The difference between the number of born and the number of the dead. How the natural increase in the population is measured: the formula of natural growth

The difference between the number of born and the number of the dead. How the natural increase in the population is measured: the formula of natural growth

The number of people on Earth changes every year in one direction or another. Let's look at the measurement process and the formula by which we can find out the demographic situation in a particular country.

Natural (native) population growth (EP) is the discrepancy between the numerical indicator of those born and passed away for a specific time period, when the number of born prevails over the number of dead. This concept is the basis for the growth of the number of inhabitants of a particular country or the whole world.

What is and how the natural increase in the population is measured: the formula of natural growth

EP (NP) - as much as possible characterizes how intensively the number of population increases; measured natural growth, as a rule, with the help of an indicator (coefficient) of a native increase in the number of residents by 1 thousand people/year.

A similar index is positive (for example, in Uganda EP \u003d 33.0 ‰), and negative (Bulgaria - minus 5.7 ‰). In the second version of the EP, it means that in the state there are more dead than those born in a year, that is, the population is naturally reduced.


EP (NP) - the difference between fertility (newborns per 1 thousand inhabitants) and mortality (who passed away from the lives of 1 thousand living in the territory), which has their own index, is measured in ppm (‰): 0.001 numerical share or 0, or 0, or 0, or 0, one%.

Formula of natural growth: NP \u003d r-s,

  • where NP is an indicator of natural growth
  • P - born (an indicator of the number of born people for 1 thousand residents)
  • C is the mortality index (how many people passed away from the rate of 1 thousand living).

Expanded calculus: NP \u003d ((R-C)/H) X1000,

  • where NP is an indicator of a native increase in residents
  • P is the number of born
  • C - the number of dead
  • N-the composition of the population (number of people).

T.K. The native increase in the population of states is characterized by mortality and birth rate, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in parallel with a decrease in the birth rate, the average indicator of the age of mothers producing the first -born increases. Accordingly, by increasing the level of demographic security, it can be ensured in the country slow, but the correct increase in the birth rate.

Video: About natural growth

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