Nazar male name - which means: description of the name. Nazar's name Nazar: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Nazar male name - which means: description of the name. Nazar's name Nazar: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

All parents, even before the birth of their small “treasure”, arises an extremely difficult question in choosing a name for the baby. This problem must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. After all, it has long been believed that the chosen name affects the character and may even on the fate of a person.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Valery - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

This article will tell you below everything about the name Nazarwhich is becoming more and more popular every day. Read further.

What does Nazar's name in the church calendar mean?

Everyone is used to saying a name Nazar Without unnecessary endings. And, for sure, a large number of population does not know that in the church calendar it is used in a different form - Nazariya. This means that this is adequate "Dedicated to God".

Saint patron named after Nazar

There are only three saints with this beautiful and unusual name:

  1. Martyr Nazariy Roman (Mediolansky)
  2. Holy Martyr Nazariy Gribkov
  3. Nazariy Olonets Monk

They are the holy patrons of the name Nazar.

Martyr Nazariy Roman:

  • He was born in the family of Father Judea and the mother of a Christian.
  • Since childhood, Nazarii urged to help disadvantaged Christians. It was for this purpose that he left Rome to Milan and settled there.
  • In Milan, visiting the prison, he was looking for Christians, supported them.
  • For his help, in the form of alleviation of suffering to prisoners, Nazariya was beaten and expelled from the city. Then he ended up in Gaul, where Christianity invariably preached. A large number of pagans were then believed in Christ.
  • Once, the martyr Nazariy baptized the son of a Christian. The child was called Kelsius. This guy became a devoted and brave student of St. Nazarii.
  • Subsequently, for the preaching of Christianity, the Gentiles threw them to the wild beasts for brutal, then made attempts to drown in the sea. But the martyrs began to walk on the water.
  • The guard who tried to execute Nazaria and Kelsey, seeing such a miracle, themselves believed in the existence of Christ.
  • They let the saints and allowed to go on a further journey with their noble purpose. But the emperor Nero learned about this. He ordered the execution of the saints. The order was executed through the cutting off of the heads.
  • The memory date of the saint is October 27.

Holy Martyr Nazariy Gribkov:

  • Born in a peasant family. From childhood he sang in the church choir, then he became a priest, as he always dreamed.
  • In 1916, Nazariya married. The wife was called Claudius.
  • After long prayers, news came to the family - Mother will have a child. This became a great miracle, because mother had heart disease and could not get pregnant for more than 10 years. But, unfortunately, she died during childbirth. The boy was called Nikolai.
  • Later, the priest and son moved to another village and settled in two Christians.
  • In March 1931, local authorities held meetings in connection with the creation of collective farms, from one of the women they found a letter with religious content. The clergyman Nazarii Gribkov was accused of illegal activity.
  • He and another father were accused of agitation against the creation of collective farms. Both were arrested.
  • The investigation quickly completed and found the priests guilty. They were sent to Kazakhstan for 5 years. Nazari's son remained with women who at one time sheltered.
  • After his return to the village, the father began to serve in the local temple.
  • A year later, Nazari was arrested again. On December 5, 1937, he was sentenced to death. After 6 days, the holy martyr was shot at the Butovo training ground and buried in an unknown grave.
  • Memory dates on February 4 and December 9.

Rev. Nazariy Olonetsky:

  • There was one of the founders of the monastery of St. John the Baptist.
  • The temple is located on the small island of Murma, not far from Lake Onega.
  • Unfortunately, reliable information about the Monk Nazaria Olonetsk has not been preserved.
  • Date of memory June 17.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

The secret named after Nazar


Secret name Nazar The duality in the character of a person bearing this adhesion. Although he is trying to hide it in every possible way. Many people who have known him for quite a long time come in bewilderment for decades. He successfully “juggles” the ability to pretend an adamant and aggressive man, as he considers this the most successful skill. But, having come home, he quickly comes out of such an image and becomes the kindest person.

Nazar Name: Russian or not, what nationality is Nazar's name?

Name Nazar (or outdated Nazariya) is not Russian. This is a masculine name of Hebrew origin. It is borrowed from Hebrew - the state language of Israel. But today it is widespread in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asia, Spain.

You will find a more detailed story about the origin below in the text. Read further.

Nazar name: origin and meaning, popularity

Reliable sources describe the different origin of the name Nazar. In all versions, the state of Israel is mentioned.

  • According to this, the Nazar name was formed from the late Nalatinsky advent of Nazarius, which means "the one who comes from Nazareth," "Nazareth". Nazareth is a Christian sacred city in the north of Israel, in terms of significance of 3rd for Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
  • It will also be correct that this name, as mentioned earlier, is an ancient Jewish adult.
  • According to the translation from Israeli Hebrew denotes "Devoting himself to the Lord".

There are several more translations of this name:

  • In the apocryphal gospel from Philip mentions a translation of a name from a word "Nazar" - "Truth".
  • In Muslims - "sight".
  • On the basis of this name, neoplasms appeared: Nazarbay - “The gaze of the Lord, the Lord, the Rich”, Nazarbek - “The view of the owner”.
  • In Turkey, this naming means "gaze".

This name is not popular from year to year. The name is undoubtedly beautiful and has a substantial interesting story, but still many parents do not dare to call their son so. At the peak of popularity in statistics, Nazar was in 1992 and then in 2015. Now 5 families out of 1000 are called their children.

Nazar - Deciphering the name from Greek

Translated from Greek name Nazar Not particularly different from Hebrew. Namely, deciphered as "Dedicated to God".

Nazar name in English, Latin, different languages

Sometimes you need to know how the name is written in different languages. Here are a few examples of spelling that can be easily read. This is how the adversary is written Nazar different languages:

  • In Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Kazakh - Nazar
  • In Spanish, Italian - nazario
  • Portuguese - Nazario
  • In French - nazaire
  • On Greek - ναζάριος
  • In English, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish - Nazar
  • On Latin - Nazarus

If you need to know how to write this names for a foreign passport correctly, then you will find an explanation below. Read further.

How is the name Nazar written in the passport?

One of the most difficult questions in filling out documents for a foreign passport is to write your own name and surname. Transliteration rules often change, which leads to delay in documents or a passport can be obtained with errors.

Nazar In this sense, it’s easier. This name, no matter how the rules change, is always written the same: NAZAR. Moreover, you need to write in large capital letters. All other options are considered incorrect. If you want to check the spelling of data for such documents or you need to translate your other personal data, then you can use the site. Just insert the word into the form and click on the "translation". In a couple of seconds, the result will appear.

Nazar: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

To the name Nazar They came up with several abbreviated forms. Those who are always “by ear” are such short options:

  • Zara
  • Dawn
  • Zora
  • Zorya

Although these forms are also separate independent names. Affectionate Nazara It can also be called varied. For example, here are diminutive options:

  • Nazarchik
  • Nazarik
  • Nazik
  • Nazarochka
  • Nazarushka
  • Nazaronka
  • Burner
  • Zarushka
  • Zaronka

Synonyms of this name are:

  • Nazariya
  • Nazer
  • Nasser
  • Nasario
  • Nadzario
  • Nazari
  • Nazarios

You can come up with many different forms and synonyms for this dialect. In each family, parents call their children differently, and each option turns out to be cute and beautiful.

Nazar: The meaning of the name, character and fate

In childhood Nazar A joyful, bright, mischievous and nimble boy. But it does not cause much concern to parents, but on the contrary, it grows a accommodating child. He does not like conflicts and tries to avoid them. But in extreme situations he knows how to defend his own interests. Sociality is a vivid feature of the character of such a boy. In this regard, he makes friends with ease, quickly finds a common language with strangers.

Nazar A very mobile boy. In physical education lessons, he has no equal. And if your child is born in winter, then he has every chance of becoming an outstanding athlete. Other objects Nazar are not easy: there is no enthusiasm and perseverance. But still he tries to be a diligent student.

Such a child grows up with a rather contradictory nature. He is confident, has leadership inclinations, independent of the opinions of others, there are notes of selfishness and vanity. However, getting closer to the soul of a strong Nazara, immediately visible his sincerity, kindness, justice and softness. In this regard, he often makes concessions.

The general characteristic can be played depending on the time of the year in which he was born:

  • So a person with this name is born in winter,he is the owner of a complex nature. He is stubborn, assertive, diligent, decisive, active. Always achieves his goals. With the girls, attentive and caring, but excessively jealous, which often leads to conflicts.
  • Spring Nazar is closed from the outside world and does not differ in strong determination, so it does not particularly manifest itself in society and does not achieve high -ranking goals. But this is a kind, dreamy man, inclined to idealize the environment. Such a person can safely entrust his secrets and experiences. In response, understanding, support and advice will necessarily follow.
  • Summer The representative of the name completely gives himself himself to the family and the house, relatives and friends. You can always count on it, he is not capable of betrayal and lies. But with all its positive qualities, summer Nazar does not like to reckon with the opinions of others.
  • Autumngive him prudence, fundamentalness, judgment, success. “Measure seven times - cut off once” - this is definitely about him. The autumn representative of this adherence lives according to a clearly thought out plan and does not depart from the previously built scheme.

Fate is favorable to such a person. He is often accompanied by luck, promising opportunities are revealed before him. And here is the main thing not to miss your chance. And he allows it extremely rarely, so he perfectly arranges his life and takes all the best from it. But in relations with the opposite sex, the fate of the carrier of this name is quite complicated. The duplicity of character interferes. This involves a long search for real mutual love and harmony.

In his wife, such a man will rather choose a patient, demanding, smart, reasonable, charming, confident and hard woman. His wife should be able to competently approach the changeable nature of her husband.

It is also necessary to add that fate prepares Nazar with a good father. From birth itself, he will actively participate in the development and upbringing of the child, while ensuring his material wealth.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Nazar: compatibility with male names

There are many vivid cases in life how the chosen name for the child broke his fate, or, on the contrary, made him famous. It is important to choose the right name on the basis of a middle name - the name of the father. All these data should sound good and combined. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Nazar? Below is a compatibility with male names.

We propose to study the information with the rules for the selection of the name for patronymic so that the pronunciation is quite easy. For example:

  • If the first letter of the middle name is vowel, then it would be nice if the name of the child begins with the consonant, but this applies precisely to male adventures.
  • In order for the name and patronymic not to be difficult to pronounce, it is recommended to avoid both consonants and the same sounds, for example, Artem Matveyevich at their junction.

Linguists divide patronymics into 3 groups:

  1. Tough
  2. Soft
  3. Neutral

They adhere to the theory that it is necessary to select names from the same groups for them. Tough patterns include:

  • Adolfovich
  • Albertovich
  • Veniaminovich
  • Igorevich
  • Nikolaevich
  • Rostislavovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Anatolevich
  • Samuilovich

Soft patronymics include:

  • Efimovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Mikhailovich
  • Petrovich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Ignatovich
  • Viktorovich

Neutral patronymics include:

  • Artemovich
  • Valentinovich
  • Vadimovich
  • Pavlovich
  • Leontyevich
  • Mironovich
  • Yakovlevich
  • Vitalievich
  • Kirillovich
  • Tarasovich

But even carefully studying all the rules for selecting a name for patronymic, many come to the conclusion that the name Nazar is easily combined with numerous patronymics and is not difficult in pronunciation. All of the above patronymics are great for this ad).

When is the name day, the day of the Angel by Nazar according to the Orthodox calendar?

To begin with, you have to figure out what is the difference between the name of the Angel.

  • Under the day of the Angel and the named after, believers involve the same event. But it is not so. This is stated by many famous publicists and archpriests.
  • Angel Day is a Christian baptism day. It is on this day that the person is assigned to the Guardian Angel, whose name he does not know. The day of the guardian angel in Orthodoxy is celebrated on November 21. On this day, the Church honors all the "ethereal forces of heaven." Angel Day every Orthodox Christian can celebrate on the day of his baptism in the church.
  • Namedays - the day of the memory of the saintwhose name was given to the Christian at baptism.

At the name Nazar There are several such dates in the Orthodox calendar:

  • 27th October - Nazariy Roman, Mediolansky
  • February 4- St.
  • 9th December - Nazariy Gribkov
  • June 17 - Nazariy Olonets

Name days can be celebrated several times, this is normal. But still often choose one date. You can just choose the next day of the memory of the saint after your birthday. Some also choose the most famous day of memory of this saint.

To the above, it is worth adding that the Church does not prohibit the celebration of the Angel Day on the same day with the names. Actually, so many do so, not knowing the difference between these two concepts.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Nazar are short in verses and prose

The celebration of the day of the Guardian Angel is considered an important event. After all, the angel protects us throughout life, instructs us to good deeds, takes us from bad situations, contributes to the salvation of the soul. It is not without reason that a person notices that some power allegedly stopped him from a decision or act. So do not forget about the celebration of this bright day.

People who find it difficult to come up with a beautiful and substantial congratulation, you can resort to ready -made options. Here is a congratulation on the Day of Angel Nazara Short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Nazar

This beautiful male name did not pass by the authors of the songs. Parents who are seriously thinking about this name for their son should listen to them. These songs can be presented to your loved ones, relatives for a birthday or simply present a musical composition as a surprise. Here are songs with a name Nazar:

Video: I love you Nazar - a song of love in the name

Video: Happy Birthday Nazar - Birthday Song

Video: Happy Birthday Nazar. Song for Nazar!

Tattoo named Nazar

The desire to change something in oneself, often associated with the decoration of the body. When taking such a step, it should be understood that the tattoo is not a fleeting choice. Each image has a certain meaning. In choosing a picture, it is worth relying on your own sensations, but in no case on fashion. A good option would be a tattoo with your own name, which will be a talisman from the evil eye and damage.

Here are a few ideas of tattoos with a name Nazar:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension named Nazar from gold: photo

In addition to the amulet in the form of a tattoo with your own name, you can simply buy a pendant or amulet. This option will bring not only good luck, but will also become a wonderful decoration. A woman can wear a similar jewelry of gold Nazara Or the parents of the child with that name. It is stylish, fashionable and beautiful. You can also wear a pendant in the form of the first letter of the name. The man himself can also be presented with a pendant with the face of St. Nazarii. Here are a photo of such products:

Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Nazar Name: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Life position Nazara lies in wisdom and caution. He has good intelligence, as well as aggravated feelings of justice and duty. Moral attitudes are aimed at developing property welfare. Nazar He tries to constantly develop intellectually. Although sport is your favorite thing, reading books and self -education is not the last place.

Nazar does not like to rely on intuition. He adheres to logical thinking, which is justified by specific facts. This helps him in the chosen profession to achieve good results.

Name Nazar: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Favorite hobbies Nazara - Sports and travel. But he prefers a comfortable rest. Overnight in the tent will become a small test for such a person. This man loves all good quality. He devotes a lot of time to choose from a stylish and presentable image. He may well become a fashion designer.

Another contradictory hobby Nazara It is a folk craft. Having independently designed the drawing, it can create a useful device. There is every chance to patent your own invention.

According to statistics, such a person is successful in these professions:

  • Accountant
  • Advocate
  • Auditor
  • Developer
  • Brigadier
  • Prost
  • Photographer
  • Designer
  • Design engineer

But in no case should the guy impose your recommendations on the choice of the profession and the field of activity. He is guided exclusively by his own opinion.

It will be difficult for this man to become a successful businessman. He does not get patience and perseverance. But paired with a like -minded person can manifest itself well and achieve heights. But NazarBorn in winter, maybe go to their heads to achieve the goal in his own career.

Nazar name: Health and psyche

Nazar From childhood he has been fond of sports. Therefore, it grows up with a strong and sports man with good health, to whom he devotes a lot of time. At the first symptoms of the disease, he immediately consults a doctor.

  • Be that as it may, such a person has weaknesses in the body.
  • More attention should be paid to the liver and respiratory organs.
  • Based on this, it would be better to abandon bad habits.
  • It is worth being attentive in sports.
  • He has a high probability of injuries.
  • You need to be extremely neat in extreme sports and control your excessive activity.

With mental health, too, everything is in order. The guy is quite reasonable and wise to give free rein to any emotions. He knows how to control himself. In addition, it will always help your neighbor.

Name Nazar: Sexuality, marriage

From a young age Nazar It is popular with the fair sex. Sports, with a strong physique, stylishly dressed, calm and confident in himself - this cannot but attract. But often the girls, having learned the duality of character, repel such a man.

In intimate terms, he is prone to diversity. Sexuality for him in the first place. A man skillfully has a woman, gains trust and even falls in love with himself. Trying to give her as much pleasure as possible. In order not to hurt the chosen one in love, the first one never breaks the relationship. Waiting for the partner he himself comes to the conclusion that nothing serious will work.

But if still the feeling of Nazara Really "caught fire", then this is forever. Here the man will behave with dignity and gallantly, without pressure on his lover. Be sure to use romantic gestures. And when he achieves his chosen one, he will create a strong marriage, which refers to great responsibility. The wife and children of this person certainly will not need anything.

What zodiac sign is Nazar's name?

For Nazara Two zodiac signs are suitable:


  • By its nature, silent, keeps everything in itself, has cold thinking, and boasts of powerful willpower.
  • He does not like pressure in his address, can be offended for a long time.
  • Such a person is very stubborn, but unlike other signs, they know how to admit their wrongness and thank for the opening of the eye to the truth.


  • He loves when he is praised and cannot be criticized.
  • The duality in behavior is inherent: it works without lingering hands, fun in companies, then flows into melancholy.
  • Be sure to need support.

But all this does not mean that children of other signs of the zodiac should not be called this name. Everyone will have their own pros and cons. This adhesion will decorate each sign and add its strength.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name Nazar

Men's ring with a talisman stone citrine
Men's ring with a talisman stone citrine

As described earlier, interpretation of the name and origin - all this ensures the influence on the human personality and energy. A well -selected amulet with a natural stone will help strengthen the positive features of the owner, weaken the flaws.

Here is a list of stones-stones for Nazara:

  • Apache
  • Hematite
  • Cornelian
  • Cat eye
  • Citrine
  • Glass
  • Jasper
  • Labradite
  • Marble
  • Moldovatit
  • Onyx
  • Peridot
  • Green sapphire
  • Star sapphire
  • Green turmaline

It is not necessary, of course, to buy all these stones. It is enough to choose one for yourself. You can focus on compatibility not only with a name, but also a zodiac sign.

Advice: To choose a stone-talisman that is right for you, you should take it in the hand and clench it in a fist. If you feel warm, then yours are your stone. If there is tingling and cold, then it is better to refuse the use of this talisman.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Nazar

Alpine rose-a named after
Alpine rose-a named after

Not only stones, but also representatives of the plant world can protect.

  • Nazar named after named after Alpine rose and Barberry. They fill life with energy and add positive.
  • Testament flower - azalea. Helps to move forward, enhances leadership qualities.
  • Tale-Milisman- Beech. Helps to succeed in love affairs.

Another amulet is a totem. Read further.

Totem animal named after Nazar

Tapir - Totem animal named after Nazar
Tapir - Totem animal named after Nazar

The totem animal is also a talisman. It can be determined by the date of birth, the sign of the zodiac, the year of birth, as well as by name. Nazar will have it: tapir and electric eel.

  • Tapir - The wisdom of this totem implies rigidity, understanding of shyness, longevity, kindness, the ability to remain unchanged over time.
  • Electric eel —  dangerous and mysterious creature. Helps a person achieve everything that he wants.

You can keep the figure of a totem animal at home or even patronize such a “friend” in the nearest zoo or aquarium.

Numerology named after Nazar

Name number Nazaraccording to numerology - 8.

  • Electrical people are a symbol of material well-being. They are confident, strong, stable, reasonable, persistent.
  • But at the same time, they are people of mood - often offended and have a dual character, unpredictable.
  • The material side for the eight is an important component.
  • Such people are purposeful, with a strong character.
  • Can be cruel and merciless.
  • They know how to make money.
  • With personal life due to duality, problems may arise.

Eights should be reconsidered by some life priorities.

Pseudonym to the name Nazar

The pseudonym is sometimes needed in modern life. For example, in order to hide your personality on the Internet or simply to succeed. If you become a popular person, it will be beautiful to sound the pseudonym, they will begin to recognize you on it. Here are nicknames for the name Nazar:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Nazar

Any parent wants their child, when he grows up, to become a famous and famous person. Therefore, children are often called the names of popular individuals. Here are famous people named Nazar:

  • Nazar Gubin -(1918-1941) Air Schitter-radio operator of the 125th bomber aviation regiment (Leningrad Front), sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • N. Petrosyan (Petrosyants) - (born 1951) Soviet football player, played in the positions of a midfielder and striker, Soviet, Armenian and Russian football coach, functionary. USSR Master of Sports (1973).
  • N. Kozhukhar - (born 1969) Russian violinist, altist, cellist, music organizer, conductor, teacher.
  • Nazariy Ivanov - (mind. 1863) a mountain engineer, has been engaged in analytical chemistry all his life. Many work are important.
  • Nazariy Yaremchuk - (1951 - 1995) Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1987).
  • N. Agakhanov -(born 1954) Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the MIP, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
  • N. Luginets - (May 31, 1989, Novorossiysk, Russia) - Russian shooter from a rifle. World and European champion, winner of the summer Universiade of 2007 and 2013.

And this is not all famous men named Nazar. Each of them has its own interesting biography and life path.

Video: Name of Nazar: Karma, character and fate

Video: Karma named after Nazar. The typical fate of Nazar.

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