Is it possible to actively and normally live with schizophrenia: an invaluable role of relatives, a psychologist, reviews

Is it possible to actively and normally live with schizophrenia: an invaluable role of relatives, a psychologist, reviews

Living with schizophrenia is difficult. But you can do this actively and normally, in more detail in the article.

Schizophrenia - One of the most stigmatizing diseases. This diagnosis causes a natural fear of the future. What will my life look like? Will I be able to work normally? Will I lose control of myself? Will I ever return my "I"? A number of questions arise in the patient's mind.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "TOP-10 of the best sedatives for the nervous system of an adult". You will find a rating, list, methods of use.

People with schizophrenia want to study, work, engage in their hobbies, create a family and be active in society. This became possible thanks to modern treatment methods. Read more more.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia: can you live normally?

The diagnosis of schizophrenia
The diagnosis of schizophrenia

Without proper treatment and consultation of a doctor, it is not easy to control the disease. Schizophrenia - This is a disease that slowly takes him from a person "I". Patients have problems in communication with others, it is difficult for them to express their emotions.

People become superficial, frivolous. Their motivation to action is reduced, they move away from relatives, rarely experience joy, while apathy prevails. They slowly move away from everyday life, socially isolated, close in their inner world, which makes the treatment process very difficult. And life with schizophrenia can be different. Read further.

How to learn to live with a disease: schizophrenia is no longer a sentence

The image of a person suffering from schizophrenia has changed a lot in recent years. The diagnosis is no longer a sentence. How to learn to live with schizophrenia?

  • With proper treatment, patients can live without relapses for years.
  • Patients can study.
  • They work successfully.
  • They lead a family and social life.
  • Such people can be happy.

We often do not even realize that among us there are people fighting this disease, because they lead the same way of life like us.

How to live with schizophrenia, can a patient live alone: \u200b\u200ban invaluable role of relatives

Patients with schizophrenia often feel uncertain. Especially when they need to make important decisions. How to live with schizophrenia, can a patient live alone? The following is described what is the invaluable role of relatives.

  • In difficult moments, such sick people need support for people close to them.
  • The disease is often a moment that brings them closer to the family, since relatives participate in the entire therapeutic process.
  • They are with a patient daily, know him best and help at any time.

The role of persons caring for the patient is invaluable in the process of treatment. Without them, doctors could not achieve therapeutic success. Persons who care for people suffering from schizophrenia often at the cost of their own lives, not only support the patient, help him find the way to reality, but every day they remind him to take a pill.

The doctor prescribes long -acting drugs to the patient, which should not be taken every day, but after a certain period of time. With this, the disease is easier. There is a long -term therapy, prescribed once a month. There are medicines that are administered once every three months. Such therapy is already widely used in the world. Long -length drugs are relief for both patients and those who care for them.

How to live with schizophrenia, is it possible to live actively: a psychologist's advice

The diagnosis of schizophrenia
The diagnosis of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic disease that is suffered by about 50 million people around the world:

  • This pathology is suffered by 15 out of 100,000.
  • According to estimates, one and a half million people in Russia are fighting this pathology.
  • This is a disease of young people - at the time of diagnosis, patients usually younger than 30 years.

Until then, they lead an active social life, dream of a professional career and develop their hobbies. Therefore, it is quite natural for them to ask questions:

  • What will my life be from this moment?
  • Will I be able to continue education or work?
  • Will I have a family?
  • Will I be able to travel further?
  • Will my friends turn away from me?

Often the cause of fear is ignorance. Here are the advice of a psychologist how to live with schizophrenia:

  • Immediately after the diagnosis, patients should find out how the disease will affect their lives.
  • A person should know how the treatment process will look and to what extent he can live as before.
  • In the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, it is important to regularly consult a doctor and set long -term goals so that the patient can control the disease and function normally.
  • Measure with the fact that people with schizophrenia are trying to avoid the vast majority by all means. This can cause a deterioration in the condition. But it is worthwhile to understand that this diagnosis is not a sentence, and living with it is quite real.
  • Do not give up. If you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, let relatives find out about this first, since the support of loved ones is very important.
  • Do not self -amplite. On the contrary, try to participate in life more actively and communicate with other people, since in this way you can avoid further complication of the disorder.
  • Do not refuse treatment and do not dispute the existence of the disease. There is schizophrenia - this is a fact, and you have to live with it. Lack of treatment causes enormous harm.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and sports will help to endure the disease more easily.
  • Talk to your doctor. He must choose adequate treatment. The body for each person is special, therefore, drugs are also selected individually.

Rehabilitation begins when the patient begins to realize his illness and he has a desire to recover.

How many years have patients with schizophrenia live: how long have they live?

In time, the treatment that has begun, in which pharmacological drugs are used, helps to stop attacks, reduce their number, weaken or completely eliminate symptoms. Modern psychotropic drugs reduced the adverse course of schizophrenia by 3 times, and relapses in those who accept them are reduced by 2 times. If earlier it was believed that patients with schizophrenia live 10-15 years less than an ordinary person, now, with properly selected therapy, for 5-9 years.

Who is sick with schizophrenia - reviews: how do you live?

The diagnosis of schizophrenia
The diagnosis of schizophrenia

If the doctor has diagnosed with schizophrenia - do not be alarmed and do not despair. Tell the family about this that you trust. They will understand, support and accept you in any condition. In addition, they will help in treatment. Read the reviews of other people. Who is sick with schizophrenia? How do you live?

Maria, 28 years old

My brother was diagnosed a year ago. During this time, he was lying in the hospital 2 times already. Now he is 27 years old (he is a year younger than me). I am learning to live with his illness. I want to help him. I remind you of taking medication. I always support everything. No one is safe from this, but you can cope with fear of the disease.

Valeria, 35 years old

My neighbor schizophrenia has. We didn’t even know about it, such a good woman. Then her ambulance once every six months began to take him to the hospital. The husband said that the diagnosis was made to his wife 2 years ago. Exacerbations happen in spring and autumn. The children are small, they explain to them that mom needs to go to the hospital in order to heal.  The neighbors help dad during this period with children-someone is found when he needs to work, others can take it to the kindergarten, etc.

Elizabeth, 30 years old

A year ago they made such a diagnosis. I lay in the hospital 1 time. I am taking drugs now. The doctor said that after the first attack, the medicine should be drunk for 2 years, after the second - 5 years, after the third - for life. And the main thing is not a diagnosis, but how pathology proceeds. If favorable, a normal lifestyle will remain. If it is unfavorable, then disability.

 "Live great" - schizophrenia: video

In many television programs about health, the topic of schizophrenia is raised. The program “Live Great” also has a broadcast that tells about the symptoms of pathology and its treatment. Watch the video, in it famous Russian doctors raise this problem, since many people in our country, as well as in other countries of the world, suffer from this disease.

Video: schizophrenia - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Such a pathology is not a sentence. And in modern medicine there is treatment. The main thing is to drink prescribed drugs and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. As mentioned above, it is of great importance that relatives help the patient. Therefore, you should not despair, but you just need to trust and accept help.

Video: How to recognize schizophrenia?

Video: schizophrenia treatment. Development factors and treatment of schizophrenia, return to normal life

Video: Recommendations to relatives of patients with schizophrenia. Svetlana Netrusova

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