Is it possible and how to place an order for Aliexpress without payment through a computer, a mobile application on the phone or tablet? How to find and pay for unpaid goods for Aliexpress?

Is it possible and how to place an order for Aliexpress without payment through a computer, a mobile application on the phone or tablet? How to find and pay for unpaid goods for Aliexpress?

In this article we will consider how to make an order for Aliexpress Without payment, as well as consider how to find and track it through a computer and an application in the phone.

Aliexpress - This is a huge platform for the international sale of Chinese goods, and not only. Every day its popularity becomes higher, and it is in demand among our population. Sellers work here on prepayment, but not in all situations this form is acceptable. Therefore, we propose to consider the option of buying goods on Aliexpress without payment.

How to make an order without payment on the Aliexpress website from a computer?

But before, we want to share with you a little cunning. The fact is that on Aliexpress there is one curious prospect - with a Chinese seller you can agree on a personal discount. That is, bargain. This trading platform is favorably different from others. Here the price is not final.

  • Continuing it, as well as the cost of delivery, the Chinese can personally, but only after the conclusion of an order that has not yet been paid. By the way, delivery for goods (if it is paid) may change when the buyer orders several goods in one store.
  • To ask for a personal discount, it is necessary to contact the seller through the product card. Below the photo shows that in the column on the left there is an appropriate link. To do this, just sink below the main photo and information about the product.
  • If he gives the good, then you need to immediately start making a purchase, but in this case it must be left without payment.
How to contact a seller for Aliexpress
How to contact a seller for Aliexpress

Relatively unregistered user

  • Without fail, pass the registration for Aliexpress. Otherwise, you cannot make a deal. If the site has opened in English, then change it by choosing a tab in the upper right corner "Language". Although the automatic translator himself offers his services.
  • In column E-mail you need to indicate your mail, be sure to be relevant. A letter will come to her with reference to activate. Next, enter the name and surname with Latin, better rewrite from a driver’s license or passport.
  • Then indicate the invented password and again enter it to confirm. Reproduce captcha and put a checkmark opposite the agreement. Click "Create your profile". Next, go to e -mail, where you activate the profile through the letter.
  • In the search bar "I'm looking for…"What is in the center at the very top, enter the name of the product. Then all positions are opened on this request. You can clarify your requirements using filters. They are in the left column.
  • Having made your choice, go to the product that interests you in one click on the photo. Often in the description of the product you can read completely incomprehensible information, then it is better to turn on the description in English so that no misunderstandings arise then. Also, do not forget to read the reviews and find out the rating of the store itself.

Instructions on how to get around the payment of goods onAliexpress

  • By choosing the right thing, indicate the suitable size, color, complete set, quantity, etc. In addition, you can also choose a method of delivery of goods. True, it is not always. And it remains only to press "Buy now".
The first step when placing an order
The first step when placing an order
  • Enter yours Delivery data, if you buy for the first time. After the first order, the address will remain. But it’s easier to immediately set it in the settings. To do this, enter the cursor into the right upper angle to the inscription "Hello, and your name."
  • A list of possible actions will be displayed where you choose " My Aliexpress". You will transfer you to the page of your profile, and the inscription will be visible on the left "Delivery addresses". Cross and press "Add a new address". It must be introduced by Latin, since the seller and the delivery service of China do not know.
How to set an address for Aliexpress
How to set an address for Aliexpress
  • Go to the product or the form of confirmation of the purchase and sink slightly below. In the second paragraph, check the details of the order. And make additional changes, if necessary.
  • You can also contact the seller with a certain request in the comment column. That is, indicate that you order goods with payment upon receipt. So that the seller knows what is at stake.
How to write a commentary on order
How to write a commentary on order
  • And then go to an important point at number 3. That is, to "Payment of the order." Click "Confirm and pay". The site will issue a window for the introduction of details for payment.
Choose other payment methods
Choose other payment methods
  • But this is if the client makes a purchase for the first time. In the future, the system binds a bank card by default. When this button is pressed, instant payment will occur.
  • But you need to choose "Other payment methods". Click on the desired line, and then go to "Confirm and pay". It will already be impossible to change the price after that.
  • The system will bring you a page to fill out the details for the payment. Here in the upper left corner you can see the order number. Now you do not need to pay for it.
Your order has already been assigned a number and you can see it
Your order has already been assigned a number and you can see it
  • At this stage, it is already preserved and will not disappear anywhere. Even if you go to the main page or even close the tab. At the very bottom, click on a blue line "Cross and return to Aliexpress».

To check, go to your profile. And you will see that the goods already have its own number, but it still expects payment. What was required to achieve. But this is not all, you need to contact the seller. We will consider this nuance a little lower

How to place an order from a phone or tablet in the AliExpress Shopping App

So making purchases from this trading platform is even easier and faster. You can download it on Play Market by going through the site Aliexpress by this link. In no case do not use random sites where you can get to a bad application and just lose money.

  • Go to the application and log in in it. Further, the system transfers you to the order management panel to Aliexpress. To select the appropriate currency, you need to go through the side panel into the settings and select the necessary.
  • Looking for the desired product. To do this, click on a magnifying glass and enter the text, or through the menu "Home" On the button "All categories". A list will open, which, as on the site, can be filtered in different categories.
  • After clicking on the desired product, its description with photos, delivery options (which will be marked with sprockets) and reviews will open. And even lower the details of the seller and a link to communicate with him.
  • Choose the necessary characteristics and delivery method. Click on the key "Buy now". Next, press "Checkout".
Similarly, select the product and place an order
Similarly, select the product and place an order
  • The application will redirect you to the payment page. Here we press the button "Pay". Will also be given the possibility of payment by card and "Other methods".
Also choose other payment methods
Also choose other payment methods
  • In a swollen window to the question "Cancel payment?" Answer yes. But the order will not be removed, but simply remains unpaid and absolutely designed at the same time. It can be found in the column "My profile"where you find the line "My orders".

It can be seen that the actions in the mobile application are similar to the order on the site and differ only at the last stage. Although he also needs a written agreement with the seller.

How to find and pay for unpaid goods for Aliexpress?

  • Through your office (button in the upper right corner), select "All orders" And look for the inscription "Payment is expected". It is important to remember that the time that the purchase will hang without payment will be limited! You can also go into orders through the form on the red line, as shown below.
The time of unpaid order will be limited
The time of unpaid order will be limited
  • In the window opening window, click on the button "Message to the seller" And contact him to clarify all the details and cost.
  • It is necessary to write in English and, most importantly, polite. If you have already talked with at least one Chinese, you should have understood that they love it. Although they have the possibility of automated translation.
  • You can use the appeal "Dear Friend". If you often buy goods on Aliexpress, it will not be superfluous to remind him of this. To make the supplier easier to navigate where you need to copy the order number.
Be sure to contact the seller to send your product
Be sure to contact the seller to send your product
  • Here, by link "Read more" Next to the order number, you can go to the page where the timer is displayed in the opposite direction with the payment term.
  • In the mobile application, call the menu and in it item "My Aliexpress". And through it, similarly to the site, we select an order from the column "Payment is expected". A phrase on the red field will appear at the very top "Payment is expected", and immediately under it will be seen the order number. Here you can also contact the seller, as on the computer.
So you can see an unpaid order on the phone
So you can see an unpaid order on the phone
  • It happens that the seller, without waiting for a letter from the client, changes the price himself, since he can see all unpaid orders. It is important to remember that it can not only reduce the cost, but also increase it.
  • Therefore, you always need to check the final cost of the order. Notifications in the application come about any changes in the price, and they are duplicated by the buyer's mail indicated when registering on Aliexpress.
  • You can check the changed price for the goods in the line "View data". Where go to the tab "Payments" And find the section "Adjusted price". Before payment, check with the seller if there is a product with a discount in stock.
County time report on the phone
County time report on the phone
  • After the seller sends your product, you will receive the usual track number of the parcel, which can be tracked on the site Aliexpress in chapter "My orders". After click "Read more" Opposite the desired thing and sink below to see the number. Or choose "Details of delivery".
  • And on a smartphone this is even easier - go into your orders and choose the count "Track".

But it is better to copy the track number and check the status of the parcel through any of these services.

As you can see, the site Aliexpress There is a feature - here the seller can change the price for the goods, after the order has already been placed.

But then it is possible to make a purchase without payment. Which does not seem difficult either from the computer through the site, or through a mobile application on a tablet or phone.

Important: in the case of the cancellation of the order, be prepared that the seller will contact you with some questions. Or offer an additional discount in case of order. But you should not specifically ask for a discount.

The main thing is to be careful and quick, and also do not be too lazy to conspire the seller for a separate discount on the goods and its delivery. Having learned to make an order without payment, this function can be applied with even greater benefit for yourself. And purchases will be able to bring even more joy.

Video: How to place an order for Aliexpress without payment?

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  1. All this does not work now.

  2. We need to place an order for aliexpress without payment

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