10 villains in which we fall in love: list. Why do girls fall in love with villains?

10 villains in which we fall in love: list. Why do girls fall in love with villains?

In this article, we will talk about what to do if the girl fell in love with a guy-one and why this happened at all, and also consider the main types of such men.

Every girl dreams of a man who would be gentle, attentive and most understanding. However, most often, they fall in love in contrast - arrogant, rude jumps. Is it really true that the girls like bad boys? In fact, there is a certain pattern here.

You can often see how an excellent student-girl begins to be friends with a bully. That's just the secret is just that they are different. It is attractive that he has a repulsive extraordinary character. It stands out greatly among other boys who are always dressed neatly and speak culturally. Let's find out with you what villains of the girls can fall in love, why is this happening and what to do in such a situation.

10 villains in which girls fall in love: List

Every girl is able to tell the story that once she fell in love with a villain. He is so beautiful, attractive, but completely irresponsible. By the way, someone even manages to marry such men and hope for a long time that he will change. Let's look at 10 types of men-people, as well as how to communicate with them correctly.

  • Liar

Not just lying, but invents directly. And the point is not that he just tries to come up with Alibi because of guilt, is not at all. He simply does not know how to tell the truth. At the same time, even if you catch it, he will come up with something else. Even with the help of friends, all events will not work, because they also do not know everything. Sometimes it seems that he lives with illusions and fantasies. Everything is fine with him, just so convenient.

In this case, everything has been going on since childhood. When the child begins to invent, and parents do not refute anything. Of course, at the age of 30 he will not say that he was late for work, because the carpet did not start, but he will not say that he did not calculate time. He will certainly come up with a lot of things to hide the truth. Often, when adults are often scolded, then over time they begin to lie so as not to provoke a new conflict.

  • Predator

He first monitors the victim, then comes closer and at the end sharply captures. This man knows how to conquer the female heart, and it is difficult not to buy on his charm. After all, he knows what to put pressure on. But he cannot be believed.

Often in childhood, boys are forbidden to whine and cry, that is, to show feelings. In adulthood, this is already transferred to love, as if a man does not have the right to feel it. He can seduce or conquer, but not love. Sometimes parents inspire the boy that he should always be strong. Yes, he grows like that, but he does not have happiness in his personal life. He changes women like gloves, well, he is not able to make them happy. Such men often drink alcohol to relax and at least somehow show feelings.

  • Adventurer

It is always in different places, and unusual. He has a huge number of friends, distant plans and indefatigable energy. This is a certain generator of ideas, and it seems that he is ready to turn the mountains to do everything. Only now he has another feature - he quickly burns out. These are incredible men, but you can never rely on them. He can call him at any time and he will disappear. And when it appears, no one and even he knows.

He just flows through life and he has no special goals. He runs from intimacy and family life. Perhaps he even ran away from home in childhood when his parents cursed. Well, then the habit has been preserved. The same applies to situations when his father was a sailor, military or watchman, and the family had to constantly move. As a result, the man learned that it is impossible to attach to anyone, because it hurts to part.

  • Mentor

He knows everything about everything. It is very interesting with him. But then it turns out that he loves order too much. For example, the lid of the shampoo should be wrapped to the end, and the shower hose should be hung on a special hook. He will say, it will say, and not advise which books you need to read, what to look and with whom to communicate. Only his opinion and a draw is correct. By the way, if you want to leave him, then he will tell you a lecture about your infantility.

Perhaps he was brought up strictly and in categorical prohibitions. Since childhood, he was told that he was an adult and toys are not for him. His actions must be appropriate. The bore-manager is used to listening to instructions, not himself. With age, he does not notice this anymore and simply lives according to the rules, knowing exactly what is possible and impossible for his parent. Over time, habits switch to others. After all, he should not be the only one. He is very afraid to get out of this state of total control, because living is so convenient. If you try to make him think about his desires, then you will not succeed. So it was rooted in it.

  • Ham-Macho

He boasts of himself and his achievements. At first, it seems that he is courageous - aggressive and assertive in a conversation, does not give offense to himself and the girl. At the same time, he behaves the same at home, and constantly rude even for no reason.

Here is the whole problem in bad education. He may be convinced that a woman should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. In this case, he does not distinguish masculinity and rudeness. Often such men are brought up without a father. And on this face, constantly showing themselves, they hide their uncertainty. That is why in bed they are inattentive to women. At the same time, they are prone to homosexuality or bisexuality that they do not recognize in themselves.

  • Indecisive

He seems perfect - calm, understands everything and responsive. That's just with the wedding or other steps he is in no hurry. At first it suits, but then it becomes clear that he does not call not because he has a plan for your seduction, but simply because of the complexes. By the way, making decisions and something hard for him not only in the field of intimacy.

As a rule, dominant mom is brought up by such men and they are used to obeying from childhood and do nothing themselves. In a woman, they are looking for a leader who will take a role on himself. In return, he will obey. It is nice to live with him, and there will be no conflicts, but only if his mother is far away.

  • A miserable boy

He is so good and everyone offends him that he even wants to regret him. He tells such heartbreaking stories about difficult childhood, injustice. You listen and do not notice how ready for everything for him.

Since childhood, he realized that crushing for pity is very profitable, and there is less demand. Well, what to take from this? It remains only to regret. Perhaps his father behaved as well. He simply copied him and became a professional loser who receives from everyone he needs, well, and forgives himself laziness and lack of responsibility. He is so good and never problems. He manipulates everyone and asks what to do. Put it in place if in response to ask what he himself thinks about it.

  • Dynamo
Man dynamite
Man dynamite

One cannot help but fall in love with him. After all, he is beautiful and successful. Although he does not use it too much. He is used to controlling everything and knows how much you will linger in his life. If it seems to him that he goes far, then he retreats back.

The thing is that he has already encountered complex relations and now does not trust women. He remembers very well how he opened his mother in childhood, and instead of sympathy and support, she showed completely different feelings. In adulthood, such men do not open. They can be excellent businessmen, but they are afraid of proximity.

  • Narcissus

He is just right to work as a model, and he is not gay. He is beautiful and is not ashamed to go into people, only you have to constantly worry so as not to take it. He dresses for a very long time to look the best. And even longer than women and his clothes, he goes a lot of money. Sometimes it seems that he loves his reflection more.

In fact, he is not so in love. He just has self -esteem and his requirements. Moreover, he also does not apply to others. He is always of little praise. However, he is dependent on someone else's opinion, but they do not trust him. So the guy is very unhappy, because you have to look for approval to all his actions.

  • Pervert

When he looks at you, it seems that something is wrong. That's just he beckons greatly. At the same time, your date can even go at some kind of party type or in wild places. However, his mystery starts most of all. But you understand him better than anyone. But at the most crucial moment it suddenly recognizes that he is a sadist, asexual or zoophile. In general, his addictions are extremely strange.

It doesn’t matter where all this is from him, for him it is important. If this does not suit you, then immediately leave. You cannot redo it, and tolerate his inclinations is not an exit either. If you yourself have gotten to him, then think about why this happened?

Why women fall in love with villains: reasons

Fell in love with the villain
Fell in love with the villain

If the girl falls in love with the villain, then it is worth considering. What is the reason? Let's analyze the main reasons why women choose these men.

  • Protection. Many believe that a bad guy will protect against problems. But the only way hooligans behave in the cinema. In fact, such men are mocking women, drink and change strongly.
  • Forbidden - sweet. I always want what is impossible. It is interesting what will happen if you contact the villain. In fact, there will be nothing good. He will just wipe your legs on you. But, if you want emotions of this format, then go ahead!
  • Adrenalin. Girls love spontaneity and danger. The villain is just able to give such emotions. Girls don’t even notice how they forgive, everyone is waiting for a new dangerous trick to make sure he is cool. And even if he loses to cards, even a woman, such memories will be priceless. But it is hardly cool.
  • Instructions to the true path. Everyone thinks that he will correct a bad guy. He drinks, then he will leave for her. Or beats, but it will be corrected exactly, you just need to tolerate. In fact, this is all far from reality, especially since, despite feelings, it is difficult to remake an adult.
  • Romance. In the cinema, bad guys are brave, strong and passionate, well, how not to fall in love. Well, positive heroes are boring and uninteresting. So on good time guys you should not spend when you can plunge into the abyss. Is it only good?

In fact, love between a good girl and a bad guy is possible. Often, rebels change before our eyes and restrain themselves more, become kinder and softer. Often these are good guys with whom it is interesting and fun, and behind the boorish behavior they hide complexes. For them, the best defense is an attack. Timidity is hidden behind rudeness, romance behind mockery of others. So not always something outside, then inside.

What to do if she fell in love with a villain?

What to do if she fell in love with a villain?
What to do if she fell in love with a villain?

If the girl fell in love with the villain, then not that many, but directly all unanimously declare that he needs to run away from him. That's just not always justified. As we have already said, men sometimes only show themselves so bad, although they are completely different inside.

So do not rush to run away from him immediately or not even let him in. Take a closer look, maybe if you are smiling at his noble, then he will show his charm, which he is so stubbornly trying to hide? Then you will be special for him who could see what others do not see. So, if you like a bad guy, then this is not always bad.

Perhaps he has simply a negative reputation. In reality, bad men are unlikely to attract. They do not try to impersonate someone else, they are really sharp and rude. They are in no way to be positive. That's just the best way to stay away from these. If you rush into the pool with your head, then everything can end sadly, so it’s better not to even give a chance.

Why fell in love with a villain and what to do with it: reviews

On the vastness of the network there is a huge number of stories and stories about villains. They are told by girls who themselves faced with this or their friends. In any case, many believe that the villain cannot be fixed. But, as we have already said that this is not always the case.

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Review 5

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