Is it possible to freeze the thawed chicken, meat, fish, minced meat: tips

Is it possible to freeze the thawed chicken, meat, fish, minced meat: tips

Very often we are faced with the need to re -freeze the defrosted products. However, far from all food products are permissible to be repeated, because sometimes such manipulations completely kill nutrients in food.

Today we’ll talk about whether it is possible to freeze the thawed fish, meat and minced meat.

Is it possible to freeze a thawed chicken?

Often, the hostesses have a question whether a thawed chicken can be frozen again? Opinions regarding this issue were divided even among specialists. Some believe that it is strictly impossible to freeze chicken meat, while others say that such manipulations with poultry meat can be carried out.

  • Chicken meat, like any other product, is valuable of its nutritional properties. Repeated freezing It leads to the fact that most nutrients, vitamins, etc. simply “flow” from the product.
  • The thing is that the minus temperature, especially with repeated freezing of chicken meat, destroys all the protein in it, And in fact, only hard fiber remains for us, which in no way will bring benefit to our body.
  • Moreover, it is important to note the fact that repeated freezing of products It can turn chicken into a nursery of bacteria. Various bacteria and microorganisms, Which are on the chicken, during primary freezing, they die or “fall asleep” due to the effects of the minus temperature.
  • But what happens if we defrost the meat, and then again we want to freeze it? Sleeping bacteria wake up, start actively multiply And spoil the product. Keep in mind that you can see this or feel by smell only when the product is greatly spoiled. As a result, you yourself, without knowing it, will freeze already spoiling meat, and then defrost and use it. It is clear that in this case light food poisoning is the best outcome.
  • Well, and finally - The taste of chicken. Re -frozen chicken meat becomes more hard, watery And, of course, when preparing it will not be so juicy and tasty as it would be if you prepared it after the first freezing.
  • But those people who claim that You can freeze chicken a second time, They refer to the fact that the product after defrost will still be subjected to heat treatment, therefore, all bacteria will die and there will be no hazard of health.
  • Some also believe that you can freeze the thawed chicken again In the event that it is not completely defrosted. For example, you took out to defrost a whole chicken carcass, waited until it is thawed a little, cut off the wings, the legs and again placed the carcass in the freezer. Thus, bacteria do not have time to “wake up” and do not spoil the product.
If you cut off only parts of the chicken quickly - the rest of the carcass can be put in the freezer
If you cut off only parts of the chicken quickly - the rest of the carcass can be put in the freezer
  • As you can see, there is no unambiguous opinion in this matter among specialists, however, you can rely on your experience. Try to re-freeze the chicken, and then evaluate its taste, fiber quality, etc., and, of course, remember that nutrients and vitamins in frozen-frozen foods are definitely less.

Is it possible to freeze the thawed fish?

  • Fish most often gets into the counters of our stores already in frozen form. However, few people know that even in the freezers of the store, such a fish most often enters several times frozen-frozen.
  • The first time the fish is frozen immediately with its catch (often shock freezing), the product is frozen in this case in large layers of 20-50-100 kg - And it is in this form that the product comes to the store. Already after it is defrosted and laid out in the freezer in the freezers of the supermarket.
  • Is such a product safe? Is it possible to freeze the thawed fish again? Definitely yes, but only if all the rules were observed in the process of freezing and delaying it.
  • Categorically you can not freeze the thawed fishif she was thawed at room temperature, in hot water, microwave (exclusion special mode for defrosting products). In this case, the product needs as much as possible prepare and eat faster.
  • Also you can not freeze the thawed fish, If, after defrosting, she stood in the refrigerator for more than a day.
  • You can freeze the thawed fish if you thawed it in the refrigerator, cold water.
Fasting fish
Fasting fish

Is it possible to freeze defrosted meat?

  • Meat is a product that is often stored frozen. However, is it possible to freeze the crushed meat again? Let's understand.
  • Meat is valuable by the presence of a huge amount of nutrients - vitamins, trace elements and macro elements. Unfortunately, with freezing and defrosting These nutrients flow with water.
  • Moreover, with repeated freezing in the product almost all protein is destroyed, Therefore, the meat will no longer saturate our body with nutrients and benefit it.
  • Repeated freezing of the product can lead to the fact that various bacteria and microbes that enter our body will begin to breed in it will apply significant harm to it.
  • Well, and finally it is worth saying about the taste of re -frozen meat. The product will be hard, dry and not very tasty, because when freezing, the meat loses its taste, juices that make it not dry.
  • If you are interested in the question how many times can I freeze the defrosted meat, It can be concluded from the foregoing that it is not advisable to freeze the thawed meat at all, at least, it is not desirable to do this.
With repeated freezing, the meat loses a lot of vitamins
With repeated freezing, the meat loses a lot of vitamins

If you still want to freeze defrosted meat, follow a few tips:

  • Defrost the meat only in a refrigerator. In no case do this in the microwave (exclusion of a special program), boiling water and on the table.
  • Repeated the meat that was not completely defrosted. For example, take out the meat from the freezer and put in the refrigerator. As soon as the meat is slightly thawed, cut the desired piece, and put the rest in the freezer immediately.
  • Or can you Try up the meat, twist the minced meat and freeze it. But more about this further.

Is it possible to freeze a thawed minced meat?

The minced meat is a product of meat, so it is not advisable to freeze it after defrosting. However, experts argue that if necessary, such a product is still possible to freeze.

  • You can freeze the thawed minced meat In the event that you defrost it in the refrigerator, cold water, but necessarily in the package, or in the microwave in special mode. In this case, the minced meat can be frozen within a day after defrosting.
It is better to make semi -finished products out of minced meat
It is better to make semi -finished products out of minced meat
  • If you defrost the minced meat in another way or after the defrosting has passed more than a day, you can freeze the minced meat only in the form semi -finished product. For example, you can add to the minced meat onions, garlic, salt and spices Or make minced meat on Greek, and freeze the product in this form. In this case, its shelf life in the freezer will be 1-2 months.

Now you know what products it is permissible to freeze after defrosting, and which are not, and you can store delicious and useful food for yourself and your family correctly.

We advise you to read the following articles from which you will learn how to freeze:

Video: How to freeze the minced meat correctly?

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