The male name Dmitry, Dima: Variants of the name. What can you call Dmitry, Dima differently?

The male name Dmitry, Dima: Variants of the name. What can you call Dmitry, Dima differently?

The male name Dmitry is beautiful and sonorous. It has many derivatives that the owners of the adults use in everyday life.

"As you call the ship, so it will float." Therefore, it is not worth calling it “trouble”. It has long been believed that the name given to a person can push him to success and make him happy.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

From this article you will find out what forms the name Dmitry. We will also talk about its meaning and origin. Read further.

Name Dmitry, Dima: meaning, origin

Name Dmitry, Dima: meaning
Name Dmitry, Dima: meaning

Many people wonder what his name means that they give at birth and where did it come from. Judging, according to the main data, the ancient Greek name Dmitry, It is interpreted as "Demeter Consecrite" or "Demeter belonging". Demeter herself, or as it was originally called "Demetrius", was the goddess of fertility, prosperity and agriculture. A thousand years ago, for people, she was a goddess who gives life and accepts the dead, was the personification of the mother-earth. Over time, the name Demetrius acquired the church form of Demetrius.

Among the famous people who had the name Dmitry, there are many saints, cinema stars, pops, musicians, bloggers and athletes, great scientists and politicians.

Name Dmitry, Dima: What will be the full name?

In Ancient Russia, the full name Dima It sounded like Dmitr (AI), Domka, Dmitritre, DmkaBut these forms have long come out of circulation. In the modern world, the full name of Dima sounds like Dmitry (Demetrius).

The name Dmitry, Dima-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

Our native Russian language is rich in different turns of speech, which make it more beautiful and majestic. Also in the Russian language there is an opportunity to vary names.

Let's look at other beautiful names options Dmitry:

  • Demetrius
  • Demetrio
  • Dimitrios
  • Demetri
  • Demeter
  • Demetrius
  • Dmitro

What can you call it differently? There is another variation of this name - Mitrofan. It is outdated and almost forgotten, as it is very rare and almost unused. If parents want to call the child unusual, you can use a simpler old name that will be a pleasant hearing and then the probability of meeting the namesake of the future carrier of this name will be much lower.

No less beautiful name variation DmitryMitya. This derivative form has not established itself as an independent. And although this name can be associated with the hero Mitya from the series “Matchmakers”, you should not be shy to call a person in such a glance by a simple name, and besides, it is much more pleasant for hearing.

Name Dmitry, Dima: Brief form of the name

According to the morphology of names Dima and Mitya - This is an abbreviated form of the name Dmitry. In the family, starting from birth, a child can be called any of the two main contractions. Also brief forms of adversation are:

  • Dimka
  • Dim
  • Dimas
  • Dimon
  • Mitya
  • Mitrya

Basically, short forms of the name are used in a friendly environment, for example, with a family or friends.

Name Dmitry, Dima: affectionate form

The affectionate forms of the name are used not only in childhood, but also in adulthood and pursue a person all his life. The presence of a large number of variations from complete names is undoubtedly one of the reasons why a person is chosen. Name Dmitry finds a large number of variations of affectionate forms, such as:

  • Dimul
  • Dimushik
  • Dimusha
  • Dimusya
  • Dimasya
  • Dimusha
  • Mitenka
  • Mityusha
  • Mitryusha
  • Mityunya
  • Mitri
  • Mityulya
  • Dimaha
  • Dimasha
  • Dimukha
  • Mitya
  • Mityakha
  • Mityash
  • Mitrash
  • Mitruha

Just imagine how boring and gray this world will become if good and affectionate names will not be used. The affectionate forms of the name Dmitry They express the love, tenderness and care of parents in relation to their child, as well as sympathy, affection, and the closeness of a woman to a beloved man.

Name Dmitry, Dima: a diminutive form

In the Russian language, there are not only affectionate forms of the name, but also diminutive. Often a diminutive form of the name is used in the company of friends:

  • Dimas
  • Demchik
  • Dimka
  • Demi
  • Mitka
  • Dimasik
  • Mitrick
  • Mityakha

Dmitry True for friendship and is ready even at night to save your loved ones, friends from trouble. He will not be afraid to come by car in the wilderness for this. Those who communicate with such a person themselves are infected by such energy, try to imitate this person. Therefore, they often call it kindly-reducing options.

Name Dmitry, Dima: Form of the name in Latin

Correct spelling of the name Dmitry In Latin, you may come in handy for writing a name in a passport, booking a hotel, making purchases on the Internet and so on. The Latin interpretation of the adversary will sound like: Dmitriy, Dmitrij, Dmitrii, Dmitri.

How to write the name Dmitry, Dima in Ukrainian?

In Ukrainian Dmitry will sound like this: Dmitro. The stress falls by 2 syllable. It is noteworthy that in the Ukrainian language the letter "and" pronounced as a letter "Y".

How to write the name Dmitry, Dima in Japanese?

Japanese language is very colorful and there are many funny, colorful and useful words in it. In Japanese, the spelling of the name Dmitry ambiguous and has several types of spelling and sound:

Name Dmitry, Dima in Japanese
Name Dmitry, Dima in Japanese

How to write the name Dmitry, Dima in French?

Writing a name Dmitry In French, nothing will be different from the Latin. Correct writing - Dimitri, and it will be pronounced like Dimitri.

How to write the name Dmitry, Dima in English?

There is no name in English DmitryTherefore, the translation will be carried out by transliteration. Transliteration is when the letters of the Russian language are replaced by the consonant letters of the English language. As a result, it turns out that this adhesion in English is written in this way:

  • Dmitri
  • Dmitrii
  • Dmitriy
  • Dmitrij
  • Dmitry

For a passport, this adhesion is written in shape Dmitrii.

How to write the name Dmitry, Dima in German?

In German there are several options for writing a name Dmitry:

  • Demetrius
  • Dimitrij
  • Dmitrij
  • Dietrich

You may see that with the name Dmitry There will be no problems with translation, since in different languages \u200b\u200bit sounds almost the same.

Name Dmitry It is located in 3-4 positions in the ranking of popular names and this is explainable, since it promises stubbornness in endeavors, optimism, discipline, curiosity, cheerful disposition, popularity and success, desire to develop, willingness to study and improve, fundamentalness and uncompromisingness. Dmitry- These are always owners of unique natures. It can be concluded that this adhesion brings the willpower to its owner and a solid inner rod. So if you want your child only success, you can think about the name Dmitry.

Video: The meaning of the name Dmitry - Karma, character and fate

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