Chronic anal crack: how to treat? Anal crack: reviews, candles, operation

Chronic anal crack: how to treat? Anal crack: reviews, candles, operation

Review of effective methods of treating anal cracks.

Anal crack- This The disease that women most often face. The predisposition is due to the characteristics of the structure of the female body, as well as the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor after childbirth. In this article we will tell you how to treat anal cracks.

Anal crack: causes

In general, initially ignoring the problem is almost impossible, due to severe pain. The fact is that the results are practically on the face. In the presence of anal crack during the defecation process, severe pain is observed. If you do not treat in time, do not eliminate the problem, then in the future the pain can be felt with a long stay in a sitting position, a person cannot even sleep normally.

Usually people who suffer from anal cracks have a fear of going to the toilet. After all, it is during the act of defecation that severe pain, bleeding, and discomfort are felt. The result is a vicious circle. A person suffers for a long time, and therefore constipation arises. 

Anal crack, reasons:

  • Using hard toilet paper 
  • Anal sex without lubricants 
  • After childbirth, as a result of weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor 
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the anus 
  • Improper nutrition 
  • Frequent diarrhea and constipation 

Anal crack: symptoms

Any trip to the toilet becomes real flour. In addition, after using toilet paper, traces of blood can be found on it. Unlike hemorrhoids, blood with anal crack of bright scarlet color.

Anal crack, symptoms:

  • It can be a small amount at the initial stage. Regarding treatment, then use ointments, as well as candles is not enough.
  • First of all, it is necessary to normalize nutrition, as well as a lifestyle. The anal crack is manifested if a person leads a passive lifestyle, working in the office.
  • It is in people who sit most of the working time that anal cracks arise.
  • Work in the office is often associated with the use of fastfoods And poor food. Carbohydrate food, such as hamburgers, food with a lot of meat and fish, provokes the occurrence of constipation. 
  • People who work in the office most often suffer from anal cracks, due to the fact that they take a small amount of fiber. It is the fiber contained in fruits, vegetables and cereals that contributes to the normalization of the consistency of feces and their painless excretion from the body.
  • At the very beginning, the doctor will advise the patient to change his lifestyle, also adjust the nutrition. A large amount of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits is introduced. The amount of protein products is minimized. 

How to cure anal crack?

People often delay a campaign to a proctologist due to their shyness and delicacy of the problem. As a result of this, the crack becomes chronic. If a person has a fungus in a person, for example Candida, then the anal crack can be infected with these mushrooms, which leads to a crack infection. This contributes to the emergence of fistulas, as well as paraproctitis.

How to cure anal crack:

  • Not only local funds that contribute to healing are prescribed. Yes, this is one of the important aspects of treatment, however, it is possible to completely eliminate the ailment only with an integrated approach. At the initial stage, the patient is usually prescribed antispasmodics, that is, products that prevent the occurrence of muscle spasm, which often occurs with anal cracks and contributes to the occurrence of constipation. Usually thisDrotaverin Or no-shpa, spasmalgon. 
  • Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are prescribed. It can be a diclofenac, Ibufen, or Ketanov is often prescribed. 
  • Local remedies that contribute to delaying cracks. Among them, methyluracyl can be distinguished. This is a remedy that stimulates the tightening of deep cracks and damage to the mucosa inside. Initially, if only local drugs are used, and at the same time not to change the lifestyle and diet, then frequent constipation, diarrhea, as well as an insufficient amount of fiber, will contribute to the occurrence of pain. This will again lead to the appearance of anal crack and its further inflammation, possibly infection. 

Chronic anal crack, how to treat?

Unfortunately, you can cure the anal crack only if it is no more than 2-3 months. The most effective treatment will be if you started it in 2-3 weeks as soon as unpleasant symptoms are found. In the future, a scar occurs in the place of the anal crack. Further, this scar can be damaged by feces, inflamed, which leads to a deterioration in the situation and the renewal of the crack. Anal cracks that are surrounded by scar fabric will form over and over again. 

Chronic anal crack, how to treat:

  • Very often, scarred anal cracks can become inflamed. In the presence of pathogenic tissue, cracks are resumed, which leads to further injury of the mucosa.
  • This process without medical care will not end.At this stage, use ointments, as well as tablets is useless, they will not help.
  • The only correct solution is the removal of cicatricial fabric. This can be done using the operation. 

Removing anal crack

Of course, the operation itself is quite traumatic, as it implies intervention in the rectum. The healing process is long, but it can be reduced.

Anal crack removal:

  • Now, with timely contacting the doctor, you can perform an electrocoagulation procedure. Thus, the scar tissue is simply cauterized, removed from the surface of the mucosa.
  • After that, conservative treatment is prescribed aimed at restoring the mucous membrane. If the anal cracks are launched, there is a large amount of cicatricial fabric, which is often inflamed, then the only option is the operation.
  • Now there are several methods of surgical intervention. The most comfortable way, which does not lead to serious complications, is the use of a laser. The manipulation is low -invasive, and most often the patient is not even left in the hospital. A few hours after the intervention, it is prescribed. 
On the inspection
On the inspection

Candles from anal cracks: List

Candles can be made on the basis of the liver of sharks, or plant components. Often, sea buckthorn candles are prescribed to restore the mucosa in the anus. In any case, the approach should be complex.

Candles from anal cracks, list:

  1. Posterizan. These are candles that are distinguished by anti -inflammatory properties. They also stimulate immunity, containing hydrocortisone. Thanks to this, severe inflammation, pain and itching are removed. In addition, edema is reduced, as well as redness. It is often used for anal crack, however, it is impossible to use in the presence of fungal and bacterial lesions of the anal opening. 
  2. Proctosan. These are also candles that anesthetize and dry the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal crack. It is often used for hemorrhoids and inflammatory processes in the rectum. The composition includes titanium dioxide, lidocaine and bujectous. That is, it is a complex drug. 
  3. Hepatrombin. This is a drug that is created on the basis of heparin sodium.Besides, The composition includesglucocorticosteroid And an analogue of Lidocaine. Thanks to this, the drug has a hemostatic effect, and helps to reduce pain. 
  4. Relief. The composition includes phenylefrin hydrochloride and a shark liver oil. It has an anti -inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect. In addition, blood stops and heals wounds. Helps reduce swelling. 
  5. Anusol. The composition contains an extract of handsome and zinc sulfate. Relieves pain, inflammation and reduces swelling. It also dries the area of \u200b\u200bcrack. When introduced, a slight burning sensation can cause, which quickly disappears. 
  6. Procto-Glienneol. The composition contains tribenoside and lidocaine. Improves vascular tone, and the presence of lidocaine helps to reduce pain. 
  7. Betiol - Candles that contain an extract of handsome and ichthyol. Remove pain, and have an antiseptic effect. Reduce muscle spasm, while painful sensations are reduced. 

Anal crack: reviews

The fact is that in the presence of anal crack inside the anus, it becomes the entrance gate for pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, if a person is even just poisoned or eat some kind of non-stale product, paraproctitis may occur. This is a serious inflammatory disease, as a result of which fistulas form in the area of \u200b\u200bthe large intestine, and peculiar abscesses. Typically, they are comprehensively suitable for treatment, for this they use candles, ointments, as well as other drugs. 

Anal crack, reviews:

Olga, 28 years old. The anal crack began to bother recently, I passedexamination, And the gynecologist drew attention to this. I was forced to turn to a proctologist, which is incredibly glad. I was appointed candlesRelief orBetiol. In addition, I took some pills, the names of which I do not remember. The treatment was relatively long, lasted 3 weeks. The situation has improved, now there are no pain. 

Oksana, 55 years old. After menopause, menopause, I feel constant dryness in the mucous membranes. Perhaps because of this there was a crack in the anus. On the recommendation of the doctor, it normalized its diet, introduced a large amount of fiber. The anal crack either appears, then disappears, is very upset, since the doctor recommended surgical intervention. I learned that there is a laser cauterization of scars that allows you to get rid of the problem. I plan to contact a private clinic to make an operation. 

Leonid, 50 years old. I am a professional driver, so I suffer from hemorrhoids. He didn't bother me very much. The problem was aggravated when an anal crack formed as a result of poisoning and diarrhea within a few days. He was forced to contact a doctor who recommended surgical intervention. All hemorrhoids were removed to me, as well as an anal crack. Now nothing bothers. Conservative treatment in the form of ointments and gels, as well as candles did not help. 


The anal crack at first glance is a completely frivolous problem that is often ignored. As a result of this, chronic anal cracks are formed, which are not amenable to conservative treatment. Therefore, the success in the treatment of such a disease depends on how quickly you turn to the doctor. 

Video: Anal crack treatment


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Comments K. article

  1. The main thing is not to be afraid to go to the proctologist in this case, but of course it’s scary, but if you pull with treatment, it will definitely be worse only worse. I strongly advise Dr. Abrisov, accepts in the first surgery. A wonderful doctor, laid out everything on the shelves, explained and most importantly no awkwardness!

  2. I believe that antibiotics after surgery are a necessity. I was prescribed Alfa Normix, which just suppresses pathogenic bacteria, but does not harm a useful microflora. So the restoration goes faster.

  3. I solved such a delicate problem with the help of Steizamet ointment. The main thing is not to start, but to treat everything at the very beginning.

  4. i was helped by the healing ointment for the skin of Videstim. It gives the skin a deep moisture and the crack begins to literally glue. Of course, everything does not happen quickly, especially if I did not immediately catch up. But still, it becomes much easier after a few attachments. .

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