How to freeze cottage cheese, is it possible to freeze cottage cheese, is it possible to defrost cottage cheese, how to defrost cottage cheese from the freezer?

How to freeze cottage cheese, is it possible to freeze cottage cheese, is it possible to defrost cottage cheese, how to defrost cottage cheese from the freezer?

The most tasty to eat fresh products, however, sometimes it turns out that the product remains not to be fully eaten, and its expiration date is already coming to an end, in this case almost any product can be saved by frozen it.

Today we will tell you more about the technology that will help to eat cottage cheese in food in the future.

Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese for storage?

Any cottage cheese, as well as cottage cheese semi -finished products, can be frozen in the freezer, however, in order for the products to remain as tasty and healthy, you need to do this correctly.

  • Freeze cottage cheese at home only fresh. The product that lay in your refrigerator for 2-3 days is undesirable to freeze. It is fresh cottage cheese after freezing that will remain delicious and it can be used after defrosting in food without any processing.
  • Freeze cottage cheese in plastic disposable containers, special plastic bags, in foil - it is very comfortable. It is advisable to freeze cottage cheese in a small container so that after defrost, you can eat the entire product at a time.

Repeatedly frozen cottage cheese and cottage cheese semi -finished products.

  • Cottage cheese is friable, granular or more homogeneous consistency, knocked down in one piece. Before freezing, you need crush curd pieces with your hands, So that they scatter into the grains, since large pieces of cottage cheese when freezing are very strongly burned with moisture and because of this, after defrosting, they lose their taste and consistency.
  • Keep in mind that it is strictly not recommended to freeze cottage cheese and cottage cheese semi -finished products in “T -shirts” packages. After defrosting, such products have not quite pleasant smell, gray color.
  • If you need to freeze cottage cheese and cottage cheese semi -finished products very quickly, the temperature in the freezer should be -30 ° C during the first 5 hours. After it can be changed to -18 ° C.
  • Bottom products will be frozen at temperatures much longer -6 ° C, -10 ° C.
  • It is also worth considering that at this temperature, products can lose their properties and after defrosting will not be so tasty and healthy.
It is important to choose the right temperature
It is important to choose the right temperature
  • It is better to freeze pasto -shaped cottage cheese at a minimum temperature -18 ° C, Otherwise, after defrosting, he will flow and may be bitter.

Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese in the freezer: 5 ways

Freeze of cottage cheese in plastic containers

  • So, take a plastic container (it is desirable to freeze no more than 300-500 g of the product in each, taking into account the fact that you eat it at a time after defrosting).
  • Lay in a container parchment paper or paper towel, Put the crushed cottage cheese in containers. Put the cottage cheese to the top, otherwise after freezing it will begin to push the lid
  • The container must be closed without fail so that the product is not weathered. Stick on a container with a product with a date and send for freezing

In a plastic bag with a castle-slider?

  • Put the product in a package, smooth it. Drive as smooth as possible. Keep in mind that the thinner the layer of cottage cheese in the bag will turn out, the faster it freezes and, accordingly, the less its taste will suffer.
  • Close the package, previously letting all the air out of it. Try to release the whole air, because its presence in the package will affect the tasted product.
Release air
Release air
  • Now we mark our product in the bag and sends to freeze
  • Advantage This method is that the product is frozen and thawed quickly, you can always break off a small piece of the general piece.
  • Flaws - Cottage cheese can become sticky and is donated by the smell of a package.

Freeze cottage cheese in foil, fabric

  • If there is no plastic container, a plastic package with a fastener, and you need to freeze cottage cheese urgently, use foil or clean fabric.
  • Wrap the right amount of the product in fabric or foil And place in the freezer, but keep in mind that in this form cottage cheese is stored worse, and after defrosting it will not delight you with a beautiful look (can become grayish and more liquid).
Can be frozen in fabric
Can be frozen in fabric

Freeze cottage cheese in glass containers

  • Fill the container with cottage cheese, but not to the top. Leave at least 1.5 cm of free space.
Do not fill out completely
Do not fill out completely
  • Close the capacity with a lid is mandatory, because this is how the product will not be weathered.
  • Mark the container with cottage cheese and send it to the freezer.
  • Advantages this method is that the product retains taste and consistency.
  • Flaws - Tara takes up a lot of space, you need to defrost all the contents of the container at once, cottage cheese will be freezed for a long time

Freeze the curd mass

  • Frozen cottage cheese mass is very convenient, because in fact in the freezer you have a finished dish, which only needs to be thawed and eaten, or to defrost and send to bake.

You can make the most different curd mass: kill cottage cheese with sugar, eggs, add dried apricots, prunes or raisins, chocolate crumbs to the mass. You can even immediately knead the dough and just freeze cheesecakes.

  • Make cottage cheese to taste, and then place it in polyethylene package with a fastener (as described earlier), glass or plastic containers, Or in the foil container, in such a container you can even bake the dessert right away.
Can be frozen in the form in which we will bake
Can be frozen in the form in which we will bake

If you have chosen a package, close it, if containers, close them with a lid, if a foil container, wrap it tightly with cling film.

  • Mark the container with the mass and send to freeze.
You can choose any of these methods
You can choose any of these methods

How long can you store frozen cottage cheese in the freezer?

  • Freezing cottage cheese and cottage cheese semi -finished products is an excellent way out of the situation, if a fresh product is not eaten in time or if you have the opportunity to make a reserve of a useful product for the future. However, it is very important to know how much can you store cottage cheese in the freezer?
  • It is permissible to leave cottage cheese in the freezer up to 1-2 months, But only if you freeze it fresh and taking into account all the rules and recommendations.
  • Cottage cheese semi -finished products can also be stored in the freezer from 2 weeks to 1 month.

How to defrost the cottage cheese from the freezer?

The process of defrosting cottage cheese is no less important than the process of freezing cottage cheese. Only the correctly defrosted cottage cheese will retain its consistency and taste.

  • If you want to immediately eat a thawed cottage cheese without heat treatment, be sure to defrost it in the refrigerator. The process will take at least 5-10 hours, depending on what weight the defrosted product has.
Defrost in the refrigerator
Defrost in the refrigerator
  • If you want to use a mass for cooking dishes with heat treatment, then you can defrost it in the room. It will take at least 3 hours.
  • After The cottage cheese will defrost Drain the stained water and serum.
  • After defrosting, a two -week product is not recommended to eat without heat treatment.

Now you know how to freeze quickly and correctly, and defrost cottage cheese and cottage cheese semi -finished products. Take the advice received to yourself and then in your house there will always be a delicious and healthy product.

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Video: Freezing cottage cheese

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