Good, pleasant words for a beloved guy, man, husband just for all occasions: examples of words and phrases

Good, pleasant words for a beloved guy, man, husband just for all occasions: examples of words and phrases

In the article you will find for yourself many pleasant compliments that you can give a beloved man.

Pleasant words for a man, husband just for all occasions: examples of words and phrases

Every woman certainly wants to delight her man with pleasant words. But when the fantasy ends and the beaten compliments “my beloved”, “the best” and “best of all” are already pretty bored, original phrases that completely take possession of the attention of the second half and give a new shade to personal relations.

Of course, for every man there is a system of rewards in words. Someone is crazy about affectionate names, someone needs more wise confessions. Every woman, of course, knows her man and will be able to choose the most suitable options in this article.

Remember the fact that the word itself is of great importance, but your ability to beautifully present it. So, your prepared pleasant words for a man can become your winning trump card and weapons with which you can feel a little happier.

Do not forget to “pamper” your men with pleasant phrases for any reason, even the most insignificant. And then he will answer you with the same attention.

Pleasant words for a man for all occasions:

  • You have embellished my life with the brightest colors and now I don’t even know how to live in the same grayness!
  • There is only one man in my life. He is the most important and important for me - it's you.
  • Among all the other men, I highlight you and extol ten times!
  • It is impossible not to love you, but living without you is very difficult!
  • You are a reflection of me. You are me. I have no way without you.
  • You complement my life. Without you, she is boring and fresh.
  • Your eyes are two bright rays in this dark fussy world.
  • How good and carefree life is next to you!
  • I had no greater love in my life than a devoted passion for you!
  • You arouse in me so many vivid feelings that I do not know how to live without this “recharging”!
  • You are a wonderful representative of the strong half of humanity. Why? You can, make, make, cook like God. Yes, you yourself are like God!
  • How lucky I was to contact you!
  • I feel good with you, really. Here you are just sitting side by side, but I feel good like ever.
  • Only your smile awakens so many feelings in me, then it can be difficult for me to cope with them!
  • The aroma of your pure body drives me crazy! Here, you come out of the shower - and I'm already ecstasy! Handsome!
  • Do you think you are not beautiful? You just have never seen yourself from the side ... in my place!
  • It seems to me that each of your features was perfectly drawn by the artist!
  • Yes, you can act on the covers of the most beautiful men's magazines!
  • Whatever you say, you are so beautiful and sexy that I probably have to knit you and leave you at home.
Words for the most pleasant men
Words for the most pleasant men

Good words for a beloved man, guy, friend, friend: List

If you have just started relations, you should choose pleasant words for a man and compliments should be with particular caution so as not to “cross the line” of respect for him and not show yourself from the bad side. Such words and phrases should not be vulgar or overly lustful.

Try to always choose the right time for compliments and not pour them to a man from morning to night. So you can “frighten” a person with your obsession.

Options for good words to your beloved man, guy:

  • Have you ever told you that you have very beautiful eyes? Truth! I love to look at these bright, orange sunflowers on an amber background!
  • When you smile, I see how your lip strip is playing playfully. She intrigues me and gives me a hint of playful kisses.
  • When I see your face so close, I can’t think about not to squeeze you with my tender kisses! How I like you!
  • You know, I appreciate you not so much beauty, how much deep inner world! And this, believe me, not every man is rich!
  • Let's go show something! Here, look - a mirror, and in it you are. So beautiful. Love you.
  • I have never met such amazing men like you!
  • When you and I met, I did not believe in the happiness that you really talk to me. It seemed to me this is a mirage or a fairy tale. You're perfect. You are my dream.
  • I really believe that there are no and will not be anywhere else in the world.
  • Did you know that when you kiss your skin on your lips, a sweet sugar taste remains?
  • It comes from you just a beautiful, warm and such bright aura that being a meter from you is a complete pleasure.
  • More than anything, I want to be not your soul mate, but by you.
  • It’s difficult to love you, but you would know how nice it is!
  • I did not believe that one day I could meet a man of my dreams. But ... here he is! Right before my eyes!
  • I am ready for you to turn the whole world upside down, if only you were happy!
  • Whatever you say, you are the best man in the world. And you are only mine.
  • How good to hug you, talk to you and rejoice just that you are near.
  • You are my happiness. You are my limit of dreams.
  • I can do everything with you. With you and I'm better.
  • Next to you, I bloom a thousand petals.
  • I am only good when I know that you are happy.
  • All my pleasant impressions of life are associated only with you.
  • Expensive. You are so dear to me. Yes, you are just more expensive than anyone in the world!
  • I have one secret. I'm afraid to tell him. Its meaning is that without you, I probably can’t live.
  • Please never stop shining. You are the light in the tunnel, the sun in the sky and a light in the window the darkest night.
  • All your external features and internal qualities - all of them are weaved in an ideal combination.
  • Well, how can you be such an attractive man? I'm scared that one day you will be just stolen from under the nose!
  • I probably have hallucinations! It just seems to me that the most handsome man sits nearby and hugs me. No, it can't be! This is a fairytale!
How to please your man?
How to please your man?

What to write, what words to say to your beloved guy who likes: examples, pleasant words for a man

Communication on social networks and messengers has now switched to such a high, everyday level that it is, practically, an integral part of life. Therefore, it is quite important to be able to build your messages in such a way as to interest and attract a man, expressing the whole palette of feelings and emotions.

You can write pleasant words for a man when he is far, at work, study or on a trip. So you will let him know what you always think about him.

Post options what to write to a man:

  • I am writing to you with such a bouquet of feelings that with ordinary words they simply can not convey them!
  • Accept my message, I kissed every letter in it and handed you with great love.
  • You want to say so much that I don’t even know what exactly to write ... Can you imagine?
  • From excitement, my hands are shaking when I gain this message ... It cannot be that I loved you so much!
  • In this message, I sent you a hundred of my kisses, can you accept them?
  • How I miss you! Every second, my heart seems to squeeze my heart into a fist, and then let go when I remember that you are mine.
  • Without you, my heart is thousands of broken fragments. I miss.
  • You are magical. You are more beautiful than the sunset. I can not live without you.
  • When you kissed me, I thought I would lose my mind. You are amazing.
  • Hello. This is me - your message. Love you.
  • Blimey! I still got the courage to write to you! Fuh! Well hello!
  • When I think about you, thousands of memories, goosebumps and a previously unknown feeling of excitement will excite me.
  • How much you need to love a person to miss him every second?
  • Don't go so far anymore! I feel uneasy without you!
  • Are you busy? And I know for sure that all my thoughts are busy with you.
  • How nice to know that we are together. Even when you are so far and not nearby.
  • In my dreams, I already meet you with joyful arms.
  • You can believe that you were leaving, and I already missed as if you had not seen you 1.000,000 years!
  • There is no more place in my heart! It is all busy with you!
  • I will write only a few words. But they will mean everything. Love you.
  • Even messages to you are warm. I love you so much!
  • At home without you, it was so empty, as if they had taken out all the furniture at once and did not even leave the walls.
  • I did not even imagine that I would be so bored for you! From this unexpected feeling, I suffocate, do not eat and do not sleep. Come back soon!
  • One thought that you will return soon makes me move on!
  • Well, how can you do this! How can you just take and go to work?! I'm sitting here, miss you!
  • One you are able to make me laugh, force me to do something against your will and leave to be bored at home. Scoundrel!
  • I never believed that I could meet a person whom I would love more than myself. Well, hello, my second half!
  • How gray around. Outside the windows of the sun, but it seems that it rains. All because you are not nearby.
  • How many messages I do not write to you, but everything is not enough for me. Do you think this is normal? Sorry, I just miss a lot. And there is no strength to wait for your return.
  • I am writing from great love. I miss like a little girl. Come!
Pleasant words for expensive men
Pleasant words for expensive men

What to tell my husband, meeting the guy from work so that he melts: pleasant words for a man

The moment when a loving woman meets from the work of her chosen one, the most reverent in a relationship. It plays great importance for the couple, since at that moment two people make each other understand how much they missed each other and how they need each other.

Therefore, especially attentive girls, you should prepare pleasant words for a man, after which he literally “melts” and will be ready for anything for his beloved.

Pleasant words for a man after work:

  • I have been waiting for you for so long, my earner!
  • Our breadwinner finally came!
  • How long I have been waiting for you from work, it seems that it has passed for a whole year!
  • Waiting for you from work is a whole test! I missed so desperately!
  • Nothing makes me be sad like your watch spent at work!
  • Hello! I am ready to meet you with a hot dinner and a sweet dessert!
  • Finally you returned from this nasty work! The day without you passed just terribly!
  • Finally, this day is decorated with your return from work!
  • How long these minutes of expectation of your return from work lasted!
  • A real mockery is to leave your wife at home to miss and wait for you from work!
  • You are so well done that you work for us. I am proud of you incredibly and miss you madly.
  • If you want to break my heart, just go to work for the whole day. Checked - it works.
  • I have been waiting for you for so long that I seemed a little. Do not leave me anymore.
  • Loneliness stretches a minute so that I am simply unbearable to wait for you.
  • I love those moments when you are returning, but I hate you to accompany you.
  • Loneliness. Yearning. Sadness. I am completely alone without you. And when you are returning, a holiday.
  • All day I only lived with thoughts about you and your return from work.
  • Only the desire to meet you with a delicious dinner did not allow me to die from boredom and longing!
  • I so wanted to please you that I had prepared a whole banquet, not dinner! It’s good that you returned hungry!
Words pleasant for dear men

The warmest, tender, affectionate, pleasant words and phrases for a man, loved one, guy, husband: examples in his own words

Love is expressed not only in relation, but also in words. Choose the most pleasant phrases and words for a man whom you value and cherish. Express love as brightly as possible and more often.

The warmest words:

  • I love you so much that if you leave, a moment will stop in your chest.
  • You are good and calm with you. Safe, like behind a stone wall.
  • You arouse in me such warm feelings that, basking them, I can not freeze even the coldest winter.
  • You are affectionate and gentle. Plush, like a bear. Nice as a sweet candy.
  • How can you do without such pleasantness as you?
  • You have eyelashes, like two fans bent up, just a sight for sore eyes!
  • I woke up before you and admired your face for an hour. You're an angel.
  • You are my most vivid fantasy, the most cherished dream.
  • You fulfilled my desire. You are my.
  • It is better than you and more beautiful only stars in the sky. And that is not all.
  • I want to shout to you about love. These screams are torn from my chest.
  • I will hug you and you will hear how my soul is beating on your door, a small hammer of my heart.
  • Let me into your love. I promise to behave well and devotedly.
  • You are so dear to me. I need you so much. You are vital.
  • In the morning your kiss saves me with sadness all day.
Love words for men
Love words for men

Hot, sexy, exciting words for a man: List

Sometimes the word lights in a man of volcano and fireworks of passion. For the sake of a woman who is so devotedly loving him, he is ready to perform feats. Do not miss the opportunity to "light" your chosen one.

Hot and sexual words for a man:

  • I so want you that there was not a single centimeter of the body, not covered with goosebumps.
  • From your aroma, my body is breathtaking and my heart begins to fight even faster.
  • One of your eyes is ready to undress me!
  • I forgot to put on something ... Let's check what exactly?
  • I remember our caresses at night and I can’t exhale this pleasure.
  • You are the ideal of a sexual, real, trembling man.
  • Your naked body excites me even now, when you are completely dressed.
  • You were very affectionate at night, do you want to repeat?
  • I still feel your hands on my body ...
  • How gentle every kiss is. Do you want me to show you my kisses?
  • Yesterday you lit a fire, but it still has not gone out ... What will we do about it?
  • I want you right now. I barely restrain myself from not pouncing on you, tearing my clothes.
  • How sexually you look at me ... Stop! Otherwise, you will regret it.
  • Do you want to be late for work? I will show you how to do it!
  • No need to speak with me in such a voice, otherwise you will not notice yourself as you find yourself without pants ...
  • I am so excited. How from what? From the fact that you look at me with such a hot look!
  • Do you know that under this dress I have nothing at all? Do not trust? And you check!
  • I want to kiss your every centimeter of the body, and some centimeters even twice ...
  • How much look, but I still want you ...
  • As soon as I present you on the bed, so the thoughts immediately become dirty!
  • No, you do not follow in bed. You are very good with you.
  • The best you can do is to take me to the bedroom right now ...
Compliments to beloved men
Compliments to beloved men

How to tell a man that he is beautiful: a list, pleasant words for a man with compliments

Do not forget to compliment men, they love them as strongly, like women, they only react a little differently. Choose the most pleasant words for men. Rejoice them every day.

Compliments to men:

  • You are beautiful, like a Greek god!
  • I do not cease to admire your masculinity!
  • Everything is good in you: the body, and the features of the face, and the mind.
  • All the best that could be in a man!
  • Each of your trait seems to be cast by a skilled sculptor.
  • And they say that men are not beautiful ... They just did not see you!
  • I have met attractive men, but never like you like you!
  • You have such a taste that many women can envy you!
  • Your insight and a sharp mind cease to amaze me!
  • You are not only beautiful, everything you do, you also do it beautifully!
  • You are the most attractive man whom I have ever met in my life!
  • Everything in your hands is striking, sprinkling and blooming. Well done!
  • Never give up! How can such beautiful hands be lower!
  • It seems that the aroma of masculinity comes from you. Here you are standing nearby and understand - this is a real man.
  • I am so pleased with you just to go nearby. Everyone looks around, and I mentally say: "He is mine!"
  • There are still people like you! Beautiful, smart, kind. Ideal!

The best words for a man that he is pleased to listen to: reviews

Veronica: “I am always pleasing my man with pleasant words. He is my best and beloved. Well, how can you not say about it? In a relationship, this is practically the most important thing to store tenderness and admire each other. Tested by time and experience, believe me! "

Svetlana: « At first, I was somehow ashamed to say compliments to my husband. Well, yes ... well done. What else? And then I tried to surprise him and know what? He blossomed like a rose! He smiled, embarrassed, blushed even. Since then, I realized that not only we women need a gentle good word! ”

Valentine: “And I always idolized my husband! And there is nothing shameful in that! The man should know that he is the best. So he has strength, inspiration and wings behind him. He is ready to turn the mountains only for the sake of that woman who loves him with all his heart and is not afraid to hide it! ”

Catherine: “I agree with you, girls! But, there are such men for whom it is difficult to squeeze out two words. And when you decide to tell him the "handsome man", he looks at you, as if you whispered a curse! Therefore, find out in advance whether he loves compliments or not. Everything happens in life! "

Video: "pleasant words for a man, what to say?"

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  1. These first calls with my already were also. Late parishes home, night messages, some frequent business trips of which was not before him before and in general began to live like neighbors after 22 years of concise marriage, relations cooled extremely. Well, this whole story ended in that I found out how my faithful hubby had already lived for two families with the Odoklaknyniy former for three years, and the Dete also knocked out his three, he could see little. She cried for a long time in the things of the impudent quickly gathered and sent a freak to hell. It is necessary to remove pink glasses and drive such critics in the neck of such critics, and live for yourself to your beloved.

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