Male name Nikita: Name options. How can Nikita be called differently?

Male name Nikita: Name options. How can Nikita be called differently?

The male name Nikita is popular in different countries of the world. It has many shapes - beautiful and original.

Nikita - Name with a great story. Having first appeared in ancient Greece, it has survived to this day. This name can most often be heard in the countries of Eastern Europe and among modern Greeks. Many famous people in history and popular contemporaries wear this adult.

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If you want to name your child Nikita Or you yourself are the owner of this name, then below you will find several cognitive facts about this name. You will also find out what forms of the name exist. Read further.

Name Nikita: meaning, origin

Name Nikita: meaning
Name Nikita: meaning

Name Nikita It has an ancient Greek origin. From Greek Nikitac translated as "Winner" or "Victorious". And this is for a reason - the name comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of Victory Nicky. Antique Greeks attached great importance to the names that gave babies. Nikita called strong and healthy babies. Giving such an adhesive to newborn, the Greeks believed that babies would be under the auspices of Nicky on their life path. Nick favored future leaders and warriors born to win, granting them victories in any of their undertakings.

In Russia, the name Nikita It appeared only with Christianity and was connected with it. This name was called monks at baptism. Therefore, many saints and clergymen bear this name. Over time, this adherence spread among the people. One of the first references to the name is Nikita Kozhemyak - the hero and the hero of the Kyiv epic epic, as well as folk tales.

Name Nikita: What will be the full name?

« Nikita»Is a complete form of this name. It sounds courageously, representative and at the same time softly and kindly. From the full version, the middle name of Nikitich and Nikitichna, as well as the surname Nikitin, are formed. On behalf of Nikita, the names of streets and cities occurred. In many Russian and Ukrainian cities there is Nikitin Street. There is an urban type of Nikita, located on the southern coast of Crimea. In the USSR there was a Nikitovsky district, the administrative center of which was the village of Nikitovka, which still exists and is the center of the Nikitovsk rural settlement. In addition to the full form, the name has other different options. Read further.

Name Nikita-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

This adversary also existed in the days of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and exists in modern Russia, without losing its relevance. In the Russian Federation the name Nikita It is still common. It is included in the lists of popular male names. It has many diverse beautiful shapes.

So, what can you call a young man with such an adversary in a different way? Here are the options:

  • Nikikha
  • Nikulya
  • Nikunka
  • Nikusha
  • Nikisha
  • Nickens
  • Kenya
  • Kenyushka
  • Nikesha
  • Mikita
  • Mikitka
  • Nikitas

Such options, although they exist, are rarely used. Therefore, the name used in such forms will sound unusual.

Name Nikita: Brief form of the name

Brief forms of the name Nikita few. The naming can be modified to the following options:

  • Nick
  • Nicky
  • Nico
  • Kita

Such forms of the name sound interesting. They can be used on social networks on the Internet or contact friends and acquaintances like that.

Name Nikita: affectionate form

Loving mothers, girls and wives, as well as close friends, can modify the name to the affectionate form:

  • Nikita
  • Nikitushka
  • Nikitonka
  • Nikishka
  • Nikitenok
  • Nikushka
  • Nikitunya

Here are another options:

Name Nikita: affectionate form
Name Nikita: affectionate form

Such options for the name Nikita They will help to express warm feelings for its owner.

Name Nikita: a diminutive form

In an informal environment or a friendly meeting, an option to use the full name " Nikita»You can replace with such diminutive options:

  • Nikitos
  • Nikikha
  • Nikitosik
  • Nikitusik
  • Nikitych
  • Nickens

The use of such forms of the name is suitable for friends or good acquaintances. You can choose forms from the above options. Also, the name Nikita can be used in other languages. Read further.

Name Nikita: Form of the name in Latin

In the Latin version, the name Nikita has the form "Nicetius" And pronounced as Nice or Nikitius. If we consider cases where it is necessary to record the name Latin, then the name Nikita written as "Nikita"but only in large, in capital letters, especially in the passport - Nikita.

How to write the name Nikita in Ukrainian?

The Ukrainian language is related to the Russian, and they have similarity. At the same time, he has his own characteristics when writing letters or when pronouncing. In Ukrainian Nikita It is written like this:

Name Nikita in Ukrainian
Name Nikita in Ukrainian

There is also an option to use a name "Mikita".

How to write the name Nikita in Japanese?

Japanese language is interesting for learning. With its mystery and unusualness, it attracts people recently. In Japanese, the spelling of the name Nikita will be performed with hieroglyphs, and will look like this:

Name Nikita in Japanese
Name Nikita in Japanese

There is also an option related to the meaning of this nation - "victorious". He is written like this:

Name Nikita in Japanese
Name Nikita in Japanese

How to write the name Nikita in French?

French played an important role in the origin of many names that became popular all over the world. Writing a name Nikita in French has two options Nizier and Nikitas. The first is read as “Nizhier”, and the second, as “Niset”.

How to write the name Nikita in English?

English is an international language. His knowledge is a necessity today. It is needed to understand content on foreign services, while traveling abroad, and work in international companies. It is important to know how your own name is written in this language. In the English spelling name Nikita transliteration passes and the form is obtained - "Nikita". Brief forms can also be used - Niki, Niki and etc.

How to write the name Nikita in German?

No less interesting in pronunciation of words is the German language. The spelling of the name has the same type as in the English version "Nikita"Although these are different languages. This is due to the fact that such two languages \u200b\u200bcome from the common “ancestor” (ancient Greek language), and are in the same language group.

Name Nikita Not widespread in the world. But at the same time, it has various options for spelling and pronunciation in other languages. In Russia, the name has many forms of use that can be selected for completely different situations and people with this name - from colleagues at work to childhood friends. There is a form of a name for everyone Nikita. If you have friends with such an adversary, use the name of the name form to diversify the appeal. If you are Nikita, then you may have learned new information about your adversary or found an interesting form that you like, and using it you will emphasize your originality.

Video: The meaning of the name Nikita is karma, character and fate

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