Can dead relatives help alive? How the dead protect the living: stories

Can dead relatives help alive? How the dead protect the living: stories

The theme of life after death continues to be perceived by many with a share of skepticism. Numerous evidence of eyewitnesses who managed to get help from the deceased relatives at one time make us think about the existence of another reality.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Jewelry: Is it possible to pick up a thing of the deceased?".

From this article you will learn about whether deceased relatives can help alive, as well as a lot of other interesting information. Read further.

Where does a person go after death?

Man after death
Man after death

According to most world religions, at the time of death, the physical body of a person is destroyed, while its spiritual component continues its existence. The further fate of the soul is described in different ways. So where does a person go after death?

  • In Christianity, it is generally accepted that on the fortieth day after death, a preliminary court awaits the soul, as a result of which it will be temporarily placed in paradise or hell.
  • Buddhists are sure that the spirit passes from the body to the body until it reaches enlightenment.
  • One way or another, the opinion is widespread that life on Earth is just preparation for something more and important.

It is believed that a person is blood and flesh and no intangible substance that can continue being in one form or another. Supporters of this theory are sure that at the time of the cessation of the functioning of the brain, the path of a person ends.

The scientific evidence of the existence of the soul has not yet been received, despite the fact that scientists regularly work on this issue. The phenomenon of clinical death is interesting in this regard. Most of the respondents see the same paintings and experience similar sensations: bright light, tunnel flight, a sense of freedom and peace. Some of them say that at some point they managed to leave their body and observe how doctors work on their bodily shell.

Periodically in the world, we can hear strange stories when people remember their past lives with accuracy to the slightest details, children begin to speak ancient languages. Every day in one of the corners of the world, our essence intersects with something inexplicable human mind.

What happens to the soul after the death of a person: where does it go?

Almost every person probably wondered what happens to the soul after the death of a person, where does it go? There are a lot of assumptions on this topic. The most popular of them say that the soul:

  • Goes to paradise where it is immersed in a state of complete bliss
  • Enters hell, where it is subjected to constant torment
  • Remains between the two worlds and cannot find calm
  • Passes into otherworldly reality
  • Interts into one whole with the energy of the world

Souls who did not commit atrocities, observed religious canons, managed to reach a high level of development during their lifetime. Hell is prescribed for those whose life was very far from perfect. Many religions say that in the flame of hell it is destined to burn even a pious person, if he is a Gentile. But this is more like a manipulation designed to collect as many adherents as possible under their wing.

Between the world of living and the dead, the soul can remain for various reasons. This is a kind of “failure in the system”, when the spiritual essence continues to experience some earthly feelings. For example, the victim of the murder, by all means trying to punish his offender. Or a mother who cannot bear the appearance of her orphaned children. Over time, such a spirit becomes angry and can harm people who are in his way. It is from here that conversations begin about the "bad" houses in which strange events like incomprehensible creaks, steps, screams and other similar phenomena periodically occur.

On one of the theories:

  • Our world is multidimensional and souls fall into one of the dimensions.
  • This part of the universe is not available to man.
  • It is proved that human receptors are able to capture far from all sounds, not to distinguish between the entire spectrum of existing colors.
  • It can be assumed that the world of spirits exists, but due to physical restrictions, people are not able to perceive it.

If you believe the numerous stories about paranormal phenomena, in the spirits these abilities are also not fully manifested. But their capabilities in this regard are much wider. They manage to violate the boundaries between measurements from time to time and intervene in the processes occurring on Earth. The option that the soul is an energy clot, part of the universe, which is being materialized in a mortal body, and then returns to its place, is not excluded. How all this happens is still difficult to explain.

Can dead relatives help alive?

Another question that often worries people: can dead relatives help the living?

  • There are many testimonies of ordinary people about how deceased relatives came to their aid in emergency cases or tried to warn them about trouble.
  • No one knows how this happens, what are the rules and laws act in otherworldly reality.
  • At what point does the bite of energy that left the body have the opportunity to contact the world of the living, does this depend on his desire?

For many centuries, people have been praying for the help of the saints. In some cases, real miracles happen, which science still cannot explain. For example, a person disappears out of the blue or slows down the course of an incurable disease. The barren pair, the treatment of which the leading clinics in the world abandoned, a child appears. But saints are the same souls that at one time have a more righteous existence than all other people on earth.

How to understand that dead relatives help?

Dead relatives help
Dead relatives help

The soul is not able to take physical shape and warn relatives or help them with advice. To do this, she uses other ways:

  • Comes in a dream
  • Comes in reality
  • Moves objects

How to understand that dead relatives help? It is worth knowing:

  • Most often, the deceased is in a dream or half -asleep.
  • Sometimes the deceased clearly says what and how to do. More often serves signs.
  • Dreams with deceiving relatives are not always just to decipher.
  • Sometimes this succeeds only after the predictable event has already occurred.
  • It is almost impossible to understand whether there was a dream with contact with the other world or it is the result of the human brain. Be that as it may, it is better not to ignore such situations.

Often, a person can be able to hear the voice of a native person, feel his touch. It is important in such cases to push the fear into the background and remember everything that happens to the smallest detail.

  • In some cases, the soul can appear to the native, during their wakefulness.
  • The vision usually does not have a clear material form, more resembles a phantom.
  • Such options are often found in the stories of people who are in a dangerous situation.
  • For example, a ghost appears in front of the driver on the road, he slows down, tries to figure out what is happening.
  • Subsequently, it turns out that the delay on the way helped him avoid a terrible accident.

Ghosts can move objects, clap doors, trying to convey some information to the living. And then the task arises to figure out what lies behind these messages from the other world.

How to use the help of deceased relatives?

Not just for most peoples, the cult of their ancestors flourished from ancient times. The dead were revered, on specially allotted days they arranged festivities in their honor. It was believed that only in this case can one count on support on their part. How to use the help of deceased relatives?

It is worth knowing: Forgetting or poorly speaking about the dead, we automatically block the energy channel on their part. What kind of bad relatives would not be, you need to be grateful.

Perhaps they choose a different way, their now living descendant did not even come into the light. On this issue, it will be useful to turn to the masters of esotericism specializing in the programs of working with the family.

If you can’t deal with the message independently from the other world, it makes sense to contact psychics. Such people see more, they feel more and more related to the other world. They will help decipher the meaning of a dream or other signs and even get in touch with relatives who have left this world. To date, people with psychic abilities are the only, although not the most reliable way to communicate with their relatives.

How the dead protect the living: stories

The dead protect the living
The dead protect the living

There are a lot of stories about help from the deceased relatives alive. Below are several interesting cases worthy of your attention.

Maxim, 41 years old

I am a realtor by profession. Once in a dream, I called a taxi to go to the apartment. The car arrived quickly, but it was not possible to get into it. Suddenly, a late father stood in the way, who asked not to go to the meeting with tears. The deal was to be profitable and I did not agree to listen to the pope. The taxi driver was tired of looking at all this, and he left. Waking up, I did not attach importance to sleep, because for several years, as I have not used the services of taxi drivers. But after a couple of days, my personal car stopped working out of the blue and had to call a taxi. The heart was pinched when a car of the same brand and colors arrived as in a dream. I refused the trip, tore off the deal. Later in the news feed I saw that the taxi caused with a bus. The driver died. It turns out that the father foresaw the disaster in advance and managed to break out of the other world in order to save me - his son.

Irina, 45 years old

My husband went into another world suddenly, as a result of a heart attack. The family was left without basic earnings. I raised children as I could. At one point, the child needed an expensive operation. There was no money. I often cried and mentally turned to my husband for help. Soon at night in the pantry there was a loud noise. Without understanding anything, I went to find out what happened. It turned out that a box with things remaining from her husband fell from the upper shelf. The contents scattered on the floor. When things started folding, I got a thick notebook of the deceased. I purely intuitively began to leaf through her and unexpectedly found money in her. The amount was enough to treat the child. I am sure that this is my deceased husband somehow threw off the box from the shelf to help the family.

Nikita, 35 years old

That day I arrived from work late. He quickly took a shower, ducked into bed to his sleepy wife and immediately fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, there were many people in the room. Two of them in white coats. My head was split in pain, nauseous. As it turned out later, a grandmother came to the older brother living in the neighboring city. She cried a lot, asked to urgently go to her grandson and wake him up, repeated that he had nothing to breathe. I could not get through to me. Fortunately, the neighbors picked up the phone. Already near the house, they felt a strong smell of gas and realized that it had happened was amiss, broke the door and called an ambulance. Thanks to the late grandmother, two people survived.

Whatever skeptics say, connection with the other world exists. Just at the moment, humanity has very little knowledge on this topic. The area considering life after death invariably arouses interest among humanity. But this topic is still shrouded in a veil of secrets. It is possible that the time will come when a person receives answers to all questions regarding his future fate after the end of earthly life.

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