Microclism, laxative candles microlax: composition, indications, instructions for use for newborn, children and adults, dosage, frequency of use, contraindications, reviews

Microclism, laxative candles microlax: composition, indications, instructions for use for newborn, children and adults, dosage, frequency of use, contraindications, reviews

Microlax is a laxative with a high degree of safety. The composition of the product includes substances that are able to solve the problem with constipation in a short time. The effect of the medicine begins to appear already 5-15 minutes after use. Further more about this dosage form.

A delicate problem (constipation) can occur in any person. The ailment brings discomfort, does not affect the quality of life, mood, and pain can also occur. To solve health problems, special diets, exercises and, of course, drugs are used. There are plenty of pharmacy in the market.

That's just not everyone can suit the patient. Therefore, I would like to choose the most safe tool that does not have a harmful effect on different body systems. To these, you can classify microlax. This drug is able to quickly relieve symptoms of the disease with the slightest side effects, it is recommended even for young children.

Microclism, laxative candles microlax: composition, indications for use

There is still another name for the drug - candles microlax. Although it is represented a little differently. The tool is a viscous liquid that is in a five millimeter tube. Everything is done for convenience. In one tube there is a one -time dosage of the drug. And in total there are four microclysters in the box.

Microlax - microclisms from constipation
Microlax - microclisms from constipation

The color of the liquid is light milk. In plastic packaging (microclism) there is a special tip, a seal that is removed before entering a viscous fluid to the patient. Microclism is administered rectally.

Microlax copes with the stagnant process in the intestines due to its composition:

  • Sorbit solutionit is a stimulator of water supply to the intestines, because thanks to it there is an increase in stagnant feces. Those, in turn, irritate the walls of the intestines, which provoke feces.
  • NATRII CITRAS- Auxiliary element for displacement associated with feces, water. When a substance sodium citrate It acts on waste products, then the process of peristalsis proceeds. It is thanks to the motor function that feces come out.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate or sodium lairal sulfoacetatecalamin dilutes, because the intestines are easier.

There are also additional substances in the microlax: glycerol, sorbinic acid, H2O.

Cure for constipation
Cure for constipation

Apply microlax should be the following ailments:

  • with constipation, if there is no chair more than three days
  • with hemorrhoids
  • before the ultrasound, before going to an appointment with the proctologist
  • before preparing for all kinds of operations, childbirth.

IMPORTANT: Thanks to microclism, we can noticeably facilitate defecation in people with constipation and in the presence of hemorrhoids in patients. Microlax also facilitates delicate problems for people who have psychological disorders due to difficult emptying.

Microlax - how much does it work in adults, children and newborns?

In fact, microlax is a harmless drug, has a laxative effect, is produced in the form of microclisms. There are only five milliliters of the drug in the tube. The dosage is suitable for everyone for young children and adults.

Treatment of constipation in children
Treatment of constipation in children

The tool equally affects any organism on both children and adults. In general, the effect of taking the drug can be wait approximately after 6-15 minutes (depending on the characteristics of the body in the patient).

IMPORTANT: Newborn do not recommend the drug, they begin to use the drug only with three months. Whatever the safe microlax, its effect on the kids has not been studied.

It is convenient that the product acts only on the accumulation of waste in the intestines, and does not have any effect on other organs. Therefore, doctors believe that microlax is safe.

Microlax - how to correctly introduce adults and children, in what position?

Microclisms are convenient to use, there is no need to choose their dose of the drug to each patient. After all, the tube is already the right amount of healing fluid, which is enough for a one -time reception to literally any person. Microlax has a flexible tip on the tube. Its edge has a rounded shape. Thanks to this, introducing the product is very simple.

The only thing that children can not be introduced completely to the tip of rectally. To the kids, to a year, they enter the tip into the anus by two centimeters, while the baby is laid on the back, the legs are bent to the tummy. Older children, like adults, are better off to lie on a barrel and bend their legs in their knees. Up to three years of age, the tip of microclysters is introduced by half the age of the age of three adults.

Microclism of microlax is put as follows:

  1. Lay the oilcloth, lay a sheet on top. A child is older than a year or an adult is laid on the side and asked to bend the legs in the knees.
  2. Wash well according to all the rules of the hand with soap.
  3. Take a microlax, remove the cap from the tip. Squeeze a slightly solution for lubrication of the tip.
  4. Enter it into the rectum, carefully, smoothly inject the solution inside.
  5. Remove the tip from the anus. Only the fingers on the tube do not unclench, the bottle must be kept suppressed.
In what position to make microclysters to infants?
In what position to make microclysters to infants?

IMPORTANT: After 6-20 minutes, the patient will feel the effect of the drug. Keeping the solution inside is desirable, longer.

Microlax for newborns: instructions for use, dosage

In infants, the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is established only by four to five months. Little children often experience a tummy problem. In particular, discomfort may be discomfort from constipation and the child in this case becomes moody, often cries. Moms, after establishing the cause of the problem, do not always know which drugs are best used.

Microlax. constipation of babies
Microlax. Constipation of babies

They try to resort to home remedies more, brew a chamomile infusion. If it does not help, they are looking for more effective methods. In particular, they simply go to the pharmacy, and ask the pharmacist what is best used as a laxative. There they are advised by candles or other drugs.

But before using any product, it is still better to consult a doctor. After all, each pharmacy medicine has its own contraindications, side effects. For example, Microlax cannot be used by children up to three months of age.

Most often, microlax is prescribed for children with such problems:

  • with a lack of fluid in the body systems, with constipation
  • with poor absorption of milk lactose
  • if the child has a special intestinal structure.

As stated in the previous paragraph, it is very simple to use microclysteen, you do not need to independently select a dose of the drug. And the tip is introduced to the kids half, there is a mark. The instructions write about this.

Children have very delicate skin, therefore, the procedure should be done as carefully so as not to damage the surface of the skin. And not all children can endure all kinds of procedures, so gain patience, but after half an hour the baby will feel relief. Even after the administration of the drug, the child’s stomach should be massaged with light circular movements. So it will be easier for the baby to cope with unpleasant sensations in the tummy.

Microclisms are not the treatment of the problem, but only the removal of the symptoms of the disease. The problem with constipation should be solved by other methods. Therefore, you can not use microlax constantly. In addition to facilitating the condition of the child with this drug, it will not hurt to adjust the nutrition to solve the problem with the chair.

Laxative microlax - how to use during pregnancy: dosage

What constipation is, almost any woman who was in an interesting position knows. The last trimester of pregnancy is especially often caused by this condition. Not every medicine is suitable for future mothers, because inside them there is a small miracle, with fragile health. Therefore, you should choose only the most safe products from this ailment.

Microlax for pregnant women
Microlax for pregnant women

To alleviate the condition, microclisms of microlaxes are suitable. It can be used at any gestation. The medicine has absolutely no effect on the internal organs of a woman, and even more so on the child. There is no ban on the use of dosage form by pregnant women.

According to the instructions, the drug is recommended to be used in the following cases:

  • before undergoing medical research (ultrasound)
  • if there are problems with the chair (with constipation) or with health (with hemorrhoids)
  • before preparing for childbirth.

Despite the peaceful means, still pregnant women should pay attention to the fact that the frequent use of the drug is undesirable and it has contraindications. In particular, do not use microlax, if in a pregnant woman there are allergenic reactions of the body to the action of any component, which is part of the funds.

Laxative microlax - how to use it with hemorrhoids: dosage

Hemorrhoid treatment is a whole range of measures. To facilitate the condition of the patient, a oncoming enema method is used. It is effective, because the laxative improves the passage of food waste through damaged mucous sections. To do this, use the drug microlax.

It is also actively used to eliminate pain in the passage of feces through damaged areas of mucous membranes after operations associated with anal cracks, fistulas. Microclism helps to accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of constipation for hemorrhoids. Microlax
Treatment of constipation for hemorrhoids. Microlax

With this pathology, laxative candles, enemas are part of the treatment, and patients are often observed in constipation. It is they who can become the root cause of education or an increase in the size of hemorrhoids. Microlax softens feces, improves the dynamics of bowel movements, eliminates the patient from various complications.

The drug has a successful combination of components, thanks to it, intestinal cleansing occurs. Microlax The first tool for hemorrhoids. The price of the drug is budgetary, despite the excellent action. The cost of the drug is about 320-365 rubles. The box has four microclysters that are used no more than once a day.

Microlax: When and how to put before visiting a proctologist?

Diseases of the genitals in men are treated by a proctologist. Nowadays, they are especially common. The causes of the ailments are stressful situations, a sedentary lifestyle, overeating and others. If men have prerequisites for constipation, then this may be the reason for contacting a specialist doctor.

With pathologies of a proctological nature, there are also such symptoms, so do not delay, any disease is easier to therapy in the early stages. But before you appear on the inspection of the proctologist, it should be mandatory make an enema. A one of the best For such a process is microclism of microlax.

What should be done before visiting a proctologist?
What should be done before visiting a proctologist?

How to make intestinal cleansing with a microlax?In the pharmacy, candles will be advised to you for the procedure, because it is a rather popular drug. But microlax is softer. With emergency research by a proctologist, microclism is placed 60 minutes before the start of the reception. To do this, it is enough to squeeze the gel mass in the anus and wait 20 minutes. After which you will free yourself from feces.

How often, how many times a day, you can put a microlax, adults, children, newborn?

The drug has one dosage for all patients. After the age of three, children and adults are injected with microclyste over the entire length of the tip, babies from 3 months to three years half. The use of the drug is allowed from three months in newborns. Put microclism can only once a day. Notlazi use means long. In chronic constipation, another scheme of therapy, a whole complex of measures, and not relieving symptoms are needed.

Microlax is addictive: the advantages of the drug

The drug Microlax is not recommended to be used daily and for a long time. It is used once. Therefore, no addiction to microclism is observed. And if, despite the use of the drug, constipation in the patient does not stop, then the patient needs to contact a specialist-doctor.

Microx also has many advantages. Further more about them:

  1. The selected components are balancedwho softly act on the cause of the problem and give a good result.
  2. Microlax acts directly on the very cause of the problem. The components of the drug interact only with feces and do not fall into the bloodstream.
  3. Microclism has a convenient form for use, immediately provided tips for rectal input of the drug.
  4. No need to worry about the dosage of the drug. The tube has a single dose of 5 ml, which suits everyone.
  5. Result from using the drug No need to wait a long time, it will come after 15-25 minutes.
  6. Microlax It has relatively low cost.
Laxative for children - microclisms microlax
Laxative for children - microclisms microlax

IMPORTANT: Patients should know that the drug needs to be correctly disposed of if it has already lost its expiration date. Microlax can not simply be thrown into wastewater, into the street. The solution should be placed in a package, then send to the container.

Microlax - contraindications, side effects

The use of the dosage form is not recommended with individual sensitivity To any substance, which is part of the microlax. Forbidden Apply microclisms with bleeding in the intestines.

Judging as a whole, the laxative is tolerated well. But as a result of the study of the drug, it was found that side effects still have a place to be. These include:

  • An unpleasant sensation in the zone of anal passage in the form of burning.
  • Allergic rashes with frequent use and overdose of the drug.
  • Redness, itching, other unpleasant phenomena associated with allergies on some component of the product.

The laxative drug does not affect the intestinal microflora, it does not enter the bloodstream. Therefore, adverse reactions are very rare. This is also confirmed by the pharmacy instruction for the microlax. There are no prohibitions and when using microclogism for pregnant women. They are suitable to facilitate the chair for expectant mothers at any time.

Children also have no prohibitions for using the product. It is allowed to introduce from a three -month age to relieve symptoms of locking phenomena.

Microlax - application
Microlax - application

IMPORTANT: In addition to sensitivity into the components of the drug, the oncology of the large intestine can be a contraindication to the use of the product. It is precisely because of the incorrect diagnoses that patients make themselves that self-medication is dangerous.

Which is better: microlax or glycerin candles?

There are many funds in the pharmacy market from constipation. And often patients cannot choose which one is better. For example, which is better to use microlax or glycerin candles?

Both are used locally, therefore, drugs do not affect the functionality of internal organs. They have general characteristics, in particular:

  1. Practical use
  2. Side phenomena are very rare
  3. Drugs cannot be used as permanent drugs to cure constipation
  4. Both drugs are applicable to children and for pregnant women
  5. They are used after operations and before the proctologist passes

In general, despite the different composition of the drugs, they have a lot of advantages and are almost safe if patients do not have allergies to the components of these forms. The only thing that includes one active substance, and there are several microlaxes.

The difference between glycerin candles and microlax
The difference between glycerin candles and microlax

Differences between microx and glycerin candles

Candles and microclysters differ by the forms of release. Microlax is produced in the form of a microchercol of 5 ml, and candles are in the form of suppositories with dosages of 1.4 and 1.24 g. The result of using candles occurs after a quarter of an hour, and after microclysteen can occur within five minutes. Glycerin candles for cleansing of feces are not used once, like microclism, but several times.

Candle prices are lower than for microlaxes, in different pharmacies they vary from 90 to 155 rubles, unlike the second drug. A solution for balancing a chair costs from 300 to 365 rubles. Candles in the package of 10 pieces, and microclinkal of four.

Dosage forms are used to solve problems with stools in children, but candles can cause addiction and irritation, unlike microlax. Candles act rude and children must be administered carefully, they can cause damage to delicate skin and mucous membrane. There are differences in the instructions for the use of these dosage forms.

Glycerin candles are prescribed by doctors in such conditions:

  • constipation of any form of origin
  • difficult chair of pregnant women
  • postoperative period
  • hemorrhoids, if not in the exacerbation phase
  • people with limited motor activity, lying patients with constipation
  • children with constipation

Glycerin candles must be used with caution to small children and pregnant women. After all, glycerin actively acts on the intestine, activates its functions. Therefore, it is better to use candles after consulting a doctor. After all, intestinal peristalsis sometimes causes uterine contractions, it is dangerous for pregnant women. You can not use laxative candles during the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, with inflammation in the intestines, all kinds of tumors in the organ.

What is better to use with constipation in children a candle or microlax?
What is better to use with constipation in children a candle or microlax?

Microlax is allowed to use, unlike candles in the following cases:

  • with constipation in adults, pregnant women, children to relieve symptoms
  • after operations, to prepare for the examinations of the gastrointestinal tract, rectoscopy
  • with hemorrhoids.

Microlax greatly facilitates the course of such a pathology as hemorrhoids. With the help of microclogism, you can get rid of swelling, inflammation, microcracks, constipation, itching. Unlike candles, it does not cause addiction, safe. Cleans the intestines softly, but sometimes causes burning. Not shown to the use of microlaxes to people with allergic reactions to components.

After a comparative characteristic of two drugs from constipation, conclusions can be drawn and applied a more suitable tool to eliminate the problem. In fact, both drugs have excellent characteristics and their effect is effectively the same.

Microlax: user reviews

Everyone who has experienced the effect of microlax is mainly satisfied with the results of therapy. Although there are some patients who showed allergic reactions to microclism. Read more in the reviews:

Alina, 34 years old:

My five -year -old daughter showed problems with the chair. The child complained about the discomfort in the stomach and pain in the lumen of the intestines when she went to the toilet for a large. We immediately went to our pediatrician. The doctor prescribed a prescription for us where he prescribed the drug Microlax. I went to the pharmacy and bought the drug, the price is not cheap - 355 rubles for four bubbles. But the medicine fully justified itself, the effect of it was positive. Health is above all, I advise the drug for use.

Stanislav, 45 years old:

I have hemorrhoids and constipation, in order to alleviate the condition, my doctor prescribed me a diet and microlax. I thought to replace the product with candles, but it only got worse. As a result, I also had to pay for a microlax after using this product felt real relief. It concluded that there is no need to save on your health and self -medicate.

Marina, 37 years old:

I used microclysters several times, the effect is good. The drug acts quickly and gently, unlike candles. Convenient in use, with irreplaceable hemorrhoids and after surgery. For pregnant women - the first remedy, glycerin candles in the third trimester of pregnancy are not advised to use, microclysters act softer.

Reviews about microlax, the price of the drug
Reviews about microlax, the price of the drug

After what you read, you can draw the following conclusions: a laxative viscous liquid microlax is perfect for treating hemorrhoids, eliminates constipation for 5-25 minutes. It has minor contraindications and side effects. It is permitted for use by pregnant women and children.

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Video: microclism, laxative candles microlax: composition, as it acts with constipation

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