Is it possible to celebrate the birthday of a deceased person, walk on this day in a cemetery, remember, put a candle? What should be done on the birthday of the deceased?

Is it possible to celebrate the birthday of a deceased person, walk on this day in a cemetery, remember, put a candle? What should be done on the birthday of the deceased?

Features of the commemoration on the birthday of the deceased.

With the cemetery, memorial days, and the time of visiting graves, many signs are connected, superstitions. Many of them came to us from pagan times that Christianity completely refutes. In the article we will tell you whether it is possible to come to the cemetery on the birthday of the deceased. 

Can I walk the birthday of the deceased or not?

According to superstitions, it is impossible to visit a churchyard on a birthday. It is believed that in this way you can disturb the soul of the deceased, and it will be in constant confusion, will not find rest.

You can walk the birthday of the deceased or not:

  • Therefore, on the name of the deceased, our ancestors tried not to come to the cemetery so as not to worry the soul of a loved one. The same concerned the commemoration of the house in the name day. At home, on this day they did not remember the deceased, and tried not to think about him.
  • It was believed that one can disturb the soul, depriving it of rest. Modern priests refute these speculations, believing that a person can do as he needs and tells the soul. Many clergymen note that close people can suffer from the name of the deceased relatives, not find a place for themselves.
  • If this happens, you must come to the grave, and talk with the deceased. The ritual has more psychological meaning than rational. Thus, after visiting the graveyard, it becomes easier for a relative of the deceased. He calms down because he talked with his loved one. 

What do they do on the birthday of a deceased person: the opinion of the priest

Priests recommend ordering a prayer, or a requiem. Some people even pay for the arrival of the priest to the grave in order to conduct the appropriate prayer for the rest of the soul.

What do they do on the birthday of a deceased person, the opinion of the priest:

  • The same can be done not in the cemetery, but by visiting the temple, and by buying a candle. If there is no funds to order prayer for repose, you can come to the church to pray, and just put a candle.
  • You will remember the deceased, and you can calm down. There are several points that clergymen emphasize. In no case should you come to the churchyard, arrange violent commemoration.

The birthday of a deceased person - how is it noted?

The clergymen recommend acquiring a small amount of sweets, treat people who were familiar with the deceased, or simply distribute bags with sweets to neighbors.

The birthday of a deceased person, as noted:

  • This will allow a close relative of the deceased to calm down, as he recalls, paying tribute to a loved one. You can arrange a memorial lunch at home.
  • The church does not prohibit this, but does not encourage drunken celebrations with scandals, and a lot of alcohol. Of course, it is not forbidden to gather at a family dinner and remember the deceased relative. 
  • Do not bring alcohol, a large number of products with you to the cemetery, arrange drunken showdowns, rowing on the grave. If you want to visit the grave, you can take fresh flowers with you, put them in a vase. 

Are they remembered on the birthday of the deceased person in the cemetery?

Priests do not put any certain restrictions on visiting a graveyard. However, mandatory days to come to the grave of a deceased person, is the 9th and 40th day after death, year, parental Saturdays and memorial days.

Do they remember the deceased person in the birthday on the cemetery:

  • It is during this period that it is advisable to come to the grave and remember the deceased relatives. However, the church does not prohibit coming to other periods when it is convenient for the very relative of the deceased.
  • If a close relative feels bad on the name day of the deceased, then there is no need to come to the graveyard. You can remember the deceased home. Church people are of the opinion that you should not visit the grave on Easter or Christmas Day. These days the church celebrates holidays related to Christmas, or the resurrection of Christ.
  • This is an occasion for worldwide joy, because it is these days that it is recommended to gather with families, go to visit each other and have fun in every possible way. Coming to the churchyard on this day is extra. If there is a desire to come to the grave, it is better to do it the other day. Or a few days after Easter and Christmas. 

Is it possible to celebrate the birthday of a deceased person?

In fact, a birthday is the time when a person’s body is born, the beginning of his earthly life. After death, this day loses any meaning, since in fact the human body has died, and there is nothing more to note. Church employees believe that the day of death is of great importance. These are a kind of birthday of a person’s soul in the other world, when a person’s soul comes to God. It is this day that you need to celebrate, and visit the grave. 

Is it possible to celebrate the birthday of a deceased person:

  • Our ancestors tried not to come to the grave on the name of the deceased, as they believed that this would not give rest to his soul. Close relatives pulled the deceased back to the ground, not allowing his soul to rest. That is why they did not remember the birthday before.
  • In their understanding of this date no longer existed, and only the day of death was important. He was considered the birth of a person’s soul in paradise, at large. It was recommended not to arrange feasts, not to come to the grave, it is best to read a prayer, and give alms to those in need.

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Now the traditions have changed, most people come to the grave on the birthday of a deceased person. However, it is necessary to remember not with the help of alcohol, but with a prayer. After prayer for the deceased, you can tell him about all the things that are happening. Share some news, tell about children, or close relatives. A certain connection between dead and living relatives is supported. 

Video: Visiting a cemetery on the birthday of the deceased

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