Why it is not possible to restore the password for Aliexpress: Reasons

Why it is not possible to restore the password for Aliexpress: Reasons

In this article, we will talk about what to do in situations where it is not possible to restore the password for Aliexpress.

Sometimes from users Aliexpress there are situations when the password is forgotten due to a long non-use of the account or a too complicated password has been created. In such situations, of course, he must be restored. But what if you can’t do it? Let's figure out the reasons and how to eliminate them.

Why can't you restore the password for Aliexpress and what to do with it?

The password for alie -seetroe is not restored
The password for alie -seetroe is not restored

If you tried to restore the password on Aliexpressbut you can’t do it, then several reasons contribute to this:

  1. When restoring the password, it is necessary to indicate email And the verification code that comes in a special letter. In this case, make sure that you are doing everything right and again try to restore the page.
  2. If you remember your email, but you cannot go into it, then the letter will not come to you. More precisely, he will come, but it will not work to see it. Such situations are solved by contacting the support service or a banal creation of a new account. Be careful, if you make a new page, then do not use the old one or delete it at all, as you can be punished for this.
  3. Perhaps your account is blocked without the possibility of recovery. There are such cases when you grossly violate the rules of the site. Here nothing will work out, you can’t even try. Better create a new account with new data and that’s it.

These are the main reasons when to restore the account for Aliexpress does not work. If you do not know how to restore an account, then read the article How to change or correctly create a new account for Aliexpress?

Video: Forgot the password for Aliexpress? Restore together!

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