The interaction of drugs between themselves and with food: general principles, examples, reviews, tips

The interaction of drugs between themselves and with food: general principles, examples, reviews, tips

From this article you will learn a lot of useful information about the interaction of drugs. It is useful for general development studying in universities and colleges.

What is the interaction of drugs: definition, general concept

By the interaction of drugs (drugs), they mean a change in the effectiveness and safety of one medication while using it with another. You can evaluate the results of the interaction of drugs with the final qualitative result, quantitative result and clinical effects.

Each doctor should know about interaction and negative influence, if any. But often people prescribe treatment for themselves, drink medicines, which is why health only worsens. In addition, more serious complications can develop up to death. From this article you will learn about the interaction of the most popular drugs. Save information in bookmarks so that it is always at hand.

Types of the interaction of drugs: what is it, the effect of some substances with others

Let's first figure out what the interaction of drugs is. Here are more details:

  • PM metabolism is carried out with the participation of the enzymes of the intestinal mucosa.
  • The totality of these processes is called presystemic elimination.
  • As a result of this phenomenon, the amount of the drug in the blood can significantly decrease, or compounds that are toxic to the human body may form.
  • Other therapeutic substances can affect the presystemic elimination of one drug.
  • For example, Aminazine reduces the presi -systemic elimination of anapricin, as a result, the concentration of the latter in the blood increases.

Here are the types of interaction between drugs:

Types of interaction of drugs
Types of interaction of drugs

Interaction of drugs: General principles of interaction

On the example of some drugs, one can trace the effect of some substances with others:

  • Associated with blood proteins, part of the drug is inactive, and does not participate in the formation of a pharmacological effect before its release.
  • This applies to the abolition and speed of the effect and duration of the pharmacological effect.
  • For example, such a speed will be ineffective in stanzantine and digitoxin. This is explained by the fact that the first is weakly associated with plasma proteins (2 %), and the second - more than 90 % forms a strong complex with albumin.
  • A similar pattern is also characteristic of other drugs: the the majority of the drug is in a free state, the faster and stronger its effect.

General principles  interactions:

  • Most therapeutic substances (LV) are subject to various chemical transformations in the body - biotransformation, which is carried out in the liver of its microsomal enzymes.
  • LV, forming compounds with glucuronic acid (glucuronida) in the liver, are not absorbed in the small intestine.
  • However, glucuronidase microflora of the intestine can hydrolize glucuronides, and the drug enters the body again.
  • This process is called gastrointestinal circulation, it plays an important role in maintaining the therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood.
  • The suppression of normal intestinal microflora with antimicrobials can reduce the therapeutic effect of some drugs.

Remember: Women who use contraceptives and at the same time take, for example, antibiotics of a wide range of action, can become pregnant. In this case, gastrointestinal circulation of steroids is inhibited and their level in the blood decreases sharply.

Interaction of drugs: Examples

A few more examples of interaction:

  • In the process of interaction, LV can change the activity of microsomal liver enzymes.
  • Substances that increase their activity are called inducers.
  • Currently, a large number of such compounds are known.
  • These are barbiturates, anticonvulsants - Diphenin, carbamazepine and hexamidin,some Benzodiazepines. Antibiotics - Rifampicin and griseofulvin, hypocholesterolemic drug and etc.
  • Against the background of their actions, the biotransformation of drugs metabolized by microsomal enzymes of the liver occurs more intensively, and this leads to a weakening of the therapeutic effect.
  • For example, Rifamicin reduces the effectiveness of treatment with glucocortic-steroids, and phenobarbital-indirect anticoagulants.

Now drugs-inducers Phenobarbital and Ziksorin They are used to treat liver diseases, jaundice of newborns, since they contribute to the conjugation of bilirubin with glucuronic acid.

Check the interaction of drugs with each other and with other medicines: online, calculator

The interaction of drugs
The interaction of drugs

Pharmacological and therapeutic effects can be associated with both activating and inhibiting actions of drugs on mediators of the autonomic nervous system.

  • In particular, this example is the interaction of MAO inhibitors with reservoin.
  • The mechanism of action of reserpine is associated with the exhaustion of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in granules where they accumulate.
  • MAO inhibitors slow down the destruction of adrenergic transmission mediators and thereby cancel the effects of reservopein.
  • The action of indirect adrenromimetics (ephedrine, etc.) is enhanced and prolonged with MAO inhibitors due to the same mechanism of action.

As you can see, there can be many nuances in the interaction of drugs. It is impossible to remember all of them to an ordinary person. There are many different sites with online calculators on the Internet, which help to check the interaction of drugs among themselves with other medicines. But these sites need to be saved and if the network suddenly disappears, you cannot check it without the Internet. Therefore, it is better to download ready -made applications that will always be at hand on the phone. Here are the links where you can download them:

In addition, Yandex describes another popular service, which daily publish new drugs with interactions, compatibility, contraindications and side effects. Below we published a table of interaction. It is convenient for use, so keep and not in ignorance, because this is your health.

Interaction of drugs among themselves: Table

The interaction table of antibacterial drugs (open the picture in the new tab)
The interaction table of antibacterial drugs (open the picture in the new tab)

A change in the action of dosage receptors (LR) in the body to a large extent depends on their concentration in the area of \u200b\u200breceptors, which, in turn, is determined by the level of local processes (transport, metabolic transformations, communication with inactive areas of tissues, etc.):

  • One example of interaction of this type is changes in the hypotensive effect, for example, Octadine under the influence tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Blocking the capture process Octadine sympathetic neurons, antidepressants thereby prevent its hypotensive effect.
  • On the contrary, the pressing effect of norepinephrine in patients taking tricyclic antidepressants is very increasing due to impaired reversal of the mediator in the axon and increased its concentration in the field of adrenergic receptors.

Here is a table of interaction of drugs among themselves:

The interaction of drugs
The interaction of drugs

Of course, all drugs cannot be described, so it is better to use applications, the links to which were indicated above in the text.

Theme "Interaction of drugs": Message

If you study at a college or a university at a pharmacist, a general practitioner or specialized profile, then you should know everything about the interaction of drugs. Often on this topic they ask to write a message. Here are a little useful and suitable information for the essay and message on this topic (it can also be used to create slides in the presentation):

  • In order to increase the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy and prevent its side effects, medications are used that affect various organs or cells.
  • An example of this type of interaction between therapeutic substances is the joint use of analgesics, tranquilizers, antihypoxants of iantiarhythmic agents in a myocardial infarction, as well as the prescription of antifungal agents with prolonged treatment with a wide range of action antibiotics.
Interaction of drugs: Slide
Interaction of drugs: Slide
  • Often, several types of interaction develops between two medical drugs at the same time.
  • If the effects of this interaction are unidirectional in nature, then they can have adverse consequences.
  • For example, Butadion Enhances the sugar -free effect Buttamide, freeing it from the connection with the transport proteins.
  • As a result, the concentration of the plasma of the drug unrelated with proteins increases, which can lead to a hypoglycemic coma.
Interaction of drugs: Slide
Interaction of drugs: Slide
  • The interaction of drugs is dangerous in case of low breadth of the therapeutic effect of medicines (anti -epileptic, antiarrhythmic, adrenomy, cardiac glycosides, indirect anticoagulants, sugar -lowering sulfomeids).
  • Patients taking such drugs should be under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Due to the possibility of developing hazardous complications in the joint prescription of drugs in these cases, combined therapy should be abandoned.
Interaction of drugs: Slide
Interaction of drugs: Slide
  • Substances that reduce or completely suppress the activity of enzymes are called inhibitors.
  • Active inhibitors of microsomal liver enzymes are Aminazin, Butadion, isoniazid, meteinidazole, lyvomycetin, erythromycin, furisolidon, tsimetidine, etc.
  • With joint use with such drugs, biotransformation of another LV may slow down, and their concentration in the blood will increase.
  • To prevent undesirable effects, the dose of drugs has to be reduced.
  • There may be cases when the joint use of drugs should be excluded.

Useful information for future anesthesiologists

  • In anesthesiology, antagonism is quite widely used between muscle relaxants of antidepolarizing type of action and anti-cholineste tools to restore neuromuscular transmission.
  • Proserin and other drugs from this group block the enzyme acetylcholinesterasewhich leads to the accumulation of acetylcholine and the displacement of competitive muscle relaxants from skeletal muscle receptors.
  • Some LR can change the sensitivity of receptors to other drugs.
  • Despite the fact that the mechanism of sensitization of receptors is not always known, existing data on the interaction of drugs are essential for the clinic.
  • So, when applying fluorotane or cyclopropanias anesthesia Cardiac arrhythmias are possible, due to both the direct effect of fluorotan and cyclopropan, and an increase in myocardial sensitivity to adrenaline.

Important: In this regard, the introduction of adrenaline, norepinephrine and ephedrin against the background of these drugs is contraindicated.

The interaction of this type includes an increase in myocardial sensitivity to cardiac glycosides against the background of hypokalemia caused by diuretrals.

It is worth remembering: In some cases, it is dangerous to prescribe medications not only at the same time, but also for a certain period after the ceasefire of one of the drugs.

For example, treatment Pirazidol you should start no earlier than two weeks after the cessation of treatment Nialamide.

Interaction of drugs with food - tips: products incompatible with medicinal substances

Interaction of drugs with food
Interaction of drugs with food

Many people do not even know that the interaction of drugs can be unacceptable not only with other medicines, but also with food. Below you will find tips on the most incompatible products with many drugs.

  • Alcohol and coffee In combination with many drugs, they often cause problems.
  • But it is well known that these are generally unambiguously harmful products for health.
  • However, undesirable interactions can occur with useful products.
  • For example, grapefruit: It contains substances that compete in the body with many medicines.

Incompatibility of grapefruit with drugs

Everyone knows the benefits of this tropical fruit:

  • It supports metabolic processes in the body.
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol harmful to the health of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Helps burn fat.

But if a person is sick and takes medication, he can not always benefit from grapefruit:

  • For four hours After consuming a grapefruit, this is at least-the effect of many drugs in the body changes due to counteraction to some substances in the grapefruit of components.
  • Often the effect of the drug intensifies. Therefore, anyone who takes medicine should avoid the use of grapefruit or juice from it.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of erectile dysfunction, with a decrease in cholesterol, taking some sleeping pills and drugs for blood pressure.
  • The effect of grapefruit on metabolism takes many hoursTherefore, it is not enough to take medications with time delay. It is better to completely exclude the use of this fruit during the use of drugs.

But not only Grapefruit leads to undesirable consequences when taking drugs. Here are a few more important points:

  • The same thing can happen with mineral water, enriched with calcium and iron.
  • The effect of many drugs can be significantly reduced with these minerals
  • For example, the effect of some drugs for the treatment of thyroid gland and osteoporosis.

Important: Doctors and other health experts advise taking medications only with tap water.

Incompatibility of salad, spinach, white and Brussels cabbage with drugs

If you use medicines that coagulate blood, then you should eat salad, spinach, white cabbageor Brussels cabbage Only in moderate quantities. Because these vegetables are full vitamin K, which is able to slow down the effect of drugs.

Advice: If you are not sure of possible interactions, consult your doctor.

Here is a table with several types of compatibility of drugs with food:

Interaction of drugs with food
Interaction of drugs with food

Interaction of drugs: reviews

The interaction of drugs
The interaction of drugs

Read several reviews about the interaction of drugs from doctors and ordinary people. They will help you understand that this is a very important question and you should not ignore it. In addition, you need to check your doctor’s appointments with tables, calculators or applications. Here are reviews:

Andrey Semenovich, 42 years old, general practitioner

To obtain the maximum clinical effect, medicinal receptors are used that affect various elements of the physiological systems of the body. Thus, the joint use for hypertension of clofelin, Apresin and diuretics is an example of a comprehensive effect on various links in the circulatory system. At the same time, diuretics increase the sensitivity of the vascular wall to the action of clofelin and Apresin - this must always be remembered. A similar type of complex effect on the circulatory system belongs to the joint use of cardiac glycosides and diuretics.

Ilona, \u200b\u200b30 years old

I accept oral contraceptives. Such oral contraceptives containing estrogens and gestagen delay ovulation and enhance the barrier function of the cervical mucus relative to sperm - this is known to everyone. But I did not know that they were incompatible with some antibiotics. The doctor prescribed me rifampin during the infection of the urinary tract, I took it within 10 days. As a result, this technique coincided with the days of ovulation, my OK stopped and I became pregnant. So, be careful.

Elena, 28 years old

I'm always afraid to take several drugs at the same time. Even when I get a cold in winter and the doctor prescribes at the same time some antifungal drugs along with an ascorbic or other vitamins, I always share. First I drink from a cold, and then take vitamins. Joke to health is bad.

Video: interactions of drugs. Polypragmasis: risks and benefits

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