How living creatures differ from objects of inanimate nature: comparison, similarities and differences. How to show the connection between living and inanimate nature? Why is a person belonging to living nature?

How living creatures differ from objects of inanimate nature: comparison, similarities and differences. How to show the connection between living and inanimate nature? Why is a person belonging to living nature?

What is living and inanimate nature: signs, description, examples

Sometimes children drive their parents in a deaf corner, raising tricky questions. Sometimes you don’t even know how to answer them, and sometimes you just don’t find suitable words. After all, children need to not only correctly explain, but also speak the language accessible to them.

The theme of living and inanimate nature begins to interest the children before the beginning of school life, and it is of great importance in the correct perception of the world. Therefore, you need to carefully understand the topic of nature and understand why they are distinguished and what it is - living and inanimate nature.

What is living nature: signs, description, examples

Let's first figure out (or just remember) what nature is as a whole. There are a lot of living organisms and inanimate objects around us. Everything that can appear and develop without human participation and is called nature. That is, for example, forests, mountains, fields, stones and stars belong to our nature with you. But cars, houses, planes and other buildings (as well as equipment) have nothing to do with the inanimate area of \u200b\u200bnature. This is what the man himself created.

According to what criteria are the living nature.

  • The living organism in any case will be grow and develop. That is, he will certainly pass the life cycle from birth and to death (yes, how sad it does not sound). Let's look at an example.
    • Take any animal (let it be a deer). He is born, learns to walk after a certain time, grows. Then, already in an adult, their children appear, the same deer. And in the final stage, the deer is aging and leaves this world.
    • Now let's take a seed (any, let it be sunflower grain). If it is put in the ground (by the way, this process is also thought out by nature). After a certain time, a small process appears, which gradually grows and increases in size. He begins to bloom, he has seeds (which then fall to the ground and repeat a new cycle of life). In conclusion, the sunflower dries and dies.
  • Reproductionas a component and important component of any living object. We already gave information a little higher with examples that all living organisms are propagated. That is, each animal has children, each tree lets out processes from which new trees grow. And flowers and various plants scatter their seeds so that they sprout in the ground and new and young plants turn out from them.
  • Food It is an integral part of our life. All those who eat any food (it can be other animals, plants or water) belong to living nature. To maintain life and development, living organisms, food is simply necessary. After all, we find the strength to develop and grow from it.
Live nature
Live nature
  • Breath - Another important component of wildlife. Yes, some animals or small organisms make this function in the same way as a person. We inhale oxygen with the help of lungs. And exhale carbon dioxide. Fish and other inhabitants who live under water have gills for these purposes. But for example, trees and herbs breathe through the leaves. By the way, they do not need oxygen, but, on the contrary, carbon dioxide. Moreover, through special tiny cells (they also make important metabolic processes), oxygen, which is necessary for animals and humans.
  • Traffic - that's life! There is such a motto, and it fully characterizes the living world. Try to sit or lie down all day. You just get your arms and legs. Muscles need to work and develop. By the way, children often have a question - how do trees or flowers move on a flowerbed. After all, they have no legs and they do not move around the city. But note that the plants turn behind the sun.
    • Conduct an experiment! Even at home, on the windowsill, watch the flower. If it is deployed in the other direction from the window, then after a while he will look at the window again. Just plants make their movements very slowly and smoothly.
  • And the last, final stage is dying. Yes, we touched on in the first paragraph that everyone is completing their life cycle. By the way, there is also a thin line in this matter.
    • For example, a tree that grows is in living nature. But the already felled plant will not breathe, move or multiply. So, it will automatically relate to inanimate nature. By the way, the same is the same to a torn flower.

Now we will delve into the topic a little, what other signs of wildlife are:

We stipulated important and prerequisite. And now we will add several scientific facts. Let's just say that your child shines even more with his mind and quick wit. After all, we do not forget that the information in terms of studying does not exist superfluous.

  • We mentioned that representatives of wildlife should move, breathe, eat and pass the life cycle. But I would also like to add one small nuance. These are waste of life and excrement. Excretion - This is an opportunity for the body to get rid of toxins and waste. Simply put, all living organisms go to the toilet. This is just a necessary chain so as not to poison our cells. Trees, for example, drop the leaves, change the bark.
  • By the way, about cells. All living organisms consist of cells! There are simple creatures that develop from only one or more cells (these, the so -called bacteria). But more on that later.
    • Many cells are grouped into tissue. And those, in turn, add up a whole organ. The organs, or rather their composition (that is, the totality, group) and make the finished organism. By the way, all living things that consist of organs belong to the class of higher representatives. And they are very complex organisms.
Living organism
Living organism

Important: so that this topic becomes clear to the child, make a person or other living creature from the designer. Let him imagine that every detail is a cage.

  • It is also impossible not to note the energy of the Sun and the Earth. All living things simply need sunlight and use the gifts of the Earth. For example, minerals. The most affordable and understandable are salt or coal that extracts from her soil.
  • Each of us has our own habits in behavior. This is called the environment. The behavior is a very complex set of reactions. By the way, in every living creature they differ from each other.
  • We can all adapt to any changes. A person, for example, came up with the use of an umbrella during the rain, and other animals simply hide under a canopy or tree.

What types of living beings are distinguished by biology?

  • Microorganisms. These are the most ancient representatives of wildlife. They can develop where there is water or moisture. Even such tiny representatives can grow, multiply and pass the whole complex of the life cycle. By the way, they can eat water and other nutrients. These, as a rule, include bacteria, viruses and mushrooms (but not the ones that we eat).
  • Plants or flora (speaking scientific language). The variety is simply huge - these are grass, and flowers, and trees, and even unicellular algae (and not only). Give your child complete information about why they belong to the living world.
    • After all, they breathe. Yes, we remember that plants produce oxygen, and absorb (or absorb into themselves) carbon dioxide.
    • They move. They turn behind the sun, twist the leaves or drop them.
    • They eat. Yes, some do it through the soil (for example, flowers), get nutrients from water or do it all from two resources.
    • They grow and multiply. We will not repeat ourselves, because above have already given examples of such an explanation.
  • Animals. This is just a huge complex that includes wild or home animals, insects, birds, fish, amphibians or mammals. They can breathe, eat, grow, develop and multiply. Moreover, another feature is inherent in them - this is the ability to adapt to environmental conditions.
  • Human. It stands at the very top of wildlife, since it has all the above signs. Therefore, we will not repeat them.

What is inanimate nature: signs, description, examples

As already guessed, inanimate nature cannot breathe, grow, eat, multiply. Although there are some nuances in these matters. For example, mountains can grow. And huge slabs of the earth can move. But we will talk about this in more detail later.

Therefore, let's highlight the main signs of inanimate nature.

  • They are do not pass the life cycle. That is, they do not grow and do not develop. Yes, mountains can “grow” (increase in volume) or crystals of salt, or other minerals may increase. But this is not because of the reproduction of cells. And due to the fact that the "newly arrived" parts appear. Also, it is impossible not to note the dust and other layers (this is what is directly related to the mountains).
  • They are do not eat. Mountains, stone or our planet do not eat? No, inanimate nature does not need to receive additional energy (for example, the sun and the same earth) or any nutrients. Yes, they simply do not need it!
  • They are do not move. If you kick a person, then he will begin to give back (the reaction to the environment will also be involved here). If you push the plant, then it will either remain in place (since it has a root), or will lose its leaves (which will then grow). But if you kick the stone, then he just move to some distance. And then it will be immobilized there.
    • The water in the river moves, but not because it is alive. The wind, the tendency of the terrain and do not forget about such a tiny detail as particles play a role. A person, for example, consists of cells, but water (and other inanimate elements) of tiny particles. And in those places where the connection between the particles is the smallest, they try to take the lowest place. Moving, they form a current.
  • Of course, one cannot fail to highlight them sustainability. Yes, the question may arise in my head that sand and earth have a loose state (you can blindly cast ahead of them). But they easily withstand the weight of not only one person, but also a whole billion (even several). And you don’t even need to explain about the stone.
Live nature
Live nature
  • Weak variability - Another sign of inanimate nature. The stone can change its shape, for example, under the influence of the current. But this will take not even a month or two, but for several years.
  • And you still need to note the item lack of propagation. Non -living nature does not start cubs, it has no offspring or it does not have additional processes. And the whole point is that their life cycle does not end. Take even our planet - she is already many years old. And the sun, stars or mountains. All of them, too, have been in their place in a constant state for many, many years.

Important: the only change in nature is the transition from one state to another. That is, for example, a stone can become dust over time. And the most striking example is water. It can evaporate, then accumulate in the clouds and fall out in the form of precipitation (rain or snow). It can also become ice, that is, take a solid form. We remind you that there are three states - gaseous, liquid and solid forms.

And what are the types of inanimate nature?

The child already in elementary grades should have elementary representations not only about living nature, but also about inanimate elements. To make them easier to perceive, you need to immediately allocate three groups. Moreover, in the future in the geography lesson this will be only a plus.

  • Lithosphere. We all live in such a huge house as Earth (by the way, this is the only planet in space where there is life). It does not consist of land, sand and vegetation. This is a relatively small (although its layer is at least 10 km) a surface layer.
    • And under it there are also a layer of mantle (they are in a molten state and ten times thicker than the upper layer), the core is located inside the planet (it consists of molten metals).
    • And do not forget about such an important condition that our earth's crust consists of puzzles. Yes, they are called lithospheric slabs. But for a more understandable perception, they can be attached in the form of pieces of the picture. So they divide the globe into continents and oceans.
      • Where they lower them, water bodies (seas, rivers and oceans) are formed.
      • In the places of elevation, the surfaces of the Earth and even mountains are formed (they appear as a result of the fact that one plate overlap another).
    • Hydrosphere. Naturally, this is the water part of the Earth. By the way, it occupies almost 70% of the entire surface. These are rivers, lakes, streams, seas and oceans.
    • Atmosphere. These are in other words, air. It has several layers and there are two main components in it - nitrogen (occupies as many as 78%) and oxygen (only 21%).

Important: oxygen is necessary for us to maintain life. But the nitrogen, diluting it, does not allow excess oxygen inhalation. So these components are very important for us, and they support each other in the balance of each other.


By the way, you still need to highlight separately Sun. After all, without him there would be nothing alive. Yes, in principle, there would be simply darkness. He gives us warmth, light and energy.

How living creatures differ from objects of inanimate nature: comparison, features, similarities and differences

We have already given a complete concept to each aspect, having highlighted the main differences between living and inanimate nature. That is, they showed their main characteristics. Moreover, they were provided in a detailed form, so we will not repeat ourselves.

I only want to add what similarities there are between living and inanimate nature:

  • We are all subjected to one physical laws. Throw a stone or lizard down. They will fall down. The only bird will fly into the sky. But this is due to the presence of wings. Under water, she will still go to the bottom.
  • All chemical reactions act equally to a living and inanimate nature. The lightning strike leaves a similar trace. Or an even simpler example is the appearance of salt plaque. What is on a stone, that a person will remain white stripes from drying the sea water.
  • Of course, we do not forget about the laws of mechanics. Again, everyone is subject to them the same, without exception. For example, under the influence of strong winds, we begin to go faster (if we follow it), and the clouds begin to swim faster in the sky.
Sea water
Sea water
  • We all have some changes. Just a person or any other animal grows, changes shape. The stone also grows, the cloud changes the shape and color depending on the content of the number of droplets of water (that is, moisture).
  • By the way, color. Some animals have or may become the same color as objects of inanimate nature.
  • The form. Pay attention to the similarity of a shell or lichen on a stone, or the structure of graphite on bee honeycombs. And snowflakes with sea stars, for example, do not cause any symmetry in forms in anyone?
  • And, of course, we need light and energy of the sun.

How to show the connection between living and inanimate nature? Invisible threads between living and inanimate nature: description

We gave not only the differences between the living and inanimate nature, but also showed the general features between them. But it is also necessary to highlight the fact that everything is interconnected in nature.

  • For example, the simplest is water. It is necessary for all living representatives. Be it a person, a lion, a squirrel or a flower. The only difference is that plants receive moisture through the root, and animals drink it.
  • Sun. It refers to inanimate nature, but it is simply necessary for green plants to develop oxygen. Living creatures need it in order to see and develop normally. By the way, the stars and the moon performs a similar function at night, for example, to illuminate the path.
  • Some animals live in the burrows that dig in the ground. And others, for example, ducks live in reeds. Moss grows on a stone.
  • Some minerals serve to nutrition of many animals and humans. Even take the most banal salt. Coal helps to warm up, and it is extracted from the bowels of the Earth. By the way, this can also include gas, which enters our burners and pipes.
  • But animals play an important role. For example, fallen leaves, rotting, nourish the soil. Even some waste of animals and people contribute to its enrichment. But this does not mean household garbage, it does not overwhelm.
  • Plants serve as a shelter for most animals, and those, in turn, pollinate plants, scatter seeds and drive off pests. For example, a tree or stone serves for a person a home (if you build it).
  • This is not all examples. Each chain of our life is closely interconnected with other aspects of nature. By the way, I would also like to secrete oxygen, without which no representative of wildlife would exist.

What indicates a community of living and inanimate nature?

To do this, you need to recall the course of physics. All living and inanimate objects consist of particles. Or rather, from atoms. But this is a slightly different, more complex science. And I would also like to connect knowledge from chemistry. All representatives of nature have the same chemically composition. No, they are all different in their own way.

  • But in any living representative there is the same element that is found in inanimate nature. For example, even water. It is contained in all plants, animals, humans, and even in microorganisms.

The role of the soil in the relationship of living and inanimate nature: description

The role of water and oxygen is simply huge for wildlife. But the soil itself is simply impossible to overestimate. Therefore, we will immediately start with the most important thing.

  • The soil serves as a house for most representatives of the animal world. Some live in it, while others just build houses. Plants also “live” in the soil, because in a different way they will not be able to grow.
  • She is the most nutritious. Yes, just no one is compared with her. After all, it has all the necessary minerals and elements. Moreover, sometimes a connection can have an indirect contact.
The soil
The soil

For example, the soil nourishes plants and together with water contributes to their growth. And they are already becoming food for other animals. By the way, some animals are food for representatives of the highest chain.

Important: we have already mentioned this that animals and plants also enrich it, after their death. And the chain begins again, the resulting substances become food for microorganisms and other plants.

  • For people, for example, it also serves as the basis for the extraction of all minerals and minerals. Even the same coal. And also, oil, gas or ores of metals.

Inanimate nature factors affecting living organisms: Description

Yes, all factors of inanimate nature affect living organisms. And to the direct extent. They can be found a whole, but we will highlight the most basic and main ones.

  1. Light and warmth. It refers to one point, since its living organisms from the sun receive. Yes, it is also difficult to overestimate his role, because without the sun there simply would not be life on earth.
    • Without light, many organisms simply died. Light enables many chemical processes in organisms. For example, plants can produce oxygen only under the influence of sunlight. Yes, and we would not have looked that.
    • The temperature in each climatic belt is different. For example, at the equator (in the middle of the globe) it is maximum. There is completely different vegetation and, for example, the color of the skin is darker. And animals there have other characteristics.
    • In the north, on the contrary, people live with more pale skin. And you are unlikely to meet a giraffe or crocodile in the Arctic. Plants also change in the degree of temperature changes. The color and shape of the leaves are changing.
    • And the cold, in general, can become destructive for many living creatures. At very low temperatures, neither a person, nor an animal, nor a plant, nor even a bacterium will survive for a long time.
  2. Humidity. It is also important for all living things on the planet. Without it, animals and plants will die in the same way. If the humidity falls below the required limit, then vital activity will begin to decrease.
    • By the way, in the hot climate, water vapors are better preserved. Therefore, frequent rain precipitation is observed. For example, in the tropics they can be in huge numbers and go for several days.
    • In cold regions, approximately 40-45% of moisture goes to the formation of dew or snow. We can conclude that the colder the terrain, the less often the rain is. But in a hot climate, you rarely meet the fallen snow.
  3. The soil. In the north, the earth is covered with a layer of snow. Therefore, it will not be so rich. In hot countries, sands are more common. The most fertile is considered to be the chernozem (that is, black earth).
    • By the way, the shape of the soil is also important. In the mountains, again, there will be other plants and animals that adapted to live on the slopes. And in low areas, near the swamps, their rules reign.

Why is a person belonging to living nature?

A person is not just a living nature, he is at the top of the whole chain! We spoke at the very beginning about the signs. So we draw conclusions about this. A person breathes, eats, grows and develops. Everyone has their own children, and in the final stage we leave this world.

  • Moreover, a person knows how to adapt to climatic changes and other changes in the environment.
  • We all have their own reaction to what is happening. Yes, when we are pushed, we do not fly away, but give change.
  • We use the resources of not only the Earth, but also the ocean and space as much as possible.
  • A person uses the heat, light and energy of the sun.
  • All features of wildlife are inherent in man, he has a mind and soul. Moreover, he uses this opportunity as much as possible.
Man is living nature
Man is living nature

For example, animals cannot build a house for themselves. And a person even makes a whole work of art. And this is just a small example of his activity. We use plants, trees and other animals as much as possible. Even if you take a lion - the king of animals. His person can easily defeat (yes, for these purposes he uses inventions such as a dagger or gun).

Video: Living and inanimate nature: objects and phenomena

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