Male name Sergei, Seryozha: Name options. How can Sergey be called, Seryozha differently?

Male name Sergei, Seryozha: Name options. How can Sergey be called, Seryozha differently?

The male name Sergey is familiar to every person. It is popular and has many derivatives.

Sergey - Such a familiar and ordinary name. But one representative of this adversation is especially revered. In Russia, everyone knows Sergius of Radonezh. He blessed the army of Prince Dmitry at the Battle of Kulikovo, with prayers protected the soldiers during the battle, in which the fate of Holy Russia was decided. He became the patron saint of students, showing an example of patience and humility. The Trinity Monastery founded near Moscow, which, through the centuries, became the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

From this article you will find out what forms and derivatives can have a name Sergey. We will also talk about its meaning and origin. Read further.

Name Sergey, Seryozha: meaning, origin

Name Sergey, Seryozha: meaning
Name Sergey, Seryozha: meaning

There are several versions of origin. The names that came to the Russian language wandered for centuries, changed the pronunciation and changed. It is impossible to find out exactly the source. But there are some options:

  • Think that Sergey It was formed from the outdated name Sergius, who came from the Latin language "Servi Dei". The translation will be the "servant of God." Indeed, Sergius is an old name, it was often given during ordination. L.N. Tolstoy has the story "Father Sergius."
  • A common version: the name comes from the Roman clanman Sergian on the Latin "Sergianus". This ancient Patrician family was believed that the genealogy began even from the Trojans. Aeneas, the hero of the Trojan War, had a friend Sergestus. According to legend, he became the ancestor of Coognomen. The most famous in the family were Mark Sergius for the nickname Ferrus and Lucia Sergius Katilin. And in this version, the translation will be “noble”.
  • And one more version sounds like this: the name comes from Servus “Little, Slave”. She does not have a detailed explanation, rather, based on the similarity of the translation of the name Sergey as a “servant”.

The name came from Latin Sergey They consider more ancient, came from the Etruscans - tribes who inhabited the north of modern Italy before the appearance of Christianity.

Name Sergey, Seryozha: What will be the full name?

In the Russian language there are two full names: Sergey and Sergius. Seryozha - a diminutive form for both. There is no female couple of this name now. But in ancient Rome were educated from the birth. The Roman from the clanman Sergius was called Sergius, Sergilla and Sergian.

The name is Sergey, Seryozha-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

All of the described forms below came from other languages, being analogues. But a beautiful sound changes a familiar name, and many people use them to turn to their family and friends. Here are the beautiful forms of the name:

  • Sergito
  • Sergius
  • Sergius
  • Sergzhi
  • Sargis
  • Sergei
  • Sergios
  • Serge
  • Sergio
  • Serge
Perhaps the national feature of the name will make the usual Sergey unique and attractive. You can call it differently. There are still many different options below. Read further.

Name Sergey, Seryozha: Brief form of the name

Although the name Sergey And not complicated in pronunciation, and does not consist of many letters, but after it, several short forms borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bwere strengthened in the Russian language.

For example:

  • Serge
  • Sergio
  • Serge
  • Chucho
  • Seryozha
  • Sereen
  • Seryoga
  • Sergey
  • Sergula
  • Gulya
  • Sergus
  • Goose
  • Sergusha
  • Gusha
  • Sergun
  • Gunya
  • Sergito
  • Chucho
  • Grey

There you can call your friend or close relative. Many parents call their little sons that way.

Name Sergey, Seryozha: affectionate form

For a small child, the name sounds beautiful and pleasant Seryozha, for a teenager Sergey. But parents, showing tenderness and love, call their son, using the affectionate form of adversary:

  • Serezhenka
  • Sereen
  • Serik
  • Sergula
  • Gunya
  • Huck
  • Sergus
  • Sergey
  • Sergusha

Here are another options:

Name Sergey: affectionate form
Name Sergey: affectionate form

Name Sergey, Seryozha: diminutive form

In childhood, friends come up with nicknames on the basis of a name, believing that it sounds cooler and older. Often they turn into adulthood if friendships do not collapse. Meeting, old friends call a friend named in a diminutive form:

  • Grey
  • Seryoga
  • Serge
  • Sergo

As you can see, there are many derivatives of derivatives for this advent. Choose and surprise your friend or loved one with a unique form of his name. But it is important that he likes her, otherwise you can see a grudge on the face of an dear person.

Name Sergey, Seryozha: Form Name in Latin

The Roman name sounds in the native language Sergey. It’s easy to write a name in Latin, it will look like this: Sergei. Abbreviated form " Seryozha»In Latin does not exist, but it is written Serezha.

How to write the name Sergei, Seryozha in Ukrainian?

In the Slavic relative - Ukrainian, full name Sergey “Sergius” is pronounced, in writing there is a replacement “and” with “i”. In transcription [Sargium]. Seryozha will be Serious.

How to write the name Sergei, Seryozha in Japanese?

The name written on the katakan will receive an additional vowel in the second syllable. Such a rule of writing is characteristic of syllabic alphabet used to write personal names from foreign languages. Reading the word, we get not Sergey, but Soncay. Written by hieroglyphs will be pronounced Keshita. Seryozha is pronounced by Sereza.

Write a name Sergey In Japanese you can like this:

Name Sergey in Japanese
Name Sergey in Japanese

How to write the name Sergei, Seryozha in French?

In the usual translation into French - Sergey, Seryozha. In colloquial speech and how the French form of the name will be Serge "Serge", there are no other options. Only in French there is a derivative of the female name Sergei. This is a very rare nation in the modern world.

How to write the name Sergei, Seryozha in English?

Russian names are sometimes difficult to translate into English. And each name becomes individual. If a simple translation is used, then the adoption may differ in reading from the original.

  • For documents, the transliteration rule is used: sergei.
  • Literary translation - sergey.

In business correspondence, an option will be used, as for documents. For Russian people, it is unusual in an informal setting to use a full name in communication. For English friends, pronouncing a brief form, write it to them on broadcast, and then communication will become easier. In English -speaking countries, Latin Sergiys It was not popular. And was borrowed from French Serge.

How to write the name Sergei, Seryozha in German?

The Germans have a name Sergey Little widespread. Therefore, they pronounce the Russian version, changing the soft "E" on the "E". The analogue available in German is the Latin name SergiusIn German pronounce Zergius. SERGE will be more acceptable. All those who came to Germany Sergei Choose it as a form of their name.

  • In the documents, Sergey will be recorded - Sergey, and Seryozha - Seryozha.

The sound of the name is impulsive, harsh. This determines the nature, inconsistency of nature, creates the image of a multifaceted personality. The ability to be soft and persistent, delicate and assertive.

Video: The meaning of the name Sergei - Karma, character and fate

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