received an official name

How to remember the names and order of the location of the planets in the solar system: Information for children of grade 1-4

The official position of the International Astronavian Federation, known as the MAF, reads - our solar system has eight full planets. The center is a star that we call the sun. With different indicators of remoteness from it, eight planets turn along its axis. We remind you that since 2006, Pluto left the system, and Sedna has not yet received official confirmation.

  1. Mercury is the first and smallest of the planets.
  2. Venus is a planet with character and our neighbor with similar sizes.
  3. Earth is our house and the most comfortable planet. Oceans and continents are visible on it.
  4. Mars is a red planet, with warlike companions and the name. But it is characterized simply by blood in red due to an excess of iron.
  5. Jupiter is the house of winds and hurricanes. By the way, outwardly a little similar to the color on Venus. But the dimensions have the most.
  6. We will recognize Saturn by his rings.
  7. Uranus is a distant and coldest planet that has a beautiful blue color.
  8. Neptune is a very distant planet, which acted as a record holder until 1930. I had a beautiful blue color. By the way, if you look closely, then a sad face with one eye is visible on it.
  9. There was still Pluto with us that he left the system because of his small stature.
  10. But a young planet was opened, which would rather take a position of the smallest and distant planet.
The location of the planets in the solar system
The location of the planets in the solar system

We also offer the most common memories for your children. After all, not always an adult can always remember which planet and for what alternating. True, they are only official names.

  • With a frosty evening, he climbed onto the mast of Jung, trying to see the unfamiliar port.
  • We all know - Yuli's mother sat on pills in the morning.
  • In order, all planets
    Will call any of us.
    Once Mercury, two Venus,
    Three land, four Mars.
    Five Jupiter, six Saturn,
    Seven Uranes, followed by Neptune.

Scientists have been exploring space for a very long time. Such great people as Galileo invested a lot of effort and labor in their work. In different centuries, they voiced different theories. Some were confirmed, others did not find evidence. But the fact that the riddles are still plentiful is a fact. We have to learn many more interesting and fantastic.

Video: how easy it is to remember the order of the planets in the solar system for children of grade 1-4

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