Who is this man-ladder: phrases and signs, the opinion of psychologists. Why don't women want to live with the pupils?

Who is this man-ladder: phrases and signs, the opinion of psychologists. Why don't women want to live with the pupils?

If a man wants to share accounts with you, his name is a converter. Let's take a closer look at the qualities of this person.

Imagine the situation - you met a man of your dreams, and he invited you to a cup of coffee. And here you are, inspired, flying on your first date and here, in your favorite cafe, this beautiful prince invites you to pay in half. This means only one thing - you did not meet the prince at all, in front of you - raisor.

You will definitely be presented with the version of "everyone lives like that" and it is also said "women wanted equality - that’s it." Do not hang your ears - run at full speed, despite the conversations of your girlfriends like: "You can not allow yourself to pay, otherwise they will begin to control you."

Who is this man-lady: phrases and signs

Some girls might think that the Patriarchate era has long ended, and they themselves earn great and may well afford to pay this check in half, and to provide themselves in principle too.

If you still did not run away on the first date and did not change the phone number, but decided to explore this issue, below several signs that will help you understand that you are not a person who wants to partnerly share life with you, but a real one raisorwho wants to arrange a comfortable life at the expense of your money and your energy.

Favorite phrases of reapers:

  1. "I met a girl who thought only about money."
  2. "Independence and self -sufficiency are the main qualities in a woman."
  3. "My mother managed to and earned everything on everyone."
  4. “I have difficulties at work, I work a lot, but there is no money.”
  5. "What will I get in return?"
  6. "Let's pay the bill in half."
  7. “Last time I treated, come on now?”
  8. “The road is long, and the gasoline is expensive, - let's go around?”
  9. "Can you lend me money?"
  10. "I should not contain anyone!"
  11. “You are not a dependent - you are a proud girl!”
  12. “I never buy flowers on the first date. We also need to understand whether we will meet for the second time. ”
In half
In half

The main signs of the post -incident:

  1. For everything you use, he demands to throw off - up to the washing powder and, excuse me, toilet paper.
  2. If you have no money at the moment (for example, you forgot your wallet or on maternity leave with his own child) - he writes in debt.
  3. They can borrow money from other people, while demanding that you save and pay.
  4. He believes that you can “work out” the debt - for example, in bed, or letting him go for a walk until the morning.
  5. If you do not earn, he believes that you do not need to give money. Even coffee to drink in a cafe, walking with a girlfriend, you will not have anything.
  6. It requires that both salaries give the entire salary to the general budget, and it is not particularly important that you earn more.
  7. The main feature is sharing only finances. Cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking and children - completely lying on you.
  8. If you shared household chores with grief in half, he will get you with his calculations, who and how much did. And the account will definitely never be in your favor.
  9. Even if you went on maternity leave, such a person will assume that you are sitting on his neck.
  10. Favorite phrase: "Babs only need money!"
  11. If, God forbid, something will happen to one of your loved ones-you will be left alone in this situation. To pay for someone, even, for example, for your child from his first marriage, the postparter will not.
  12. If you are interested in his material situation, calls you mercantile.

Why don't women want to live with the pupils?

Everyone who is not in love with the ears and appreciating herself and her strength quickly understands that “in half” is a new form of dependence. Remember the happy time when you lived alone?

  • Now think what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Yogurt, salad leaflet and cottage cheese? What does your so -called partner require? Meat, first and second, beer with chips in the evenings - these are standard male wishes. Even if a man does not eat much and does not drink beer - he still eats more than you. Then why in half? How many times a week did you clean and how much money and effort was spent on it? How much did you spend on electricity, water and the like?
  • Or another situation - you wanted the weekend to the sea. But the maximum that you can afford in such a relationship is to go to the village to his mother. Or, if you really want to pay for you two.
  • Psychologists claim that you can never rely on a pomp, and, moreover, to feel under protection. You will constantly torment a sense of uncertainty and fear of the future, and not surprising, because your “creditor” will live with you under the same roof. In addition, constant calculations and experiences about money are able to overshadow even the brightest period of life and destroy love.

There will be a lot of bells that there will be something else here. It is important to realize that you are actually used by a “praise” - this is not a partnership. Before you is a zhlight and a dependent.

In Europe, which is so hiding preterors, all with accuracy, but vice versa. A man and a woman choose partnerships in which both are equal. Such a pair will take all decisions together. For example, a trip to the sea will be mutually agreed and both will work for it. If you go on maternity leave, you can fully rely on your partner and not wait in fear that he will issue an “account” during the time you spent with his baby.

The costs are half
The costs are half

In addition, if, for example, a woman earns more, and the family cannot afford a nanny - such a family decides that a man goes on maternity leave. And no one blames anyone, and does not reproach.

Opinions of psychotherapists about men-male

On the topic preterorstoday only the lazy did not speak out. And if men try to justify themselves, and women - defend their position, then psychotherapists protect the emotional state of their patients and certainly will not advise the evil.

  • Anna Chaikina believes that in such a relationship a woman can never relax and Full to enjoy family happiness and decree. In such a family there will always be quarrels about finances. And this does not mean that your chosen one is bad-he just is not ready to take care of someone except himself. And not the fact that it will ever be ready.
  • Vitaliy Kekuh says that the “praise” is a sign that a person next to you is not ready to take care of you and even more so, about the family. Maybe he is not ready for a serious relationship, but perhaps he is not ready for them with you. He also considers it important not to forget that you and the chosen one may have a different financial situation, so requiring him a trip to an expensive restaurant, you risk seeming mercantile.
  • Psychologist Elena Shpundra says that no one - neither a man nor a woman wants to be used. And since women have already learned how to make money for their needs, men should not lose this skill, then the relationship will turn out truly partnerships. And women should not overpay for the desire to be with a man whom they fell in love.

We do not want to give anyone an assessment-but we wish you to appreciate yourself more and be truly happy.

Video: Women's Woman

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