Is there a UFO: the history of the appearance of UFOs, research at the state level, the opinions of skeptics and optimists, the impressions of eyewitnesses

Is there a UFO: the history of the appearance of UFOs, research at the state level, the opinions of skeptics and optimists, the impressions of eyewitnesses

Do you believe in UFO? Let's learn about all the facts from the article.

There is no definite answer to this question. Humanity is still divided into skeptics who do not believe in the existence of an alien mind, and those who sincerely believe that very soon we will get acquainted with the inhabitants of distant worlds.

Crazy or eyewitnesses: is there a UFO?

Everyone who is not interested in these inhabitants heard about these inhabitants ufology (This is the name of the science of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and their possible pilots). And many claim that they personally contacted extraterrestrial civilizations. How to call such people - naive, romantics, crazy or really lucky, who grabbed good luck by the tail?

If you believe scientists (well -known skeptics, which believes all hypotheses by practice and experience), is unlikely to move at speeds exceeding the speed of light, especially since the distances that separate us from the planets of other galaxies, where life could theoretically exist, are exorbitantly great To overcome them. They consider the stories of “eyewitnesses” either invented to attract attention, or incorrectly interpreted facts.

But according to the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Vladimir Azhazha, UFOs still exist, but not all cases that incomprehensible phenomena in one or another point of the planet are indeed related to them are really connected with them. There are no more than 5%of them, while the rest have quite natural explanations of a natural nature.

An object
An object

How to explain, for example, many descriptions of the occurrence on the path of strange objects made by pilots or sea wolves? And it is possible that data on such meetings are stored in the archives of the special services of many countries. According to the estimates of the same Vladimir Azhazha, about 150 points of the possible deployment of such objects have already been recorded. By the way, Azhazha himself is far from the assertion that they all belong to aliens, believing that it could be aliens who came to us from another dimension or any parallel world.

He also emphasizes that a more correct term for determining the object is not unidentified, but noospheric, not flying, but easily avid. This is due to the fact that there are evidence of eyewitnesses about the meeting of such “plates” both in water and in earthly strata. And it is noospheric, because It is precisely in the noosphere in which the mind prevails to interpret its appearance.

How it all began: the story of the appearance of a UFO

For the first time, the American aviator nominated for a living organism that a living organism was nominated in 1947 Arnold Kennet, saying that he watched in the sky at once 9 incomprehensible objects, which he called “flying saucers”, thereby introducing this term into everyday life.

He was supported by the Austrian parapsychologist and astrologer Zoya Vasiloko-Sereskiwho, after 8 years, spoke that in the atmosphere (namely in its upper layer) there is a living world, whose representatives we consider UFOs. And in 1978, the book by the American historian and writer James Constable published the book “Heavenly Beings”, in which he stated that unicellular organisms of different sizes live in the air.

They started talking about him in 1947
They started talking about him in 1947

According to ufologists, UFOs are based in places that are practically inaccessible to a wide study. Among these they call and the underwater depths of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, Lake Baikal and Ladoga. Cameras recorded the movement of an incomprehensible object in the Black Sea, not far from Ayu-Dag.

  • Several people at once told how two balls interconnected in the Heaven Warsaw in 1959 were observed. Then the balls were connected in one, later took the outlines of the disk and disappeared.
  • After 10 years, in Russia, residents of the Perm region have already seen three balls, connecting in one, and after the middle of the disk formed a hole.
  • Estonians became witnesses, and Tallinn residents observed a triangle, kehra - a pyramid, Aigvid - something like the letter T, and the inhabitants of the Rakvere saw an oval.
  • There have been reverse cases. In 1977, in Azerbaijan, astronomers noted the division of an incomprehensible object in the sky into two parts, a similar picture was described by the crew members of the Viktor Bugaev oceanographic vessel three years later.
Noticed in different cities
Noticed in different cities

By the way, such changes in the form fit perfectly into the aforementioned constel theory of UFO as unicellular organisms.

UFO - living organisms or still mechanisms?

So how to consider what we are used to calling UFOs? So far, the version of the biological origin of the "plates" is less common. Basically, they are nevertheless considered precisely as the means of transportation of those who inhabit other worlds. But at this time, there are two more assumptions about the nature of the UFO.

Are there living organisms there?
Are there living organisms there?
  • The first is the simultaneous existence in the cosmic space of unknown scientists and, accordingly, humanity, living organisms and ships of those whom we call humanoids.
  • The second is the “plates” themselves and are living organisms, some kind of robot-kilgles performing reconnaissance operations above the ground and on it.

Studies of UFOs at the state level

In the 40-50s, when the UFO was spoke out loud, the tests of various new weapons in several countries were held. To find out if such information is connected with the results of the tests, already in 1948, the American Air Force in cooperation with engineers and scientists began systematizing information about the facts of strange phenomena in the atmosphere. All these facts were included in the Blue Book.

Even then, it was found that the vast majority of messages are explained by the natural reasons like the northern lights, the movement of flying devices in non -standard weather conditions, etc.

In the late 60s. Experts from the American Academy of Sciences generally recommended stopping work on the study of UFOs as unpromising and “Blue Book”, as a project in which about 13 thousand facts related to the observation of UFOs were recorded, ended in its existence.

Studies by the state
Studies by the state

Similar collections of evidence were also held in Canada, Sweden, Australia and some other countries, including the USSR. Almost all of them were rejected as evidence of the existence of UFOs, however, with a note that some cases described are not subject to scientific interpretation.

Is there a UFO according to skeptics?

The fact that UFO really does not exist does not exist skeptics. They justify their point of view in different ways. Some explanations are believable, some are doubtful. Here are the main arguments “against” - judge for yourself.

  • Firstly, in order to reach the ground from the nearest star, it takes about 100 years.
  • Secondly, it is very convenient to cover the intelligence operations in the sky with myth of UFOs.
  • Thirdly, not in any church scripture there are no references to aliens, and all such theories are categorically rejected by the Church.
  • Fourth, many “eyewitnesses” later submitted that they said so out of the desire to become popular.
  • Fifthly, hype and constant interest in this topic are beneficial for the show business industry, bringing significant capital.
  • Sixth, the Swiss psychiatrist Gustav Jung considers the faith in aliens a mental disorder.
  • The same, if the aliens are so developed that they arrive at other planets, they would already be able to contact us.
  • Vosmys, scientists confirm that the main part of the described VLO visits refers to the emergence of thunderclines of a spherical shape.

How do optimists think?

There are many those who believe in an ambulance with extraterrestrial civilizations. Their arguments are as follows.

  1. Ed Mitchell, an American astronaut, landing on the moon, repeatedly stated that the aliens were on earth many times, but such information was conceived.
  2. The astronauts of one of the Apollo believed that they saw one of the steps of the rocket near the ship, but NASA did not confirm this. What did the astronauts see?
  3. What are underground shelters on Mars, if not proof of the activities of reasonable creatures?
  4. Drawings similar to aircraft located on Egyptian frescoes.
  5. According to hypnosis experts, many of their patients, during the session, share memories of how alien creatures abducted them.
  6. Detection of Martian stone with traces of nanobacteria on the territory of the Antarctic. Perhaps there is life on Mars?
Opinions are ambiguous
Opinions are ambiguous

In 2018, new evidence of possible UFO visits was published. So, in September, pictures from American satellites demonstrated four rows of objects of obscure outlines in the state of Utah. The fact that it was the satellite recorded is still disputes.

A little earlier, the robot, which studied the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, discovered huge strange traces, reaching two and a half meters in length, which could hardly be left by any technique. And again - there is no explanation for this fact yet.

Despite the fact that every day science takes huge steps, but so far the Universe is more or less studied for us within our solar system. And studies of astrophysic scientists suggest that there are many objects beyond its borders. Today we call them exoplanets.

Only in recent decades, the Super -Missing Telescope Kepler Nasa discovered thousands of them - different in size, relief, orbit. And, according to the Doctor of the Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberg Sergey Popov, it is quite possible that some of them are potentially inhabited. But the distance between us does not yet allow scientists to verify this.

And in conclusion, we recall the dying advice of the legendary Cosmologist Steven Hawking: Humanity should adapt to life on another planet as quickly as possible. So this is possible?

Video: About UFOs in convincing facts

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