The magic of silver and gold, the magical properties of silver, gold for women and men, combined with stones

The magic of silver and gold, the magical properties of silver, gold for women and men, combined with stones

Silver and gold have long been considered noble metals. The presence of them in a person in any form has always testified and testifies to his wealth, prosperity, and sometimes a certain position in society.

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of these metals for humans, because they are used not only in jewelry, but also in medicine, military industry, chemistry, etc. Today we propose to talk about the magical properties of gold and silver, as well as about the properties of stones in these metals.

The magical properties of silver for women and men

  • From ancient times silver is considered lunar magical metal, which can destroy negative energy, heal wounds and ailments, and also protect against evil spirits.
  • It is generally accepted that silver is capable of developing intuition in a person, as well as psychic abilities. For these purposes, people are recommended to put on jewelry and silver talismans.
Silver magic
Silver magic
  • This metal is able to completely absorb negative energy from someone else's words, deeds and even thoughts. Experts in this area believe that it is such the magical property of silver is manifested in its blackening.
  • Also, silver can blacken if it is wearing a person who has health problems. Therefore, the metal can “pull out” a disease from a person and cleanse the body.
  • Cracks made of silver from damage and evil eye. In ancient times, it was for this reason that the cross -country crosses were made more often from silver than from gold.
  • With the help of silver, or rather the water that is the infusion on silver or products from it, you can clean the house, apartment, any other room from negativity, evil eye, etc. For this, you need to sprinkle such a room with water insisted on this metal. In the same way, you can cleanse your body from negativity, anger and other destructive feelings. Just drink water infused on silver.
  • Silver calms the nervous system and helps to configure sleep. To do this, it is recommended to place something silver under the pillow.
  • Some experts believe that with the help of silver you can to increase your money. To do this, put a silver coin to your savings.

The magical properties of a grenade in silver

Pomegranate is a “passionate” stone that is commonly called a “stone of love”. The energy of this stone is so strong that it is able to expel everything negative and evil from a person’s thoughts.

The magical properties of a grenade in silver are the following:

  • It charges a person with strength, vigor, energy.
  • Cleans the thoughts of negativity. It also affects the room in which it is located.
  • Improves financial condition, helps improve the situation in society, and also gives a person the strength and ability to manage other people.
  • However, grenades in silver have the greatest influence on the love sphere. He incites passion, increases sexual attraction and strength.

Moonstone in silver: magical properties

The combination of this stone with silver is the most successful, because the metal is also directly related to the moon. This stone is attributed to very rare, valuable and strong. Its energy is so strong that in ancient times not many decided to wear it.

  • Moonstone in silver helps a person get rid of From longing, sadness, depression and apathy.
  • He also eliminates fear, panic attacks.
  • It is believed that it is the lunar stone that can cure tumors and eliminate inflammatory processes.
  • Even the lunar stone in silver has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.
  • And wearing silver jewelry with this stone helps a person attract good luck.

Chrysolite in silver: magical properties

Chrysolite in silver helps people become more confident, stronger and more successful. This stone has such magical properties:

  • Increases self -esteem, inspires faith in a person.
  • Makes a person Calier, more balanced, more patient.
  • Improves mental abilities, promotes concentration.
  • Beneficial affects mood and sleep.
  • There is also an opinion that chrysolite in silver can protect a person from the evil eye and remove already damaged damage. To do this, it is recommended to wear a silver decoration with chrysolite on the left hand.
For strength and good luck
For strength and good luck

Amethyst in silver: magical properties

Amethyst is not such an expensive stone as those we talked about earlier. However, amethyst has many magical properties that make it in demand and popular.

Here are the main ones:

  • Amethyst in silver has a beneficial effect on human health. Helps get rid of bad habits And tune in to a new life.
  • Helps protect itself from the effects of magic.
  • Also, silver jewelry with amethyst can become good talismans who will bring their owner of victory in sports competitions
  • And also amethyst in silver Helps a person achieve the location of people, including bosses.
  • It is believed that with the help of this stone you can get the location of a loved one, because amethyst literally falls in love with people into each other. For the same reason, they simply recommend giving such jewelry to friends and acquaintances with particular caution so as not to provoke a love relationship.
Awesome amethyst
Awesome amethyst

The magical properties of topaz in silver      

In many countries of the world, topaz is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, a symbol of spiritual purity.

  • Most often topaz in silver They are worn in order to improve their financial well -being. It is known that the stone attracts good luck and success to its owner
  • Also, a stone helps a person with the dignity of overcoming all life difficulties and hardships.
  • In this regard, it is recommended that they wear men and women who have a difficult fate.
  • Despite the fact that the topaz is enough "Cold" and "restrained" stone, He endows his owner with sensuality, tenderness and confidence.
Delicate topaz
Delicate topaz

Rubin in silver: magical properties

Rubin is a “strong”, “power” stone, which, combined with silver, has the strongest effect on a person of his wearing.

Rubin in silver has such magical properties:

  • It is believed that Rubin gives a person Unknown power, power, makes it smart, practical and courageous.
  • It is just Rubin increases sexual energy and human strength, who uses it one way or another.
  • In addition, Rubin in silver is able to warn a person about the danger that threatens him. If silver in such cases darkens, then the ruby \u200b\u200bbecomes brighter, its color becomes more saturated and catchy.
  • In ancient times, it was believed that Rubin is able to not only cure a person from ailments (best treated heart disease), but is also able to stop the harmful effects of poisons on our body.
  • No less useful wear silver jewelry with ruby Those people who suffer from nervous disorders.
Passionate stone
Passionate stone

Sapphire in silver: magical properties

The beautiful Sapphire stone is a symbol of wisdom and restraint, calm and strength of mind.

This stone is endowed with such magical properties:

  • Is a charm from the evil eye, bad human rumor, damage and curses.
  • Neutralizes all negative energy, returns their negative message to people, protecting their owner.
  • Helps protect against envious people.
  • Sapphire in silver Helps a person find happiness. He can “pull” his half to his owner. In addition, this stone “removes” all bad people from the life of its master.
  • Promotes Improving health, Especially the nervous system. Restores vitality and energy balance.
Bright decoration
Bright decoration

Lava is flooded with silver: magic properties

Law stone is very often compared with the "child of the Earth." They say that this stone is one of the most powerful on our planet.

Lava in silver has such magical properties:

  • This stone helps to obtain new knowledge, helps a person realize what he wants to do.
  • Makes a person calm, balanced, But at the same time strong physically and spiritually.
  • Lava flooded with silver protects a person from rash acts.
  • This stone in silver helps to improve women's health. Experts recommend women who plan to pregnant in the near future, wear such jewelry every day.

The magical properties of gold for women and men

Gold is no less appreciated than silver. And if silver is considered moon metal, then gold is referred to as sunny metal.

These are the magical properties of gold for men and women:

  • The ability to heal. For these purposes, gold, like silver, can be applied to the sore spot (you cannot apply to open wounds). You can also insist water on it, and then drink it or rinse it with your throat, mouth, etc.
  • Gold is capable of heal the soul and cleanse thoughts of negativity. To achieve such results, it is recommended to put on gold jewelry and put them under your pillow.
  • Often it is gold that is used to conduct various rituals. For example, this metal is very often used in love spells.
Used in magic
Used in magic
  • There is also an opinion that solar metal can ozolly. To do this, it is necessary to make a talisman out of it.
  • White gold is also endowed with magical properties. It promotes Improving the general condition of the body, activates the brain. Also, white gold protects its owner from the evil eye and curse.
  • However, in addition to such Positive magical properties, gold also has negative. For example, black magicians very often use metal to guide a person damage, dementia, depression. If in your house or anywhere on the street you found a gold jewelry or some kind of gold product, do not rush to carry it into the house. First of all, wash it with holy water, then repack on fire and sprinkle with salt.
  • Being in abundance in a person of weak -willed, gold can provoke a number of ailments, obsession, etc.
  • It is recommended to wear gold, both women and men, is extremely careful and only if they feel a craving for this metal.

The magical properties of the emerald in gold

Emerald is considered the stone of the goddess Venus. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that most of its magical properties are associated with the love sphere.

  • The stone helps Save love and fidelity between partners.
  • Also, an emerald in gold can easily return the former passion to the relationship.
  • In this case, the stone helps to increase self -esteem. Due to this properties, experts recommend emerand Everyone who suffers from low self -esteem does not believe in themselves and their strength.
  • And also emerald in gold improves memory, promotes productive work.
  • Emerald is very often used in magic, because in skillful hands it can predict the future.

Topaz in gold magic properties

Topaz in gold is a beautiful jewelry with powerful energy. Such a stone in combination with gold has a very strong effect on a person.

  • The stone is so strongthat is able to change the character of a person. Most often, topaz makes a person more restrained, "cold", calm and honest.
  • It helps to achieve inner harmony, cleanse of bad thoughts, obsessive ideas and obsession.
  • With it, you can know the real yourself. That is why it is often used during meditation.
  • Also topaz in gold gives a person with wisdom and confidence in his abilities.
Has powerful energy
Has powerful energy

The magical properties of a diamond in gold

It has long been believed that the diamond brings good luck to its owner. Therefore, in ancient times, such stones always took with them on campaigns and hunting.

Also, diamonds in gold have such magical properties:

  • Gives a person self -confidence, courage, makes it fearless.
  • The diamond in gold improves the relationship in the couple, makes them more sensual and passionate.
  • This stone is also beneficial affects health. It strengthens the dream, the nervous system, treats mental illness.
  • Very beneficial diamond in gold affects female reproductive system. Therefore, all women who cannot get pregnant, take out or give birth to a baby are recommended to wear such a decoration.
For good luck
For good luck

The magical properties of sapphire in gold     

Sapphire or the stone of the soul is a patron stone of all travelers. He protects people from disasters and hardships.

  • Sapphire in gold protects a person from slander, damage and negativity.
  • Beneficial affects mental health - He calms the person, makes him more tactful.
  • Sapphire also adds strength to its owner and motivates him to act. For this reason, in ancient times, such jewelry was given to young people who were too lazy.
  • Sapphire in gold helps women find love and happiness. Men - become braver and more responsible.
For the happiness and love of every princess
For the happiness and love of every princess

Grenade Stone in gold: magical properties

Grenade in gold is rightfully considered a stone of love and passion.

He has such magical properties:

  • Grenade in gold helps find and save your love.
  • With it, you can enrich passion in a relationship. For these purposes, experts recommend giving jewelry with this stone their loved one.
  • This stone has such a strong energy that it can easily heal a sick person. However, at the same time, people with a weak character, weak -willed and mentally unhealthy people in gold can destroy.

Magic properties of ruby \u200b\u200bin gold for women

Rubin in gold is the strongest amulet for women. It helps to improve the state of health, gain love and confidence in its attractiveness.

  • Rubin in gold makes a woman more open, liberated, self -confident and its beauty.
  • Rubin attracts the attention of the male.
  • Also, this stone in gold has a beneficial effect on the circle of human communication. He leaves it only strong and sincere people.
  • At the same time, wearing a ruby \u200b\u200bin gold is extremely careful, since such a decoration can spoil the character of a person, make it more greedy and greedy.
For health and love
For health and love

Amethyst in gold: magical properties    

Amethyst is a stone symbolizing the world and harmony.

Amethyst in gold is endowed with such magical properties:

  • He calms down Pacifying and arouses interest in life.
  • Improves mood, drives away bad thoughts and obsessive ideas.
  • Makes his master more successful and successful.
  • It absorbs all the negative energy and neutralizes it.
  • Beneficial affects the internal organs, especially on liver and kidneys.
  • Helps a person become calmer, “teaches” his owner to control his emotions.
Amethyst magic for women
Amethyst magic for women

As you can see, each stone combined with silver and gold has a huge number of magical properties that can not only help a person, but also harm him. Therefore, before putting on any decoration, carefully study the information about its properties and how it can affect you and your life.

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