Do I need to add carrots in your ear: when to put fish when cooking? How to cook delicious ear correctly: recipe

Do I need to add carrots in your ear: when to put fish when cooking? How to cook delicious ear correctly: recipe

Do I need to add vegetables, egg and other ingredients in your ear? More details are described in the article.

Ear - This is a hot stew based on fish. There are a huge number of soup recipes and this is due to what kind of fish is caught. Therefore, the question of how to cook a delicious ear and what to put in it arises in each avid fisherman.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to do if I overlapped the soup: proven methods and tips".

The real ear is obtained only at the stake, and with the smoke. The most commonly prepared this soup according to a classic recipe. And every area has its own secret ingredient. Read more more.

What did our ancestors add to the Pomeranian ear: did the log added?

Pomeranian ear with burning logs
Pomeranian ear with burning logs

In the tribes of Pomors who lived on the sea coast, the fish was one of the main types of food for cooking. They cooked her, fried, smoked, sluggish, salted. Methods of preparing fish surprise with their diversity. Pomeranian dishes were supposed to warm and maintain life energy, so they were always hot and very high -calorie. What did our ancestors add to Pomeranian ear?

  • The most important feature in the preparation of Pomeranian ears is the immersion of a smoldering or burning log into an almost ready stew.

It seems strange to us, but this is how Pomors did to achieve the perfect taste of this soup. Why did they still do it? Read further.

Why do a glass of vodka and a burning firebone add to the ear: when?

The preparation of the soup directly at the site of fishing is connected using river water. Fish is cleaned and washed in the river. Safe cooking requires the use of some disinfectants.

  • For starters, water will be boiled for at least ten to fifteen minutes, and only then they begin to add fish and vegetables.
  • They began to pour a glass of vodka into a finished dish for a long time. It is believed that this hot drink should affect microbes remaining in the broth. But what is known for sure that in the ear the taste of mud disappears if the fish is small.
  • Immersion in the already finished stew of burning log (firebrand) brightens the stew.

This method is used to improve the quality of the dish. You need to do this at the stage of the seasoning. After adding these ingredients, the soup should boil more 3-5 min. And you can turn it off.

What kind of cereal can you add in the ear: rice, semolina, millet or another?

Real Pomeranian ear with cereal
Real Pomeranian ear with cereal

Inveterate fishermen prepare a ear according to their own recipes. Sometimes it is boiled without potatoes, with the addition of only salt and spices. The classic recipe for soup includes only fish, potatoes and spices. Much later, they began to add cereals for a stew for a stew. It does not take up much space and can be stored for a long time without damage. It is known that the Cossacks were covered in such soup flour and seasoned it with sour cream. What kind of cereal to add depends on the variety of fish used.

Most often, the ear is prepared with the addition perlovka:

  • Group the cereal first.
  • Then boil it. Then the dish turns out to be rich and hearty, and the broth is transparent. Moreover, pearl barrels have almost all the time with themselves.

A faster option - cooking soup with the addition rice:

  • Use it if you need to save the fragrance of the fish.
  • More often this happens when using river fish, and the ideal version of carp.

For large varieties of fish, which is cut with portioned pieces, small cereals are more suitable: millet, barley, semolina, cornand even buckwheat grain. It should be remembered that the cooking time in crushed and whole cereals is different. Both millet and corn cereal, boiling, give the broth a beautiful color and saturation. So that instead of the stew, no porridge turns out, take a little cereals.

You need to know: If the fish came across with a lot of caviar, do not add cereals to the broth. Caviar, so, will make it rich and give a special taste.

What seasonings, spices, greens are added in the ear: can celery and garlic can add?

To prepare the ears, every fisherman uses his favorite spices and secret ingredients. What seasonings, greens are added to the ear? Is it possible to put celery and garlic? One of the secrets of cooking delicious soup we describe below:

  • First of all, prepare a fish broth.
  • For greater saturation, use a small fish that should be gutted and placed in a canvas bag.
  • Cook over low heat until the sticky broth is obtained.
  • Then remove the bag with fish from the pan.
  • Put potatoes cut into cubes in the broth. Add onions, carrots and a little salt.
  • When the potatoes are half ready, put pieces of large fish.

Now it's time to lay spices:

  • It should be bay leaf, black pepper with peas.
  • Add good allspiceand nutmeg, aniseand tarragon.
  • Put for color saffron.
  • And if the fish is not freshly, for the fragrance, use roots of parsley, fenhel, gingerand Anisa.
  • A unique aroma and taste will give the finished dish added greens of dilland Luke.
  • It goes well with fish leek.

But remember: The fresh fish, the less spices should be added. Enough salt, pepper and bay leaf.

There is one more rule, the fatter the fish, the more spices and spices are added. Some fishermen offer recipes for making soup with cinnamon and celery.

The most common seasoning for the soup is samur. These are three slices of garlic with a half teaspoon of sea salt. Put a quarter of a teaspoon of black ground pepper to them. A samur is laid in a fish broth with potatoes, carrots and onions to taste.

Do milk add in the ear, which fish can still be put: when to put fish when cooking?

Ears with fish
Ears with fish

The main thing in the ear is strong, rich broth. What fish can still be put?

  • In order for the broth to be satisfying, it is prepared at once from several varieties of fish.
  • It is advisable to use small fish and larger.
  • When you lay two varieties of fish at once, this is a double ear. If three varieties are triple.
  • You should not use more than four varieties of fish. Such a mass will simply lose its taste and aroma.

When to put fish when cooking? Read more:

  • Start cooking ear from cooking fish broth. Why use small fish varieties.
  • Clean the fish from the insides, and the scales can simply be washed well with water.
  • Place the finished fish washed in a bag and put it in cold water.
  • It is necessary to cook ear on very low heat, and simmer the fish for at least an hour.
  • To obtain a beautiful color and aroma in a pan, put a whole bulb of medium size, along with husk. Then pull it out.
  • Add vegetables to the broth. And when they are half ready, put large fish in pieces.
  • A lot of shades in the stew will appear if you put milk, fat layers, and sometimes even air bubbles of large fish.
  • Season everything with salt and spices. Boil a couple more minutes and turn off the fire.

Several tricks should be remembered: If the ear is cooked from pieces of large fish, then they need to be laid in boiling water. To prepare broth from whole carcasses of fish, they should be placed in cold water.

Time for preparing river fish - from 15 to 20 minutes. Cooking fish. Cook 8-12 minutes.

How to add an egg to the ear?

To prepare the ears with the addition of eggs, use fatty varieties of fish, from which adhesive broth and fish fillet gets a delicate sweet taste.

From river species are suitable:

  • Carp
  • Perch
  • Zander
  • Krasnerek
  • Whitefish

From sea:

  • Perch
  • Cod
  • Pink salmon
  • Halibut

To add an egg to the broth, it is prepared according to general rules. After you put all the vegetables, fish and spices in a pan, beat a couple of raw eggs separately separately. Pour the resulting homogeneous mixture into the broth with a thin stream and at the same time quickly mix. It turns out a homogeneous suspension, and the ear will be tasty.

If you do not like this method of cooking, then you can boil the hard eggs. Clean and cut in half. Then, when serving, put one or two half of the egg in each plate. It looks very original and appetizing.

Do I need to add carrots, onions, tomatoes, lemon in your ear?

Ears with lemon
Ears with lemon

The original recipe for the soup includes only a fish broth prepared on the basis of two or three types of fish. Do I need to add carrots, onions, tomatoes, lemon in your ear?

  • Our ancestors also prepared it only with the addition of onions and salt. The famous publisher of the table book Elena Molokhovets writes that the main ingredients of the ears of living fish are itself fish and onion.
  • Later, when they prepared a stew of fresh or frozen fish, they began to add vegetables for taste: 2-3 potatoes, one carrot. You can put in a onion of onions and carrots tomatoes. So the Finns are prepared.

Sometimes a small amount of flour is added to the broth for density. You can fix or remove the taste of tina by adding lemon slices or even cucumber brine.

Do I need to add butter to the ear?

After laying all the ingredients in the broth, many cooks are corrected and softened by adding a pairs of glasses of milkHow Pomors did. For example, the Cossacks used to put in a ready -made ear sour cream. And the most common recipe is just to put a small in a ready -made dish a piece of butter. This will give a soft and delicate taste broth.

Add potatoes in your ear?

As mentioned above, potatoes were the second main component of the ear. Initially, this soup was cooked as a hot dish made from fish with spices. Vegetables were not added to the ear. When potatoes began to be grown in vast territories and in all continents, hot dishes began to be cooked everywhere with the addition of potatoes as the main ingredient.

During the years of hunger strike and poverty, when it was necessary to cook a lot of food from a small number of products, potatoes became the main component of the ears. The amount of adding potatoes depends on the size of the fish. If it is small or a little, then you can lay more potatoes. If the pieces of fish are large, then enough 1-2 potatoes.

What else to add to the ear for taste, what ingredients?

Tasty ear with vegetables and spices
Tasty ear with vegetables and spices

Each country is now preparing an ear according to their traditional recipes. In France, these are buoyabes soup - with seafood, garlic and tomatoes. In Greece, this is a cocawo with celery, garlic and lemons.

What else can you add to your ear for taste, what ingredients?

  • For the preparation of Yushka from fresh fish, they often use rosemary, parsley and Pasternak's roots.
  • There are recipes for the soup with cloves. But, such a spice for an amateur.

It all depends on your taste preferences. Many people like to cook ear only from fish with the addition of potatoes, onions, salt and pepper. Others use different spices and other vegetables.

How to cook delicious ear correctly: recipe

Prepare a classic ear on a stake, or at home. A good and tasty dish is obtained in dishes of clay or in an enameled pan. How to cook delicious ear correctly? Here is the prescription:


  • Fish - for example, a silver carp - 0.5 kg (many use their heads), small carp - 0.5 kg
  • Potatoes-2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion Turnip - 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Lavrushka-1-2 pcs.
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Black pepper with peas - to taste
  • Dill greens - a couple of twigs
  • Salt - to taste
  • Onion green feathers (in the ear and for feeding) - to taste

Do this:

  • First of all, put a container with enough water on fire.
  • Choose at least two varieties of fish - small and large. Clean it from the insides and scales, cut the large into portioned pieces. If you use the head, then clean the gills from it.
  • Based on small weld broth or Yushka. Then lay a large one. It is necessary to remember, the longer the fish languish on the fire, the tastier the dish turns out.
  • In the finished broth, add potatoes, carrots cut by large rings, onions in half rings with square pieces. Put finely chopped pepper and tomato.
  • In the end, add black pepper, bay leaf, greens, salt.

You can add a piece of butter to the finished ear to shade all the tastes. Also, if you want, add a half of boiled eggs. Pull the onion feathers and pour into a plate. Serve hot on the table. The aroma will be incredible.

Having prepared your ear according to a classic recipe, you can make your own additives in the form of some spices and vegetables. You can make the broth more acute or spicy. The main thing is to get a delicious and healthy dish. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Ears - Paltus, Beluga, Perch, tastier together

Video: Ears from the head of salmon and abdomen at home. Simple recipe

Video: Author's recipes from Konstantin Ivlev! City fish ear

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