The variety of living organisms on our planet is explained: a brief message on the topic

The variety of living organisms on our planet is explained: a brief message on the topic

Explanation of the variety of living organisms on Earth.

Earth is inhabited by various living and non -living creatures. It would seem that this division is very simple, but in fact it is sometimes difficult to determine the body is alive or not. In this article we will tell you what explains the variety of living organisms on Earth. 

Signs of living organisms and their diversity

There are several signs that distinguish living creatures.

Signs of living organisms and their diversity:

  • Organs and systems consist of cells. 
  • There are several groups of cells in the body. That is, the cells inside each organ may differ from each other. 
  • For existence, energy is necessary, which is stored in the Earth or the Sun. That is, living organisms cannot exist without certain resources.
  • Environmental reaction. 
  • There is growth and division of cells. 
  • All living organisms multiply, as reproduction plays a huge role for the survival of the species. Some sexual characteristics do not have to be present, because reproduction can be asexual, or sexual. 
  • Be sure to adapt to environmental conditions. 
  • A mandatory sign of living organisms is movement. That is, all living organisms can change their location in space, move. In plants that look motionless, there are various reactions, so juices in the tissues can move. 
  • Breathe. It is not necessary for breathing that lungs or respiratory organs are necessary. The process itself is the release of energy from cells. 
  • Sensitivity. Any living organism feels changes in the environment, therefore it can change its position, color, depending on the influence of stimuli. It can be temperature, gravity, bright light. 
  • Growth. Living organisms must grow, increase in size or simply differ in cell growth and are able to multiply. They transmit genetic information to their followers. 
  • Getting rid of waste. The fact is that the living cell is distinguished by the passage of a large number of chemical reactions in it. As a result, metabolic products are distinguished, from which it is necessary to get rid of. 
  • Food. Be sure to exist for a living cell, proteins, carbohydrates or some other components are needed to support a living organism. 

The variety of living organisms, how can you explain?

Many children are interested in the question of why there are so many organisms on Earth that differ in external signs, as well as structure. The variety of living organisms can be explained The age of the Earth, which is approximately 3.5 billion years. Since the beginning of the formation of the Earth, simple unicellular creatures have passed a significant path of evolution, as a result of which a huge number of unicellular and multicellular creatures appeared. 

Among them, plants, animals, mushrooms and viruses can be distinguished. Organisms that consist of one cell are unicellular and are the simplest bacteria and viruses. Viruses differ from the above living organisms, since they may not show any life yet in the cell of another organism. 

There are multicellular creatures that consist of two or more cells. The most interesting thing is that the human body has more than a billion living cells that differ in their structure. 

Biology divides all living organisms into 4 domains: 

  • Nuclear 
  • Viruses 
  • Bacteria 
  • Archei 

Despite great successes in the field of biology, at the moment there is no single system of classification of living organisms. Therefore, many scientists still conduct discussions, how it is necessary to separate living organisms. 


Diversity of living organisms: mushrooms

Not all adults know that mushrooms are not plants, but a separate kingdom of living organisms, which include about 100,000 species. The fact is that mushrooms cannot be attributed either to plants or animals.They show features of both groups. 

Several signs of mushrooms that are characteristic of plants: 

  • Immobility. That is, plants cannot move 
  • Constant growth 
  • Saturation of cells with useful substances by absorption 
  • All cells are enclosed in the shell 

The variety of living organisms, mushrooms, characteristics:

  • Lack of photosynthesis ability 
  • The presence of chitin in cells 
  • For nutrition, a substance called glycogen is used 
  • Mushrooms can eat in various ways, because among them there are saprophytes, parasites, symbionts. 
  • Propagated mainly by spores, The kidneys and division of the mushroom mushroom. Mushroom breathing is carried out using oxygen, which theabsorbed mushrooms. 

The effect of climate and environment on the variety of living organisms

In addition to the age of the planet, The variety of living organisms is explained by different habitats. 

There is a total on planet Earthfour habitat: 

  • ATonly me 
  • Nautonomous-air 
  • Pfull -time 
  • Organism 

That is, fish usually live in water, On Earth and Sushe mtoxic, birds, In the soil of worms. Ocaulth attention should be paid to the body in which parasites live. That is, these are mainly strip worms, a Also viruses. These creatures cannot live outside the body. 

The influence of climate and environment on the variety of living organisms:

  • I exist microorganisms, Inhabitants in an extreme environment are extremophiles. It is mainly bacteria, as well as microbes, who can live, multiply, exist in conditions of extremely high or low temperatures, at highreduced pressure. 
  • Takoe They got the name thanks to that, what can live in environment, which is significantly different from moderate, where lives Most living organisms. For the first time, such microorganisms were discovered in 1980-1990 years. This confirmedabout, that living organisms can adapt to extreme habitats.
  • Many of them can live in volcanic lava, hotx gheysers who are inhospitable for most living organisms. It was after these studies that scientists suggested, that the earth could ariseinunderwater sources or at the bottom of the ocean.

Living monsters: the variety of deep -sea living organisms

There are many myths, regarding the existence of strange creatures, monsters, living in the ocean and on land. However, in factyut realse monsters whoinsufficiently investigatedenim. Most lives in oceanic waters.  

Living monsters, the variety of deep -sea living organisms:

  1. SCHout of the sea dogAt the riverbs Very strangeth externaliy view. Creature It has a huge mouth, Availabilitym A large number of teeth. The creature is very aggressiveoh,therefore, capableabout attackfor drivers. Lives in the Pacific Ocean, Near NorthBUTmerikand 

    Schook a sea dog
    Schook a sea dog
  2. Sea flyciner. Very strangeoh creaturesabout, Kotoroh whichea predatoraboutm, innot very similarthe same on plantse. toa living organism is replacedko DNw, where Inhabitedet and railwayet its victim. Usually small small fish, whiche They swim nearby, They have no idea, that they are awaiting danger. The shell is enough of their victim, Swallows ee 

    Sea flyciner
    Sea flyciner
  3. Toa strip star. This is a strange fish that really looks like a monster. The massive is differentoh, Big jaw, convex eyes and the presence of a large number of spikes on their surface. Lives off the coast of the United States nearNnu-Thorc. These fish attack from below, and beat their victim with an electric discharge. They have a presentyutorgans, which are located above the eyes. It is they who produce electric current. 

    Crapping star
    Crapping star
  4. Iloglot. It is also fish, aboutdnako weakly not one Similar. Aliveet onbig depth, has a huge mouth. The body of a living creature is very smallohThere is no scales on the surface. There are practically no bones. Therefore, it reminds somethinga orsnake, But with a huge mouth. 

  5. Murena. These are huge sea monsters that really scare many. There are several species in nature, They differ in sizeand coloring.On the surfacesno scalesand, the shell is covered with mucus and is often poisonous. Exactlyslime Prevents the attack of predators and bacteria on these living beings. They differ in aggressiveness, and a large number of teeth. Often attack people,em many cases are mortal. 

  6. Fish. This is a creature, which lives onbolshu depth and is distinguished by an unpleasant appearance. Covered on topabout Mucus and resembles a jelly or jelly. Inhabitedet U near Australia, Tasmaniand. Unfortunately, The fish is introduceda In the Red Book and is on the verge of disappearance. 
  7. Sea herT. Externale really like countriesnoah A fairy -tale creature, It was discovered in 1891. Thisa The fish is not covereda I scoopeth, which helps her move in water with high speed. At the tipmouth There is a kind of process, whichth lightandit. It is thiswithwip attracts prey. The fish has a huge appetite, so often huntingandit is on a huge -size creature. Often soand I Hunting ends in death. 

  8. Mesonikhotedis. Ethen giant squid, whose body streamlined, wherebytheyonceinwillowyut Huge speed. Surprisingly, But the diameter of the eyes can reach 60 cm. It was found in 1925, But not completely, And only the tentacles.Takoth The tentacle was found in the body of the sperm whale, which was caught off the coastIon. Experts, Kotors Studies marine giantsconsider, that the body weight of some individuals can reach 200 kg. 

  9. Isopod. These are cephalopodsth Cancer, whichth It lives in the Atlantic Ocean. Its length is 1.5 m, And the weight is more than one and a half kg. This is an example of a giant who iswow First caught in 1879. The body is covered with hard plates to protect against predators. The most interesting, that these crayfish has the ability to turn into a ball, oncetheylock danger.Bolive part of life is carried out in a stationary state, smalloh Morskoh fishoh or pad.alew. These creatures are able to live without food for more than 8 weeks. 

  10. Living organisms even livein the area of \u200b\u200bexisting volcanoes. From the end of the 20th century he conductedaboutthere are many research, During which the masses were discoveredu living organisms, living in such extreme conditions. Among themulotrathermophilic anaerobic marineorpheus. This is a creature, which is discoveredeNO On the island of Italy, In the current volcano. This is a small organism that the most hot conditions specifically selects for existence. Lives at a temperature of 70130 degrees.EtI creatures can be useful for people. They will help create plants, which are resistant to high temperatures, hthen it will help to ennoble and set up with plants even by itselfs Dry and hot deserts. 

    Sea Orpheus
    Sea Orpheus
  11. You will not surprise anyone with microorganisms. They live deep in the ice, and inukanx. There are microorganisms, living at a temperature of 95 degrees. One of them isclostridium paradox. This is microorganism, whichth Contentandtinheem DNA specials Components, preventing destruction in hot water. The most interesting, that these microorganisms can live in other conditions, perlimits volcanoes. 

    Clostridium paradox
    Clostridium paradox
  12. Six -gaming ramp. This creature is more likee on the goblin, and lives under water, near volcanoov, inNowiGblame. Scientists still do not understand, pa large number of fishs It lives in such hot water.ATthe ode near the volcanoes is very dirty in it contains a lot of ash, there is no appearance. Besides, These ind. Highacidity, But this does not prevent the fish from breed. 

    Six -gaming ramp
    Six -gaming ramp
  13. Torys bosavi. This creature dwells in the newGblame, and the endurance is distinguisheds. These ratss live Near volcanoes, but in size differ significantly from the usual basement rodents. Their size is like that, Like ordinary domestic cats. They do not attack people, friendly, do not like much attentionTherefore, it has been studied very little.

    Rat Bosavi
    Rat Bosavi

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The age of bacteria, which I discoveredand scientistsat the bottom of the ocean, is 40 million years. They are very resistant to radiation, Flexible, adapt well to extremehigh and low temperatures, Aggressive habitat. 

Video: diversity of living organisms

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