Jewelry: Is it possible to pick up a thing of the deceased?

Jewelry: Is it possible to pick up a thing of the deceased?

From this article you will learn whether it is possible to wear jewelry of a deceased relative.

After the deceased relatives, jewelry remained. What to do with them? Can the heirs be worn? What does the church, psychologists, and popular opinion think about this? We find out in this article.

Is it possible to wear jewelry of deceased relatives: the opinion of the Orthodox Church

According to the priests of the Orthodox Church, you can wear jewelry of deceased relatives, but first it is advisable to sprinkle them with holy water.

  • It is impossible only to wear other people the pectoral cross of the deceased, he must be buried with the deceased.
  • If the deceased relative was a close person to you, and every time it looks at the jewelry, you are again experiencing the bitterness of loss, then it is better not to wear a thing yet.
  • Some people are stored by decorations from deceased relatives as a family relic. So you can also.

Is it possible to wear jewelry of deceased relatives: the opinion of the Islamic Church

There are no such restrictions in Islam in the Orthodox Church: a Muslim can calmly wear jewelry of dead relatives and friends.

Is it possible to wear jewelry of deceased relatives: folk opinion

The people believe that if a person during his lifetime was kind, responsive, then the remaining jewelry from him will bring only benefits from him.

And if the deceased person was angry during his lifetime, he got the wrong way, then the jewelry from him will not bring good from him after his death. What to do with such jewelry? Wise people from the people advise jewelry to sell it better, and give the proceeds to charity.

Decorationswho were on the deceased before death, better cleanse. By folk opinion, this can be done with salt, holy water and sunlight. We do in this sequence:

  • We place the jewelry in running water for 9 days and nights
  • We take out a jewelry set from the water and place it in salt for 9 days
  • After salt, the precious thing we keep for 9 days in the sun
There is an opinion among the people that the jewelry of deceased relatives can be worn if they are cleaned of negative energy

Is it possible to wear jewelry of deceased relatives: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists believe that any precious jewelry, including a deceased person, can give joy. But if the deceased or deceased was your loved one, and wearing such a jewelry brings you suffering, you should wait for the dressing of such a jewelry now, and leave it for later, when time passes, and you will forget a little about the loss.

It is advisable to conduct a rite of purification over the jewelry of the deceased, and then decide to wear them or save as a relic. This is how precious jewelry stones behave, according to psychologists:

  • Opal is quickly cleaned of the previous energy
  • Diamonds and diamonds keep the energy of the former owner for a century

Is it possible to wear jewelry of deceased relatives: the opinion of esoterics

According to esoterics, jewelry absorbs the negative energy of the former owner. Such jewelry cannot be worn by living people, first you need to conduct a cleansing ceremony.

So, now we know that you can wear jewelry of late relatives, but if you are restless at heart, you can conduct a cleansing rite of things.

Video: What things of the deceased cannot be left, what to do with them?

Learn more about jewelry and jewelry:

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