How to understand mercantiles: definition, example. Why a person becomes mercantile: reasons. How to check a mercantile person or not?

How to understand mercantiles: definition, example. Why a person becomes mercantile: reasons. How to check a mercantile person or not?

In this article, we will talk with you what is mercantile and how to recognize it.

Today, in the modern world, mercantile is very common. It manifests itself to varying degrees, but one way or another it is present. And most people are subject to this quality. At the same time, moral and spiritual growth develops to a lesser extent, and therefore mercantile spreads everywhere. Everyone knows that it is a mercantile to be bad and ugly, because it is a negative quality. But not everyone understands what this means and how it manifests itself. That's just this in this now and we will deal with you.

How to understand mercantiles: definition, concept

Mercantile person
Mercantile person

A person’s mercantile is such a quality that is associated with prudence, as well as an excessive desire from everything to gain benefit.

The word "mercantile" appeared in the middle of the XIX in France. However, then this word was different and he had no negative coloring. At that time, mercantiles were understood to be expanding the circle of foreign trade at the expense of other peoples. But at the beginning of the 20th century, mercantilism got a different meaning. The mercantiles began to be called those people who are mean, petty, calculating and too practical.

Why a person becomes mercantile: reasons

As a rule, a person’s mercantile begins to manifest itself from childhood. When a mother constantly tells her daughter that she should successfully get married, get a big house and live in abundance, how will the daughter grow up? Of course, this stereotype is typical of a simple family. Parents always want their children to live better.

Education is the first reason that begins to lay the foundation of mercury in character. Another reason is society. Most modern films show that successful people are building relationships on mercantile interests.

People always strive to live in luxury and wealth. Moreover, this is actively supported by society. In addition, modern market relations force a new layer of society - entrepreneurial. Such people must have traits of mercantile and prudent mind. Otherwise, they simply will not take competition.

What is a person’s mercantile: a simple example

The mercantile of a person lies more in detail and it is not always too striking. In this case, it will not be possible to do without a concrete example.

Let's take two young guys and a girl - Marina and Alexander.

  • Example 1. Marina loves to be in expensive places, go to relax in resorts and extremely expensive cars. Is it bad? In fact, no, not bad, but only here it is important by what means she gets it.
  • Example 2. Marina is friends with Sasha because he constantly leads her to restaurants, promised to take it to an expensive resort and give a car. Is such a girl mercantile? Of course, there’s nothing to discuss here.
  • Example 3. Marina has real feelings to Sasha, although he leads her to restaurants and makes promises. In this case, there is no question of mercantile. She just got a good boyfriend.

The mercantile of men and women - how is it?

Male and female mercantile
Male and female mercantile

It is generally accepted that the mercantile of a person is different. More precisely, it is different in men and women. For example, it is believed that women are much more mercantile than men and this is a completely explained phenomenon.

In order for a woman, for example, to give birth to a child, she needs certain conditions and a reliable man. This is inherent in her by nature, something like a protective mechanism, to make healthy offspring.

In the wild, not a single animal will give birth to cubs without an equipped place and a good male who is able to get food. So female mercantile can be called a genetically embedded survival program.

As for men, they can also be mercantile, and this is not always associated with their professional activities. Even though the girl can be beautiful, the man can still ask where and who she works, whether she has an apartment, what financial opportunities and so on. And this is a normal situation.

Is mercantile good or bad?

Despite the entire unattractive characteristic of a person’s mercantile, it is characteristic of almost everyone. In the modern world, one cannot do without competition and the financial situation has become very important. So in the struggle for your well -being, it is important to understand where healthy pragmatism ends and mercantiles begin.

Mercantilism begins where the material side of life and personal relationships begin to measure with standards, like merchants from the 19th century - to achieve the desired at the expense of others. That is, the feelings of other people begin to be perceived as a consumable material that can and should even be used to achieve their goals.

Is mercantile good or bad?
Is mercantile good or bad?

To some extent, mercantilism can benefit, but here it must be understood that it can become a pathology. We can safely say that this is a pathology when:

  • A person is not ready to do something just like that. That is, he always asks for something in return. Selflessness in any of its manifestations is denied
  • Inability to show sympathy and warmth to others. In personal relationships, techniques are used, as in businessmen. That is, there is always a merchant approach in literally
  • The assessment of others is carried out depending on their well -being. A person communicates only with wealthy people, and bypasses ordinary hard workers
  • There is always a high interest in someone else's well -being than it is higher, the more interest
  • During communication with such a person, there is always a lot about money, benefit and financial difficulties
  • A person strives for accumulation. He always lives on the principle - "Money for the sake of money"

When a person is pathologically mercantile, then he is trying to hide it, as it were, for the efficiency and desire to provide himself and loved ones with everything necessary.

How to check a woman for mercantile?

Mercantility of a person always repels. At the same time, girls behave so most often and this is very dangerous for men. Many people come across their tricks, and then they try to get out for a long time, because in pursuit of a mercantile woman they can lose everything.

How to recognize such a girl and check her for mercantile? To do this, you should know about some features:

  • She always talks about luxury brands. She prefers to walk only in branded clothes, and considers the rest of the poor people. Such a girl will always look expensive and rich, only in the best. When she cannot afford the original, she will not skimp on a copy. The reason for this is complexes, because the girl tries not to be known as cheap and unworthy of more. She presents herself as an expensive thing for the rich.
  • She is interested in the income of a man. She always asks what a man has and what income he has. At the same time, she may not ask directly, but carefully. Even if a man does not fall under minimal requirements, then it evaporates very quickly. Otherwise, she thinks over the meetings and financially checks the man. She prefers expensive restaurants, rest in the best resorts and so on.
  • She is ready for purchases. If you look at the store with her on a walk at the dress, then that's it, count you got caught. She will immediately begin to choose shoes and a handbag. And expect the play that she lacks money, she forgot it or has no. She will say how everything is expensive and that she does not know what to do with it, and will also give a look that will push for purchases.
  • Take a look at her friends. As a rule, mercantile girls rotate in a circle of their own kind. When you look at her, it is immediately clear that there is something in it that gives her out.
How to check the girl for mercantile?
How to check the girl for mercantile?
  • Lifestyle. Look at her page on the social network. There are always a lot of parties and parties. Her tape on Instagram is just a bright indicator of a beautiful life. You might even think that she travels constantly. At the same time, in all the pictures she is alone and without girlfriends. “Dads” do not like to be photographed, but they are ready to pay for entertainment and sex. Even in the photo, the girl actively demonstrates herself in a half -naked form. She is an advertisement for herself and shows her charms.
  • Everything is measured in her money. She even has an attitude towards people, depending on income, will differ. She will never communicate normally with the waiter, a taxi driver. She speaks contemptuously with them. If a person does not have millions, then he is a cattle and a loser. She gritches her nose even from a middle -class car.
  • She dreams of living luxuriously. If you ask what she dreams about, you will immediately notice that she is interested in entertainment, travel, expensive cars, parties and luxury. She has no plans for self -realization, she does not want to work and build a career, as well as a family. She is not interested in anything but luxury and those who can give her this.
  • She loves to whine and complain. She has a problem if she cannot buy a new iPhone model, roll on vacation or get an expensive wheelbarrow. She likes to demonstrate luxury, but for this you need a lot of money. She complains to a man of life to solve her problems. At the same time, she will immediately "sit on his neck."
  • She lures money from him. She always has a bad mood, because there is no money. She begins to manipulate to get an expensive gift or just money. She broke the nail, the phone crashed, delayed the salary, you have to pay a loan. She will look for a bunch of reasons to get her.

As you can see, it is not difficult to recognize the mercantile girl. As soon as you noticed it, it is better to immediately leave or pass by. She will not bring you anything good, only spending and constant nagging.

What is the difference between economicals and mercantiles?

Differences of economy and mercantiles
Differences of economy and mercantiles

Everyone can become economical when life makes. However, even if income allows you to be freer in their costs, an economical person will think about how to distribute them better. The main feature of such people is that they try to spend money only on useful and necessary. This has a certain similarity with a mercantile person, because he also does everything with a certain calculation.

The most important difference between the economical and mercantiles is in their relationship to others. It does not matter to an economical person what status his interlocutor has, but the mercantile will never speak with the poor.

What is the difference between a mercantile person and a greedy?

It is important to distribute a mercantile person or greedy. The latter, as a rule, differs more emotional coloring. Such a person has a passion for money and will not miss a single penny. He is stingy and greedy.

At the same time, a mercantile person is balanced, but the tendency to measure everything with money. He, in principle, may not allow emotions. He has a cold and prudent mind.

Video: What really lies with mercantiles? Psychologist Larisa Bandura

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