How much can you order goods in Russia with Aliexpress, ASOS, from abroad in 2022?

How much can you order goods in Russia with Aliexpress, ASOS, from abroad in 2022?

In this article, we will talk about what limits are in Russia for purchases from foreign online stores in 2022.

Each buyer of foreign online stores knows that delivery from abroad is carried out with some restrictions. That is, you can order without restrictions, but when buying a product for a certain amount, the client will have to pay the fee. Let's figure out what amount it is and from which parcels the fee is paid.

The amount of purchases in foreign online stores in 2022: Limits

Today, online stores as ebay, Amazon, are very popular, are very popular Aliexpress, Asos, computeruniveverse, NewEGG, BestBuy, BHPHOTOVIDEO, GearBest, BangGood, Tinydeal, Iherb, Dpam. All of them are abroad and certain limits on duty -free import must be observed for them.

In general, Russians can order goods from abroad in several ways:

  • Air. In this case, the citizen himself brings the things he needs by plane. In this case, nothing has changed. As before, it is allowed to import goods without a fee in the amount of up to 10 thousand euros. At the same time, there are restrictions on weight. They are 50 kg. Keep in mind that the rules of commercial import are also extended to transportation when the goods for sale are escorted. In this case, they will have to pay the fee for them anyway.
  • The ground path. This means that import is carried out by train, on a car or even a bicycle. Even if you carry a bunch of smartphones across the border on foot, this will also be considered ground delivery. In 2022, the import rules are preserved and amount to 500 euros. As for weight, it is limited to 25 kilograms.
  • Online purchases. This is the most popular way and this is where changes have been introduced. In 2019, the amount of duty -free import was 500 euros per month. From January 1, 2020, it was reduced to 200 euros, but not a month, but for one departure. There is no restriction on the number of parcels per month. You can order without restrictions, but only for yourself, not for commercial purposes. In any case, commercial defenses are taxed. As for the weight, it remained unchanged and also amounts to 31 kilograms.
Duties of the Customs of the Russian Federation
Duties of the Customs of the Russian Federation

At the same time, there is one additional advantage. The fact is that not the total amount of purchases is considered, but each package. That is, if the amount of one order is more than 200 euros, then you will have to pay a fee.

For example, you decided to order three smartphones in the store and each of them costs 150 euros. If they are packed in one package, then, accordingly, you will have to pay duties, since you will not meet the limits of the limit. However, nothing will have to be paid with each individual parcel, because the amount will be within the established limit. By the way, now weight is also considered in the same way. That is, it is considered for each separate package.

What is the amount of duty for orders from foreign online stores in 2022 in Russia?

The amount of purchases in foreign online stores in 2022 has not changed compared to 2021. At the same time, the amount of duties did not change. So, earlier the fee was 30% of the purchase amount, but now since 2020 and today, it has been reduced twice up to 15%. Each customs clearance will be added 500 rubles Customs fee, if the goods are delivered by the express delivery carried out by private carriers. If this is the mail, then it will spend time and funds on customs affairs and therefore will also accrue a small commission, according to its tariffs. But for paying a receipt with a duty online Mail does not incur expenses, so there will be no postal commission.

Suppose a client Aliexpress I bought a camera for 500 euros. In 2022, the import limit without a fee is 200 euros. Accordingly, for 300 euros you will have to pay the fee. She will be 45 euros + 500 rubles or a postal commission, depending on delivery.

One more example. A citizen in China bought a refrigerator worth 190 euros. It seems to be not necessary to pay the fee, but only the refrigerator weighs 40 kilograms. Accordingly, you will have to pay for weight excess of 40-31 \u003d 9 kilograms. Now the duty is 2 euros for every extra kilogram.
So, the duty will be 18 euros + 500 rubles or postal commission.

Advice: If the limits are exceeded, send the order by mail, while paying the fee online, then you will not have to pay additional fees and commissions.

In terms of then, if exceeding is observed both by weight and in the amount, then the fee is not summarized, but will be paid by the amount that will be more when making calculations, either by weight or at the price.

Video: Parcels tax 2022. A new order limit from abroad. Customs duties from January 1, 2020

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