Is it possible to celebrate a birthday in advance: the value of signs, the opinion of specialists

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday in advance: the value of signs, the opinion of specialists

In our hurry and forever busy, we often do not have time to do important things - for example, to celebrate our birthday. Often friends are going to leave somewhere or simply work, and collect everyone at the same table-a whole problem, where does the question arise whether it is possible to celebrate his birthday in advance?

Is it true that it is impossible to celebrate the birthday in advance and whether it is possible to avoid the negative consequences of such a celebration - we will tell you below.

Why it is impossible to celebrate the birthday in advance: signs

  • In fact, there are not many beliefs related to the celebration of a birthday. Christians were considered important name day - the day when the soul of the child opened to God. The tradition of celebrating exactly the day when a person was born was born later and is believed to come from America. Nevertheless, both days overgrown with a large number of signs and beliefs and became almost sacred to everyone.
  • Belief about the spirits of the ancestors. Our ancestors believed that in the birthday of a relative is visited by all his loved ones, who went into another world. They enjoy the kind words that speak to a relative and bring him their energy protection. Good spirits come with them. Therefore, it is important to make more desires - they will definitely come true. They hear you. If you are you celebrate your birthday in advance- Your ancestors and good spirits will feel deprived and will not protect you in the new year.
  • It was also believed that on his birthday fate brings a birthday to a gift. But if he celebrates earlier, it is believed that the birthday person wanted to cheat and get double benefits. This threatens that a person will be left without luck for a very long time.
On this day you get a gift of fate
On this day you get a gift of fate
  • Another belief said that on this day they came to the birthday man Woe, Kruchina and Nedia - Three evil sisters from the world of Navi. In order to prevent them from bringing harm to the birthday, all kinds of sweets were put on the table. Be sure to be delicious honey and kagor. They were eaten and forgot about the birthday man.
  • After them, by the end of the celebration, they looked around Share, delight and will. However, they did not give their gifts to those who were untidy or in a bad mood. If the birthday man on his birthday is just that, they will get angry and leave him without gifts. That is why before the birthday is mandatory Carefully cleaned in housing, the man went to the bathhouse, put on festive clothes. If you celebrate your holiday in advance, and on that very day you will spend as usual - in the new year you will not wait for good.
Spirits come to you on this day
Spirits come to you on this day
  • With the advent of Christianity, there was a belief that a few days before the birthday of the angels go into some semblance of vacation. After all, they defended and cherished man all year. And they return with new forces only on his birthday. If you decide to celebrate it earlier, no one will protect you in case of trouble.
  • Another sign why the birthday is not celebrated in advance, it says that During this period, the human energy field is updated. Occurs in some way "zeroing" - all negative, failure and pain last year “Erased” from a person’s energy field and therefore it is important to celebrate it on time. If you celebrate in advance - the soul will not have time to cleanse and in the New Year of your life you will come in with old problems.

What can happen if you celebrate the birthday in advance?

  • Some bioenerges believe that celebrating his birthday in advance We demonstrate the universe that we are “in a hurry”. But in her book everything is written - every date and every moment are in harmony. Violating this harmony, you reduce your life.
  • Weakening your energy celebrating your birthday in advance, you "invite" to your life curses, evil eye and other troubles, From which you were guarded by higher forces.
You may be haunted by failures
You may be haunted by failures

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday in advance: the opinion of doctors

  • Even doctors confirm the importance of this day in human life. Scientists have found that all that fear, increased pressure, chest pain, when the lungs deal with - a person at the level of cell memory remembers all his life.
  • Hence the well -known melancholy mood, forgetfulness and just poor health before the birthday.
  • Do not neglect this by planning a celebration, otherwise it will definitely be spoiled. Doctors believe that it is the poet that the number of accidents and deaths on the eve of his birthday is so high. That's why it is not advisable to celebrate the birthday in advance, It is better to celebrate on your day.

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday in advance: psychologists' advice

  • Birthday is a very important day. No one can argue with this. And deciding celebrate birthday In advance, you, in fact, deprive yourself of this holiday, since at a subconscious level you will still know that this is not your holiday.
  • And on the birthday itself, left without close people and gifts, you are most likely you will fall into protracted depression. You can deceive time, but you can’t deceive her soul - she has a need for this holiday on this day.
If you celebrate earlier, then on your birthday itself you may have depression
If you celebrate earlier, then on your birthday itself you may have depression
  • If you already really need to do this, then do not call your friends to celebrate the 30th anniversary-call, for example, for a holiday "Goodbye, 29!" Warn them about it in advance. And yet, call parents or the closest to your day.

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday in advance: the opinion of psychics

The celebration of the birthday is in advance with many risks for the individual.

If you still need to celebrate your birthday in advance, remember the following tips:

  • Let friends not give you gifts on this day - they can, for example, send a courier on his birthday.
  • On the birthday feed evil spirits sweet - Just leave on the table.
  • Be sure to carefully remove your house and put on the best outfit.
  • If you celebrate in advance - Do not call people in your house, since your energy protection is now very weak. The neutral territory will be a great choice.
  • If someone decided to give a gift in advance-say to myself “I take the visible, invisible to the owner” and cross myself.
Accept the gift, but do not open it before your birthday
Accept the gift, but do not open it before your birthday
  • You should also not open a gift received in advance. So that the giving person is not offended, say that you really want to transfer today's wonderful emotions on your birthday, and therefore open it at the same time.

We advise you to read interesting articles about your birthday:

Video: Why not celebrate the birthday in advance?

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Comments K. article

  1. I did not know before everyone would accept the date of birth, but always adhered to the rule not to celebrate my birthday in advance.

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