Pickled tomatoes and cucumbers in one bank for the winter: the best recipe for vegetable assorters with detailed ingredients

Pickled tomatoes and cucumbers in one bank for the winter: the best recipe for vegetable assorters with detailed ingredients

Bright juicy and vitamin salad of tomato and cucumbers can be made right in one bank. And how exactly - you will learn from the article.

Often in winter you do not know which jar of conservation to open for dinner. Someone from the family asks for pickled cucumbers, and someone just loves tomatoes. Such a problem is solved very simple. It is necessary to close assorted pickled cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter. He opened a jar, and everyone is happy. In addition, assorted from pickled cucumbers and tomatoes in one bank is not only very tasty, but also stored longer.

The preparation of the assorted does not require much time, and even a novice mistress can cope with the task.

Pickled tomatoes, pepper and cucumbers in one bank for the winter: the most delicious assortment

To prepare a delicious assortment for the winter, you will need the simplest ingredients.

Take to one liter jar:

  • 200 g of tomatoes, cucumbers and bell pepper
  • several sprigs of parsley
  • garlic - 4 teeth
  • umbrella dill
  • pigles with peas - 2 pcs.
  • sheet and root of horseradish
  • sharp peppers

For the marinade you will need:

  • water - 3 l
  • 100 ml of table vinegar
  • half a glass of granulated sugar
  • half a glass of table salt

Cooking method:

  1. Sustain banks and lids.
  2. Wash the vegetables and herbs thoroughly, clean the garlic.
  3. Select small cucumbers and even. Cut both ends and pour cold water for 2 hours.
  4. Tomatoes choose small, dense and whole.
  5. Cut fleshy bell pepper, remove seeds, core.
  6. At the bottom of a sterilized jar, put half the greenery, horseradish, bitter pepper, garlic, pepper peas and dill.
  7. Put all the vegetables on top of seasonings. It doesn’t matter in what order, the main thing is that the jar is tightly filled.
  8. Put the remaining seasonings, garlic and greens on top.
  9. To prepare the marinade, boil the water, fall asleep a portion of granulated sugar and salt and boil for about three minutes, while bulk ingredients are completely dissolved.
  10. Before you turn off the fire, it is necessary to pour vinegar.
  11. Pour vegetables in banks with boiling brine.
  12. Cover cans with sterilized lids and put conservation sterilize for 20 minutes.
  13. Remove the jars and immediately twist the lids.
  14. Turn the jars upside down and insulate with a blanket for a day.
  15. Such assortment is stored at room temperature, but you can store in a cool place.

That's the whole "tall kitchen." Now delicious tomatoes and crispy cucumbers will delight you all winter!

Video: vegetable assortment for the winter

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