The male name akim - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy akim: the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name akim - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy akim: the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

As you know, even in ancient times, people believed that the name is an important component of a person. It is on how a person is called that his future fate will depend.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Valery - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

Nowadays, people also think. In the article below we will analyze a very rare name for residents of Russia - Akim.We will analyze in detail all the aspects of a person’s life with such an advent - we will get acquainted with the character, with his temperament, we will learn the secret of the name and much more. Read further.

What does the name Akim in the church calendar mean?

According to the Orthodox Regulation - the name Akim modifies in Joachim. Name days are celebrated 4 times a year. According to the church calendar Joachim (initially from the Hebrew name Yekheyaki) means - "Created by Yahweh (God)", "approved, set by Yahweh". This is a derivative of the Arabic calling Hakim - “Smart”, “educated”, “thinking”, “scientist”, “thinker”, “sage”.

Patron saint of the name akim

One of the sacred patrons of this name is the father of the Virgin - father Joachim. It is considered a defender of all happy couples and artisans (joiners and turners).

Another holy name Akim is the first Novgorod bishop - Joachim Novgorod. On the territory of the ancient city, he built a stone temple of Joachim and Anna (in honor of the father and mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

The mystery of the name Akim


The main secret of the name Akim It consists in what meaning is hidden behind each of the letters.

  • Names consisting of 4 letters carry unique mental abilities and productivity.
  • Such guys have strict exposure, inner calm and mental balance.

So, we will study each letter in detail:

  • BUT- A person with this letter (especially if his name begins with it), has huge leadership qualities. The only person with whom Akima compete all his life is with themselves.
  • To- This letter indicates a huge willpower and incredible performance. Persons who, in their own name, are devoted guardians of other people's secrets and secrets.
  • And- This vowel letter carries kindness and performance. In rare cases, he pushes his owner on the desire to be alone.
  • M- This letter gives a person the ability to provide all help to others (and even unfamiliar) people free of charge. At the same time, such people are very shy.

In addition to deciphering letters, the characteristic of the Akims born at different times of the year will help to comprehend the secret of this name:

  • Winter. This cold season gives guys wisdom, courage and remarkable strength.
  • Spring. Born at this time are quiet, calm, concentrated and able -bodied.
  • Summer. Incredibly radiant, expressive and active akim is born in this wonderful time.
  • Autumn. The gloomy season gives Akimov independence (from early childhood) and a good heart.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

The name is akim: Russian or not, what nationality is the name akim?

It’s impossible to say for sure where this unusual and beautiful name came to us. The thing is that in different versions, it can be found around the world. Scientists involved in the origin of the names distinguish 3 versions of the nationality of this nationality:

  • The first basis on the fact that the name came from ancient Judea and means "created by God."
  • The second is that Akim, in fact, this is a modified version of the Arab Hakim, translated as "an intellectual and intelligent man."
  • The third comes from the people of Japan, who claim that for a very long time they had the name Akihito.

As you can see, this adherence cannot be called Russian, rather, Arab or Japanese.

Akim name: origin and meaning, popularity

Everyone knows that Akim - A very rare name. The origin and value was described above. It is worth noting that such adversary is not particularly popular in the world, so it takes a place under the number 16 481among the most common names on planet Earth. The most popular is in South Sudan, and the highest density in Grenada.

At the present moment, about 57 thousand akims live around the world. Below is a table with detailed calculation:

Country % of men/women bearing this name Number of man
South Sudan 97% of men, 3% of women 7600
Uganda 99% of men 1% women 6400
Indonesia 100% men 6390
Russia 100% men 5600
Benin 100% men 4500
Nigeria 100% men 3700
Congo 99% of men, 1% women 2700
Ethiopia 91% of men, 9% of women 2050
Sudan 75% of men, 25% of women 1770
Kazakhstan 92% of men, 8% of men 1750
Malawi 100% men 1410

Akim - decoding a name from Greek

Most of the advents came from the people of ancient Greece. But the translation of the name Akim It does not exist from the Greek language, since its exact origin is unknown.

The name akim in English, Latin, different languages

Any adherence will sound beautiful in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and akim is no exception. In almost every country, it will sound invariably. The exception will be the eastern countries. Read more below in the table:  

Language How do you spell
English, Latin Akim
Arab أكيم
Armenian Ակիմ
Bashkir Akim
Belorussian Akim
Bengal আকিম
Mountain Mary Aki
Greek Ακίμ
Georgian აკიმი
Danish Akim
Hebrew אקים
Kazakh Ekim
Catalan ACIM
Chinese 阿基姆

Here is another translation of the adversary into other languages:

Name in different languages
Name in different languages

How is the name akim written in the passport?

With transliteration, for a foreign passport, we get - Akim. All other options for writing akim for this document will be considered incorrect. Note that the nation must indicate precisely in capital or in -capital letters.

If you need to translate your other data or words for such documents, then use the site. Just insert the word into the form and click on the translation button. In a couple of seconds, the result will appear.

Akim: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

In childhood, almost every person, parents and grandparents are called not just by name, but briefly or in some brief form. It is cute and sounds somehow at home and in the native. What abbreviated options do the name have Akim?

Briefly boys with this name can be called:

  • Kim
  • Aka
  • Kima
  • Akimka
  • Akimych

Squinting and abroad forms:

  • Akimchik
  • Kimchik
  • Kimonka
  • Akimochka
  • Kimosha
  • Kimochka
  • Kimonka

You can come up with your affectionate form of a name for a child. This word will be special and it will sound for you not like all other options for naming the baby.

Akim: the meaning of the name, character and fate

According to the famous psychologist Boris Higira, all men who have this name are open to the whole world, kind, fair and responsive people. But at the same time, Akim He considers his opinion the only true. By nature, incredibly stubborn. He does not believe anyone from others and does not ask anyone for help - he counts in any situation only on himself. In itself, he never boasts of his achievements and does not like this property in the rest. He tries to avoid such people. Fate depends on himself.

Positive character traits are:

  • Individuality
  • Sushfulness
  • Wit
  • Resourcefulness

Negative features are:

  • Childhood
  • Pride

The character of a person changes as well as his age:


  • Like most people, in this beautiful time he never sits still, constantly moves, takes part in outdoor games: both in the yard and at school.
  • Study is not complete without difficulties. If the exact discipline (mathematics) knows “on the tooth”, then, for example, he does not like to read.
  • As for the character in life, from childhood he independently accustoms himself not to pour tears just like that. Always ready to help and protect weak people.
  • He communicates only with those with whom he is comfortable and in whom he is sure. On the negative sides of other people - indicates directly, in the forehead.


  • At this age, it prefers sports: actively visits various sections, physically developing his body.
  • A boy with this name does not like changes in life and extremely negatively reacts to this.
  • Outwardly it may seem that Akim - Calm and balanced, but from the most depths, at a critical moment, a storm of unexpected emotions can break out.
  • Speaking about communication in this life period, we note that the owner of this name is more like a good listener than an active interlocutor.

Adult time:

  • Entering a new, adult life, Akima There is already a formed willpower, which in many ways helps him.
  • When a young man sets himself a specific goal, he always reaches it. In communication with people, even relatives, can be fiercely respond to their shortcomings.

Like any person, Akimov There are 3 important age periods in which (most often) the most important events occur:

  • 17 years
  • 23 years
  • 37 years

The transition time of these periods will be calm, which is impossible to say about the next year. But the good thing is that most of the events in people with such an adversary are good. However, you still need to be ready for everything.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name akim: compatibility with male names

The patronymic of a person contains genetic information of previous generations. The middle name can adjust the image created under the influence of the name, but it cannot change it. It can only strengthen or soften some character traits. It should approach the name. The most suitable patronymics for a rare name Akim are:

  • Olegovych
  • Grigoryevich
  • Petrovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Alexeyevich
  • Borisovich
  • Andreevich
  • Alexeyevich

Complexed patronymics formed from ancient names are not suitable for such an adventure: Emelyanovich, Aristarkhovich etc.

When is the name day, the Angel's Day at the Akim on the Orthodox calendar?

As has already been mentioned earlier, the name Akim notes 4 times a year:

  • February 23- In memory of Bishop Joachim Korsunyanin
  • August 29-In memory of the Hermit monk, about St. Joakim of the Osogovsky
  • September 22nd- In memory of the father of the Virgin, St. Joachim
  • September 30th - In memory of the Patriarch of Alexandria Joachim Pani

It is worth noting that the birthday is celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar on the day of memory of the patron saint. Angel Day is a day of man’s baptism in the church. These are two different holidays, although many people believe that the name of the Angel is one and the same. But this is wrong.

As a result, an Orthodox person will have three important days a year that can be celebrated: besides a birthday, an name and Angel Day. Thanks to this, three times more gifts and congratulations. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Akima are short in verses and prose

Talking about how in an original way you can congratulate the akim on the names, we recommend thinking about the option with verses and prose. It is beautiful and unforgettable. Such lines will be remembered for life. Here are the congratulations on the day of the Angel Akima Short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Akim

Another option for original congratulations is a song with a name. Anyone will like such a gift. Here are songs with a name Akim:

Video: Hahaha song about akim\u003e

Tattoo named akim

The most daring guys and girls decide on tattoos with a name. This is interesting and original. In addition, in this way it is possible to show your recognition to a person. Girls make a tattoo named Akim In honor of their beloved guys, and young people themselves are for beauty and emphasizing the style. Here are sketches:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name akim of gold: photo

Now many manufacturers are creating unique gold pendants with the name Akim. The young man himself is unlikely to put on such a decoration. But it can be worn by a woman as a sign of veneration. You can wear the first letter of the name - beautiful, stylish and mysterious. And for yourself Akim You can present a pendant with the face of his saint. Here is a photo:

Suspension with a name
Suspension with the face of the holy name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with the first letter A
Suspension with the first letter A
Suspension with the first letter A
Suspension with the first letter A
Suspension with the first letter A

Name akim: intuition, intelligence, morality

From early childhood, despite the mediocre performance, Akim It has excellent intelligence. When necessary, it will always put its mental abilities in practice. Often listens to his own intuition. However, there are misses from this side. Akims are very kind, responsive people who are ready to help any person, including a stranger. They are endowed with good morality. First of all, they think about children and the elderly, especially relatives. They will also help strangers if they find themselves in a difficult position.

Akim name: hobbies, activities, business

Akims - Business personalities, pragmatists. They devote a lot of time to the process of making money. Read more:


  • Young owners of this name devote most of their time to travel and outdoor activities.
  • He tries to develop his natural potential in design (doing something new), often becoming, ultimately, a professional in engineering.
  • Quite often, creative potential can be revealed in it: it will not be difficult to know from the zero of acting or try himself as an artist.

Activities and business:

  • Due to the innate activity, diligence and ability to organize people, it rises quite confidently and quickly up the career ladder. At the same time, he does not go "on the heads."
  • Always ready to help his colleagues. He will help both in a word and business.

Below we list the most suitable professions of akim:

  • Journalist
  • Doctor
  • IT programmer
  • Director/Theater and Film Actor
  • Inspector
  • Designer (designer/inventor)
  • Doctor
  • Personnel selection specialist

Skillfully using their makings, can build its own business. The only thing that hurts is the excessive temper that arises when solving minor issues.

Akim name: Health and psyche

It has very good health, playing sports from early childhood and leading a healthy, active, lifestyle. The psyche, in general, is standard. But, periodically, nervous in trifles, it can “wake up” the worst in itself. Due to nervousness-depression may begin, stress and headaches will appear. U AkimaFor 60, problems with blood vessels and heart may arise.

Akim name: sexuality, marriage

Young people who bear this name have inexplicable magical power, allowing to literally “attract” a huge number of girls to themselves. But of all, he will only choose the most intelligent, interesting and close to him in spirit. He will never allow himself to be rude, argue, to bother with a girl. In personal life, the worst thing is betrayal. He does not forgive them to anyone and never.

During sex, he thinks only of his partner, whom he tries to give maximum pleasure. It has a talent for selecting original and unusual gifts. He never shares his successes on a personal front with his friends and friends.

In marriage, he continues to surround his beloved care, affection and attention. She is the meaning of his whole life for him. For Akima In addition to intimacy with my beloved, it is very important, in addition to intimacy, have a kinship of souls with her: mutual understanding and common interests. Marries closer to 25-30 years. He loves his children very much, protects and supports in all their endeavors.

Girls with names such as::

  • Pauline
  • Irina
  • Veronica
  • Arina
  • Olesya
  • Anna
  • Barbara
  • Claudia

The union will be unsuccessful with girls with names:

  • Olga
  • Julia
  • Anastasia
  • Marina
  • Elena
  • Eugene
  • Hope
  • Diana
  • Yana
  • Tatiana
  • Nataliya
  • Sophia
  • Vasilisa
  • Maria

It is important to consider the signs of the zodiac. Read further.

Which zodiac sign is the name Akim?

Great importance on Akimov They have zodiac signs under which they are “located”. We will analyze in detail each of the zodiac signs:

  • ARIES- It is bold, stubborn, open, energetic, passionate and always looking for adventures (extreme).
  • TAURUS- He has an optimistic view of the world, acts as a reliable and devoted friend. By nature, it is endowed with sincerity and tenderness for people around.
  • TWINS- Active, alive, fast, bright, with a wonderful sense of humor, ready to always support an unfamiliar conversation and participate in the general business.
  • CRAYFISH - Initiative, expressive, always ready to express their thoughts, emotions and feelings.
  • A LION- Basically, it has excessive pride and self -esteem. It is these features, very often, that rejects surrounding people from himself.
  • VIRGO- It has a feature for self -criticism and criticism of everyone around you. He loves to analyze all taking place for a long time and deeply.
  • SCALES- suffers from a frequent change in mood, while confidently convincing the rest of the people of his innocence.
  • SCORPION- This sign is inherent in “emotional swing”, a thirst for obtaining power over others and a desire to find your love.
  • SAGITTARIUS-Scrupulousness, the desire to learn something new, perseverance.
  • CAPRICORN- Such people are closed (sit in their shell), not sociable, not telling anything about themselves, but incredibly hardworking.
  • AQUARIUS- You can never predict what exactly the person wants under this zodiac sign and what will happen in the end.
  • FISH- responsive, friendly, caring, but very dependent on public opinion

In addition to zodiac analysis, it should be noted what exactly corresponds to Akim:

PlanetMars symbolizes constant development and advance only forward.

Suitable zodiac signSagittarius is able to bring financial well -being, luck and self -development.

Natural elementfire carries incontinence and manifestation of stormy, often unnecessary, emotions.

Life - 1, bearing the qualities of an undoubted leader, hard work and perseverance in achieving the goals.

Color symbolbrown red, carrying some shares of passion and determination that helps in personal life. 

Stone-the-dumpman to the name akim

Salisman stone Cassolik
Salisman stone Cassolik

The stones-stones of this name are cornelian and chrysoprase.

  • Just looking at cornelian (even a little in sound) We can say that this is a "heart." And this is not by chance, because the main function of this talisman is the inexplicable attraction of the second half.
  • The magic of emerald chrysoprase Even in ancient times, I attracted our ancestors. In our time, the same thing happens.

The magical properties of this gem will help a person to find financial well -being, promotion and luck in all matters.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name akim

Plant-dalisman named after-lemon
Plant-dalisman named after-lemon

The sacred plant for akim is considered lemon, possessing a magical, magical force, capable of attracting good luck and success to the carrier. Personifies longevity and grace.

A talisman tree emitting and endowing with its positively charged energy. cedar. In addition, it is considered a “defender” from all kinds of negativity: damage, evil eye, misfortune, etc. The amulet made from this tree will help a person to cope with diseases faster, improve his financial condition.

The talisman flower is rose flower. Her multifaceted image carries a symbol of love, kindness, sincerity and happiness.

Totem animal named after akim

Totem animal name - Falcon
Totem animal name - Falcon

A representative from the animal world who is ready to help the owner of the name Akim is falcon,bearing courage, courage, courage and courage. This totem animal is a talisman only among people strong in spirit.

Numerology named after akim

Let's make a detailed calculation of the name Akim According to numerology, where each letter of the Russian alphabet is assigned to the serial number, for example “A” - 1, “b” - 2, “c” - 3, “g” - 4 and so on.

  • A (1) + k (12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3) + and (10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1) + m (14 \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5) \u003d 1 + 3 + 1 + 5 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1

The number accompanying the name akim in life is considered unit (1).

She carries two qualities:

  • Leadership - Nature gives such people with birth independence and individuality, with the help of which (mainly) a person becomes a leader in the work sphere.
  • Arrogance - Due to the constant process of protecting their thoughts, such people repel the rest from themselves, stubbornness is often manifested.

"Units" achieve success in life and they are accompanied by luck. However, you need to think only about good and live with positive.

Pseudonym to the name akim

The most suitable pseudonyms to the name Akim can be:

  • Mika
  • Akimka
  • KIM
  • Akim
  • Ekim
  • Akihito
  • Joachim
  • Joachim
  • Joaquin
  • Zhuakin
  • Joakkino
  • Yahim
  • Joashen
  • Joash

For social networks, you can come up with a nickname yourself, adding English or just Russian words to the name. For example:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named akim

Akim Tamirov
Akim Tamirov

Celebrities named Akim A lot in different areas. These are athletes, stars of show business, artists in the last century and the present, scientists, etc. The most famous people with this name are:

  • Akim Nikitin (1843-1917)-one of the creators of the Russian Circus of the Nikitin brothers.
  • Akim Volynsky (1861-1926)-the artist of art, the main theme of the direction of which was the era of the Renaissance.
  • Akim Galuev (1920-1995)-ossetian poet of our time.

Here are still famous people with this name:

Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named


As you can see, this name is not popular in the modern world. However, a child with such an unusual name and character, already at school, can become an extraordinary personality. But what kind of person he will grow - a lot depends on the upbringing that his parents will give him.

Video: The meaning of the name akim is the secret of the name

Video: The meaning of the name akim. Interpretation, fate, character

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