Knot magic. Nauses - Slavic magic of nodules with your own hands: Schemes

Knot magic. Nauses - Slavic magic of nodules with your own hands: Schemes

Nauses are the strongest amulet since ancient times. He protects a person from ailments and damage. You can knit owls yourself, or you can entrust the weaving with your loved one.

Nauses, Slavic magic of nodules with your own hands

Not everyone knows the ancient Slavic good magic. Some of her secrets can reliably protect a person from damage and evil eye. These include nauses - an unusual way to tying knots, capable of involving a person positive energy and well -being.

Nodes of threads are weaved, which serve as a charm for a person. Do not count such a thing just tied to a thread. After all, a knot is magic remedycapable of strengthening or holding something. Such a amulet was treated much more serious in ancient times than in our modern times. Moreover, a knot is an obligatory tool of any witch and a sorcerer.

magic for tying nodules

Since ancient times, people carried bracelets with knots in their arms. It was these objects that were considered by nauses. Depending on what a person wanted: health, happiness or money, each knot was tied in different ways.

Nauses are created not only to protect and protect. Another purpose is therapeutic or healing. Except as a bracelet, nauses can be worn on the neck. This could only be a thread, or there may be a thread with pendants of wood, herbs, figures. The ancient Slavs also tied carbon pebbles, salt, sulfur, leather products, bat wings and even snake heads to their charms.

How does nodular magic work? The fact is that at the moment when a person ties a knot, he certainly thinks about something. If you monitor your thoughts during the creation of a naus and think about the necessary, you can instill a special force in your knot that will warm up with your faith.

Nauzes are based on the basis of the material from which the amulet weaves, but the human faith in its effectiveness and strength from the moment it is weaved. It is worth knowing that the knots must be tied by reading conspiracies. A prerequisite for tying nodes is the presence of a good mood.

You should only knit nauses to whom you trust, who experiences warm feelings for you, or you need to weave them yourself.

Video: "Nauses"

Nodular magic of nauza around the wrist

Knings pursue a person in his daily life almost always: laces, ties, belts, beads, ribbons in braids, braids, scarves, scarves and much more. A tied knot on a special occasion is able to symbolize a human life path. So, if you make a knot, you strive to somehow change your life.

The tying of such nodules on the wrist is able to help a person in many areas: in personal life (find your love), heal (if there is a disease) or protect against black magic (damage, evil eye or envy).


bracelet on hand, knot magic

Before you start creating a nauze, you should think about what goals you pursue. You can tie and create such a amulet for happiness, for love and money. You can perform the amulet from any material, you are free to use both synthetic and natural threads.

Natural material, for example, woolen and silk threads, have a special pure energy. For this reason, it is recommended to perform nauses made of natural threads.

A red thread has a strong force for a person, which should be wrapped around the wrist three times and tied into three knots. In addition, other colors also carry energy:

  • Green thread -will save from deception, attract financial well -being to you
  • Yellow thread -protects people from envious people and their bad eyes
  • Blue thread -gives a person self -confidence, helps to be sociable and interesting people
  • White thread -it is necessary for those who want to change something in their lives, improve the mind, achieve goals

Video: "Nauses, knot magic"

Nauzes in the hands of meaning, how to tie?

Before tie a charm on your hand, you should know about the intricacies of its creation. All amulets should be knitted only during the period of the growing moon, since it invariably affects all spheres of human life. In the growing moon, “a man takes on,” into the waning moon “a person loses”.

In addition, there are some rules for tying nodules on a certain day:

  • Monday -to attract love
  • Tuesday -protects against the negative
  • Wednesday -to gain success in business
  • Thursday -to attract success and earn a lot of money
  • Friday -attract love
  • Saturday -defend against evil and unkind forces
  • Sunday -gain health, heal

Before you start weaving, you should clearly determine for yourself all your desires and goals that you strive to achieve with the help of a talisman. Feel free to pronounce them out loud, for example: "I want to find love, I want to meet a loved one, I want to experience the brightest warm feelings for my beloved." Pronounce the words confidently. You can read the prayer for the Virgin or our Father, so that the amulet can reliably protect you.

Video: "Weaving of NAUZ"

What hand do naunds wear on?

There is no certain specifics on which hand should be worn from tied nodules. Knot magic involves wearing a talisman in principle on any part of the body, the main thing is that it touches you. You yourself decide whether your amulet will be visible to the eye of someone else's eye or not.

A separate condition also implies your non -disclosure about the amulet. They should not brag them, tell and advise tie to others. Your secret should also remain the goal of tying nodules.

Most often, nauses woven from a red thread are worn on the left hand. It is believed that in this way the amulet will protect a person from the evil forces that penetrate him through the left side. You can also wear it on your right hand - this is so that you can find what you want as soon as possible: desire, achieve a goal, get a gift, buy a thing, and so on.

Of great importance is the thing that you tie on the amulet as a suspension. In ancient times, people hung old dry roots and plants, minerals and stones, metal figures. Nowadays to purchase a suspension is not difficult, but it is important to know its meaning.

The value of the suspensions:

  • Bird -a symbol of longevity, strong energy has a stork
  • Angel -purity of thoughts, making the right decisions
  • Scales -a person’s ability to perform only the right solutions and commit the right actions
  • Wolf -helps a person to find a career grew, good luck and recognition of society, human power
  • Horse, unicorn -a symbol of cleanliness, cleans the soul
  • Star or Sun -evil Forces Protection
  • Cash sign -attracts financial well -being
  • Heart -attracts romance, feelings, love
  • Hand -allows you to make the right decisions, protects against the evil eye and damage
nauses with pendants

Nodular magic on black threads

In some cases, weave the amulet on the hand can not only be from multi -colored threads, but also from black. This amulet will far from mourning. If you intertwine a black thread with a white one, they will be able to give nauses you are wisdomand give the opportunity to independently achieve the desired goals.

If you discard all the negative associations that the black thread causes, then you can understand how much power it has. No wonder the black threads in ancient times wore sorcerers, magicians and witches. But in those days they were damaged by people and, probably, therefore, modern black amulets are still scared away.

It is worth knowing that the black thread has its positive meaning. She has a power that can give a person self -confidence and his abilities. With confidence, we can say that black owls are needed by those people who are not too decisive in life. In addition, it helps to find balances, that is, the ability to respond normally to any circumstances.

Black thread -a charm that will help a weak -chased person gain confidenceand too emotional - to cope with your feelings. Black amulet will also help anyone gain success and recognition by society.

black thread on the arm - the amulet of special significance

Red thread of nauza, the value of the amulet

Red color, including the red thread, from ancient times was considered the strongest amulet for humans. She drove away evil and evil spirits, attracted love and money. There are two ways to wear a red thread:

  • on the left hand -from damage and envious
  • on the right hand -for the fulfillment of desires

Weaving a charm from a red thread should also only be in a good mood, state of mind and a positive mood. Such a amulet will have great power if you do it for a loved one or a loved one will do it for you.

It is not at all difficult to create this amulet - it is enough to have a red thread (preferably woolen), which should be wrapped around the wrist and tied seven knots. During the tying of the nodes, you should wish a person good with each knot or just read a prayer, for example, to the Virgin or our Father.

Same way red thread on the armit is considered the strongest amulet, which originated in Kabbalah. But as well as the Jews, among the Slavs red color is of great importance. Do not be embarrassed to wear a charm from a red thread, because it does not harm your religion in any way.

red thread - the strongest amulet of all times and peoples

Knot Magic for Love: Scheme

Each knot carries certain information and therefore, it should be tied correctly. If you strive to achieve harmony in personal relationships, find love and dear person - you need a knot of love.

nauzes of love

Tie nauzes of lovea loved one follows, or a loved one should tie them for you.

It is not difficult to tie a knot of love with a scheme. You can tie it anywhere. Wear on the arm or on the neck, from the thread or from the beads. Such a knot should clean your negative energy of previous unsuccessful relationships (celibacy) and attract new, positive and kind.

knot of Love, Tie Scheme

It is also recommended to tie a married pair on any home object: a decorative pillow, on curtains and lambrequins, on curtains and so on. The married pair will give prosperity and fidelity.

the knot of love tied

Video: "Nauses: Love Adventure"

Nodular magic for health and treatment: weaving pattern

If a person is sick or has a serious chronic disease, he will need a charm that can provide assistance in healing. Nauzes can easily act as a talisman, you can wear them both on the hands and on the neck. If your legs hurt, put the thread on your feet.

It is not uncommon that they have those who have a harmful profession that can have a negative effect on a person. The pop stars are not rarely wear from the evil eye, massage therapists wear on their hands to avoid pain and fatigue and so on.

Weaving nauses for gaining health should only be from natural materials, for this, woolen threads, ordinary silk threads or filth, cotton fabrics are useful. Natural material does not irritate the skin and vice versa, contributes to your good health.

nodes weaving: Health

Gain health and cope with any ailment, as well as cleanse your body from negative energywill help celtic node of life.

Video: "Health Note: Celtic knot"

DIY Nauses from the evil eye

Do not be afraid to do nauses with your own hands, moreover, this is the right way to achieve what you want. By making a talisman with your own hands, you definitely charge the item with positive energy, which will be with you at a difficult hour.

Buying owns in a souvenir shop, you never know who made them. What if they were not weaving a good man? Or not healthy? For weaving a naus, find free time and place in advance. You must have a good mood and pure thoughts. Try to literally “instill” a piece of your soul into every knot. Only such a amulet will protect from the evil eye.

nauses from the evil eye and damage

You can also weave nauses for health to your loved one who is currently suffering from a disease.

Video: "How to tie a naus for health?"

How to make nauses a charm?

Make owns by strength to every person. The main thing is to believe in the power of your amulet. This is the only way to guarantee the effectiveness of this amulet and its strength. Choose the most suitable color color for you.

It is interesting to know that if you choose several colors for weaving at once, then you will get reinforced the result, nourished by several meanings.

Video: "Weaving of NAUZ"

Nauses for good luck, weaving charm

Each person dreams that he always favors good luck in deeds and personal life. To achieve the desired as soon as possible and without problems will allow knot magic. To do this, you must have a special amulet with yourself or on the body, created by yourself from a simple thread.

The Knot for luck is not necessary to wear like a bracelet or necklace. It can be a keychain or decoration that will be every day before your eyes and have contact with you, for example a keychain or bandage, a belt or belt.

It is not difficult to weave the knot for good luck using a simple scheme. Choose your thread color to enhance the result of magic.

node weaving scheme for good luck

Such a amulet can be worn every day, or you can only have it when you need luck: on the exam, on a business transaction, on a date, at work.

Video: "Slavic Naus for good luck"

How to make a naus for money?

Those who are dealing with business and big money daily are very useful to have a amulet that can protect a person from negativity. The amulet is able to only drive the evil eye and damage, but also attract prosperity.

It is customary to store such scuses in a wallet (to attract finances), in safe, at the workplace. If you believe in the power of the amulet, constantly fueled by its energy and do not tell anyone about what you have - you have all the chances of getting a favorable outcome your affairs, make a lot of money and live in abundance.

To make nauses for attracting money is best made of red thread (color that attracts good luck, leader color) or from a green thread (color of money).

Video: "Nauzes for good luck in trade"

Knot magic for all occasions: weaving schemes

Knot magic is a force tested by hundreds of years, centuries and millions of people. It is not worth doubtful of its effectiveness, you should be patient and faith that your capabilities are great and in the end you will certainly gain what you want.

Several schemes of weaving for all occasions:

nauses for luck and luck
nauzes for happiness
nauses for good luck
nauzes from the evil eye

Knot magic reviews

Kristina:“I believe in nodule magic. Not because it is confused with something, but because it really has power. I wear a nausal as a bracelet. Usually, I make them myself and weave multi -colored threads into them, which are of particular importance for me. As for me, you need to burn the demolished scuses and not be thrown away in any case, since if you throw them out, you will throw part of your energy! ”

Alexander:«My girlfriend opened nodule magic for me. I am an avid lover of a variety of baubles and bracelets in the style of Hend Mide. That is why he did not refuse to wear another beautiful little thing. I want to say that I never have a loss of strength: I always strive for the better, I always come up with something and experiment. Perhaps the amulet helps me in this. "

Video: “A conspiracy for the best future from the book“ Nausa. Slavic magic of knots "

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