How to freeze the plum for the winter without a bone, in sugar, syrup, entirely, in the form of mashed potatoes: recipes, advantages and basic freezing rules. What plums can be frozen? Preparation of the drain for freezing: tips

How to freeze the plum for the winter without a bone, in sugar, syrup, entirely, in the form of mashed potatoes: recipes, advantages and basic freezing rules. What plums can be frozen? Preparation of the drain for freezing: tips

In this article, we will consider methods for freezing plums. This is very useful, because the fruit does not disappear vitamins, but you can use it for various purposes.

Plum is a very useful berry that contains a number of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body. Plums of practical varieties are rich in pectin, organic acids, vitamin C, A, B1, B2, PP, etc. And also, the drain has a diuretic and laxative effect.

In summer, itself is enough drain, but in winter you can use plums to prepare various desserts and drinks. You can preserve the fruits, but it is worth remembering that when heat treatment, the drain loses some beneficial properties. In this case, it is best to freeze the fruits.

Advantages of frosting drain: Basic rules

Freezing has many advantages, for example:

  • Maximum beneficial substances are preserved
  • Simplicity of cooking
  • Minimization of time spent
  • From frozen foods, almost everything can be prepared, unlike canned plum. For example, mashed potatoes, sauce, compote, jelly, etc.
The drain is frozen
The drain is frozen

First of all, the fruits need to be sorted well, rinse and dry. But in order for the drain to be preserved as long as possible and does not deteriorate, immediately after freezing you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. Give preference to plum varieties in which the bone is easily separated from the pulp.
  2. It is better to use the Wenger variety, but round plums are also suitable.
  3. Small plums are frozen with a bone.
  4. For compotes and jelly, you can use the plum frozen in syrup.
  5. Do not choose supported fruits. The berry should be solid and ripe without damage and cracks.
  6. Juicy plums are also not suitable for freezing.
  7. Plums should not be green.
  8. It is best to think in advance what you will do from frozen plums. For example, if you cook compote, then you should sort the berries of 500 g per 1 portion.
  9. Frozen berries can be stored up to 9 months only at a temperature of -18 ° C.
  10. To quickly figure out what plums and what you have prepared for, you need to put a piece of paper with a description in packages for freezing.

Plums, before freezing, you need to sort and remove green, aspired, worm and cracked fruits. From the plum, you need to tear off the stalk, then rinse and put in the refrigerator. Leave for 30 minutes, and then dry. To speed up the process, you can use a paper towel.

Plums should be laid out in one layer so that the fruits do not wrinkle. The packages need to be tied. And the next day, get out of the freezer and release all the air from the bags, so the fruits will be stored longer. Before freezing berries, they should taste. If the plum has a reddish tint, slightly juicy, then such fruits are great for freezing.

If the taste is tart, and the consistency is granular, then it is better not to use such a plum. If the plums are not completely completed, then you can leave the torn fruits at room temperature for several days until they ripen.

How to freeze plums without a bone: recipe

Frozen plums without bones is very simple. To do this, you need to select a variety of plums that easily get a bone, then prepare the fetus for frost, sort, rinse and divide into 2 parts. After that, you can cut the fruits into 2-4 parts, but you can freeze in half.

  • Large fruits are best suited, fleshy, but with a small amount of juice, so that frozen berries do not stick together. If you freeze plum slices or small cubes, then in this case you need to choose very hard fruits so that when cutting, the drain does not turn into a gruel.
  • Slices can be laid out on the tray and left in the freezer for only 2 hours, but first you need to dry them properly on a tissue or paper towel.
  • It is worth freezing completely dry fruits. Put the prepared plum on the board or baking sheet lined with cling film, and put in the freezer at night. It is worthwhile so that the fruits do not come into contact with each other. If there is no way to wait so long, it is enough to leave for 4 hours.
  • After this procedure, put the plum in a package or a special container. Such a plum is perfect for the preparation of pies, jelly and other desserts. If you plan to cook sauce from frozen plums, then it is best to prepare fruits without a peel.
Before freezing plums, you need to blanch
Before freezing plums, you need to blanch

To remove the skin from the plum, it is worth performing the process of blanching, for this you need:

  1. Rinse the fruit
  2. Make a cross -shaped incision at the base of the plum
  3. Dip boiling water for 5 seconds. For this you need a colander
  4. Further, dip plums into ice water. You can even add several ice cubes
  5. After, remove the skin
  6. Remove the seeds and cut the plum
  7. Make a preliminary freezing process
  8. And sort into packages
Frozen plums further sort
Frozen plums further sort

After you laid out the workpiece on packages or containers, you should not freeze the drain again. It can deteriorate or stick together. Therefore, it is very important to sort the chopped plum portions.

How to freeze plum in sugar: recipe

Plums for compote and desserts can be prepared, you can immediately with sugar or sugar syrup. The principle of freezing is the same. It is worth immediately preparing the fruits, separate the bone and dry.

The method of freezing plum with sugar is suitable even for ripe and juicy plums. But due to the abundance of juice, the plum should not be cut into small slices, it is best only for 2 parts.

  • Sprinkle a little sugar on the bottom of the container, then put the prepared fruits with a cut up, sprinkle with sugar. And so create a couple more layers.
  • This method is only suitable for sweet lovers. In addition to compote, drain in sugar can be added to both pies and to create various cocktails, jelly.
Cooking plums for frost
Cooking plums for frost

There is another way to freeze plums with sugar:

  • Prepare fruits
  • Mix sugar and drain in a deep container in a ratio of 1: 5
  • Lay the workpiece according to containers or special packages

How to freeze plum in syrup: recipe

A more time -cost method of freezing is plum in syrup. Despite this, the fruits are incredibly tasty and are great for creating any desserts. They taste a little reminiscent of canned plum and are great for vanilla ice cream with whipped cream.

In order to freeze the plum in the syrup, you initially need to prepare the plum:

  1. Rinse and sort out
  2. Peel from the peel using the blanching method, if the peel is dense
  3. Remove the bone
  4. And if desired, cut into quarters or slices

In order for the plums not to lose their color, prepared fruits need to be sprinkled with lemon juice. This method is good because the shelf life increases to 12 months.

Cooking plum in syrup
Cooking plum in syrup

Next, you need to cook syrup, it can be different types:

  • Light syrup. Heat 700 ml of water, add 200 g of sugar. Mix well so that the sugar dissolves and cool the syrup slightly.
  • Thick. For 700 ml of water, you need to take 400 g of sugar.
  • Fruit syrup. To do this, you need to take plum, grape or apple juice, preferably natural. It needs to be slightly heated and water the prepared plums.

Any syrup needs to pour fruit in a bag or container completely. Plums in the syrup need to be kept for several hours in the refrigerator, and after that - put in the freezer.

If you need to defrost the plum in the syrup, you should get a package of the freezer and leave to defrost in the refrigerator or on the kitchen table. Do not lower the package with a plum in hot water, this will ruin the consistency of the fruit. Immediately frozen plum can only be added to compotes.

How to freeze plums for the winter?

In order for the plums to be pleased in the winter, it is worth choosing only ripe, juicy and intact fruits. Here it is worth remembering, the tastier the plums - the better, the same it will be after freezing. Therefore, you need to choose the fruits thoroughly, not quite reconciled fruits are not suitable, in this case, they should be left to ripen for several days.

  • To freeze the whole plum, it needs to be washed well and dried on a towel. Lay out on a baking sheet or board, and put in the freezer for the whole night.
  • Next, the fruits are laid out on packages and with a vacuum pump or tube, all air is removed. Thus, the plums will not stick together and will take a little space in the freezer.
Freeze the whole plum
Freeze the whole plum

A whole frozen plum is suitable not only for compotes, but also serves as a separate dessert. The main thing is to choose really tasty fruits, otherwise, it will be too sour.

How to freeze puree plums: recipe

Pucks from plums are a wonderful filling for pies, pancakes, various pastries, such mashed potatoes can be watered with ice cream or cottage cheese casseroles. To prepare the plum mass, you need to choose ripe and very sweet fruits, then the mashed potatoes will turn out excellent. Of course, the plum needs to be washed and peeled, remove the core.

  • Grind the fruits with a blender and sprinkle with sugar, or powdered sugar, with a calculation of 1 kg of fruits - 400 g of sugar or 600 g of powder. Pour this mass into the container and leave in the freezer.
  • It is worth defrosting gradually, in the refrigerator, on the kitchen table or under cold water.
  • Sometimes the finished mass is boiled, but this is not necessary. Also, instead of sugar, you can use syrup (thick or fruit).

Important: jam, jams and other home blanks are certainly good for maintaining summer fruits, but it is worth remembering that during heat treatment all the taste of the fruits are lost. Therefore, many housewives prefer frozen fruits and vegetables.

Frozen plum mashed potatoes
Frozen plum mashed potatoes

Freezing is a very fast and reliable way to preserve summer fruits for winter. Before proceeding with the harvesting of plums for the winter, you need to prepare a place in the freezer, because fruits should be stored separately from meat and fish products. It is best to have a separate compartment for frozen fruits.

Video: How to freeze plums for the winter? Preparation of drainage plums

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