Melodramas about love are the best. Comedy melodramas about love, foreign, world, modern Russian, youth: List of the best

Melodramas about love are the best. Comedy melodramas about love, foreign, world, modern Russian, youth: List of the best

Melodrama is the most sensual genre of cinema. You can spend time watching melodramas alone, or you can with a loved one. This article offers lists of the best and most popular melodramas in the history of cinema.

Comedy melodramas about love

Comedy melodrama is designed that in addition experiences for the fate of the main characters, the viewer will enjoy funny scenes. Each film has its own a special sense of humor. It can be in the film a lot, literally in every scene, or maybe just a little.

Every year, modern cinema represents the public a huge number of comedy melodramas of Russian and foreign production. Some comedic melodramas are not popular due to a bad game of actors or poor shooting, while others become "eternal" and "world".

The funniest melodramas for all times:

"Curly Sue" - This is a classic melodramatic comedy that has appeared to the audience yet in 1991. The story of the picture tells about a man named Bill. He is not just a swindler, he is also a tramp who has a small pretty daughter - Sue. A curly girl always spends time with her father. Together they were thrown into the most beautiful city - Chicago.

To extend your existence and brighten up the life of a child Bill is forced to cheat. His next fraud contributes to the fact that Bill and Sue "smiles good luck." Instead of the next overnight for disadvantaged people, they fall the ability to spend the night in a chic rich house And all because the man deliberately rushed under the wheels of a car of a wealthy lady.

A frightened woman takes the downed man and his daughter with her to provide them with first aid at home. Bill is forced to pretend to be the victims only in order to get maximum benefit. Several days of pretense and communication with a young lady leads to the fact that two completely strangers fall in love with each other.

Frame from the movie "Curly Sue"

Video: “Kudryashka Sue. Excerpt of the film "

"Beautiful girl" - This is a world comedy melodrama telling the story of a simple girl Vivien. The main roles in the film were played by famous actors: Julia Roberts and Richard Gir. Vivien is a prostitute, she is forced to work in order to pay the rental of a small room and buy her food.

One fine day, by a happy chance, she he meets Edward - A successful businessman. Communication of two people quickly develops into sympathy. Edward hires Vivienne so that she accompanies him within a week. During this time, two understand that they are starting fall in love with each other.

Lovers are worried a lot of both good and unpleasant events. Vivienes understands that her method of earnings does not fully correspond to her worldview. Edward has to fight for society to perceive Vivien as a woman, and not a girl of easy behavior in which he examined the beautiful and deep spiritual world.

Frame from the movie "Beauty"

Video: “Beauty. Excerpt of the film "

"Overboard" - This comedy melodrama tells the history of two strangers: Joanna and Dina. Joanna is the daughter of rich parents, she lives for her pleasure and does not consider money. Dean is a hard worker, a large father who lost his wife. Fate reduces these two on the yacht of the Joanna family, where Dean carried out repair work with the aim of earnings.

Communication and first meeting These two people clearly passed on rude notes, because Joanna was not used to “ceremony” with commoners. In a fit of anger, Joanna drowned Dean's instruments, which caused his complete antipathy. Some time later, a storm broke out into the sea. Joanna went to the deck, where she knocked her in the water of the mast.

The next day, the woman was found on the beach. Unfortunately, Joanna did not remember anything. She was forced to keep it in the hospital. Dean saw an announcement about the woman found, learning his offender in her. In his head the insidious plan is ripening - to give Joanna for his wifewhich has amnesia. A woman falls into the house and a family that she is forced to take for her own. After a while, she gets used to everyday life and falls in love with Dina.

Frame from the movie "Behind the side"

Video: “Overboard. The best fragment of the film "

"Arlett" - The comedy melodrama, which the world met back in 1997. This movie tells the story of two people: Frank and Arlett. Frank works as a trainer. He is a handsome man and is not used to refusing himself in something. He spends his free time behind card games in a casino, where he managed lose a large amount of money.

In the head of Frank and the person to whom he must mature the money the insidious plan to marry the daughter of the magnate And take possession of her property in order to pay off. Fortunately, Arlett is the same daughter of Magnata, does not know at all about her wealth, since life without a father grew.

Frank begins to care for a woman, Which has never experienced the attention of such a beautiful man. Together they experience many pleasant events, travel, grief and eventually understand that They are truly in love with each other.

Frame from the film "Arlett"

Video: “Arlett. Movie"

Youth melodrama about love

Youth melodramas differ the simplicity of the plot. As a rule, the main roles in films are played by young people and adolescents so that the viewer can to worry and feel all their events is close to heart. The youth melodrama is designed for a narrow circle of the public: schoolchildren, students. But it often happens that such a melodrama receives the recognition of society and it becomes popular among all age categories.

The best youth melodramas:

"Kiss for luck" - This story opens the details of the life of two young people: Ashley and Jake. From the first minutes of the film, it becomes clear that it is two people completely opposite to each other: Ashley is successful in business and attractive, Jake loser.

A happy accident takes these two people at a party where they give each other a kiss. From now on the insidious fate completely changes their lives: A series of failures comes for Ashley, and Jake finally begins to “smile luck”.

Tired of his bad luck, Ashley, in the end, understands what caused her failures. She intends find a guy who gave her "happy kiss"To return everything to its place. After a long search and experienced events, two are finally found, but instead of returning “their fate”, they gain each other.

Frame from the movie "Kiss for Good luck"

Video: “Kiss for good luck. Movie"

"Marry in three days" -an interesting youth melodrama that tells the story of a girl named Amy. She is a beautiful, successful young girl. For a long time, she meets her boyfriend's declaration, who is in no hurry to make Amy's proposal “Hands and Heart”.

Amy learns that there is one old tradition by which only once every four years can a woman on her own make an offer to your man. Such an event can occur only on February 29 in a leap year, and a man who will be offered a wedding does not have the right to refuse.

Amy goes to Dublin, where her guy should attend the conference. A series of failures accompanies the girl on the road: lack of time, bad weather, self -doubt. By a happy chance, she meets a mysterious manto which the warmest and most tender feelings begin to experience.

Frame from the film "Marry in three days"

Video: “How to get married in 3 days? Trailer of the film "

Modern Russian melodramas about love

Russian cinema is particularly sensual, so close and understandable to ordinary people. Not everyone knows that some paintings in the genre of Melodrama are worthy of recognition of the world public. Modern Russian melodramas about love reveal the details of the life of ordinary heroes, their experiences and events.

The best modern Russian melodramas:

"And I love married" -the film was shot back in 2008. He tells the story of ordinary people, those who want to find true love in life. The main character of the film is Oleg, a forty -year -old man. The main character is Larisa. Larisa is far from thirty and she is lonely.

Oleg lived not a small life with his wife named Tatyana. He knows Tanya very well, because he met her back at school. He has absolutely everything for happiness: child, wife and good job. Only the emptiness that floods his heart is prevented.

The fate for Oleg and Larisa becomes their acquaintance. Two people understand how sympathetic and close to each other, that they begin to fall in love. Their passionate and sensitive novel lasts a year. A year later, Tatyana begins to suspect her husband of betrayals and sets up a daughter against him, who is already adult enough to understand everything that happens. Oleg and Larisa should survive a lot of evil and offenses to prove to everyone around how much they love each other.

Shot from the movie "And I love married"

Video: “And I love married. Movie"

"Strong weak woman" -this melodrama tells the story of a woman’s life named Lena. She has her idol - Nikolai, who plays at the local drama theater. Lena does not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the object of her love. To the great disappointment of Lena, Nikolai does not reciprocate her And falls in love with her sister Mary.

Lena loses its faith even more when Nikolai unexpectedly suggests Masha to get married. She has to pretend and artificially enjoy the changes in the life of her sister. As it happens with people who are constantly in a creative search, Nikolai changes "for the worse." He often cheats on his wife. Masha, in the end, throws him. Changes in life also occur in Lena, she meets a man named Artem.

Frame from the movie "Strong weak woman"

Video: “A strong weak woman. Movie"

"I will give you love" -modern melodrama, shot in 2014. The main character is a man named Boris, whom fate calls for fighting straight into a “hot point”. His bride named Larisa promises to wait for him true at home and hope for a quick return.

The turning point for Larisa is the letter in which she is informed sad news: Boris was missing, perhaps died. Having learned this, Boris's best friend Nicholas empathizes with grief, but still starts take care of the girl, Since for a long time he was in love with her.

Nikolai makes Larisa a proposal that she accepts not for love, but because “it is necessary”. What strong was the surprise of a woman when on the eve of the wedding, an unexpected guest came to her - Boris himself. He did not go missing, but was extremely disappointed with the act of his beloved.

Frame from the movie "I will give you love"

Video: "I will give you love"

Foreign melodramas about love

Some foreign melodramas are very popular for the fact that they are not only present in them great game of actorsbut also p aSKRIST Many sensual moments. Famous filmmakers tried to shoot the most sensual paintings with many romantic, and sometimes tragic scenes.

The best foreign melodramas:

Amelie -the film telling about the life of a young French and the people who surround her. Many of them are happy, others are unhappy and lonely. Each scene of the picture is built in contrasts and opens up all aspects of simple human being to the viewer.

Amelie once finds an album for photoswho belongs to a young man. Through this album, she literally “meets” its owner and understands that she is in love with him. The girl is strongly tuned find a young manbut to do this in the most mysterious way.

Mysterious calls, letters and surprises for the owner of the album turn into great sympathy and he also feels some attachment to Amelie, which he has never seen. Finally, the couple meets and gains the strongest feeling in their life.

Frame from the movie "Amelie"

Video: “Amelie. The best moments of the film "

"Kate and Leo" -this melodrama was shot in 2001. She has a little comedic and a little fantastic note, as she talks about unreal events in the lives of two people. Kate is a typical American who devotes most of her time to work. Leo - "Guy from the past".

By a happy chance, Leo falls into the future and mysteriously gets acquainted with Kate. The woman is disarmed by the gallantry and manual of a man, she completely plunges into whirlpool of feelings And falls in love with a man. Leo takes care of his “lady of the heart”, but the fact that he is not able to live in the modern world and wants to return home in their way.

Frame from the movie "Kate and Leo"

Video: “Kate and Leo. Excerpt of the film "

"While you were Sleeping" -this is a romantic story that happened to the ordinary girl Lucy, who worked at the metro station. Every day she watched hundreds and thousands of passers -by. Only one face attracted her attention and made her fight more often. Every day she met a man who left by train and bought a toilet to the fare.

A happy fate once brings Lucy with that man - Peter. A gang of criminals robbed him and simply threw him on the rails. The man hit his head and lost consciousness. Lucy, rushed save Peter from inevitable death, After all, the train was approaching.

She could only get to the hospital with him by lies, and therefore lied to the medical staff that she was his bride. The next morning, the Peter's family burst into the hospital. What strong was their surprise when in the hospital they were informed that The man was saved by his bride.

Frame from the movie "While you slept"

Video: “So far you were asleep. Excerpt of the film "

"Diary of Bridget Jones" -this story tells about the life of a simple girl Bridget. She is not too attractive, not too harmonious and graceful, but, nevertheless, does not lose faith in itself find in love. She plunges into a whirlpool of love and feelings with her boss.

As in any situation, a boss named Daniel simply has fun with her, changing and not paying her attention. At some point Bridget decides to radically change his life: Losing weight, becoming more interesting and better. Parents introduce her to Mark. Unfortunately, Mark does not attract it from the first minutes of dating. At the behest of a fate, a series of Bridget's failures is replaced by luck and she acquires what she wanted the most - love.

Frame from the film "Diary of Bridget Jones"

Video: "Diary of Bridget Jones"

World melodramas about love

World melodramas - These are films that after a while have not lost their popularity and remain relevant even now. Melodramas tell about the life of ordinary people who are faced with failures and problems, without losing faith in themselves and in love. Most world melodramas have been shot according to the novels of the same name.

The best world melodramas:

"Gone With the Wind" -classical love story. The melodrama was shot in 1939 and tells heavy events in the life of people who survived the civil war of 1861. Scarlett - The main character of the film. This is a young and characteristic girl who is used to being in the spotlight and luxury. Around Scarlett there were always many men who achieved her attention.

The girl was always too frivolous and always literally "Spit" for war. However, this very war played a cruel joke with her - Scarlett lost everything: wealth, prosperity, good house and even food. She is forced to be with an unloved person, to care for the child and tolerate humiliation. Fortunately, her life takes on meaning when she begins to look at the world with different eyes and love settles in her heart.

Frame from the film "Done by the Wind"

Video: “Gone with the wind. Excerpt of the film "

"Waterloo bridge" -the film was shot in 1940. She is tells the love story of two peopleAcquaintance on the “Waterloo” bridge during air anxiety. Myra is young and beautiful, she is engaged in ballet. Roy is a nice young officer.

Roy makes a proposal to Mirera, but fate sends him to fight to the front. Upon learning that the girl “twists” the romance with the military, she is expelled from the ballet troupe. A series of failures for Mayra It continues when unexpectedly in the newspaper she sees the name of Roy among the dead.

The tragic note of the film lies in the fact that after some time the swarm appears in the life of Mayra. Fortunately, he was not killed. He was wounded and captured. The officer is persistent continues to call the girl to marrywho no longer see the opportunity to marry him.

Frame from the movie "Most Waterloo"

Video: “Waterloo bridge. Excerpt of the film "

"Pride and Prejudice" -the film was shot in 1940. This is the story of a married couple Bennett. People are used to living in abundance and well -being. The spouses have five daughterswhom they raised and were happy. Time passed and, in the end, it was time to marry daughters.

Each of Bennett's daughters was ambitious in its own way and therefore it was not a simple work to marry them. Each hero of the film experiences many problems and events because the picture reveals the essence of a person who has, in addition to duty "pride and Prejudice".

Frame from the film "Pride and Prejudice"

Video: “Pride and prejudice. Excerpt of the film "

New melodramas about love

One of the brightest novelties of cinema is a melodrama "Cote d'Azur."The main roles in the film were played by the famous married couple - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pete. The picture reveals the history of barren marriagewhich is doomed to suffering and misunderstanding. Both heroes are beautiful and successful: she is a former dancer, he is a famous writer.

Traveling along the azure bank in search of inspiration, the couple settles in a cozy hotel. There is their acquaintance with the newlyweds. The heroine of Angelina Jolie - Vanessa, envies a young couple. Every day she watches them through a hole in the wall. In the end, she gradually going crazy On the basis of his infertility and decides to change her husband.

Frame from the movie "Cote d'Azur"

Video: “The Cote d'Azur. Trailer"

"1+1 untouchable" -this is an unusual story about two men. One of them is rich, the other is poor and forced to earn a living by part -time jobs. Fluke together these two people brought together. Philip is an aristocrat, but he is deprived of the opportunity to move. His whole life passes in a wheelchair. Driss is a young dark -skinned guy who has just left prison.

Philip has long lost interest in life and suffers from pain in the body every night after the disaster. Having met Drissa, he sincerely fell in love with his courage And a sense of humor. Driss becomes an assistant to Philip and the place they experience many interesting events that make the aristocrat re -love life.

Frame from the film "1+1, untouchable"

Video: “1+1. Unsheated. Movie"

The best melodramas about love rating

We can spend time after a pleasant viewing of melodrama with a loved one or alone with the help of a universally recognized rating of the best melodramas. It was compiled on the principle: evaluating the film by viewers for sensuality, emotionality and quality of shooting.

TO-10 best melodramas:

  • 10th place - "bridges of Madison County"
  • 9th place - "one day"
  • 8th place - "Guilty Stars"
  • 7th place - "if only"
  • 6th place - "Memory Diary"
  • 5th place - "Hurry to love"
  • 4th place - "Message in a bottle"
  • 3rd place - "Three meters above the sky"
  • 2nd place - "Titanic"
  • 1st place - "P.S: I love you"

Video: "TOP-5 melodrama"

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