Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased relative, what to do with photographs, clothes and things of a deceased relative? Can a child be called the name of a deceased relative?

Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased relative, what to do with photographs, clothes and things of a deceased relative? Can a child be called the name of a deceased relative?

What to do with things and photos of a deceased relative? Is it possible to wear or use the things of a deceased relative? Is it possible to give a child the name of a deceased relative?

In the life of each of us sooner or later, losses occur-someday our grandparents leave, then parents and other close people. After all the unpleasant ceremonies, we are left alone with many questions: “What now to do with everything acquired by our relatives?”, “Can they be stored in our house?”, “Can they wear their clothes, jewelry, shoes ? ".

This article will be devoted to all folk signs, all beliefs, as well as church instructions regarding the things of dead loved ones.

Can I sleep on the bed, the sofa of a deceased relative?

Is it possible to save on the bed of a deceased relative?
Is it possible to save on the bed of a deceased relative?
  • There is such an expression: “It is better to sleep on the grave of the deceased than on his bed!” Perhaps there is a share of truth in this. If a person was sick for a long time, experienced crazy torment on the bed, and in the end he died on it, then it is better to part with such an inheritance
  • People related to extrasensory perception claim that it is better to replace the deceased’s bed. If there is no way to buy a new bed, but you need to sleep on something, then it is better to conduct a rite of cleansing the deathbed of a loved one. To do this, you can go around the bed from all sides with a lit church candle, leading above it and under it, sprinkle it with holy water and sprinkle with salt
  • If the deceased person possessed some otherworldly capabilities, then to get rid of the trace of his strong energy, it is better to invite the clergyman to the house. The church, as a rule, goes to meet its parishioners and helps them overcome their fears before the unknown
  • If we turn to such thoughts to someone more mundane, as scientists or doctors who are skeptical of such classes, they are unlikely to find something reprehensible in leaving the sofa or bed of the deceased person. Their only instruction can be disinfection of furniture or its overturning. This is especially true of those options when a person died of an infectious disease or virus
What to do with the bed of a deceased relative?
What to do with the bed of a deceased relative?
  • The church, in turn, may reprehensively attribute to the desire of relatives to leave himself a mortal bed of his loved one. This is not Christian-to sleep on the bed, where he met face to face with the death of another person
  • Its psychological side is very important in this matter. A person who has lost his loved one cannot immediately get rid of sorrow and longing. A subject associated with this person is able to often remind him of him and excite sad thoughts in his head
  • However, there is a category of people who, on the contrary, commemorative things give only positive emotions and memories. Falling up on the bed of their relative, they can more often meet with them in a dream and enjoy such spiritual communication
  • In other words, the choice remains with you. If you are able to subjugate your sense of fear and abandon superstitions, then put the bed of a person close to you in order and sleep on your health!

What to do with photographs of deceased relatives?

What to do with photographs of deceased relatives?
What to do with photographs of deceased relatives?
  • This is perhaps the most controversial question. We have long been accustomed to the fact that in the houses of our grandmothers, great -grandmothers and parents, numerous portraits and common photos of their ancestors and loved ones hung on the walls. In the old days, this was not considered something dangerous or reprehensible. But today a bunch of ideas divorced, regarding the fact that photographs of the dead are negative energy and can affect the health and fate of living people
  • First of all, let's talk about the portrait of a just dead person for the procession of the funeral. This should be a photograph that you and him liked. The portrait can be framed in a mourning frame for photos or make a black tape on it in the lower right corner. After the burial, the portrait of the deceased must stand in his house for 40 days. What to do with the portrait later, decide already his loved ones
  • If after this time the wound about the loss is still too fresh, then it is better to remove the photo until calmer times. If relatives have already managed to survive their loss and coped with nerves, then the portrait can be placed in the living room or other room, except for the bedroom

Photos of deceased relatives in the house - the opinion of the church

Church's opinion on photographs of deceased relatives
Church's opinion on photographs of deceased relatives in the house
  • The Orthodox Church sees nothing wrong with the photographs of the deceased relatives are in the house of their relatives. Before God we are all equal - both dead and living
  • Therefore, photographs of loved ones, especially loved ones and loving, can bring only a bunch of pleasant memories and fill their heart with purity and love. If the loss is too difficult, then at first it is better to remove the photo from the eyes down. But getting rid of him forever is completely not necessary. The time will come when the appearance of the departed begins to blur and gradually disappear from the memory of a person-then his photo will come to the rescue
  • It is also better to hide a photograph of a deceased person for a while, who remained offense or misunderstanding. After some period, all negative emotions will fade into the background, and then it will be possible to see your loved one with a pure heart

Where to put old photos of dead relatives?

Where to put photos of deceased relatives?
Where to put photos of deceased relatives?
  • Of course, they need to be stored. Now, if you imagine that the relatives of the great writers or other outstanding people would not have stored their photographs, as we imagined them. It is always interesting to monitor the portrait of a famous person with the original drawn in your imagination. So in this situation - our grandchildren, great -grandchildren and other heirs will want to find out how their ancestor looked. The photograph will help them in this
  • Keeping the photos of our relatives, we retain a piece of our history, which will be important for our offspring
  • But the question of whether to put these photos for universal and ours, including daily review, remains open

Is it possible to hang portraits of deceased relatives on the wall?

Is it possible to hang photos of deceased relatives on the walls?
Is it possible to hang photos of deceased relatives on the walls?
  • Psychics claim that the photograph of the deceased can become a portal in the other world. Having hung a portrait of the deceased on the wall, we can open the door to the world of the dead. If this door is constantly open, that is, the portrait will always be in sight, living people living in the house can feel the energy of the dead
  • Some relatives who hung photographs of their late loved ones on the walls claim that they are constantly tormented by headaches, powerlessness, and various kinds of diseases. All this can only be far -fetched theory, and maybe have a share of truth
  • It is especially not recommended to have portraits of the dead on the walls in the bedroom, especially in children. Being under the constant aimed gaze of the dead, you can owe yourself anything
  • Particularly strong energy is possessed by photographs taken on the day of the funeral. It is not clear why to take such pictures at all. After all, there is only human sorrow and grief on them. Such photos are unlikely to bring good and positive to the house. It will be better to get rid of them

How to store photos of deceased relatives?

How to store photos of deceased relatives?
How to store photos of deceased relatives?

According to the instructions of psychics, keep photos of deceased relatives as follows:

  • It is advisable to separate the photos of the dead people who died from photographs
  • For photographs of the dead, it is better to highlight a special photo album or photobox
  • If there is no separate album, then it is better to place such photos in a black opaque bag or envelope
  • If the photograph is common and there are also living people on it, then it is better to cut the deceased out of it and store it separately
  • In order for the photograph to be stored longer, it is better to laminate it
  • Photos of the dead can be scanned and stored on a separate medium - disk, flash drive, site

What to do with the clothes of a deceased relative?

What to do with the clothes of a deceased relative?
What to do with the clothes of a deceased relative?
  • The clothes of a deceased person are able to maintain his energy, especially if it was his favorite clothes. Therefore, it can either be stored or get rid of it
  • It is best to get rid of the deceased’s clothes by distributing it to those in need. A person will be grateful to you for the gift, while you can ask him to remember the deceased with a kind word and pray for him
  • If a person wore clothes during the illness on the eve of death, then such things are better to burn

What to do, what to do with the things of the deceased?

What to do with the things of a deceased relative?
What to do with the things of a deceased relative?
  • It is best to do with the things of the deceased in the same way as with clothes - to give it to the poor. If there are things close to the heart among his things, then they can be saved somewhere in a secret remote place and only getting it when you want to remember your relative
  • If the thing is directly related to the suffering and death of a sick person, then it is better to get rid of it by burning
  • If during his lifetime a person gave instructions to his relative regarding some things, then it is best to do with them as the deceased wanted

Is it possible to leave for yourself and wear things a deceased person?

Can a deceased relative be worn?
Is it possible to wear things of a deceased person?
  • As mentioned above, it is best to get rid of such things. However, there are things that are very difficult to part with. They can be saved, but it is not recommended to get a long period of time from the cabinet. You can wear clothes after the deceased no earlier than 40 days after his death. Some people recommend that you postpone at least a year at least a year
    After the death of a person
  • Psychics offer to clean the clothes of the deceased with the help of all the same holy water and salt. The thing can just be soaked in a water-salt solution for a while, and then wash well

Is it possible to give things to the deceased relatives?

Is it possible to give things to the deceased relatives?
Is it possible to give things to the deceased relatives?
  • If a relative himself insists that he would like to leave himself a memory of the deceased in the form of a given little thing, then he should not refuse this. You just need to ask him to pray for the soul of the deceased
  • If, being in full health, the deceased bequeathed his things to one of the relatives, then it is better to fulfill his will and give the promised

Is it possible to store things of the deceased to relatives at home?

Is it possible to store things of a deceased relative of the house?
Is it possible to store things of a deceased relative of the house?
  • Of course, it is possible to store things of a deceased person, but is it necessary?
  • It is believed that after a person retreats to another world, in his house, apartment, room, you need to put a full order. The best option, of course, would be a new repair. However, if there is no such opportunity, then it is necessary to take out all the trash out of the room, throw out the old things, give out suitable things to those in need, and do generally disinfecting.
  • If the thing is as road as memory, then it can be hidden away from human eyes. It is best to wrap such a thing in a rag or opaque bag and remove for a while in the “far corner”

Is it possible to wear the shoes of a deceased relative?

Is it possible to wear the shoes of a deceased relative?
Is it possible to wear the shoes of a deceased relative?
  • The destiny of the deceased shoes is the same as the destiny of his clothes and his other things is best to give out, but you can keep it as a keepsake
  • There is only one general rule for everyone - in no case should you wear clothes and shoes taken off the deceased, especially the dead violent death

Can a child be called the name of a deceased relative?

Can a child be called the name of a deceased relative?
Can a child be called the name of a deceased relative?
  • It is believed that the name of a person has in excess of strong energy. It is able to largely influence the character and fate of a person
  • Calling the child in honor of the deceased person, his parents doom him to life and destiny similar to this relative. A large imprint of his predecessor will be imprinted on the baby’s karma, because the trace of his stay in this world remains too obvious, while his relatives remember and mourn about him
  • However, it is also believed that if the deceased relative lived a happy, interesting life, then calling the baby with his name, his parents deliberately wish him the same fate

Can a cross of a deceased relative be stored?

Can a cross of a deceased relative be stored?
Can a cross of a deceased relative be stored?
  • The cross is a powerful source of spiritual strength and human karma
  • According to Christian customs, it is customary to bury a person with his cross
  • If for some reason the ground cross did not fall into the coffin with its owner, then it can be stored in the house in a separate box or bag
  • If the owner of the cross was a bad person, died of suicide or violent death, then it is better to say goodbye to such a cross-to give to the church in need or to melt on something else

Is it possible to wear a cross of a deceased relative?

Is it possible to wear a cross of a deceased relative?
Is it possible to wear a cross of a deceased relative?
  • If a person has lived a decent life, then you can ask the representatives of the church, whether his relatives are allowed to wear his pectoral cross. Perhaps the clergyman will offer to conduct a rite of purification over the cross
  • Also, a cross can independently withstand at home in holy water for several days, or even months

Is it possible to wear the watch of a deceased relative?

Is it possible to wear the watch of a deceased person?
Is it possible to wear the watch of a deceased relative?
  • A clock is a rather personal thing that can keep the imprint of its master for a long period of time
  • If a deceased person lived a happy life and was with his relatives in good relations, then from wearing his hours they will not be
  • If the deceased led an unworthy lifestyle and was at enmity with his loved ones, then it is better to get rid of his clock
  • In any case, putting a clock on the hand, you will feel whether you want to wear them or not

Is it possible to wear decorations of dead relatives?

Is it possible to wear jewelry of a deceased relative?
Is it possible to wear jewelry of a deceased relative?
  • Precious metals and stones have a very good memory. They are able to remember their first master for years and even decades
  • If the jewelry got relatives from a friendly deceased person, then there should not be trouble from his sock. Some stones, such as opal, are very quickly rebuilt to new energy and forget their former owner
  • If the deceased was engaged in witchcraft or other magic using this jewelry, then it is better to get rid of it. Continue the work of his relative, that is, to connect himself with the world of magic, it is advisable only to those heirs to whom the deceased transferred his secrets and knowledge

What to do with the gold of a deceased relative, can it be worn?

What to do with the gold of deceased relatives?
What to do with the gold of deceased relatives?

As for gold, it can be covered with jewelry.

What to do with the icons of a deceased relative?

What to do with the icons of a deceased relative?
What to do with the icons of a deceased relative?
  • Icons are considered to be a family value - in the old days when a fire from the house, the icons were primarily carried out
  • It is best to take the icon of the deceased relative for yourself and place it next to your icons

What to do with the dishes of a deceased relative?

What to do with the dishes of a deceased relative?
What to do with the dishes of a deceased relative?
  • Dishes of a deceased relative, again, is best distributed to those in need
  • If the archive of the deceased has family silver or sets, then they can be washed, cleaned and continued to be stored

Is it possible to use the phone of a deceased relative?

Is it possible to use the phone of a deceased relative?
Is it possible to use the phone of a deceased relative?
  • The phone is a relatively new thing in our lives, because on this subject there is no unequivocal opinion of either the Church or our grandparents
  • If the phone is expensive, then you can continue to use it
  • If the device is already quite outdated, then again you can make a good deed and give the phone to the poor - let them once again pray for the deceased
  • If the phone was in a pocket at the deceased at the time of suicide or violent death, then it is better not to keep such a thing

What to do with the things of a deceased person: video

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Comments K. article

  1. French, English, Swedish, etc. Korotli slept on the same bed for centuries and died there. And, most of them, the quality of life did not deteriorate from this.

  2. Well done Sergey, I am grateful to you. I, when I realized that I was inherited by the gift, I never say, there is a clearness, the fact of the matter is that just visions and that is not always clear, the nonsense of these jumps always hit me with insanity. Photos of the dead in the house that you built yourself are simply necessary. It is always glad that they remember them, they are idolizing for their wisdom and ask them for help living in this light. Oblue it is not unfounded, they don’t like the matt only ... Good to you And luck in all endeavors!

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