Is it possible to be pregnant beets? Can pregnant women have beets with garlic, boiled and raw beets?

Is it possible to be pregnant beets? Can pregnant women have beets with garlic, boiled and raw beets?

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to eat food full of vitamins and trace elements. Beetroot is one of these products.

Can I eat raw beets for pregnant women?

Is it possible for pregnant women to be a beets ??
Can beets for pregnant women?

It is not only possible to use beets during pregnancy, but also necessary. This is a unique vegetable with a large number of useful elements. It contains:

  • organic pigments - carotenoids
  • antioxidants substances ("Vitamin P")
  • amino acids
  • minerals and vitamins
  • cellulose
  • folic acid, as well as apple, sorrel and pantothenic

This composition explains many useful properties of beets:

  • Raw beets cleanse the intestines of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Beetroot juice increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • The high vitamin C content reduces the temperature during a cold and strengthens the immunity as a whole.
  • Helps with stagnation of bile, which causes heartburn.
  • A solution of fresh juice is fighting a runny nose.

IMPORTANT: to use beets in raw forms with temperate portions

Beetroot during pregnancy in the early and later stages: benefit and harm

Beets at different stages of pregnancy
Beets at different stages of pregnancy
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, beets helps fight toxicosis.
  • It prevents the formation of constipation, which is characteristic of the late pregnancy.
  • Fighting edema in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • The unique composition of beets forms a healthy nervous system of the child from the first days of his life.
  • Activates metabolic processes, thereby does not allow gaining excess weight and increases life tone.

The beets do not cause harm to the body, but to use a woman suffering from diseases such as: hypotension, diabetes mellitus, gall-stone diseases, acute colitis or chronic, gastritis or dysbiosis, should not be.

Is it possible for pregnant women to boiled beets?

Swam beets can be eaten without restrictions. It will be easier for the body to learn it with vegetable oil, cheese, cottage cheese or sour cream.

Important: one of the most important properties of beets - heat treatment does not destroy completely useful elements

Beetroot during pregnancy from constipation: recipe

Beetroot with constipation
Beetroot with constipation

Each pregnant woman faces such an unpleasant and at the same time painful, phenomenon as constipation.
Why does it arise? The answer is simple - the growing uterus squeezes the lumen of the rectum.
In order to prevent discomfort, you need to include beets in the daily diet. It is recommended to use it in boiled or baked form, but it is possible in cheese (in the form of juice).

The simplest recipes:

  • Boiled beets. Boil in salted water and use in its pure form.
  • Baked beets. Wash, do not remove the peel, wrap in foil and bake in the oven 1-1.5 hours at 25-270 degrees. Turn over periodically so as not to burn. Eat purified.
  • Raw beets. Grate on a fine grater, squeeze the juice through gauze. Eat in a diluted form 1: 1.

Can pregnant beets with garlic?

The only option for using the root crop that is not recommended during pregnancy is a salad of boiled beets and garlic.
This is due to the appearance or strengthening of heartburn and an increase in the tone of the uterus.
You can replace garlic with any component: canned corn or green peas, apples, carrots, potatoes and many others.

Railing day on beets for pregnant women: menu

Railing day on beets
Railing day on beets

Before you arrange a fasting day during pregnancy, you need to know several rules:

  1. Surgery you can start after 28 weeks
  2. Carry out unloading once every 7-10 days, no more often
  3. Eat slowly and carefully
  4. Divide the volume of food into equal portions
  5. Eat most of the products in the morning, in the evening there is less
  6. Drink 2 liters of water
  7. Drink green tea without sugar

Important: fasting days should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor

The unloading day menu includes:

  • 1-1.5 l of kefir or any other fermented milk product
  • 1.5 l of mineral water
  • 1 kg of beets

For convenience, divide the beets into portions, pour in a fermented product before use and grind in a blender. You will get a pleasant cocktail.
Mostly beets, or with it, you can eat cottage cheese, cheese, carrots and apples.

Important: pregnant women with gastrointestinal diseases, kidneys and liver can not be arranged

Video. The beneficial properties of beets

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