TOP-10 best female melodramas of all time: List. Interesting melodramas: the best selection

TOP-10 best female melodramas of all time: List. Interesting melodramas: the best selection

Melodrama is a soft genre of cinema, which opens up a huge world of sensuality to each viewer. Open the list of the best films in the Melodrama genre and spend the evening joint watching the movie.

What is a melodrama?

Melodrama - a special type of cinema, which is called reveal the deep spiritual world of man, sensuality and survive the emotions of the heroes of the film. As a rule, all the events of the film develop on the basis of contrasts: the death of heroes, his love experiences, parting of couples in love and life problems.

Every year, cinema produces many fresh novelties of melodramas, but not all of them differ in an interesting script, high -quality shooting and an excellent game of actors. That is why you should familiarize yourself with the list "Eternal" melodramwho are relevant at all times and generations. Look TOP-10 of the best melodramas Each connoisseur of cinema follows.

10th place "Bridges of the district Madison»

“The bridges of the district Madison» - The classic melodrama, shot in 1995 according to the novel of the same name. For excellent work, the cinema tape was awarded the highest award and received an Oscar. The plot of the film is very simple and touching at the same time.

This is not just another love story of two single people. The main role in the film is played by a young and famous actress - Maryl Streep. The male party went to an equally well -known actor - Clint Eastwood. It is noteworthy that with its simple and sincerity, the film literally “rings” the viewer from the first minutes of watching.

Maryl Streep performs in this film in the role Franch. Francesca Italian, she was successfully able to get married immediately after the war. From the side, her marriage could be called ideal: two adult children, husband, house and household care. But Francesca is not happy, neither as a person, nor as a woman. She believes that her everyday life is doomed to boredom until the end of days and should be as quiet as the district itself Madison.

To the surprise franchis, an unfamiliar person appears in the town - this is a man. As it turned out, he works as a photographer and his goal of the trip is to photograph all bridges in the district. By a happy chance, he makes his acquaintance with Franca. Together they experience the most violent feelings in their lives, filled with passion. A photographer by name Robert - An avid bachelor, who, contrary to all life principles, falls in love with a woman in a few days spent together.

Frame from the film "Bridges of Madison County"

Video: "Bridges of Madison County"

9th place "One day"

In 2011, the world met a melodrama "One day". This is a modern love story that convinces the audience that a person is able to keep warm feelings even after many years. The film is not only beautiful history, but also an unusual shooting manner of shootingwhere the director tried to give as many large plans as possible the main characters, and the sound engineers added incredibly soft and sensual music.

This picture can be safely attributed to the category psychological drama. The picture makes the viewer concentrate on the most important date-July 15 of the 88th year. On this day, two people met - Dexter And Emmy. Two lonely souls were able to spend a completely unforgettable day and a very sensual night.

An unusual story can be considered because young people broke up in the morning and promised each other to always be close friends, every time meeting July 15. Dexter And Emmy experienced a year after year both ups and downs, they had many changes and events. However, only one thing was unchanged - meeting.

Young people began to notice that with every new meeting, it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to part. How much time was required Emmy and DexterTo understand that they are created for each other. By the next date of July 15, both were in a hurry towards to meet to each other. The barrier steel unseen circumstances On the way of lovers.

Frame from the movie "One Day"

Video: "One day"

8th place "The stars are to blame"

This melodramatic story tells the viewer the story Heisel. Heisel - very young young womanwhich, unfortunately, very sick. U Heisel crayfish. She is forced to constantly carry oxygen Bonon with her and, in addition, she is very tired of life.

Modern medicine with the help of medications has found a way to slightly improve her well -being and prolong life, but this is not too pleasing to the girl. Parents force Heisel Regularly visit public support groups. It is in this place that she i met a young man named August.

Between two young people from the first meeting a noticeable spark of ardor and feelings flashed. August is also very sick and, in addition, he does not have one leg. Heisel and Augustus began to meet more and more often and gained in addition to friendship true love. Knowing the value of their life, both lovers try to spend their every day as much as possible. Turning point for August and Heisel will become a deterioration in the health of one of them.

Frame from the movie "Guilty Stars"

Video: "The stars are to blame"

7th place "If only"

This melodramatic story tells about life beautiful girl Samantha. She is young and impulsive, energetic and always active. But her beloved guy, whose name is Yen, all his time devotes only to work, forgetting completely about Samantha.

Samantha feels not full. Realizing that Ien cannot spend her free time on her, the girl is often very upset. The relations of young people are finally spoiling. After the next quarrel, the girl enters the car accident in which she loses her life. Ien hurries to the hospital, but finds only the last moment of the girl’s life and her death.

Only after that Ien understands that he lost a lot in life and how much he loved Samantha. He understands that the only thing he would like is turn back the time and live the last day of Samantha's life A completely different scenario. By a happy chance and not without magic of fate, life gives him this chance.

Frame from the movie "If only"

Video: "If only"

6th place "Memory Diary"

The viewer saw the melodrama "Memory Diary" back in 2004. This is very tender and romantic melodrama, Which makes everyone who wants to believe in a miracle and true love. The main characters experience many emotional scenes that will not leave indifferent at all.

The film tells about the man who is called Noah. He is beautiful and charming. Once a Noah meets Ellie. Ellie is young and rich, as she was lucky to be born in a family of aristocrats. The man achieves reciprocity by Ellie, which falls in love with him to madness.

In spite of What ellie's parents against these relations, young people are completely immersed in the whirlpool of their feelings. This continued until, in the end, the family does not take the girl away from November. He does not cease to hope to find his only one even when he gets to the front. Even after a while, when Ellie marries without love, Noah brings a happy chance closer to her beloved.

Frame from the movie "Diary of Memory"

Video: "Memory Diary"

5th place "In a hurry to love"

This is classic love story of two young people. Young man named Lenon meets with Jamie. Lenon A popular guy at school, Jamie - A simpleton and a nondescript schoolgirl, in addition, the daughter of a priest. By a happy chance, a young man is forced to take part in a school theater production as a punishment.

Lenona you have to ask for help from JamieTo be able to help him cope with the role. Jamie has a beautiful sense of humor and promise the guy to help the guy, unless, of course, he he will fall in love with her. At the behest of fate, everything happens this way: Lenon He understands how Jamie Especially, and how much it differs from the rest of the girls.

The guy changes before our eyes And he intends to completely devote himself to feelings with a young girl. He admits love Jamiewhich in turn opens Lenona your terrible secret. The fact is that Jamie I sick with leukemia - cancer of the blood.

Shift from the movie "Hurry to Love"

4th place "Message in a bottle"

The film tells the story of a woman named Theresa. She is mother lonelywho works as a journalist. By a happy chance, she rested on the seashore, where during the next run in the morning, I noticed a bottle on the beach. It was not a simple bottle, but a bottle with a message.

The message was written by a man, he had an appeal and personal thoughts for a woman named Katherine. Teresa was very surprised The touch of the message and at one moment decides to find his author. She manages to find Garrett - The author of the letter. From the mouth of a man, Teresa learns that the message was written by his deceased wife, who had died two years ago. A few days later spent together, Teresa realized that she fell in love with Garrett. A man really wants to start living in a new way and Teresa helps him in this.

Frame from the movie "Message in a bottle"

Video: "Message in a bottle"

3 place "Three meters above the sky"

This is a very delicate and sensual melodrama that tells the love story of two young people: Achi and Babi. Achi (Hugo) a real bully, Babi - The daughter of intelligent parents. They met each other during racing on motorcycles. From the first moments of communication between them flashed "Bright spark".

Babi hides his relationship from parents, Achi continues take care of the girl And together they experience many pleasant moments together: the first kiss, the first night and the first sex. At the same time, parents persistently try to find worthy groom of his daughter. At some point Babi He understands that their relationship is doomed. The reasons for this are bouts of jealousy Achi, his scandals and fights.

Frame from the film "Three meters above the sky"

Video: "Three meters above the sky"

2nd place "Titanic"

In 1997, the world saw the chic melodrama "Titanic". This film has n aybolly popularity and number of box office Among all the existing ones. The main roles are played by very famous actors: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kane Winslet. The plot of the film is telling the history of not only the worst collapse of the shipbut also the romantic story of two lovers.

Young simple guy Jack falls in love with Rose - Girl from high society. He does not get tired of providing signs of attention her chosen one and that secret recesses him. Meetings of lovers are secretly from parents and from the groom Rose. By the will of fate, their ship is faced with iceberg. Most of the entire crew is doomed to inevitable death.

Frame from the movie "Titanic"

Video: "Titanic"

1st place "P.S: I love you"

This melodrama tells about the love story of two beautiful young people: Holly and Jerry. Everything was good in their life, the couple dreamed and had fun, lived in pleasure. Everything has changed when Jerry Suddenly died. The reason for this was serious diseasethat he was silent about.

Holly He completely immerses in depression, realizing that she lost her meaning in life. She just can't believe that Jerry died. Birthday Holly completely refuses to celebrate, but how strong her surprise was when on this day it comes to her congratulations from himself Jerry.

A series of congratulations, gifts and notes does not stop for several days in a row. Jerry prepared in advance and wrote dozens of letters of his beloved to brighten its existence after his death. He asks her to leave for her homeland Jerry, to Ireland. Exactly there Holly It falls into the whirlpool of interesting events and meets an interesting man.

Frame from the movie "P.S: I love you"

Video: "P.S: I love you"

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