The male name Felix - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Felix: Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Felix - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Felix: Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Unusual and beautiful name Felix It gives its owner a difficult, but quite interesting character. His nature often contradicts himself, because of which such a young man can get confused in his actions and actions. But compensation for all this is the inimitable charisma and attractiveness. You just have to talk a little FelixAs you immediately fall under his charm.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Valery - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From this article you will find out what interpretation and meaning of the name Felix. We will also tell you what kind of talismans, sincere patrons and about other interesting information. Read further.

What does the name Felix be in the church calendar?

In the Orthodox Church the name Felix It was quite popular since the 18th century. According to the church calendar, it designated how "Delighting". In the common people in those days, people with this name were called Philist or Finist. Similar sounds of the name have found their widespread use in folklore. Many plays and stories mention just such names, but few people know that they went on behalf of Felix.

Saint patron named after Felix

Saints with the name Felix there are many. Among them, Felix Karelian Rev. and presbyter is a holy martyr Philik (Felix). But it is the patron of the name that the great Roman holy martyr is considered. He was one of the seven sons of the holy martyr Felitsata, whom the priests found guilty of the spread of the Christian faith and thereby insulting the gods. Then she, along with all her sons, was betrayed by torment.

The secret of the name Felix


Name Felix At one time, it was considered an epithet of Sulla and Mars. But the Romans used it earlier only as an addition that denoted "happy". It has many more secrets.

  • In the name Felix The most practical character traits are stored. This is a sober, independent and serious person.
  • When communicating with it, many can distinguish excessive modesty, and even some stiffness.
  • This is especially true for relations with strangers.
  • Such a man is not ready to open before everyone.
  • It is also worth noting that Felix He does not tolerate boasting. Even when he reaches the peaks, he will never boast of this.

All the cherished dreams of such a person are more goals for him, and not meaningless thoughts. He goes to them firmly and non -stop, which almost always brings him great success. In combination with similar qualities, such a man has another interesting feature - this is self -love. But he admires himself exclusively alone and never endures his superiority to the public.

Name Felix: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Felix?

When parents have a choice of naming to his son, many pay attention to the name Felix. This is quite justified, since it sounds great, goes well with many surnames and patronymics. But since in our time more and more, this nation is found abroad, the question itself begs, but what is the nationality of the name Felix? Russian or not?

This naming is a Russian male name, with Latin roots. Despite the fact that the name sounds modern, it appeared before our era.

Felix name: origin and meaning, popularity

The origin of the name Felix It originates from the Latin roots. It is believed that it came from the word Felixwhat is translated into Russian mean "Prosperous" or "happy". Moreover, in the life of this person, everything usually develops. Only the correct and accurate calculation in his actions will bring him success. In school years, the boy may have difficulties with study, and his eternal disputes with himself about how much he needs it. But closer to the age of majority Felix It will already be able to sensibly distribute the boundaries of what is important to him.

The synonym for this adversation was previously PhilikBut in our time, this form of a name can only be found in memoirs. Name Felix Among the boys, it is rare - 3 by 1000. But this nation is very beautiful, and perhaps it will soon be popular.

Felix - Deciphering the name from Greek

Name Felix Really echoes several similar words that are present in Greek. If you translate into Russian, then they mean approximately the following: "Friendly", "correct", "true". Surprisingly, all these interpretations, like nothing else are suitable for an accurate description of the character of such a person. He knows exactly what he is better off even in the most difficult situation and very quickly makes the right decisions. Sometimes he even has to cross his surroundings in order to achieve the goal.

Felix name in English, Latin, different languages

The name sounds elegant Felix Not only in Russian, but also in other languages.

  • In English, it may sound like Felixwhat is translated as Felix, or FeliciaFelish, Felicius.
  • There is also a diminutive variation of this name in English, namely Lisha - Lesha.
  • In Latin, it sounds identical to English - Felix.
  • In French - Felicie and sounds like Felishi.
  • On Italian - Felice, sounds like Feliche.

It is worth noting that it was precisely such beautiful sounds of this naming that made him popular literally all over the world.

How is the name Felix written in the passport?

Since the laws regarding the writing of a name in a passport often change, it is important to follow this and know exactly how the name is written. Otherwise, unforeseen problems may arise, as a result of which a business trip or long -awaited rest will be broken.

According to the last rule of machine transliteration, the name Felix In the passport is written in capital letters - Feliks. Especially here we pay attention to writing the last letter, as it is often confused, and instead "S" write "C", what's wrong.

Felix: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Often the parents who are impressed by the name Felix For their child, a logical question arises, how can a baby be called abbreviated or affectionately. Indeed, in every family it is not particularly customary to call a new member clearly by the full name. At first glance, it seems that such adversary cannot be affectionately reduced or not so rude. But in fact, there are a huge number of variations, just few people guess about them. Briefly a boy or even an adult man can be called:

  • Fel
  • Felik
  • Felka
  • Feeli
  • Felka
  • Elya

And affectionately they call:

  • Felsh
  • Lyushenka
  • Felinka
  • Felushka
  • Felixenka
  • Felusha
  • Lixik
  • Felunchik
  • Felunya
  • Felchek
  • Yelychka

You can come up with your original version of the abbreviated or diminutive form of this navigation. He will be the most beautiful and sweet for you.

Felix: The meaning of the name, character and fate

In its exact representation, the name Felix It is interpreted as "happy". From the very birth of a person with a similar name, a favorable fate will be laid down. In the process of growing up, one can understand that such a person seems to hold good luck in his hands and never lets it go. If he participates in competitions or olympiads, he certainly takes prizes, easily rises to the very top of the career staircase. Many people envy him and even slightly dislike, since it seems that everything is given easily and simple.

AT character This person is one of the main places by contradictions. Despite the fact that for the environment he is successful and smart, inside the man always fights himself. Most often this comes from the fact that Felix For a long time he cannot decide what exactly he is better off, and what is better not to pay attention to. But having considered everything clearly and harmoniously, he always takes the right side.

Fate Such a person for the most part develops safely. By the middle age, he usually has everything that a real man needs. Family, prosperity, successful career and universal respect.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Felix: compatibility with male names

Important importance when choosing a child for a child is what a middle name will be. This is quite justified, since I want the initials in complete variation to sound good and harmonious. At first glance, it seems that the boy to the name Felix Little patronymic is suitable, but in fact it is not. It goes well with the following patronymics:

  • Abramovich
  • Antonovich
  • Arnoldovich
  • Georgievich
  • Makarovich
  • Markovich
  • Romanovich
  • Ruslanovich
  • Timurovich
  • Yakovlevich

Great compatibility with male names that form such patronymics:

  • Mstislavovich
  • Nikanorovich
  • Olegovych
  • Petrovich
  • Robertovich
  • Rostislavovich
  • Stefanovich
  • Tarasovich
  • Terentyevich
  • Timofeevich
  • Edmundovich

If we talk about compatibility with female names, then the following are ideal for a person with such an adversary:

  • Aglaya
  • Diana
  • Jeanne
  • Louise
  • Caroline
  • Eleanor
  • Emma

But I will give it to the name Irina, Polina, Larisa and Rimma, better Felix Aware, since the opposite characters of these names will not lead to anything good.

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Felix on the Orthodox calendar?

According to the church Orthodox calendar of the name Felix celebrated four times a year:

  • February 7 - Angel Rev., Martyr, Felix Roman
  • May 1 - Rev. Felix Karelsky
  • September 4 - Holy Martyr, Felix
  • November 4 - presbyter, holy martyr, Philik (Felix)

When exactly to celebrate names are usually chosen by the date of birth, which is closer to the day of veneration of the saint. But no one forbids to consider named after all four dates a year at once. Angel Day is a day of man’s baptism in the church. Angel celebrates the name and day and day of Angel.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Felix are short in verses and prose

It is pleasant to receive congratulations to absolutely everyone, even such a serious man as Felix. You can congratulate him on an angel's day, both ordinary beautiful prose and beautiful short verses:

  • Let your angel protect you,
  • He helps you in everything
  • You, Felix, do not notice
  • Everything you dream come true! 
  • We congratulate Felix on the names
  • And with all my heart we wish him
  • Good health, sincere love
  • Nearby, all your friends will be! 
  • Happy Angel Day, dear Felix! Let the sun always shine brightly, all roads will be even and without obstacles. Let faithful and devoted friends surround you, and all the most cherished dreams are fulfilled at frantic speed!
Congratulations on the Day of Angel
Congratulations on the Day of Angel
Congratulations on the Day of Angel
Congratulations on the Day of Angel  

Song named Felix

Undoubtedly, every person would like to hear a song with his name. After all, it is so nice to listen to the meaning and adjust the meaning of the composition for yourself. Of course, this is a rare adversation, and it is quite difficult to find a song for it. But she still is. Beautiful, beautiful and easy song called "I love you, Felix", will not leave indifferent at all and will cause a smile even in such a solid person like himself Felix.

Video: I love you Felix

Video: I love you Felix - a song of love in the name

Video: Happy Birthday Felix - Birthday Song in the Name

Tattoo named Felix

Every year, tattoos are gaining more and more popularity. Many people like to fill their name or a person who is dear. Name Felix It will look exquisite, especially when writing in English letters ( Felix). You can place a tattoo on the wrist, forearm or on any other part of the body.

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Felix from gold: photo

The most expensive gift has always been and remains gold. Of course, men are not such ardent fans of various jewelry as women. But no one will refuse a brutal suspension with a name. Many believe that finding a jewelry with such a rare name is difficult. But you can purchase a pendant with the face of a saint. A woman (wife or girl) Felix can wear a pendant with the first letter of the name of her lover as a sign of veneration. Here are a photo of such jewelry:

Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Felix name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Felix It is the owner of amazing intuition. It was as if born with a sixth feeling that pops up at the most suitable moment. He feels good troubles and already carefully considers a clear and consistent plan of action in advance. That is why others often have the impression that everything gets easily.

The analytical mindset sometimes greatly interferes with this person. Intelligence He has high. But when solving important problems, he can be distracted by different little things or even switch to them, thinking that they are more important for him.

Moral Such a person stands out very strongly, so this moral quality scares many people. The man himself does not like to put him on public display. He has few friends, and if there is, then the most faithful and reliable, who accept him as he is.

Name Felix: hobbies, activities, business

From early childhood Felix It is faced with the problem of choice, since contradictions are constantly raging inside it. He wants to get involved in completely everyone, but over time he understands that this does not suit him. For the most part, such a person does not deal with one thing, but at the same time, has a unique property of being the best in everything.

The happy owner of this name reaches the career peaks in almost any activity. A strong -willed character can perfectly help him in the career of a politician or lawyer. In any case, he will find a job that will bring him a good income so that he completely arranges it. If any nuances come up, Felix He will not stay at such work, but will think about opening his own business, which, by the way, will also bring him success.

Felix name: Health and psyche

As for health, then here Felix It is necessary to hold a hand on the pulse. So, if in your youth a man can not pay attention to small ailments, but in adulthood it is better to undergo an examination completely at least once a year. In particular, it is recommended not to launch the problem with the teeth and, with the slightest ailment, contact the dentists.

The mental state of such a person improves every year of his life. If in his youth he cannot figure it out, then over time everything will work out.

Name Felix: Sexuality, marriage

Felix An attractive and handsome man who attracts the views of women. Usually has a good pumped figure by nature, and does not particularly bother with a visit to the gym, because it is already beautiful. In sexual terms, this person is able to give a partner a huge range of emotions, but it is quite seriously to sexual relations. Razrostality is not about him.

For a long time, he can look for the lady of his heart, which will not only suit him in temperament, but can also understand his difficult character. But if a man falls in love, then it will be once and for all. Such a marriage will be strong and for a long time.

Which zodiac sign is the name Felix?

Each name has its own zodiac sign, which is its patron and is in the best way. U Felix This is the zodiac sign Aquarius.

  • If a man is born under these signs, he will literally have everything that is possible.
  • The combination of characters will give Aquarius Felix an unprecedented force that only he can possess. They are similar to their prudence and faithful decisions made in a timely manner.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Stone-Stamman to the name Felix

Men's ring with adventurine-a named after
Men's ring with adventurine-a named after

Everyone knows that each person has his own dalisman stone, which protects him and protects him. It is recommended to wear such amulets openly, it is better on the neck in the form of a suspension, as close to the heart as possible. Men by name Felix Two stones are suitable at once. At the same time, it is better to wear them together, since each of them performs its own specific function.

  • Aventurine - Protects a person from evil views, unkind words, enemies and various kinds of magic, which can be directed at him with enemies.
  • Cornelian - gives self -confidence and in his actions. When this stone is under a person, it will be much easier for him to collect his thoughts and make the right choice.

Like stones, plants are good amulets. Read further.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Felix

Delisman named after-cypress
Delisman named after-cypress

With a non -sunshine talisman for Felixwhich gives him huge vital energy and the desire to win, is a tree cypress. It is wonderful if a man manages to grow him himself or at least periodically be next to this tree.

A fateful plant for this person - immortelle. Already in the name it reads how much it combines with the character and life principles of a man.

The bloom is proud rose flower. She, like this person, can prick her ill -wishers with spikes, but loved ones can let him and please.

Totem animal named after Felix

The totem animal of the name
The totem animal of the name

Totemic animal names Felix It is a noble swan. It is worth noting that this totem gives its owner an incredible vitality. He helps a man develop precisely the abilities that he will be useful to him. So, this person can be flexible, winding and thin in the situation he needs to adjust her for himself. And the grace of the swan completely personifies the elegant Felix And gives him the ability to combine power in himself, together with the tenderness, which his soul is filled with.

Numerology named after Felix

Important numbers in the life of each person according to numerology are those that are encrypted precisely in his name. For Felix These are numbers 1, 7 and 3

  • Number 1 - The number of the name means that this person has tremendous energy and from any, even the most difficult situation, can come out of a perfect winner. But risk is constantly not recommended, since sooner or later this can lead to irreparable consequences. By its nature, this is a successful person who is able to earn entire states.
  • Number 7 - The number of hearts, personifies a person as more striving for loneliness. He does not like various parties until the morning and even traveling to the forest for barbecue. He will prefer all this to spend time after a calm film with his soul mate or in proud loneliness.
  • Number 3 - The number of personality. Charm and delicate nature only outwardly corresponds to a stubborn and even slightly cruel man. But it is these qualities that work perfectly when it is necessary.

Numerology plays a huge role in our lives, and if you pay attention to the description of the characteristics of the number, then you can even change life.

Pseudonym to the name Felix

Many people have a pseudonym just need to have a pseudonym. A wonderful man named Felix It will not be an exception. Moreover, with such a beautiful call, you can choose an exquisite and sounding nickname, which will completely personify its carrier. So, you can choose such a pseudonym:

  • "Felix Almighty"
  • "Felix Happy"
  • "Felix-father"

Here are a few more options for pseudonyms:

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

In addition, you can take as a nickname the sphere of activity or a name in any other language.

Famous people, celebrities named Felix

Celebrities named Felix a lot of. It also suggests that such a beautiful name was popular at any time. And also the fact that these people sought great heights. Among the most famous, the following can be distinguished:

  • Felix Yusupov - Grand Duke
  • F. Dzerzhinsky - a famous politician
  • F. Vankel - Successful scientist
  • F. Velichko - astrologer
  • F. Bloch, American physicist, one of the founders of the quantum theory of solid body
  • F. Mendelnson, German composer, conductor, pianist, organist
  • F. Hausdorf, German mathematician
  • F. Yasinsky, engineer and scientist, founder of the scientific school in construction mechanics

Beautiful name Felix It stores a real treasure, which will give a real man - the power of wisdom and judgment.

Video: The meaning of the name Felix: Karma, character and fate

Video: The meaning of the name Felix is \u200b\u200ba male name

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